A1 LEVEL Worksheet 4, Week 4 PART I: A. Read the article. Then

Worksheet 4, Week 4
A. Read the article. Then choose the best response.
Chinese Naming Tradition
1 Many Chinese names have three parts: the family name (or last name), the generation name,
and the given name (or first name). The last name comes from the father’s family.
2 There are not many different last names in China. More than half of all Chinese people have
one of these last names: Chen, Lin, Huang, Lee, Zhang, Wu, Wang, Cai, or Liu.
3 The generation name comes from the words in a poem. Traditionally, each family has its own
“generation poem.” The first generation uses the first word in the poem for its generation name.
The second generation uses the second word, and so on.
4 The first name can be almost any word in Chinese. Often girls’ names are words for beauty or
flowers and boys’ names are words for strength and health. Usually the Chinese don’t name their
children after famous people or relatives.
1. Many Chinese names have __________ parts.
A. two
B. three
C. four
2. Family name means the same as __________.
A. first name
B. generation name
C. last name
Worksheet 4, Week 4
3. A Chinese last name comes from the __________.
A. father’s family
B. mother’s family
C. generation poem
4. There is a different generation poem for each __________.
A. boy
B. girl
C. family
5. It is unusual for a Chinese family to give their child a name that is __________.
A. a word for flowers
B. a famous person’s name
C. a word meaning “strength
B. Scan the reading passage to complete the sentences.
1. The parts of Chinese names are the family name, the ____________________, and the
given name.
2. Two common Chinese last names that begin with the letter “C” are
3. The generation name comes from the words in a ____________________.
4. Often Chinese girls’ names are words meaning ____________________.
Worksheet 4, Week 4
A. Look at the information below. Choose the appropriate letters A–D.
The pie chart below shows the results of a survey asking parents how they chose their children’s names.
Nearly half of the people in the survey named their children
A. from a book.
B. after a friend.
C. after a family member.
D. after a famous person.
What does it seem that people feel least confident about?
A. making up names
B. finding answers in books
C. pleasing relatives
D. remembering friends
The smallest difference is between names from
A. books and family members.
B. famous people and people the parents knew.
Worksheet 4, Week 4
C. books and invented names.
D. invented names and other reasons.
What percentage of children were named after people their parents had met?
A. less than 25%
B. between 25% and 50%
C. between 51% and 75%
D. over 75%
The World of Work
The Travel Agent
What do you do? I am a travel agent.
What are your job duties? I plan vacations for people. I buy airplane tickets, get hotel rooms,
and plan tours.
Why do you like your job? I like helping people solve their travel problems. I work from 9:00
to 5:00 every day. I really like the regular hours. And, I can buy airplane tickets at very low
The Nurse
What do you do? I am a nurse. I work in a large hospital in the city.
What are your job duties? I help sick people. Day and night, I see that they are OK. I also have
to study a lot. I need to know all kinds of information. I follow the doctors’ directions very
Why do you like your job? I know it is important work. I like a quiet workplace. The people are
all so nice. I really love my work.
Worksheet 4, Week 4
A. Choose the best response.
1. Look at the title. What is this article about?
A. families
B. hobbies
C. careers
2. Look quickly at the text. How many questions does each person answer?
A. one
B. three
C. five
3. Look quickly at the text. Which two jobs will you read about in this text?
A. a travel agent and a doctor
B. a travel agent and a nurse
C. a nurse and a salesclerk
4. Look quickly at the text. What information does each person give during the interview?
A. the name of their company
B. the amount of their salary
C. the reasons they like their work
Worksheet 4, Week 4
B. Complete the sentence with the correct word from the word bank:
large study quiet travel buy
1. One of the job duties of the first person is to ____________________ airplane tickets.
2. One reason the first person likes her job is that she helps people with their
____________________ problems.
3. The second person works in a ____________________ hospital.
4. The second person has to ____________________ because he needs to know a lot of new
5. The second person likes his job because his workplace is ____________________ .
A. Look at the information below. Choose the appropriate letters A–D.
The pie charts below show the results of a survey asking 100 students about their choice of profession after
high school.
Worksheet 4, Week 4
Which of these statements is true?
A. More females than males chose medicine.
B. More males than females chose arts.
C. More females than males chose science.
D. More females than males chose engineering.
Which of the following sentences is not true?
A. Females preferred arts to science.
B. Males and females both preferred arts to engineering.
C. Females preferred science to medicine.
D. Males preferred engineering to science.
Choose the correct order of choices that the male group made from highest to lowest.
A. medicine / engineering / science / arts
B. arts / science / engineering / medicine
C. science / arts / medicine / engineering
D. engineering / medicine / arts / science
Choose the correct order of choices that the female group made from lowest to highest.
A. engineering / medicine / science / arts
B. medicine / science / arts / engineering
C. science / arts / medicine / engineering
D. arts / science / medicine / engineering
Worksheet 4, Week 4
Read the article. Then choose the best response.
The World in a City: London
1 The population of the city of London is about seven million people. Over two million of these
people are from foreign countries. People speak over 300 different languages in London.
2 There is food from more than 55 different countries in London’s restaurants. There is even food
from countries such as Tanzania, Peru, and Mongolia. At food markets, you can buy vegetables
and fruits from all over the world.
3 In the neighborhoods of London, there are people from many countries with many different
ways of living. You can go to festivals and see different clothing and dances. You can go to
London’s many museums and see old and new art from all over the world.
4 London is a center of world music. There are music stores, dance clubs, and radio stations here.
London has music from around the world, and people make new kinds of music here, too.
Bhangra music mixes the sounds of Punjabi music with popular European and African music. It
is now popular worldwide.
A. Read the statements. Write T (true) or F (false).
_______ 1. People in London speak more than 300 languages.
_______ 2. You can buy vegetables from many countries at London food markets.
_______ 3. London neighborhoods do not have festivals.
_______ 4. London museums have only new art.
_______ 5. You can find new kinds of music in London.
Worksheet 4, Week 4
B. Skim the text. Then complete the sentence. Choose A, B, or C.
1. Look at the title and headings. In the article, you will NOT read about what to
__________ in London.
A. wear
B. eat
C. see
2. Skim paragraph 1. Around __________ million people live in London.
A. two
B. three
C. seven
3. Skim paragraph 2. London restaurants have food from many countries, including
A. Tanzania, France, and Mali
B. Tanzania, Peru, and Mongolia
C. Peru, Mexico, and Mongolia
4. Skim paragraph 3. It mentions going to festivals and __________ in London.
A. speaking different languages
B. buying fruit
C. visiting many museums
Worksheet 4, Week 4
A. Look at the information below. Choose the appropriate letters A–D.
The graph below shows the results of surveys asking people in US cities which continent they came from.
From which continent has immigration fallen continuously between 1950 and 2010?
A. Europe
B. the Americas
C. Africa
D. Asia
When did the number of immigrants from the Americas become more than half?
A. 1950
B. 1970
C. 1990
D. 2010
Worksheet 4, Week 4
From which continent did the proportion of immigrants double between 1950 and 2010?
A. Europe
B. the Americas
C. Africa
D. Asia
When was the proportion of immigrants from Europe and the Americas the same?
A. 1950
B. 1970
C. 1990
D. 2010
A. Read the article. Then choose the correct response.
Positive Thinking
1 Positive people are usually happy. They often have a lot of friends. When they have a problem,
they try to change the problem into an opportunity. They believe things always work out. But can
positive thinking really make someone’s life better? Many scientists are studying positive
thinking. They are finding out some very interesting information.
At Work
2 Dr. Michael Frese is a professor at the University of Giessen in Germany. His research shows
that positive people do well in jobs. There are several reasons for this. Positive people are
creative. They don’t expect other people to help them with problems. They solve problems
themselves. And positive people don’t give up. They keep trying to solve a problem. Positive
Worksheet 4, Week 4
people also like to learn new things, so they study and take classes. Their new knowledge and
skills make them better workers.
In Sports
3 Positive thinking helps in sports. Judy McDonald, a researcher at the University of Ottawa,
studied successful athletes. Top athletes are positive thinkers. She wrote, “It goes beyond
confidence.” They never feel like failures. They never give up. They like to practice their sports
and always want to get better. Also, before they do an action, they “see” themselves do it
correctly. This is called visualization. These athletes believe they are going to win.
1. According to paragraph 1, positive people __________.
A. play sports
B. have many friends
C. give up easily
2. One reason that positive people perform well in jobs is __________.
A. they are creative
B. others help them with problems
C. they did well in school
3. When positive people have a problem, they __________.
A. look to science for a solution
B. don’t give up easily
C. feel like a failure
Worksheet 4, Week 4
4. Top athletes want to practice their sport and __________.
A. give up
B. be leaders
C. always improve
5. When athletes “see” themselves do something correctly, it’s called __________.
A. knowledge
B. confidence
C. visualization
B. Match each statement from the text with the correct inference.
A. People like to be around positive people.
_______ 1. Their new knowledge and skills
make them better workers.
B. Visualization helps athletes perform
_______ 2. Before they do an action, they
“see” themselves do it correctly.
C. They keep trying until they improve.
_______ 3. They never give up.
D. The information they learn in class is
_______ 4. Positive people often have a lot of
useful in their jobs.
A. Look at the information below. Choose the appropriate letters A–D.
The chart below shows the results of a survey asking people about their outlook on environmental issues.
Worksheet 4, Week 4
According to the graph, which group of people had the most negative outlook?
A. adults
B. the elderly
C. teenagers
D. children
Which of these statements is correct?
A. More of the elderly than teenagers did not know or did not answer.
B. Fewer teenagers than children have a positive outlook.
C. Fewer adults than the elderly did not know or did not answer.
D. More adults than children have a negative outlook.
Which group scored the most in the "Don't know/Did not answer" category?
A. adults
B. elderly
C. children
D. teenagers
Worksheet 4, Week 4
According to the graph, which group has the most positive outlook?
A. children
B. the elderly
C. adults
D. teenagers