CORRIGÉ I. Remplissez le tableau ci

I. Remplissez le tableau ci-dessous en donnant le pluriel, singulier, masculin ou féminin
selon les instructions données. Si la forme demandée n’existe pas mettez Ø. (5 points, -1
par erreur : 5 fautes = 0)
1. witch : MASC ?
2. oases : SG ?
3. on-looker : PLUR ?
4. butter : PLUR ?
5. teacher : FEM ?
Female teacher/woman teacher
6. army : PLUR ?
7. grass : PLUR ?
8. antenna (insects) : PLUR ?
9. bridegroom : FEM ?
10. duck : MASC ?
II. Ajoutez a(n), any, some, no, the ou Ø . (15 points, -1 par erreur)
1) We always stay at THE Palace Court Hotel because it is THE only one with Ø facilities for
THE disabled.
2) Ø life for THE rich has always been easy.
3) It says here there are NO performances on Sundays, what a pity !
4)THE Swiss Alps are A good place to go if you like Ø skiing. There is usually plenty of Ø
snow during THE / Ø winter months.
5) I can drink ANY kind of tea, I’m not fussy ; but I will have NO more cakes, I’m full.
6) Martin's book deals with A wide range of animal species, from Ø blackbirds to Ø rare
animals like THE otter.
7) Would you like SOME beer now or do you prefer to wait?
8) The baby is due ANY day now.
9) Will you go to THE Pyrenees for THE summer ? No, this year A friend of mine is lending
me her house on Ø Long Island.
10) SOME people think Ø life is easy – wait till something happens to them.
III. Complétez le texte ci-dessous avec des quantificateurs choisis dans la liste ci-dessous
(attention, certains peuvent être utilisés plusieurs fois). (10 points, -1 par erreur)
Forty-five – all – any – each – every – many – several – whole
What struck the first visitors, as they emerged from Paradise Alley into the park itself, was the
powerful upward or vertical thrust. In the bewildering assault of first impressions it was
immediately apparent that the park itself consisted of SEVERAL levels, to which access was
had by SEVERAL stairways, escalators, and electric elevators. EACH of the two upper levels
was a system of wide iron bridges that intersected at one or more points to form broad plazas,
large enough to house booths, cafés, brass bands, and mechanical rides, as well as
MANY/SEVERAL exotic attractions : a Zulu village, a Chinese temple, a Javanese puppet
theatre, a replica of the marketplace of Marrakech, and a reconstructed village of Mbuti
pygmies from the Ituri Forest, including FORTY-FIVE Mbuti tribesmen living in
reassembled native huts. The bridges were supported by a system of openwork iron towers,
MANY/SEVERAL of which were supplied with stairways and elevators; the WHOLE
structure of bridges and supports left a feeling of openness, so that at ANY point on the
ground one could see big slices of blue sky. Fifty-five elevator shafts in the inner walls gave
access to EVERY bridge at both levels, and ALL around the inner wall rose the spiral of an
immense railed stairway, which quickly became known as Paradise Road and led to the top of
the wall.
(“Paradise Park”, The Knife-Thrower, Steven Millhauser)
IV. Indiquez si le génitif est déterminatif ou générique/classifiant. (5 points, -1 par
1) I met the mayor’s secretary. D
2) I bought a thick woman’s magazine to read in the train. G
3) She wouldn’t have liked to live in an old people’s home. G
4) The old people’s home was but a shack and they had hardly any furniture. D
5) He was wearing a cook’s apron for the occasion. G
V. Entourez la bonne réponse. (4 points, - 0, 5 par erreur)
1) The greatest number of episodes of any TV programme ever sold was / were 1,114
episodes of Coronation Street.
2) News of disaster reaches / reach a huge audience.
3) This pop star and fund raiser is / are now famous.
4) Around one in ten UK households was / were without colour TV in 1988. But more than
one in two households in the UK has / have two or more sets. Having two or three sets seems
/ seem unnecessary to me.
5) 25 hours 21 minutes is / are said to be the average UK viewer’s weekly ‘fix’.
6) So-called programmes of entertainment is / are not always entertaining.
VI. Mettez les adjectifs dans l’ordre voulu ou à la bonne place selon les phrases. (8
points, 1 point par phrase)
1) A tiny little wooden man. (little, tiny, wooden)
2) A number of weird-looking black hooter-type objects. (black, hooter-type, weird-looking)
[hooter = klaxon]
3) He was wearing a long black travelling cloak. (black, long, travelling)
4) A steep dark narrow road. (dark, narrow, steep)
5) He had never had a proper conversation with his headmaster outside Hogwarts before.
6) They were nearing a small neat stone house. (neat, small, stone)
7) He wanted the two fabulous trophies the …………………………………………………
woman showed him. (besotted, old, poor) [besotted = ‘follement épris’]
8) Old brown leather books. (brown, leather, old)
[Phrases tirées ou adaptées de Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince]
VII. Utilisez les adjectifs en italiques dans une forme de comparatif ou de superlatif qui
convient au sens de la phrase. (10 points, -1 par erreur)
Thanks to industrialists like Carnegie, the USA became one of the most powerful
(powerful ) nations in the world. It seems that steel was what he was (interested) most
interested in. As a philanthropist, he is (famous) less famous than/not so famous as
Rockefeller in France, despite (= malgré) his numerous donations. The point was to make big
business more humane (humane). Nevertheless, some people got alarmed as they saw (much)
more and more natural resources controlled for the profit of (few) fewer and fewer men.
(much) The more money he made, (good) the better it was for America. Although he had
gone through (bad) the worst living-conditions, thanks to his thrift and cunning (= ruse), he
managed to become (wealthy) the wealthiest iron-master of all times in later years.
VIII. Thème grammatical. (10 points)
1) Peu de gens répondent à vos questions, vous n’aurez pas beaucoup de renseignements ici.
Few people answer your questions, you will not get much/a lot of information here. (many
pieces of information)
2) Dark Crystal est le film le plus étrange que j’aie jamais vu.
Dark Crystal is the strangest/oddest/weirdest film I have ever seen.
3) Les quatre premières lettres de Joe sont arrivées très vite.
Joe’s first four letters arrived very quickly.
4) Ton voisin travaille-t-il toujours dans une école de garçons ?
Does your neighbour still work in a boys’ school ?
5) John, le mari de ma sœur, est le beau-fils (≠ de gendre) d’un célèbre écrivain gallois.
John, my sister’s husband, is the stepson of a famous Welsh writer.
6) Il a été tué avec un couteau de boucher.
He was killed with a butcher’s knife.