Report on Performance Scorecard Technical Specification South West LHIN February 9, 2016 This document contains technical guidelines for how each indictor on the Report on Performance Scorecard is produced. For any questions about this document, please email with ‘ROP’ in the subject line. Report on Performance Scorecard: Technical Specifications TABLE OF CONTENTS REPORT ON PERFORMANCE SCORECARD: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................... 2 WAIT TIME FOR SPECIALISTS (WAIT 1) ..................................................................................................................... 4 EMERGENCY VISITS FOR CONDITIONS THAT COULD BE TREATED IN ALTERNATIVE PRIMARY CARE SETTING .......... 6 PERCENT OF DISCHARGE SUMMARIES SENT FROM HOSPITAL TO COMMUNITY CARE PROVIDER WITHIN 48 HOURS 7 ER REVISITS WITHIN 7 DAYS ................................................................................................................................. 10 READMISSIONS WITHIN 30 DAYS FOR SELECTED CASE MIX GROUPS (CMGS) ........................................................ 12 PERCENT OF PEOPLE SEEING PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER WITHIN 7 DAYS OF DISCHARGE FROM HOSPITAL .......... 13 ER VISITS FOR FALLS AMONG SENIORS ................................................................................................................ 15 PRESSURE ULCER RELATED HOSPITALIZATIONS .................................................................................................. 17 HOSPITAL-ASSOCIATED CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE INFECTIONS (CDI) RATE ............................................................. 20 CASES COMPLETED WITHIN PRIORITY TARGETS FOR IMAGING PROCEDURES ...................................................... 21 VARIANCE FROM HBAM EXPECTED COST ............................................................................................................. 23 ALC RATE (INPATIENT DAYS) ................................................................................................................................. 26 GENERAL NOTES ON BIG DOTS............................................................................................................................. 28 BIG DOT 1: INCREASING THE AVAILABILITY OF FAMILY HEALTH CARE .................................................................... 29 BIG DOT 2: REDUCING EMERGENCY ROOM VISITS ................................................................................................ 31 BIG DOT 3: INCREASING AVAILABILITY AND ACCESS TO COMMUNITY SUPPORTS FOR PEOPLE .............................. 33 BIG DOT 3 REFERENCE: ALC RATE ........................................................................................................................ 36 BIG DOT 3 REFERENCE: READMISSIONS FOR SELECTED CASE MIX GROUPS (CMGS) ............................................ 36 BIG DOT 3 REFERENCE: LENGTH OF STAY FOR HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY....................................................... 36 BIG DOT 3 REFERENCE: LENGTH OF STAY FOR KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY ................................................... 36 KEY DRIVER 1: INCREASE THE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS THROUGH SPIRE/HRM ...... 37 KEY DRIVER 2: INCREASE PROVIDERS USING CLINICAL CONNECT ........................................................................ 39 KEY DRIVER 3: INCREASE ORGANIZATIONS USING THE ‘REGIONAL INTEGRATED DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM’ (2013-14) ............................................................................................................................................................... 41 KEY DRIVER 4: INCREASE THE PROPORTION OF KEY INITIATIVES (P4R, BSO, ATC, P4Q) MEETING LHIN EXPERIENCE BASED DESIGN CRITERIA ...................................................................................................................................... 43 South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 2 Indicator in technical specification Indicator from Balanced Scorecard WAIT TIME FOR SPECIALISTS (WAIT 1) Reduce wait time to specialist from family health care EMERGENCY VISITS FOR CONDITIONS THAT COULD BE TREATED IN ALTERNATIVE PRIMARY CARE SETTING Reduce rate of ER visits best managed elsewhere (per 1,000 population aged 1-74) PERCENT OF DISCHARGE SUMMARIES SENT FROM HOSPITAL TO COMMUNITY CARE PROVIDER WITHIN 48 HOURS Increase percent of discharge summaries sent from hospital to community care provider within 48 hours ER REVISITS WITHIN 7 DAYS Reduce ER revisit rates within 7 days (per total unscheduled emergency visits) READMISSIONS WITHIN 30 DAYS FOR SELECTED CASE MIX GROUPS (CMGS) Reduce hospital readmission rate within 30 days for selected CMGs (per 100 discharges for selected CMGs) PERCENT OF PEOPLE SEEING PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER WITHIN 7 DAYS OF DISCHARGE FROM HOSPITAL Increase percent of clients seeing family health care provider within 7 days of discharge (from hospital) ER VISITS FOR FALLS AMONG SENIORS Reduce rate of ER visits resulting from falls (per 100,000 population aged 65 and over) PRESSURE ULCER RELATED HOSPITALIZATIONS Reduce pressure ulcer related hospitalizations (percent of all discharges) HOSPITAL-ASSOCIATED CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE INFECTIONS (CDI) RATE Reduce hospital acquired infection rates (c diff) (per 1,000 patient days) CASES COMPLETED WITHIN PRIORITY TARGETS FOR IMAGING PROCEDURES Increase timeliness of diagnostic services (percent within target) VARIANCE FROM HBAM EXPECTED COST Reduce LHIN cost variance (HBAM hospitals) for acute/day surgery and ER (actual/expected costs) ALC RATE (INPATIENT DAYS) Reduce ALC rate (per total inpatient days) BIG DOT 1: INCREASING THE AVAILABILITY OF FAMILY HEALTH CARE Big Dot 1: increasing the availability of family health care BIG DOT 2: REDUCING EMERGENCY ROOM VISITS Big Dot 2: reducing emergency room visits BIG DOT 3: INCREASING AVAILABILITY AND ACCESS TO COMMUNTIY SUPPORTS FOR PEOPLE KEY DRIVER 1: INCREASE THE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS THROUGH SPIRE/HRM KEY DRIVER 2: INCREASE PROVIDERS USING CLINICAL CONNECT KEY DRIVER 3: INCREASE ORGANIZATIONS USING THE ‘REGIONAL INTEGRTATED DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM’ (2013-14) KEY DRIVER 4: INCREASE THE PROPORTION OF KEY INITIATIVES (P4R, BSO, ATC, P4Q) MEETING LHIN EXPERIENCE BASED DESIGN CRITERIA Big Dot 3: increasing availability and access to communtiy supports for people Key Driver 1: Increase the communication between health care providers through SPIRE/HRM Key Driver 2: Increase providers using Clinical Connect Key Driver 3: Increase organizations using the ‘Regional Integrated Decision Support System’ (2013-14) Key Driver 4: Increase the proportion of key initiatives (P4R, BSO, ATC, P4Q) meeting LHIN Experience Based Design criteria Note: In some cases, an indicator on the Balanced Scorecard is based on the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) defined technical specifications. The column on the left in the table above will note the MOHLTC’s name of the indicator and the column on the right notes the name of the indicator on the Balanced Scorecard. South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 3 WAIT TIME FOR SPECIALISTS (WAIT 1) INDICATOR DESCRIPTION INDICATOR NAME WAIT TIME FOR SPECIALISTS (WAIT 1) INDICATOR DESCRIPTION Wait time from the date the specialist received the referral to the consult date Detailed description of indicator INDICATOR CLASSIFICATION Target: TBD PERFORMANCE STANDARD DENOMINATOR NUMERATOR Corridor: TBD CALCULATION TBD DATA SOURCE TBD EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA TBD CALCULATION TBD DATA SOURCE TBD EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA TIMING/FREQUENCY OF RELEASE How often, and when, are data being released? GEOGRAPHY & TIMING Includes: Includes: TBD Reported: TBD Timeliness: TBD TBD LEVELS OF COMPARABILITY TRENDING South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications TBD 4 Years available for trending LIMITATIONS TBD Specific limitations ADDITIONAL INFORMATION COMMENTS Additional information regarding the calculation, interpretation, data source, etc. TBD REFERENCES Provide URLs of any key references E.g. Diabetes in Canada, HTTP://.... TBD RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING TBD DATE CREATED (YYYY-MM-DD) 2013-05-03 DATE LAST REVIEWED (YYYYMM-DD) 2013-05-03 South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 5 EMERGENCY VISITS FOR CONDITIONS THAT COULD BE TREATED IN ALTERNATIVE PRIMARY CARE SETTING INDICATOR NAME EMERGENCY VISITS FOR CONDITIONS THAT COULD BE TREATED IN ALTERNATIVE PRIMARY CARE SETTING ting_en.pdf South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 6 PERCENT OF DISCHARGE SUMMARIES SENT FROM HOSPITAL TO COMMUNITY CARE PROVIDER WITHIN 48 HOURS INDICATOR DESCRIPTION Detailed description of indicator PERCENT OF DISCHARGE SUMMARIES SENT FROM HOSPITAL TO COMMUNITY CARE PROVIDER WITHIN 48 HOURS Percentage of patients discharged from hospital for which discharge summaries are delivered to primary care provider within 48 hours of discharge from hospital. INDICATOR CLASSIFICATION PERFORMANCE STANDARD Target: 100% Corridor: TBD CALCULATION Number of patients discharged from hospitals for whom a discharge summary is sent via Southwest Physician Office Interface to Regional EMR (SPIRE) to primary care provider within 48 hours of discharge. Number of patients discharged from hospitals for whom a discharge summary is signed within 48 hours of discharge and due to be sent by fax is also included for Cerner South hospitals. DATA SOURCE SPIRE transactional data and hospital patient registration system (separate reports from each of the 3 SPIRE hubs: Cerner North, Meditech, and Cerner South. Reports generated from each of the hubs are emailed to the LHIN each month. Includes: 1. South West LHIN acute and post-acute hospital inpatient discharge summaries sent by SPIRE. Therefore, includes only inpatients whose primary care provider is enrolled in SPIRE. For Cerner South hospitals, discharge summaries are also included if they are sent via fax, regardless of whether or not the physician is enrolled in SPIRE. NUMERATOR INDICATOR DESCRIPTION INDICATOR NAME Excludes: 1. Discharges from non-South West LHIN hospitals. 2. Inpatient discharge summaries not dictated or transcribed or those sent to primary care providers by means other than SPIRE (faxes are included for Cerner South). 3. Discharges of inpatients whose primary care provider is not enrolled in SPIRE. In the case of Cerner South, faxed summaries are included. 4. ER patients. 5. Newborns, deaths, and delivery summaries. CALCULATION Number of inpatient discharge summaries sent by SPIRE DE NO MI NA TO R EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 7 DATA SOURCE EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA ADDITIONAL INFORMATION GEOGRAPHY & TIMING TIMING/FREQUENCY OF RELEASE SPIRE transactional data and hospital patient registration system (separate reports from each of the 3 SPIRE hubs: Cerner North, Meditech, and Cerner South. Reports generated from each of the hubs are emailed to the LHIN each month. Includes: 1. South West LHIN acute and post-acute hospital inpatient discharge summaries sent by SPIRE. Therefore, includes only inpatients whose primary care provider is enrolled in SPIRE. For Cerner South, faxed discharge summaries are included as well, regardless of whether or not the provider is enrolled in SPIRE. Excludes: 1. Discharges from non-South West LHIN hospitals. 2. Inpatient discharge summaries not dictated or transcribed or those sent to primary care providers by means other than SPIRE (faxes are included for Cerner South). 3. Discharges of inpatients whose primary care provider is not enrolled in SPIRE. In the case of Cerner South, faxed summaries are included. 4. ER patients. 5. Newborns, deaths, and delivery summaries. Reported: Monthly How often, and when, are data being released? Timeliness: Available within five days of the end of month for Cerner North and within seven days of the end of the month for Cerner South. HPHA Meditech data is available within 3 days of the end of the month. LEVELS OF COMPARABILITY Comparison is possible between South West LHIN hospitals but no comparator data available beyond the South West LHIN. TRENDING Years available for trending Data are available as of January 2013 for Cerner North, November 2013 for Cerner South, and February 2014 for Meditech. LIMITATIONS Specific limitations COMMENTS Additional information regarding the calculation, interpretation, data source, etc. South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications Includes only discharges sent by SPIRE (and fax for Cerner South). Discharge summaries sent by autofax are likely delivered as quickly to primary care providers as those sent via SPIRE, but transmission date information is not available for autofax. Discharge summaries sent to physicians not enrolled are not included either (except in the case of Cerner South and summaries sent by fax). Therefore overall percent of discharge summaries sent within 48 hours has to be estimated from those sent by SPIRE (and fax for Cerner South). This indicator assumes that the likelihood of completing dictation and transcription is no different for summaries of patients whose primary care providers are enrolled in SPIRE than for patients whose primary care providers are not enrolled. If evidence surfaces that this is not a valid assumption, the estimate of the overall percentage can be adjusted based on the known percent of discharges sent via SPIRE and the new information about the increased/decreased likelihood of completion of non-SPIRE summaries within 48 hours. For example, if the percent of discharge summaries sent by SPIRE is 60% of all discharges and the proportion sent within 48 hours is 30% (Cerner North, May 2013) and there is no evidence to suggest that non-SPIRE 8 discharges are dictated/transcribed any more quickly than SPIRE discharges, one can safely assume that overall, 30% discharge summaries are sent within 48 hours. However, if one assumes that non-SPIRE summaries are twice as likely to be completed within 48 hours, then the overall percent sent within 48 hours is more likely to be 30% of the SPIRE summaries (i.e. 60%) PLUS 60% of the non-SPIRE summaries (i.e. 40%) or 18% + 24% or 42%. In April 2014, the SPIRE summaries represented 61.9% of all discharges at Cerner North hospitals, 35.5% of Cerner South discharges (including fax and SPIRE), and 42.8% of all discharges at Meditech hospitals. REFERENCES Provide URLs of any key references E.g. Diabetes in Canada, HTTP://.... RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING SPIRE hubs (i.e. Cerner North, Meditech, and Cerner South) DATE CREATED (YYYY-MM-DD) 2013-05-02 DATE LAST REVIEWED (YYYYMM-DD) 2015-02-06 South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 9 ER REVISITS WITHIN 7 DAYS INDICATOR DESCRIPTION INDICATOR NAME INDICATOR DESCRIPTION Detailed description of indicator ER REVISITS WITHIN 7 DAYS Rate of repeat emergency visits occurring within 7 days of a previous visit, presented as a proportion of all unscheduled emergency visits. INDICATOR CLASSIFICATION Target: TBD PERFORMANCE STANDARD DENOMINATOR NUMERATOR Corridor: TBD CALCULATION Number of unscheduled emergency visits in the reporting quarter that followed another visit within 7 days DATA SOURCE Cancer Care Ontario Includes: EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Excludes: 1. Scheduled ER visits. 2. Visits associated with a Health Care Number ‘0’, ‘1’. 3. Visits associated with a province of ‘99’ or ‘CA’ who issues Health Card. 4. Duplicate visits with the same Health Care Number and ER registration data/time. CALCULATION Total number of unscheduled emergency visits in the reporting quarter DATA SOURCE Cancer Care Ontario Includes: EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications Excludes: 1. Scheduled ER visits. 2. Visits associated with a Health Care Number ‘0’, ‘1’. 3. Visits associated with a province of ‘99’ or ‘CA’ who issues Health Card. 4. Duplicate visits with the same Health Care Number and ER registration data/time. 10 TIMING/FREQUENCY OF RELEASE GEOGRAPHY & TIMING How often, and when, are data being released E.g. Be as specific as possible… are released annually in mid-May LEVELS OF COMPARABILITY Reported: Monthly Timeliness: Data available upon request from CCO. Data is lagged approximately four months (i.e. September data is available in January). Can compare between hospitals within the South West LHIN and between LHINs TRENDING Data are available as of April 1, 2011 going forward Years available for trending LIMITATIONS Specific limitations ADDITIONAL INFORMATION COMMENTS Additional information regarding the calculation, interpretation, data source, etc. REFERENCES Provide URLs of any key references E.g. Diabetes in Canada, HTTP://.... RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING CCO DATE CREATED (YYYY-MM-DD) 2013-05-03 DATE LAST REVIEWED (YYYYMM-DD) 2014-03-27 South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 11 READMISSIONS WITHIN 30 DAYS FOR SELECTED CASE MIX GROUPS (CMGS) INDICATOR NAME READMISSIONS WITHIN 30 DAYS FOR SELECTED CASE MIX GROUPS (CMGS) South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 12 PERCENT OF PEOPLE SEEING PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER WITHIN 7 DAYS OF DISCHARGE FROM HOSPITAL INDICATOR DESCRIPTION INDICATOR NAME INDICATOR DESCRIPTION PERCENT OF PEOPLE SEEING PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER WITHIN 7 DAYS OF DISCHARGE FROM HOSPITAL Percentage of people discharged from hospital for specific conditions who have a primary care encounter within 7 days of discharge Detailed description of indicator INDICATOR CLASSIFICATION PERFORMANCE STANDARD CALCULATION Target: 100% Corridor: TBD Number of people discharged from hospital for the following conditions that have a primary care encounter within 7 days of discharge from acute inpatient stay: cardiac conditions, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cerebrovascular accident (i.e., stroke), diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, and pneumonia. NUMERATOR Data Source(s): Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), CIHI, Claims History Database (CHDB), MOHLTC, extracted from Health Data Server, MOHLTC, May 2012. DATA SOURCE EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Actual calculated rate accessed via: The Quarterly: Health Care System Quarterly Reporting for Ministry Senior Management, produced by Health Analytics Branch, Health System Information Management and Investment Division Includes: 1. Patients discharged after inpatient stay for the following conditions: cardiac conditions, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cerebrovascular accident (i.e., stroke), diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, and pneumonia. 2. First physician visit in office, home, or long-term care home. DENOMINATOR Excludes: 1. Follow-up visits made in hospital. CALCULATION Number of patients discharged after inpatient stay for the following conditions: cardiac conditions, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cerebrovascular accident (i.e., stroke), diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, and pneumonia. DATA SOURCE Data Source(s): Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), CIHI, Claims History Database (CHDB), MOHLTC, extracted from Health Data Server, MOHLTC, May 2012. South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 13 Actual calculated rate accessed via: The Quarterly: Health Care System Quarterly Reporting for Ministry Senior Management, produced by Health Analytics Branch, Health System Information Management and Investment Division EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Includes: 1. Patients discharged after inpatient stay for the following conditions: cardiac conditions, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cerebrovascular accident (i.e., stroke), diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, and pneumonia. 2. First physician visit in office, home, or long-term care home. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION GEOGRAPHY & TIMING Excludes: 1. Follow-up visits made in hospital. TIMING/FREQUENCY OF RELEASE How often, and when, are data being released? Reported: Biannually (usually released in February and August). Timeliness: Data is lagged approximately three quarters (August 2013 release only contained data up to Q2 2012/13). LEVELS OF COMPARABILITY Can compare between LHINs. TRENDING Years available for trending Data are available as of Q3 2010/11going forward. LIMITATIONS Specific limitations Limited to specific conditions (identified above) Limited to primary care providers participating in QIPs COMMENTS Additional information regarding the calculation, interpretation, data source, etc. Requires merging of primary care billing data and hospital data (i.e. DAD) and therefore is not possible to calculate locally nor on a monthly basis REFERENCES Provide URLs of any key references E.g. Diabetes in Canada, HTTP://.... The Quarterly, Health Analytics Branch, Health System Information Management and Investment Division. Posted on the Directory of Networks (DoN) RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING HAB, MOHLTC DATE CREATED (YYYY-MM-DD) 2013-05-03 DATE LAST REVIEWED (YYYYMM-DD) 2013-09-16 South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 14 ER VISITS FOR FALLS AMONG SENIORS NUMERATOR INDICATOR DESCRIPTION INDICATOR NAME INDICATOR DESCRIPTION ER VISITS FOR FALLS AMONG SENIORS Rate of ER visits resulting from falls (per 100,000 population aged 65 and older) Detailed description of indicator INDICATOR CLASSIFICATION PERFORMANCE STANDARD Target: TBD Corridor: TBD CALCULATION Total number of ER visits with a fall reported. DATA SOURCE Data Source(s): National Ambulatory Reporting System (NACRS), CIHI EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Includes: 1. Ontario patients (province of residence = ON). 2. ICD10 code in any diagnosis of W00^-W19^ (ICD10 Block = (W00W19) (FALLS). 3. Patient age of 65 and older. GEOGRAPHY & TIMING DENOMINATOR Excludes: 1. Patients transferred from other facilities or hospitals, e.g. long-term care homes. CALCULATION Population aged 65 and older DATA SOURCE Data Source(s): Population Estimates and Projections, Statistics Canada & Ontario Ministry of Finance, distributed by Ontario Ministry of Health and LongTerm Care: IntelliHealth Ontario EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Includes: 1. Residents of chosen geography. TIMING/FREQUENCY OF RELEASE How often, and when, are data being released Reported: Quarterly (NACRS), Annually (Population) Timeliness: NACRS data is released with an approximate four month delay. Annual population estimates are updated each October. E.g. Be as specific as possible… are released South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 15 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION annually in mid-May LEVELS OF COMPARABILITY Can compare between sites and LHINs. TRENDING Years available for trending Data are available as of 2001/02 going forward. LIMITATIONS Specific limitations N/A COMMENTS Additional information regarding the calculation, interpretation, data source, etc. N/A REFERENCES Provide URLs of any key references E.g. Diabetes in Canada, HTTP://.... Indicator based on MOHLTC indicator among_seniors_en.pdf RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING HAB, MOHLTC DATE CREATED (YYYY-MM-DD) 2013-05-03 DATE LAST REVIEWED (YYYYMM-DD) 2014-07-28 South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 16 PRESSURE ULCER RELATED HOSPITALIZATIONS INDICATOR NAME PRESSURE ULCER RELATED HOSPITALIZATIONS INDICATOR DESCRIPTION Percent of hospitalizations during which a pressure ulcer occurred, either as the most responsible diagnosis, a post-admit comorbidity and/or a preexisting condition prior to admission Detailed description of indicator INDICATOR CLASSIFICATION Target: TBD PERFORMANCE STANDARD DENOMINATOR NUMERATOR Corridor: TBD CALCULATION Number of hospitalizations with at least one diagnosis of pressure ulcer in any of the diagnosis fields in the Discharge Abstract Database. Pressure ulcer was inferred from the ICD 10 codes ranging from L890 to L899 (Stausberg & Keiffer, 2009). DATA SOURCE Hospital Discharge Abstract Database, accessed via IntelliHealth “Pressure Ulcer” query in South West folder of Web Report Studio EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Includes: CALCULATION Number of discharges DATA SOURCE Hospital Discharge Abstract Database, accessed via IntelliHealth “Pressure Ulcers” query in South West folder of Web Report Studio EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA 1. Hospitalizations with an ICD10 code of L89.0 to L89.9 in any diagnosis field. Includes: 1. All acute hospital discharges. GEOGRAPHY & TIMING TIMING/FREQUENCY OF RELEASE How often, and when, are data being released E.g. Be as specific as possible… are released annually in mid-May South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications Reported: Monthly Timeliness: according to updates of DAD in IntelliHealth (scheduled release of data is lagged 4 months from close of quarter). 17 Comparisons between hospitals and between LHINs. LEVELS OF COMPARABILITY TRENDING Data are available for more than 10 years (see DAD in IntelliHealth) Years available for trending LIMITATIONS None Specific limitations Many estimates of prevalence of pressure ulcers are generated through a point-in-time clinical survey of all patients in a hospital. These surveys, based on the work of the National Pressure Ulcer Advocacy Panel (NPUAP), have been published multiple times since 2001 (Amlung et al., 2001) and have estimated the prevalence of pressure ulcers in acute care hospitals in Canada between 12.8 and 17% (VanDenKerkhof et al., 2011) and between 2 and 29% in the USA (Salcido & Popescu, 2009). One study based on routinely collected hospital discharge abstract data in the USA estimated prevalence of pressure ulcers at 1.43% (Fogarty et al., 2009, p 679). COMMENTS Additional information regarding the calculation, interpretation, data source, etc. Both approaches to understanding the prevalence of pressure ulcers consider the presence of ulcers in all patients, regardless of the reason for their hospitalization. Both approaches therefore are consistent with the approach outlined here to include all ulcers in all hospitalizations in estimating prevalence. However, the two different sources of data described in the literature present remarkably different rates. The rate based on clinical surveys is likely more meaningful clinically whereas the rate based on routinely collected data is more available for sustainable ongoing monitoring. The gap between the estimates highlights the differences between what the two data collection strategies are measuring and suggests that the rates are not comparable. Targets for performance measured using these technical specifications (i.e. routinely collected discharge diagnoses data) can therefore not be based on prevalence estimates based on clinical surveys. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Amlung, S. R., Miller, W.L., Bosley, L. M., (2001) ‘The 1999 National Pressure Ulcer Prevalence Survey: A Benchmarking Approach’, Advances in Skin & Wound Care, 14 (6), pp 297-301 REFERENCES Provide URLs of any key references E.g. Diabetes in Canada, HTTP://.... South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications Fogerty, M., Guy,J., Barbul, A., Nanney, L.B., Abumrad, N.N. (2009) ‘African Americans show increased risk for pressure ulcers: A retrospective analysis of acute care hospitals in America’ Wound Rep Reg, 17, pp 678–684 Salcido R; Popescu A (2009) ‘Pressure Ulcers and Wound Care’ ,Available from:, (Accessed Apr 7, 2013) Stausberg, J., Kiefer, E. (2009) ‘Classification of Pressure Ulcers: A 18 Systematic Literature Review’, Stud Health Technol Inform.146 pp.511-5. VanDenKerkhof, E.G., Friedberg, E., Harrison, M.B. (2011) ‘Prevalence and Risk of Pressure Ulcers in Acute Care Following Implementation of Practice Guidelines: Annual Pressure Ulcer Prevalence Census 1994–2008’, Journal for Healthcare Quality, 33(5), pp 58–67 RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING DATE CREATED (YYYY-MM-DD) 2013-04-09 DATE LAST REVIEWED (YYYYMM-DD) 2013-09-16 South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 19 HOSPITAL-ASSOCIATED CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE INFECTIONS (CDI) RATE INDICATOR NAME HOSPITAL-ASSOCIATED CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE INFECTIONS (CDI) RATE South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 20 INDICATOR DESCRIPTION CASES COMPLETED WITHIN PRIORITY TARGETS FOR IMAGING PROCEDURES INDICATOR NAME CASES COMPLETED WITHIN PRIORITY TARGETS FOR IMAGING PROCEDURES INDICATOR DESCRIPTION priority_for_computed_tomography_scans_en.pdf Detailed description of indicator priority_for_mri_scans_en.pdf INDICATOR CLASSIFICATION Target: TBD PERFORMANCE STANDARD NUMERATOR Corridor: TBD CALCULATION Wait Days = Procedure Date – Decision to Treat Date – Patient Unavailable Days DATA SOURCE iPort Includes: 1. EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA 2. DENOMINATOR 3. 4. 5. 6. CALCULATION N/A DATA SOURCE N/A EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA N/A South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications Closed cases submitted by hospitals through the Wait Time Information System (WTIS) Metrics: Completed Cases <= Access Target, Completed Case Volume: MRI/CT, % Cases Completed Within Access Target: MRI/CT Attributes: LHIN Service Area = MRI and CT Priority 2, 3, 4, Unknown and Not Applicable Patients aged 18 years and older 21 GEOGRAPHY & TIMING TIMING/FREQUENCY OF RELEASE How often, and when, are data being released? LEVELS OF COMPARABILITY Reported: Quarterly Timeliness: Data released at the end of the months in April, July, October and January. Can compare between LHINs and between hospitals but not between primary care providers TRENDING Data are available from June 2007 Years available for trending LIMITATIONS Specific limitations Wait times data submission is voluntary. Hospitals not reporting cases promptly are excluded at the time of data extraction. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION COMMENTS Additional information regarding the calculation, interpretation, data source, etc. REFERENCES Provide URLs of any key references E.g. Diabetes in Canada, HTTP://.... RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING Hospitals DATE CREATED (YYYY-MM-DD) 2013-05-03 DATE LAST REVIEWED (YYYYMM-DD) 2014-07-28 South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 22 INDICATOR DESCRIPTION VARIANCE FROM HBAM EXPECTED COST INDICATOR NAME VARIANCE FROM HBAM EXPECTED COST INDICATOR DESCRIPTION Ratio between actual cost per unit of service and HBAM expected cost (average of the ratio for all HBAM hospitals – each component calculated separately) Detailed description of indicator INDICATOR CLASSIFICATION PERFORMANCE STANDARD CALCULATION Target: 1.00 Corridor: TBD Ratio of difference between actual expenditure per unit of service for each of the components of the HBAM formulae and the expected cost for each component which is generated annually via HBAM formulae. Actual expenditure per unit of service: total direct nursing costs plus a proportion of indirect costs as reported in each hospital’s quarterly trial balance (generated quarterly by Scott Chambers or delegate) ‘ Proportion of indirect costs inferred from the allocation of indirect costs to each HBAM component for the previous fiscal year in the annual financial summary provided by the MOHLTC based on the cumulative trial balances submitted through the year. NUMERATOR Units of service: weighted cases for Acute (DAD), Day Surgery and ER components (NACRS), weighted cases for CCC, Rehab and MH (sources are CCRS, NRS and MH inpatient data but not currently being accessed because it is too old for use in scorecard – revisit sourcing from RIDS end of Q3 13/14) Includes: 1. All clinical activity in functional centres associated with Acute Inpatient, Day Surgery, CCC, Rehab, ER and inpatient MH as per the linked document. EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA OCDM Guide_13-14YE_Final May 2014.pdf 2. All hospitals included by HBAM methodology – as of May 2014, there are 7: London Health Sciences Centre, Grey Bruce Health ServicesOwen Sound, Stratford General Hospital, Woodstock General Hospital, St Thomas Elgin General Hospital, St Joseph’s Health Care, and Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital. Excludes 1. 2. South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications All non-HBAM hospitals All clinical activity in functional centres other than those specified 23 DENOMINATOR above CALCULATION The expected cost per unit of service generated annually based on HBAM formulae for each component (e.g. Acute and Day surgery, ER, etc.) DATA SOURCE Annual HBAM calculations from MOHLTC EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Includes: 1. All clinical activity in functional centres associated with Acute Inpatient, Day Surgery, CCC, Rehab, ER and inpatient MH (see above for detail) 2. All hospitals included by HBAM methodology (see above for detail) Excludes 1. 2. All non-HBAM hospitals All clinical activity in functional centres other than those specified above GEOGRAPHY & TIMING TIMING/FREQUENCY OF RELEASE How often, and when, are data being released E.g. Be as specific as possible… are released annually in mid-May Reported: quarterly for Q2, Q3 and Q 4 only (no update possible for Q1 as no trial balance ever submitted for Q1) Timeliness: data submitted by the 7th of the 2nd month following the quarter end (i.e. Q3 ends in December, data submitted by February 7th). LEVELS OF COMPARABILITY Comparisons between HSPs within SW LHIN only because we have no access to trial balance in other LHINS. TRENDING Years available for trending Data are available as of 2010 forward ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Limited to HBAM hospitals (see above for detail). Not possible to drill down below level of HBAM component (e.g. Acute/day surgery, CCC, etc.) to understand contributing factors to changes (or lack thereof) in performance LIMITATIONS Specific limitations South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications Actual cost per unit of service is calculated internally by the South West LHIN based on the hospital’s previous year’s distribution of indirect costs between HBAM components. For example, the amount of laboratory costs attributed to CCC patients divided by the direct costs for CCC patients (e.g. nursing costs) is used to determine how much laboratory costs to attribute to the quarterly total direct nursing costs for CCC to estimate the actual cost per unit of CCC service. It is possible that the allocation used to distribute indirect costs to various HBAM components in the current year is not the same as that used in the previous 24 year. However, there is no current data on the distribution and this is the distribution used by MOHLTC throughout the year so it is rational to use this in these calculations. COMMENTS Additional information regarding the calculation, interpretation, data source, etc. REFERENCES Provide URLs of any key references E.g. Diabetes in Canada, HTTP://.... RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING The goal is to decrease the variance to achieve a ratio of 1 or less (i.e. actual cost is less than expected). References available on the Health Data Branch web portal ( Health Service Providers DATE CREATED (YYYY-MM-DD) 2013-05-02 DATE LAST REVIEWED (YYYYMM-DD) 2014-06-03 South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 25 INDICATOR DESCRIPTION ALC RATE (INPATIENT DAYS) INDICATOR NAME ALC RATE (INPATIENT DAYS) INDICATOR DESCRIPTION Reports on ALC patients that are still waiting in a hospital bed (open) and ALC patients that have been discharged/discontinued (closed) during the time period. Detailed description of indicator INDICATOR CLASSIFICATION Target: TBD PERFORMANCE STANDARD NUMERATOR Corridor: TBD CALCULATION The total ALC days represents the total number of ALC days contributed by ALC patients within the specific reporting month/quarter. Inpatient service type is identified in the WTIS. ALC days for Inpatient Services NS + SU + IC DATA SOURCE WTIS-ALC Data Cut EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Excludes: 1. Hospitals that do not report to both the WTIS and the BCS 2. Inpatient days in “Emergency room” bed type 3. ALC cases discontinued due to ‘Data Entry Error’. 4. ALC cases having Inpatient Service = Discharge Destination for PostAcute Care (*Exception: Bloorview Rehab, CCC to CCC). 5. ALC cases identified by the facility for exclusion. CALCULATION The total patient days represents the total number of patient days contributed by inpatients within the specific reporting month/quarter. Bed type is identified in the BCS data submission. Acute Patient days = Med + Surg + CMS + ICU + OBS + PAE + Pediatrics in Nursery + Newborns DENOMINATOR Bed Census Summary (BCS) [previously the Daily Census Summary (DCS)]. DATA SOURCE Ontario hospitals make monthly data submissions to the ministry’s Health Data Branch (HDB) Web Portal. ATC then takes a data cut from the Web Portal to use for the total patient days in the ALC Rate Report. EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Excludes: South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications Patient days contributed by inpatients in the emergency department (Bed Type 26 = Emergency) TIMING/FREQUENCY OF RELEASE Reported: Quarterly GEOGRAPHY & TIMING How often, and when, are data being released Timeliness: 6th business day following the last reporting month in the quarter E.g. Be as specific as possible… are released annually in mid-May LEVELS OF COMPARABILITY Can compare between hospitals within the South West LHIN and between LHINs TRENDING Data are available as of July 2011 Years available for trending LIMITATIONS Limited to hospitals reporting into WTIS and BCS. Specific limitations Methodology Notes from Supplemental Material for the Quarterly Stocktake Report (produced by CCO) (basis for this technical specification) COMMENTS The day of ALC designation is counted as an ALC day but the date of discharge or discontinuation is not counted as an ALC day. Additional information regarding the calculation, interpretation, data source, etc. For cases with an ALC designation date on the last day of a reporting period and no discharge/discontinuation date, then ALC days = 1. The ALC Rate indicator methodology makes the assumption that the Inpatient Service data element (as defined in the WTIS) is comparable to the Bed Type data element (as defined in the BCS). REFERENCES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Provide URLs of any key references E.g. Diabetes in Canada, HTTP://.... Supplemental Material for the Quarterly Stocktake Report can be found on the Directory of Networks (DoN), within the Quarterly Performance and Stocktake Reports folder. RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING CCO via Stocktake supplemental report DATE CREATED (YYYY-MM-DD) 2013-05-03 DATE LAST REVIEWED (YYYYMM-DD) 2013-09-16 South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 27 General Notes on Big Dots 1) Targets for Big Dots were set in Fall 2012 based on data available at that time. 2) The following principles were used to define targets: a. Big Dot 1: 14% increase over baseline rate (2012/13) of patients discharged from hospital seen by family physician within 7 days of discharge. b. Big Dot 2: 5% reduction from baseline rate (2011/12) in ER revisits within 7 days, per HQO and MOHLTC approach to setting targets for improvements and given that there are no other existing targets for this indicator. c. Big Dot 3: reduction in ALC days from baseline rate (2011/12) to MLPA target, elimination of the gap between actual and expected readmission rates for selected CMGs, and 5% reduction in LOS in hip and knee surgery from baseline rate (2011/12). Note: in February 2014, the decision was made to move from ALC days to ALC rate as ALC rate includes acute and post-acute. The target, however, was not changed. 3) Progress on Big Dots is measured from Q1 2013/14 going forward since that is the time period for the IHSP initiative, which the Big Dots are intended to track the impact of. 4) Progress on Big Dots is measured as cumulative improvement over baseline performance. Baseline performance is either the MLPA baseline for 2013/14 or, if not available, the most recent 4 quarters of data available as of Apr 2013. In the case of Big Dot 1, baseline was reset to 2012/13 when 2013/14 data was made available. This means that the baseline period is not the same for all components of the Big Dots. It also means that baseline will not be the performance level at the time the target was calculated. This is because changes in performance between the time the target was calculated and April 2013 should not be attributed to progress with the new IHSP because the IHSP was first launched in April 2013, not prior to that. 5) Unlike reporting on most of the other Scorecard indicators, progress on Big Dots will NOT be measured on the data available during the time period of interest but rather on the data that describe that time period. Another difference is that progress on Big Dots is cumulative over each following time period rather than being point estimates for performance at a particular time. For example, if there were 100 revisits prevented in Q1 and 250 in Q2, the progress on this Big Dot would be reported as 350 on whatever date that Q2 data were available, which could be Q4 or later. 6) The process for calculating progress on Big Dots is detailed in the following technical specifications. South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 28 INDICATOR DESCRIPTION BIG DOT 1: INCREASING THE AVAILABILITY OF FAMILY HEALTH CARE INDICATOR NAME INDICATOR DESCRIPTION Detailed description of indicator BIG DOT 1: INCREASING THE AVAILABILITY OF FAMILY HEALTH CARE Cumulative total of the number of patients seen by primary care provider within 7 days of discharge from inpatient stay for specific conditions INDICATOR CLASSIFICATION PERFORMANCE STANDARD CALCULATION Target: 14% improvement over baseline Corridor: n/a Number of people discharged from hospital for the following conditions that have a primary care encounter within 7 days of discharge from acute inpatient stay: 25 CMGs covering cardiac conditions, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cerebrovascular accident (i.e., stroke), diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, and pneumonia. NUMERATOR Data Source(s): Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), CIHI, Claims History Database (CHDB), MOHLTC, extracted from Health Data Server, MOHLTC, May 2012. DATA SOURCE EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Actual calculated rate accessed via: The Quarterly: Health Care System Quarterly Reporting for Ministry Senior Management, produced by Health Analytics Branch, Health System Information Management and Investment Division Includes: 1. Patients discharged after inpatient stay for the following conditions: cardiac conditions, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cerebrovascular accident (i.e., stroke), diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, and pneumonia. 2. First physician visit in office, home, or long-term care home. GEOGRAPHY & TIMING DENOMINATOR Excludes: 1. Follow-up visits made in hospital. CALCULATION TBD DATA SOURCE TBD EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA TBD TIMING/FREQUENCY OF RELEASE How often, and when, are data South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications Reported: Biannually Timeliness: Data is lagged approximately three quarters (August 2013 release only contained data up to Q2 2012/13). 29 being released ADDITIONAL INFORMATION E.g. Be as specific as possible… are released annually in mid-May LEVELS OF COMPARABILITY Not comparable to anything (i.e. no cross-LHIN data) TRENDING Years available for trending Data are available as of Q3 2010/11going forward. LIMITATIONS Specific limitations Limited to specific conditions (identified above) Limited to primary care providers participating in QIPs COMMENTS Additional information regarding the calculation, interpretation, data source, etc. Requires merging of primary care billing data and hospital data (i.e. DAD) and therefore is not possible to calculate locally nor on a monthly basis REFERENCES Provide URLs of any key references E.g. Diabetes in Canada, HTTP://.... The Quarterly, Health Analytics Branch, Health System Information Management and Investment Division. Posted on the Directory of Networks (DoN) RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING HAB, MOHLTC DATE CREATED (YYYY-MM-DD) 2013-05-03 DATE LAST REVIEWED (YYYYMM-DD) 2014-11-24 South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 30 INDICATOR DESCRIPTION BIG DOT 2: REDUCING EMERGENCY ROOM VISITS INDICATOR NAME INDICATOR DESCRIPTION INDICATOR CLASSIFICATION CALCULATION NUMERATOR Cumulative total of revisits reduced through reduction the % of ER revisits within 7 days (based on ER REVISITS WITHIN 7 DAYS) Detailed description of indicator PERFORMANCE STANDARD DENOMINATOR BIG DOT 2: REDUCING EMERGENCY ROOM VISITS Target: 15,000 visits prevented from April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2016 Corridor: n/a The difference between the current and baseline ER revisit rate multiplied by the total number of ER visits (not revisits) in the current quarter (i.e. (Q1RateBaseline)/Total Q1 ER Visits) The number of revisits prevented in a quarter is added to the revisits prevented in previous quarters to generate a cumulative total from baseline forwards. DATA SOURCE See ER REVISITS WITHIN 7 DAYS EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA See ER REVISITS WITHIN 7 DAYS CALCULATION N/A DATA SOURCE N/A EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA N/A TIMING/FREQUENCY OF RELEASE How often, and when, are data being released Reported: Quarterly GEOGRAPHY & TIMING Timeliness: see ER REVISITS WITHIN 7 DAYS E.g. Be as specific as possible… are released annually in mid-May LEVELS OF COMPARABILITY Not comparable to any other LHIN TRENDING Years available for trending See ER RE-VISITS WITHIN 7 DAYS OF ER VISITS South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 31 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION LIMITATIONS Specific limitations See ER RE-VISITS WITHIN 7 DAYS OF ER VISITS COMMENTS Additional information regarding the calculation, interpretation, data source, etc. Target was set on the basis of a 5% reduction in revisits for 3 years over the 2010/11 rate. REFERENCES Provide URLs of any key references E.g. Diabetes in Canada, HTTP://.... RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING See ER RE-VISITS WITHIN 7 DAYS DATE CREATED (YYYY-MM-DD) 2013-05-03 DATE LAST REVIEWED (YYYYMM-DD) 2013-09-16 South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 32 BIG DOT 3: INCREASING AVAILABILITY AND ACCESS TO COMMUNITY SUPPORTS FOR PEOPLE INDICATOR DESCRIPTION INDICATOR NAME INDICATOR DESCRIPTION Detailed description of indicator BIG DOT 3: INCREASING AVAILABILITY AND ACCESS TO COMMUNTIY SUPPORTS FOR PEOPLE Cumulative total of hospitalization days reduced through reduction of ALC rate, reduced readmissions for selected CMGs, and reduced length of stay for total hip/knee joint replacements (total joint replacements) INDICATOR CLASSIFICATION PERFORMANCE STANDARD Target: 17,000 or 36,000 days saved from April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2016 (see comments below) Corridor: n/a ALC The difference between the current and baseline ALC rate multiplied by the total inpatient days (not ALC days) in the current quarter. Baseline is established as the 2012/13 fiscal year. READMISSIONS NUMERATOR The number of hospitalizations prevented is the difference in the gap between the expected and actual readmission rates relative to the baseline gap multiplied by the total number of index visits in the current quarter (see READMISSIONS FOR SELECTED CASE MIX GROUPS (CMGs)). Multiply the number of hospitalizations by the average LOS for these CMGs (10.8 days circa calculation of the target) to generate the number of days prevented. CALCULATION (Current gap – baseline gap) * current index cases * average LOS at baseline = additional readmits prevented through improvements over baseline in readmission rate LOS FOR HIP/KNEE TOTAL JOINT REPLACEMENTS (TJR) The difference between the current and baseline average LOS for hip/knee TJR is multiplied by the total number of discharges for hip/knee TJR in the current quarter. Baseline will be set as the average LOS for 2012/13 when it becomes available. For interim reporting of progress (i.e. prior to availability of 2013/14 data), baseline is set as average LOS for 2011/12. CUMULATIVE TOTAL The number of hospitalization days prevented in a quarter is added to the days prevented in previous quarters to generate a cumulative total from baseline forwards. DATA SOURCE South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications See each of the source indicators (i.e. ALC rate, readmissions and hip/knee joint replacement) 33 DENOMINATOR EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA See each of the source indicators (i.e. ALC rate, readmissions and hip/knee joint replacement) CALCULATION n/a DATA SOURCE n/a EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA n/a TIMING/FREQUENCY OF RELEASE GEOGRAPHY & TIMING Reported: Quarterly How often, and when, are data being released E.g. Be as specific as possible… are released annually in mid-May LEVELS OF COMPARABILITY TRENDING Years available for trending LIMITATIONS Specific limitations Timeliness: See each of the source indicators (i.e.ALC Rate, Readmissions for Selected Case Mix Groups, and Wait Times for Hip/Knee Replacement Surgery) Not comparable to any other LHIN See each of the source indicators (i.e. ALC Rate, Readmissions for Selected Case Mix Groups, and Wait Times for Hip/Knee Replacement Surgery) See each of the source indicators (i.e. ALC Rate, Readmissions for Selected Case Mix Groups, and Wait Times for Hip/Knee Replacement Surgery) COMMENTS Additional information regarding the calculation, interpretation, data source, etc. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REFERENCES Provide URLs of any key references E.g. Diabetes in Canada, HTTP://.... RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING See each of the source indicators (i.e. ALC Rate, Readmissions for Selected Case Mix Groups, and Wait Times for Hip/Knee Replacement Surgery) DATE CREATED (YYYY-MM-DD) 2013-05-03 South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 34 DATE LAST REVIEWED (YYYYMM-DD) South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 2014-02-26 35 BIG DOT 3 REFERENCE: ALC RATE INDICATOR NAME ALC RATE See ALC Rate definition above. BIG DOT 3 REFERENCE: READMISSIONS FOR SELECTED CASE MIX GROUPS (CMGS) INDICATOR NAME READMISSIONS FOR SELECTED CASE MIX GROUPS (CMGS) See Readmissions for Selected Case Mix Groups (CMGs) definition above. BIG DOT 3 REFERENCE: LENGTH OF STAY FOR HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY INDICATOR NAME LENGTH OF STAY FOR HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY Based on the cohorts developed from the Quality Based Procedures Handbook. QBP Clinical Handbook Primary Unilateral Hip Replacement (06-19-2012) Final.pdf BIG DOT 3 REFERENCE: LENGTH OF STAY FOR KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY Based on the cohorts developed from the Quality Based Procedures Handbook. QBP Clinical Handbook Primary Unilateral Knee Replacement (06-19-2012) Final.pdf South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 36 DENOMINATOR NUMERATOR INDICATOR DESCRIPTION KEY DRIVER 1: INCREASE THE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS THROUGH SPIRE/HRM INDICATOR NAME INDICATOR DESCRIPTION Detailed description of indicator KEY DRIVER 1: INCREASE THE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS THROUGH SPIRE/HRM Proportion of South West LHIN clinicians enrolled in SPIRE/HRM INDICATOR CLASSIFICATION PERFORMANCE STANDARD Target: Corridor: CALCULATION Number of South West LHIN nurse practitioners and primary care physicians enrolled in SPIRE/HRM DATA SOURCE Data provided by the South West LHIN eHealth team each quarter. EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Includes: 1. Primary care physicians and nurse practitioners in the South West LHIN CALCULATION Number of South West LHIN nurse practitioners and primary care physicians DATA SOURCE Data provided by the South West LHIN eHealth team each quarter. EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Includes: 1. Primary care physicians and nurse practitioners in the South West LHIN GEOGRAPHY & TIMING TIMING/FREQUENCY OF RELEASE How often, and when, are data being released Reported: Upon request E.g. Be as specific as possible… are released annually in mid-May LEVELS OF COMPARABILITY South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 37 TRENDING Years available for trending LIMITATIONS Represents a point in time number. Specific limitations ADDITIONAL INFORMATION COMMENTS Additional information regarding the calculation, interpretation, data source, etc. REFERENCES Provide URLs of any key references E.g. Diabetes in Canada, HTTP://.... RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING DATE CREATED (YYYY-MM-DD) 2014-02-26 DATE LAST REVIEWED (YYYYMM-DD) 2014-02-26 South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 38 DENOMINATOR NUMERATOR INDICATOR DESCRIPTION KEY DRIVER 2: INCREASE PROVIDERS USING CLINICAL CONNECT INDICATOR NAME INDICATOR DESCRIPTION Detailed description of indicator KEY DRIVER 2: INCREASE PROVIDERS USING CLINICAL CONNECT Proportion of South West LHIN providers using Clinical Connect INDICATOR CLASSIFICATION PERFORMANCE STANDARD Target: Corridor: CALCULATION Number of South West LHIN providers using Clinical Connect DATA SOURCE Data provided by the South West LHIN eHealth team each quarter. EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Includes: 1. Providers using Clinical Connect in the South West LHIN CALCULATION Number of South West LHIN providers DATA SOURCE Data provided by the South West LHIN eHealth team each quarter. EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Includes: 1. Providers in the South West LHIN GEOGRAPHY & TIMING TIMING/FREQUENCY OF RELEASE How often, and when, are data being released Reported: Upon request E.g. Be as specific as possible… are released annually in mid-May LEVELS OF COMPARABILITY TRENDING Years available for trending South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 39 LIMITATIONS Represents a point in time number. Specific limitations ADDITIONAL INFORMATION COMMENTS Additional information regarding the calculation, interpretation, data source, etc. REFERENCES Provide URLs of any key references E.g. Diabetes in Canada, HTTP://.... RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING DATE CREATED (YYYY-MM-DD) 2014-02-26 DATE LAST REVIEWED (YYYYMM-DD) 2014-02-26 South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 40 DENOMINATOR NUMERATOR INDICATOR DESCRIPTION KEY DRIVER 3: INCREASE ORGANIZATIONS USING THE ‘REGIONAL INTEGRATED DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM’ (2013-14) INDICATOR NAME INDICATOR DESCRIPTION Detailed description of indicator KEY DRIVER 3: INCREASE ORGANIZATIONS USING THE ‘REGIONAL INTEGRATED DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM’ (2013-14) Proportion of eligible South West LHIN health service providers (currently hospitals and the CCAC) with all data submissions up to date in the Regional Integrated Decision Support (RIDS) system. INDICATOR CLASSIFICATION PERFORMANCE STANDARD Target: Corridor: CALCULATION Number of South West LHIN health service providers with all data submissions up to date as denoted by ‘Up to Date’ submissions on the Submissions tab of IDS. DATA SOURCE Data pulled by Lindsey Declercq after the last data upload (Wednesday nights) before the Scorecard is due to be released. EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Includes: 1. Providers submitting data to RIDS in the South West LHIN (currently all hospitals and the CCAC). CALCULATION Number of South West LHIN health service providers submitting data to RIDS (currently all hospitals and the CCAC). DATA SOURCE Data pulled from RIDS EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Includes: 1. Providers submitting data to RIDS in the South West LHIN (currently all hospitals and the CCAC). GEOGRAPHY & TIMING TIMING/FREQUENCY OF RELEASE How often, and when, are data being released Reported: Data can be accessed as frequently as desired. E.g. Be as specific as possible… are released annually in mid-May LEVELS OF COMPARABILITY South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 41 TRENDING Years available for trending LIMITATIONS Represents a point in time number. Specific limitations ADDITIONAL INFORMATION COMMENTS Additional information regarding the calculation, interpretation, data source, etc. REFERENCES Provide URLs of any key references E.g. Diabetes in Canada, HTTP://.... RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING DATE CREATED (YYYY-MM-DD) 2014-02-26 DATE LAST REVIEWED (YYYYMM-DD) 2014-03-14 South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 42 GEOGRAPHY & TIMING DENOMINATOR NUMERATOR INDICATOR DESCRIPTION KEY DRIVER 4: INCREASE THE PROPORTION OF KEY INITIATIVES (P4R, BSO, ATC, P4Q) MEETING LHIN EXPERIENCE BASED DESIGN CRITERIA INDICATOR NAME INDICATOR DESCRIPTION Detailed description of indicator KEY DRIVER 4: INCREASE THE PROPORTION OF KEY INITIATIVES (P4R, BSO, ATC, P4Q) MEETING LHIN EXPERIENCE BASED DESIGN CRITERIA Number of criteria met by Pay For Results, Behavioural Supports Ontario, Access To Care, and Partnering For Quality INDICATOR CLASSIFICATION PERFORMANCE STANDARD Target: Corridor: CALCULATION Number of criteria met by Pay For Results, Behavioural Supports Ontario, Access To Care, and Partnering For Quality DATA SOURCE Data requested from each of the Project Leads by Nicole Robinson EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Criteria Includes: 1. Continuous plans to capture patient experience 2. Continuous incorporation of patient experience feedback 3. Actively engaged patients involved in co-designing improvements 4. Continuous implementation of co-design improvement opportunities 5. Communication, monitoring, and reporting of patient experience 6. Spread within organizations participating in the above noted programs CALCULATION Number of potential criteria attainable by Pay For Results, Behavioural Supports Ontario, Access To Care, and Partnering For Quality DATA SOURCE Data requested from each of the Project Leads by the Team Lead, Performance Improvement EXCLUSION/INCLUSION CRITERIA Includes: 1. Criteria as above for each of the 4 organizations for a total of 24 for the denominator TIMING/FREQUENCY OF RELEASE How often, and when, are data being released Reported: Data updated upon request E.g. Be as specific as possible… are released annually in mid-May South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 43 LEVELS OF COMPARABILITY TRENDING Years available for trending LIMITATIONS Specific limitations ADDITIONAL INFORMATION COMMENTS Additional information regarding the calculation, interpretation, data source, etc. REFERENCES Provide URLs of any key references E.g. Diabetes in Canada, HTTP://.... RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING DATE CREATED (YYYY-MM-DD) 2014-03-14 DATE LAST REVIEWED (YYYYMM-DD) 2014-03-14 South West LHIN Balanced Scorecard Technical Specifications 44