Glaciated North Atlantic Margins (GLANAM) Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) 2013-2017 Job Opportunities Up to 15 PhD and Post. Doc. Positions in marine/glacial geology GLANAM aims at improving the career prospects and development of young researchers in both the public and private sector within the field of earth science, focusing specifically on North Atlantic Glaciated Margins. The scientists will perform multi-disciplinary research and receive training through interconnected work packages that collectively address knowledge gaps related to the large, glacial age, sedimentary depocentres on the North Atlantic Margin. The scientific goal of GLANAM is to determine the controls on the development, in time and space of glaciated continental margins. Research objectives will focus on: 1. The role of different glacial/non-glacial sedimentary processes in shaping the glaciated NA margins. 2. The extent, timing and rates of decay of marine- based ice sheets. 3. The influence of ice ages on hydrocarbon systems. 4. The influence of climate change and sedimentary processes on the fluid flow (and gas hydrate) systems. 5. To identify the controlling factors and the role of submarine mass movements (with resulting tsunamis) on the glaciated NA margins. All posts will be located at one of the partners institutions: University of Bergen (UoB), University of Tromsø (UoT), University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), North Energy Exploration, Durham University (UDUR), Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), University of Ulster (UoU), Denmark and Greenland Geological Survey (GEUS) For more information on the GLANAM project, contact the coordinator: Prof. Hans Petter Sejrup (UoB) To apply please follow the links to individual posts: Position Host instituti on Applicati on deadline Early Stage Researcher: Changes in glacial dynamics of the former Barents Sea Ice Sheet through a glacial cycle <link: > UoT, Norway March 7, 2013 Early Stage Researcher: Pleistocene ice sheet history of the Eastern North Sea <link: > UoB, Norway March 14, 2013 Early Stage Researcher: Slides in glacigenic settings: from fjords to deep sea <link: > UoB, Norway March 14, 2013 Early Stage Researcher: Late Weichselian ice-sheet dynamics and deglaciation history of the northern and eastern Svalbard margins <link: _positions.htm UNIS, Norway March 12, 2013 UDUR, U.K. March 29, 2013 Early Stage Researcher: Pleistocene ice sheet history of the Western North Sea <link: > UDUR, U.K. March 29, 2013 Early Stage Researcher: Glacimarine sedimentary processes and UDUR, March Early Stage Researcher: Late Quaternary glaciation of the continental shelf offshore of NW Ireland <link: http://ig5.i- > products at fjord-terminating (tidewater) glacier margins <link: > U.K. 29, 2013 Experienced Researcher/Research Associate: Geophysical Modelling of North Atlantic glaciated margins <link: > UDUR, U.K. March 29, 2013 Early Stage Researcher: Deglacial history of the NW sector of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet SAMS, U.K. Early Stage Researcher: Timing, forcing and onshore-offshore correlations on the western margin of the British-Irish Ice Sheet UoU, U.K. Experienced Researcher: Seismic architecture of the northeast Greenland margin GEUS, Denmar k Experienced Researcher: Seismic architecture of the southeast Greenland margin GEUS, Denmar k Early Stage Researcher: West Greenland glaciated margin sedimentary GEUS, processes Denmar k Early Stage Researcher: Quantification of uplift and erosion using rock physics and compaction trends in shales North Energy, Norway Experienced Researcher: Fluid flow and glacial processes UoB, Norway There are no restrictions on nationality but all applicants should check carefully the eligibility and residency requirements for these posts. Early Stage Researcher posts are open for those wishing to undertake a PhD and with less than 4 years of research experience. Experienced Researcher posts are open for those who have a PhD or equivalent and a research experience of less than 5 years. The researcher must not have resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of his/her host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to his/her recruitment. Short stays, such as holidays, are not taken into account. GLANAM receives funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme under REA grant agreement no. 317217.