1. Establish agendas and call meetings of the Executive Board and the Council and reside at all board meetings: three regularly scheduled early fall, November/December (for proposal selection), and Conference. 2. Inform Webmaster of meeting dates and other pertinent information for website. 3. Inform all members of meeting times, places, and dates. 4. Make sure board member handbook is up-to-date and available on the website. 5. Maintain needed communication throughout the year with board members. 6. Monitor goals which have been set by the Board. 7. Chair the selection committee for the Gretchen Niva Service Award. 8. Fulfill the following conference responsibilities: a. preside at conference functions b. make arrangements for special presentations/awards c. pre-conference board meeting 9. Work with the President-Elect for a smooth transition. 10. Purchase and present gift for Past President. 11. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating committee. 12. Appoint with the approval of the Executive Board ad hoc committees as necessary. 13. Authorize with the approval of the Executive Board all formal relationships between KCTE/LA and other organizations. 14. Recommend to the Executive Board for approval all candidates for chairs for standing committees and appointed positions on the Executive Board. 15. Identify each year the major professional concerns of the Council and recommend appropriate action to the Executive Board and the general membership. 16. Serve as official spokesperson for the Council. 17. Prepare letter from President for newsletter and website. 18. Contact board members who are not NCTE members, receiving information from NCTE liaison. 19. In August, draft letter to Membership Chair for distribution to entire membership for membership renewal. 20. Work with the Treasurer to establish an annual budget. 1. Serve as the Program Chair for the annual conference, which includes the following: a. select theme b. select artwork/logo, fonts, colors to be used, on conference materials c. secure featured speakers d. coordinate arrangements for speakers e. plan schedule f. make arrangements for large-group events/reception g. coordinate use of space h. produce the program i. make arrangements for conference perk j. make arrangements for necessary signage k. produce/distribute call for proposals l. propose/manage conference budget m. provide information to publicity chair and webmaster for conference publicity n. prepare presider and presenter packets (name tag, ribbons, evaluation forms, thank you letter, conference gift, and presenter information for presider). 1 Chair the proposal selection committee comprised of the Executive Committee. Send letters of acceptance and rejection. 2 Act for the President in the President’s absence or inability to serve. 3 Prepare and distribute report for each board meeting. 4 Contact KDE with information (proposals, registration) to distribute through list serves. 5 Notify Stephanie Kirk awardee of presentation responsibilities and coordinate housing for that person. Notify membership chair. Serve as the Assistant in Training to the President Elect/Conference Chair, which includes assisting in the following responsibilities. 1. Recruit members for the Editorial Board or judges for the annual Student Writing Contest as needed. 2. Shadow conference for learning purposes in planning and running the conference. 3. Begin planning conference a. theme b. select speakers c. work with site coordinator to select site d. prepare conference announcement (Save the Date) for conference program/packet 4. Act for the President and/or Vice President in their absence or inability to serve. 5. Prepare and distribute report for each board meeting. 1 Record all proceedings of the Executive Board and any official business meetings of the council. 2 E-mail copies of the minutes to the President for review. E-mail approved minutes to Webmaster. 3 Following every board meeting, deliver copies of the minutes to all members within two weeks. 4 Carry on all correspondence assigned by the President and the Executive Board members. 5 Preserve a copy of all reports and correspondence submitted by committees. 6 Prepare and distribute a report for each Board meeting. 1. Maintain a central office for the Council. 2. Collect, disburse and account for all monies connected with the business of the Council. 3. Present a financial report at each Executive Board meeting and upon request at any official business meeting of the Council. 4. Work files. closely with the membership committee to maintain complete and current membership 5. Work closely with the editors of Council publications to oversee the budget for said publications. 6. Fulfill the following conference responsibilities: a. handle conference finances b. deposit checks c. maintain credit card records and respective accounts. d. report on conference finances 7. Prepare and distribute a report for each Board meeting. 8. Send annual tax documents to Webmaster. 9. Protect confidentiality of financial records. 10. Work with the President to establish an annual budget. 1. Serve as chair of the Nominating Committee comprised of the Executive Committee. 2. Assist the President in all duties of that office. 3. Fulfill the following conference responsibilities: a. recognize the Stephanie Kirk awardee b. announce election results at luncheon 4. Prepare and distribute report for each Board meeting. 5. Serve as the Publicity Chair for the annual conference. 1. Identify and communicate to the Board the special concerns of their constituencies. 2. Assist the Membership Committee/Chair in soliciting new members. 3. Assist the Nominating Committee in identifying candidates for office. 4. Assist the Program Chair and recruit presenters in developing an annual conference that reflects the interests and involvement of the respective sections. 5. Conduct annual meeting and election for their respective sections at the annual conference. 6. Help promote regional activities that complement the aims of the Council. 7. Publicize and promote KCTE writing contest. 8. Receive Student Writing Contest entries for the Kentucky English Bulletin Spring Issue, help in securing judges as needed, tabulate results, forward winning entries to the Editor of the Student Writing Issue, and notify students and teachers of winning entries. 9. Submit to the President and the Secretary copies of mailings (correspondence). 10. Fulfill the following conference responsibilities as needed: a. meet in November to select concurrent sessions b. assign presenters to slots c. secure presiders for concurrent sessions d. collect and review session evaluations e. return evaluation summaries to presenters 11. Prepare and distribute a report for each Board meeting. 12. Write introduction about the writing contest for the annual issue of the Kentucky English Bulletin. 1. Assist in any membership campaigns of the Council. 2. Provide new members and chairs of committees with information and assistance that will enable them to complete their work efficiently and expeditiously. 3. Maintain effective relations on behalf of the Council with chairs of English and language arts departments at all academic levels throughout the state. 4. Carry out such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board. 5. Fulfill the following conference responsibilities: a. hospitality for featured speakers b. introductions of featured speakers 1. Solicit, select, and edit materials for the publications with the help of the Editorial Board, or judges in the case of the Student Writing Issue. 2. Oversee proofing and printing of the publication. 3. Work closely with the Treasurer and the Executive Secretary in determining budgets, printing costs, and methods of distribution of such publications. 4. Maintain as closely as possible a consistent publishing schedule and keep the Executive Board informed of any major changes in that schedule. 5. Select members for the Publicity Committee. 6. Serve as liaison between the media and KCTE/LA at KCTE/LA sponsored events. 7. Determine, with the assistance of the Committee, ways to communicate effectively the activities and positions of KCTE/LA to the public 8. Prepare and produce conference information packets for publicity distribution. 9. Prepare and distribute report for each Board meeting. 10. Fulfill the following conference responsibilities: a. promote conference through Newsletter b. coordinate conference publicity c. distribution of conference information to target groups d. coordinate idea exchange 1. Solicit, select, and edit materials for the publications with the help of the Editorial Board, or judges in the case of the Student Writing Issue. 2. Oversee proofing and printing of the publication. 3. Work closely with the Treasurer and the Executive Secretary in determining budgets, printing costs, and methods of distribution of such publications. 4. Maintain as closely as possible a consistent publishing schedule and keep the Executive Board informed of any major changes in that schedule. 5. Recruit members for the Editorial Board or judges for the annual Student Writing Contest as needed. 6. Prepare and produce conference information packets for publicity distribution. 7. Prepare and distribute report for each Board meeting. 8. Fulfill the following conference responsibilities: a. promote conference through Bulletin b. KCTE/LA Exhibit 1. Provide and distribute reports for each Board meeting. 2. Maintain a current membership list and make it available for use in KCTE/LA mailings and related activities. 3. Verify membership of all candidates for KCTE/LA officers and/or committees and contact President regarding lapsed officer membership. 4. Serve as Conference Registration Chair. 5. Provide current membership lists for any Council activity, when requested. 6. Select the members of the Membership Committee, attempting whenever possible to provide both geographical and grade level representation in the selection. 7. Fulfill the following conference responsibilities: a. receive registration forms and conduct on-site registrations b. confirm registration c. coordinate volunteers to work registration at conference d. enter all membership/conference registration/conference information into computer database. e. provide printouts for membership and conference attendance information f. name tags g. provide single telephone number and e-mail address for conference registration and membership questions 8. Protect confidentiality of membership records. 9. Mail membership renewal reminders to all lapsed members and those with soon-to-expire memberships on the database in October. 1. Assist the Membership Chair in joint membership campaigns with NCTE. 2. Serve as the contact person between KCTE/LA and NCTE for the distribution of materials, identification of resources, and identification of joint professional concerns. 3. Submit to the National Council Teachers of English the names of all new officers and the credentials of delegates to the annual NCTE Convention. 4. Submit an annual written report for the Council’s activities to the NCTE, based upon data supplied by the appropriate representatives of he Board ant the Council. 5. Prepare and distribute a report for each Board meeting. 6. Fulfill the following conference responsibilities: a. NCTE Exhibit Kit b. informing NCTE of conference information c. NCTE exhibit 7. Confirm current NCTE membership for all Board members. 8. Nominate outstanding Kentucky educators for NCTE awards. 1 Identify state and national actions and concerns that directly affect the welfare and effectiveness of English/language arts teachers and communicate these to the appropriate committees and/or officers of KCTE/LA for action. 2 Serve as liaison with NCTE SLATE to improve communication of our concerns to our membership. 3 Attend NCTE SLATE meetings when possible and conduct regular correspondence with the SLATE national office. 4 Solicit nominations from the membership for (1) National and (2) State Intellectual Freedom Awards. 5 Prepare and distribute report for each Board meeting. 1. Coordinate activities for recruiting minority members. 2. Bring before the Board minority perspectives and concerns relating to the work of KCTE to be addressed concerning English/language arts instruction. 3. Keep the Board informed of NCTE’s actions regarding minorities and/or special programs for minorities including ESL students. 4. Work with the conference Program Chair to solicit program proposals from minority teachers and/or program proposals promoting minority literature. 5. Prepare and distribute a report for each Board meeting. 6. Fulfill the following conference responsibilities as needed: a. meet in November to select concurrent sessions b. secure presiders for concurrent sessions c. review session evaluations d. return evaluation summaries to presenters 1. Coordinate exhibits. 2. Consult with Board for exhibitors. Collect exhibitors’ fees and forward to treasurer. 3. Prepare floor plan for exhibit hall. 4. Coordinate set-up with hotel representatives and individual exhibitors. 5. Prepare and distribute a report for each Board meeting. 6. Coordinate program ads. 7. Provide gift packet for exhibitors. 8. Solicit, from vendors, gifts to use for conference door prizes at the conference luncheon and coordinate the drawing for them. 9. Send list of exhibitors to President-Elect/Conference Chair for the conference program. 10. Negotiate with hotel for electrical and internet hook-up and bill exhibitors appropriately. 11. Man the KCTE/NCTE table at the conference. 1. Report new developments in the English/language arts area from KDE. 2. Report to KDE any concerns/suggestions from the KCTE/LA board. 3. Promote membership in KCTE/LA across the state. 4. Promote the annual conference. 5. Solicit proposal applications for the conference. 6. Prepare and distribute a report for each Board meeting. Prepare a handout describing each of the contests to be distributed at the annual conference Achievement Awards 1. Chair the selection of the NCTE Writing Achievement contest. 2. Promote the contest. 3. Contact winners of the contests after NCTE notification to winners. 4. Present prizes to winners. 5. Inform the Board of the winners. 6. Prepare and distribute a report for each Board meeting. 7. Fulfill the following conference responsibilities. a. volunteer time to work at the registration desk PRESLM Director 1. Chair the 2. Promote the contest. 3. Contact winners of the contest. 4. Present prizes to winners. 5. Inform the Board of the winners. 6. Prepare and distribute a report for each Board meeting. 7. Fulfill the following conference responsibilities. a. volunteer time to work at the registration desk PROMISING YOUNG WRITERS STATE Director 1. Chair the selection of the Promising Young Writer contest. 2. Promote the contest. 3. Contact winners of the contest. 4. Present prizes to winners. 5. Inform the Board of the winners. 6. Prepare and distribute a report for each Board meeting. 7. Fulfill the following conference responsibilities. a. volunteer time to work at the registration desk selection of the PRESLM contest. 1. Maintain the web site and mail server. 2. Ensure that domain names remain active. 3. Ensure the annual fee to our service provider is paid. 4. Maintain an up-to-date online directory of all members of the Executive Board, including terms of offices, addresses and e-mail addresses, and phone and fax numbers, and distribute this directory to all Board members. 5. Fulfill the following conference responsibilities: a. Put conference information on web page. b. Maintain all conference and membership-related web forms. c. Post information provided by conference chair on web page. 6. Post Board minutes and other board member handbook information on the website. 7. Post annual tax records on the web page. 8. Post President letter semi-annually. 1. Select site for Board meetings and conference meetings. 2. Select menus for conference luncheon. 3. Arrange for food/meals/rooms for Board members. 4. Prepare budgets for Board meetings and conference site. 5. Fulfill the following conference responsibilities: a. plan luncheon b. select luncheon menu c. table decorations, seating arrangements d. produce luncheon program e. coordinate drawing for door prizes 1. Coordinate regional outreach projects. 2. Coordinate the Stephanie Kirk Award process: application, chair selection committee, notify awardee, and facilitate the presentation at the conference. 3. Identify special initiatives that the Council should sponsor and present these ideas to the Board. 4. Coordinate the Prentice Hall Leadership Award. 5. Preside over Stephanie Kirk awardee session at KCTE conference. Take this opportunity to promote the award. KCTE/LA Reimbursement Policy 25/07/2008 11:52 KCTE/LA Reimbursement Policy General Policies . Reimbursement is for members of the board of trustees as defined in the KCTEConstitution, ByLaws, and ArticlesofIncorporation. Until such time as the governing documents are revised. These policies do not extend to Advisory members. The board may decide on a case-by-case basis to extend reimbursement to advisory members or to other consultants. The exception to this rule is travel, room, and board for retreats. . Reimbursement forms must always be submitted. . Receipts are required for goods and services but not for mileage. . Reimbursement must not include Kentucky sales tax but may include sales tax from other states or other Kentucky taxes. . The board member is responsible for retaining a master copy of the state tax-exempt form to provide the vendor before making the purchase. . Reimbursements must not exceed $1000.00 per year or the amount at which the IRS assumes the recipient must be an employee. . For all purposes "year" is defined as Sep. 1 through Aug. 31 of the next year. . Board members should arrange for the most part for the treasurer to pay a vendor (e.g. travel agent, printer, caterer) directly rather than making a check out to the board member. This may mean the board member will need to make prior arrangements with the vendor. Travel Policies (all subject to current fiscal health of the organization) . Mileage is reimbursed by the mile for any travel by automobile that the board member is required to make for the organization (i.e. not limited to board meetings). . Overnight room expense is paid under the following conditions: . Any meeting, except the conference, that is two or more hours distant from the member's home (was 120 miles). . Any meeting that is held prior to a regular meeting (i.e. the Friday night before a regular Saturday board meeting or the Wednesday night before the conference) that would require a member to stay over regardless of distance. . Any special meeting held to conduct subcommittee business at a time that is not a regular board meeting or the conference (e.g. the proposal-reading meeting held usually in November). . Food expenses are reimbursed for meals only under certain circumstances. No receipt required for per diem reimbursement: If the meal is catered by the organization, then there is no reimbursement. file:///Users/royar/Documents/KCTE/reports/reimbursement.html Page 1 of 2 KCTE/LA Reimbursement Policy 25/07/2008 11:52 . If the travel is only to avoid leaving early for the next day's board meeting (i.e. as a result of the distance stipulation), then meals are not reimbursed. . Meal payments per diem rates $20 for dinner, $10 for lunch, and $10 for breakfast or $40.00 for a full day. Note: These rates are per diem rates for conference speakers, also. . If an overnight stay is required for a special (e.g. subcommittee) meeting held before a regular meeting, the evening meal is reimbursed if it is not provided by the organization. . If any meeting is a special meeting, and there is no catered meal, the member is reimbursed. General Comment The IRS views volunteer organizations as being voluntary in that all of what we pay for reimbursement (most of the "board support" in my reports) is assumed to be time and money donated by the member. This is just an assumption on their part so far as I can tell. From their view board members become employees if the reimbursement reaches certain limits. At $1000 annually, I have to report the reimbursement as income, and my paperwork increases substantially. That is why I have insisted that the $1000 limit not be reached. They do not consider payments made direct to a vendor (such as an airline or hotel) in this amount. Last modified: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 11:49:45 Eastern Daylight Time file:///Users/royar/Documents/KCTE/reports/reimbursement.html Page 2 of 2