ARSENIC (III) SULFIDE Arsenic (III) sulfide is a yellow

Arsenic (III) sulfide is a yellow-orange solid that is sometimes used for its color in paint pigments. While arsenic is very
toxic, because arsenic (III) sulfide is so insoluble, its toxicity is low. When arsenic (III) sulfide is burned it reacts with
oxygen to produce arsenic (III) oxide and sulfur dioxide. Arsenic (III) oxide is soluble and therefore very toxic.
1. Write the balanced chemical reaction.
2. When 89.5 grams of arsenic (III) sulfide is burned, what volume of sulfur dioxide gas is produced?
In a spacecraft, the carbon dioxide exhaled by astronauts can be removed by its reaction with lithium hydroxide. This
produces lithium carbonate and water.
1. Write the balanced chemical reaction.
2. How many grams of lithium hydroxide are required to react with 448 L of CO2, the average amount exhaled by a
person each day?
3. If a spacecraft carries 4 people on a mission for 5 days, how many kilograms of lithium hydroxide would be
In photosynthesis, plants use energy from the sun to produce glucose, C6H12O6 and oxygen from the reaction of carbon
dioxide and water.
1. Write the balanced chemical reaction.
2. What mass of glucose is produced daily if a plant uses 250 mL of water in one day?
Tin (II) fluoride is used in some toothpastes. Tin (II) fluoride is made through the reaction of tin with hydrofluoric acid
(HF). Hydrofluoric acid has been made popular by the tv show Breaking Bad where it is used because of its powerful
dissolving capabilities. It is denser than water with a density of 1.15 g/mL.
1. Write the balanced chemical reaction.
2. What mass of tin (II) fluoride is produced from the reaction of tin with 26 mL of HF?
Laughing gas (dinitrogen monoxide, or commonly referred to as nitrous oxide) is sometimes used as an anesthetic in
dentistry. It is produced when ammonium nitrate is decomposed into dinitrogen monoxide and water.
1. Write the balanced chemical reaction.
2. What mass of ammonium nitrate is required to produce 16.79 L of dinitrogen monoxide?
3. How many grams of water would be produced from that reaction?
Some rocket engines use a mixture of hydrazine, N2H4, and hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, as the propellant. The reaction
produces nitrogen gas and water.
1. Write the balanced chemical reaction
2. If 50 grams of hydrogen peroxide are used, what volume of nitrogen gas is produced?
Quartz is the most common mineral found on the surface of Earth. Silicon dioxide (quartz) is usually quite unreactive but
readily reacts with hydrofluoric acid (HF) to produce a gas of silicon tetrafluoride and water.
1. Write the balanced chemical reaction
2. If a 25 gram piece of quartz is exposed to an excess of HF, what volume of silicon tetrafluoride is produced?
The black oxide of iron, Fe3O4 occurs in nature as the mineral magnetite. As its name implies, it is very strongly attracted
to magnets and is one of the only naturally occurring magnetic materials. This fascinated early civilizations and helped
with the invention of the compass. This substance can also be made in the lab by the reaction between red-hot iron and
1. Write the balanced chemical reaction
2. When 36 mL of water is reacted with iron, what mass of magnetite is produced?