September 2, 2014 Dear Parent, At the start of the 2013


September 2, 2014

Dear Parent,

At the start of the 2013-14 school year, Chesapeake Public Schools implemented a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiative at the high school level. Through this initiative, students are allowed to bring their own electronic devices

(cell phones, tablets, e-Readers, or other appropriate electronic devices) to class to be used as a part of the educational program. The purpose of the BYOD initiative is to provide a greater variety of learning opportunities for students and to increase their technological literacy. The implementation of this instructional initiative has provided teachers with more creative ways of involving students in their own learning, thereby, helping to improve retention and understanding. Also, teachers are able to use these devices to assist with delivering and reinforcing instruction.

As of January 28, 2014, (beginning of the second semester) all Chesapeake middle schools will join in this instructional initiative by allowing middle school students to bring their electronic devices to school to aid in student learning. In accordance with school board policy, “Students may possess devices on school premises for specific educational purposes and may use these devices under the direct supervision of a professional staff

member.” In the classroom, students will use their devices for an assortment of activities that may vary from class to class. Although the devices will be allowed in schools, there are restrictions and limitations on their use, to include:

 BYOD is an optional program and parents are not required to purchase a device; therefore, personally owned devices are a supplement to the equipment already in use in the classroom.

Students are not required to bring the device to school; therefore, when doing so, they are doing it at their own risk and under specific conditions.

Students without a personal device will be provided access to an appropriate division-owned device based on availability or provided an alternative way of completing the assignment.

Parents/guardians must sign the BYOD permission form granting permission for the student to bring a wireless portable device to use at school as a part of the educational program. Parents are strongly encouraged to assist in reinforcing rules regarding inappropriate cell phone usage.

Restrictions/limitations on when, where, and how students can connect to the Internet will be enforced.

Bringing privately owned devices to school is a privilege that is designed for educational purposes only. Any violation of the electronic device policy may result in the student losing the privilege to bring his/her device to school, for a length of time commensurate with the nature of the violation and other school discipline.

Students will be entirely responsible for securing their devices and keeping up with them.

Attached, please find a copy of the school board policy and regulations relevant to electronic devices and a permission form that must be signed by you and your child. Please refer to for a copy of the most Frequently Asked Questions regarding BYOD. If you have further questions please contact the school at 548-5309.


Dr. Michael J. Mustain, Principal

Chesapeake Public Schools

Middle Schools

Privately Owned Electronic Devices

2014– 2015 Permission Form

I authorize ____________________________________to bring his/her Privately Owned Electronic Device to school with the understanding that it is to be used as a tool for instruction only as a part of the Chesapeake Public Schools Bring Your Own

Device (BYOD) educational initiative. I realize that in giving permission for my child to participate in this initiative, he/she will comply with Chesapeake School Board Policy P9-20.2 and its regulations on Privately Owned Electronic Devices.

My signature below acknowledges that I understand the intent of the BYOD initiative. I also acknowledge that I have received and read the Chesapeake School Board Policy P9-20.2 and its regulations on Privately Owned Electronic Devices. On behalf of myself and my child, I agree that Chesapeake Public Schools (CPS) is not responsible for any damage or loss associated with my child’s Privately Owned Electronic Device, nor is CPS responsible for any costs incurred relating to the downloading of content to the device or access to any content providers through the device. I further acknowledge that bringing a Privately Owned

Electronic Device is a privilege that is designed for educational purposes only, and that violation of the electronic device policy may result in my child losing the privilege to bring his/her device to school, for a length of time commensurate with the nature of the violation and other school discipline.

I also recognize that it is impossible for CPS staff to monitor all activity on personal devices; therefore, I (parent and/or guardian) will not hold CPS, the Chesapeake School Board, its members, or any individuals employed or retained by CPS responsible for damages related to my child’s use of the Privately Owned Electronic Device or for content viewed by any student on the Privately Owned Electronic Device, including via a personal connection (3G, Sprint, etc.).

Parent/Guardian Name: (Print) ________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________Date_________________________

Phone: _________________________________Email______________________________________________

Student Agreement

I have received and read the CPS Privately Owned Electronic Devices policy and regulations and agree to abide by policy and guidelines as established. I understand that any violation of this policy and/or regulations may result in losing the privilege to bring the Privately Owned Electronic Device to school for a length of time commensurate with the nature of the violation and/or other school discipline.

Student Name: (Print) _______________________________________________________________________________

Student Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: __________________________

Personal Device(s):

Make/Model: _______________________________ Serial Number: _________________________________

Make/Model: _______________________________ Serial Number: _________________________________

Students P 9-20.2

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P 9-20.2 Privately Owned Electronic Devices

A privately-owned electronic device (device[s]) is permitted on school property for the purpose of supporting and promoting the educational objectives of the Chesapeake Public Schools at the discretion of the Superintendent and building administration and consistent with the terms of this policy. This policy and its accompanying regulation explain the terms under which a device will be allowed on school property. However, no devices will be allowed on school property unless and until the Superintendent or his designee separately authorizes the presence of such devices, and only within the grade levels authorized by the Superintendent or his designee. In the absence of such guidance from the Superintendent, students will comply with Policy 9-20.1.

The Superintendent will develop appropriate regulations to ensure compliance with the objectives of this policy. These regulations will identify conditions under which students can use devices while on school property, including school buses, and/or off school property at school-sponsored events. Such procedures shall be established in accordance with local, state, and federal requirements.

Adopted September 26, 2011

Revised June 24, 2013

Students R 9-20.2

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R 9-20.2 Privately Owned Electronic Devices

A. Possession and Use of Devices

Upon authorization of the Superintendent or his designee, students may possess devices on school premises for specific educational purposes and may use these devices under the direct supervision of a professional staff member. The following stipulations apply:

1. Student use of a device requires consent of the student and the parent/guardian by signing an appropriate form indicating that the student and parent/guardian have received, read, understand, and agree to abide by all applicable policies and guidelines.

2. All devices are to be used only for supporting research and education as well as promoting the educational objectives of Chesapeake Public Schools and are not to be used for other purposes unrelated to curricular goals.

3. The use of a device during state or standardized testing is strictly prohibited.

4. The use of a device on school property, including school buses, and/or off school property at school-sponsored events, carries no right or expectation of privacy. CPS reserves the right to monitor, review, and restrict the use of any device. The contents of the equipment are subject to review at any time, for any lawful reason, consistent with the policies of the School Division and applicable law.

5. Devices used on school property, including school buses, and/or off school property at schoolsponsored events, are also subject to Policy 6-36, Acceptable Telecommunications and Internet Use.

6. All material on the device and accessed on school property, including school buses, and/or off school property at school-sponsored events, must comply with the educational objectives of

Chesapeake Public Schools.

7. All use of devices must otherwise comply with all School Division policies.

8. All devices must have cellular and network capabilities disabled (turned off) during the instructional day.

9. All devices must be used at appropriate times in accordance with teacher instruction. A device must not be a distraction or disruption for the student or others.

10. If a device is a distraction or disruption on a school bus, the bus driver may require the device be put away.

11. Students are responsible for knowing how to properly and effectively use their devices. The

School Division will not provide any means of support for any device.

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12. Students are responsible for appropriate use and non-use of their devices at all times.

13. Use of any device in the classroom is up to the discretion of the teacher. Use of any device is a privilege, not a right. The teacher may request at any time that the device be turned off and put away.

Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

14. Sound should be muted unless the teacher grants permission for use of sound associated with the instructional activities.

15. Building level administration will determine when, where and how devices may be used on school property, including school buses, and/or off school property at school-sponsored events.

16. Building level administration reserve the right to determine the appropriateness of a device itself or a student’s use of a device.

17. Unauthorized audio or video recording is prohibited. Voice, video and image capture applications may only be used with prior teacher permission and for a specific instructional purpose.

18. Establishment of a wireless ad-hoc or peer-to-peer network using a device or any other wireless device while on school property, including school buses is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to using a privately-owned electronic device as a cabled or wireless hotspot.

B. Fiscal Responsibility

Chesapeake Public Schools assumes no responsibility in any circumstance for loss, destruction, damage, theft, or charges made on monthly statements for any device. Students will be responsible for locating any lost/stolen items and for other expenses accrued to their device accounts.

C. Data Responsibility

Chesapeake Public Schools assumes no responsibility for any data contained on any device.

D. Misuse of the Device

1. Any action that is disruptive of the educational process will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension and/or expulsion, and/or legal action.

2. Any action that includes the initiation and/or passing on of threats against persons or property will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension and/or expulsion, and/or legal action.

3. Violations of these Guidelines may result in confiscation of the device, suspension, and/or termination of the privilege to bring a device to school.

4. Violations may also result in appropriate school disciplinary action, up to and including suspension and/or expulsion, and/or legal action.

Approved September 12, 2011

Revised June 10, 2013
