Pain BC’s 2014 Interdisciplinary Pain Conference: Confronting the Challenges of Chronic Pain October 25, 2014 Join us for interactive, practical, and evidence-based pain management education – for the front lines, from the front lines Co-sponsored by Vancouver Coastal Health, Providence Health Care, Fraser Health, Northern Health, BC Children’s Hospital and BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre, Island Health, Interior Health, and the BC Cancer Agency. Space is limited. Register early to take advantage of our early bird pricing. Time Topics 8:30 Welcome, introduction 8:40 to 10:00 Empathetic care from a frontline provider 10:00 to 10:15 Break Speakers Pam Squire, MD, CCFP, DCAPM, ISAM, CPE Physician, Chronic Pain Patient panel Break Out Sessions: Current Challenges in Chronic Pain Assessment and Management 10:15 to Break Out Sessions 11:15 Bodhi Haraldsson, Registered Massage Therapist Incorporating Evidence-based Complementary Pain Susan Schellinck, Occupational Therapist, VIHA Management Approaches into Practice Linda Cundiff, Occupational Therapist, VIHA Dependency and Chronic Pain: Recognizing the Issues and Safely Improving Function in the Face of Addiction Dr. Annabel Mead, MD Complex Pain & Addiction Services, VGH Fear and Avoidance in Chronic Pain and Trauma Dr. Iris Torchalla, Registered Psychologist Sarah Gallant, Occupational Therapist OrionHealth Rehabilitation Medicinal Marijuana: The Science, Regulation and Ethical Dilemmas – Up-to-date Advice on Cannabinoid Use in Chronic Pain Chronic Pain in the Geriatric Population: Best Practices Pain Management Strategies for the Elderly 11:15 to 11:30 Break/Move to Next Session 11:30 to 12:30 Break Out Sessions 12:30 to 1:30 Dr. David Hunt MD, FRCPC Pain Specialist, St. Paul’s Hospital Pain Program Dr. Romayne Gallagher, MD, CCFP Head of Palliative Care, Department of Community & Family Medicine, Providence Health Care Incorporating Evidence-based Complementary Pain Management Approaches into Practice Bodhi Haraldsson, RMT Susan Schellinck, Linda Cundiff Dependency and Chronic Pain: Recognizing the Issues and Safely Improving Function in the Face of Addiction Dr. Annabel Mead, MD Complex Pain & Addiction Services, VGH Fear and Avoidance in Chronic Pain and Trauma Dr. Iris Torchalla, Registered Psychologist Sarah Gallant, Occupational Therapist OrionHealth Rehabilitation Medicinal Marijuana: The Science, Regulation and Ethical Dilemmas – Up-to-date Advice on Cannabinoid Use in Chronic Pain Dr. David Hunt, MD, FRCPC Pain Specialist, St. Paul’s Hospital Pain Program Chronic Pain in Children and Youth: Best Practice Pain Management Strategies for Young People Lunch Dr. Tim Oberlander, MD, FRCPC Attending Physician, Complex Pain Services, BCCH & BCWH 1:30 to 2:30 2:30 to 2:45 2:45 to 3:45 1. Headaches Dr. Gordon Robinson, MD, FRCPC (Neurologist) Headache Specialist, VGH 2. Pain Assessment Brenda Poulton, Nurse Practitioner, Pain Management, RCH Jan Muir, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Pain Management, SPH Sarah Derman, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Pain Management, SMH 3. Graded Motor Imagery: Reflecting on Novel Brain Based Approaches to Chronic Pain Michael Sangster, Physiotherapist 4. Cancer Pain Dr. Pippa Hawley, MD Internist, Palliative Medicine Specialist, BC Cancer Agency 5. Acute on Chronic Pain Dr. Michael Negraeff, MD, FRCPC Anesthesiologist, Pain Specialist, VGH Break/Move to Next Session 1. Pelvic pain Dr. Christina Williams, MD, FRCPC Gynaecologist Susannah Britnell, Registered Physiotherapist BC Women’s Centre for Pelvic Pain & Endometriosis 2. Graded Motor Imagery: Reflecting on Novel Brain Based Approaches to Chronic Pain Michael Sangster, Physiotherapist 3. Fibromyalgia Dr. Ian Hyams, MD Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Clinic, West Vancouver 4. Acute on Chronic Pain Dr. Michael Negraeff, MD, FRCPC Anesthesiologist, Pain Specialist, VGH 5. Session to be confirmed 3:45 to 4:45 Large Group Mindfulness and Chair Yoga Practice Sarah Jane Jamieson, Certified Yoga Teacher Krista Friesen, BA MSc Certified Yoga Teacher This conference is made possible through unrestricted educational grants from the conference platinum sponsors, Eli Lilly and Purdue Pharma. In order to ensure organizational and programmatic integrity, Pain BC’s Sponsorship and Funding Policy specifically prohibits any industry influence in any Pain BC events. REFUND POLICY: Tickets are 100% refundable up until 5pm on October 8, 2013, 50% refundable between 5pm on October 8th and 5pm on October 15th, and 100% non-refundable thereafter.