Macbeth Class Performance activity guide and Homework review sheet. 1 Act I scene 1: Class Performance 1. The three witches begin the play and detail several things to the audience. Specifically list three things that the witches relate to the audience through their dialogue and their presence. Make certain to list the line of dialogue to support your answer. Act I scene 3 lines 39-81, 93-175: Class Performance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What does Macbeth say in the opening lines of the scene that reinforce the witches’s last statement of scene 1? How do the witches’s greet Macbeth and Banquo? What news doe they offer them? In lines 54-64, exactly how does Banquo beseech the witches to foretell his future? What terms does he use to refer to Macbeth’s prophecy? Reexamine lines 73-81. Prove that Macbeth doesn’t initially believe the witches and that he doesn’t truth their motives. What news do Ross and Angus bring that cause Macbeth to reconsider the truthiness of the witches’s prophecy? What specific lines highlight a potentially disturbing character trait about Macbeth’s ambition. What would Frankl say about this? Reexamine Macbeth’s asides (lines 157-59, 163-164). What does Macbeth resolve to do concerning the prophecy? How is this contrasted by what he says next? Act 1 scene 4 lines 16-49, 54-65: Class Performance 1. 2. 3. 4. The audience is reintroduced to the King. How does the King greet Macbeth? Make certain to list any and all accolades from the dialogue. Conversely how does the King greet Banquo? What is Banquo’s reaction to the King’s praises? What news does the King relate to the court? Reexamine Macbeth’s aside (lines 55-60) by translating them into modern English. Act 1 scene 5 lines 15-19, 28-33, 45-66, 74-78, 86: Class Performance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. As Lady Macbeth reads the letter sent from Macbeth, she is consumed by her own ambition; yet, she condemns for the same failings. List the specific hesitations that she has concerning Macbeth. In lines 28-33, Lady Macbeth resolves to “help” Macbeth. What help does she offer? In those same lines, she symbolically refers to elements of his prophecy. What does she say? Reexamine Lady Macbeth’s lines 45-66 by translating them into modern English. How does Lady Macbeth greet Macbeth? Contrast this greeting with that of the King. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that she [they] will help fulfill Macbeth’s prophecy. How does this reflect a Frankl-esque theory? Translate the following lines: “To beguile the time/ Look like the time. Bear welcome in your eye/your hand, your tongue. Look like th’ innocent flower/ But be the serpent under ‘t.” It is also important to note the importance of the line to the play’s theme. Act 2 scene 1 lines 44-78: Class Performance 1. 2. 3. In Macbeth’s second soliloquy, he reveals certain aspects of his characterization that may have been previously overshadowed. What does he reveal? In this soliloquy, he also reveals some distinct thoughts about the situation. What does he reveal? There are several symbols used in the play and this soliloquy denotes eight of them. Reexamine the soliloquy to find the eight symbols and list them on this guide. Act 2 scene 2 lines 1-10, 15-17, 19, 42-52, 54-64, 68-73, 82-83: Class Performance 1. Prove the Lady Macbeth’s opening lines of this scene reinforce the play’s theme about deception. Use this guide to follow along with class performances and1as a means to reinforce meaning through homework and review. Regardless of their inclusion on this review sheet/performance guide, you are responsible for the entire play in Shakespearean English. Macbeth Class Performance activity guide and Homework review sheet. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2 Her opening lines reveal portions of the plan in which she was involved. What were they? What reason does she give for not killing Duncan when she was in the bedchamber? What portent of death does she hear? Macbeth returns from his evil deed and details several things that happened regarding the murder. List three things that happened. Lady Macbeth’s lines 45-46 are a foreshadow of her future. What is foreshadowed? Macbeth fixates on his inability to say “Amen” and this other thing. Identify the other thing and support your choice with specific content from the text. (Hint: “To be or not to be”) Unfortunately, Macbeth returns from the murder with the daggers. How does Lady Macbeth react to this? What does she say? How does she fix the situation? What does she say? Act 3 scene 1: 1-10, 33-42, 53-55, 62-75, 83-93, 96-101, 102, 130, 132-142, 154-158, 161-62: Homework and Class Performance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Banquo’s introductory speech for Act 3 informs the audience that he also has concerns about newly crowned king. What are his concerns? On what does he reflect in the course of his speech? To whom does Macbeth refer when he states “our bloody cousins”? Why does he use such a reference? What seemingly benign piece of information does Macbeth glean from Banquo in casual conversation? Reexamine Macbeth’s third soliloquy. How does Macbeth really feel about Banquo? Why? What changed? How has he changed since the first act? How does he convince the hired men to murder Banquo and his son? On what does Macbeth appeal? How does his appeal reinforce the play’s theme? Act 3 scene 3: The murder of Fleance: Class Performance Act 3 scene 4: the coronation banquet: 4- 7, 14-35, 61-62, 64-69, 73-81, 94-99, 102-107, 132-150, 159-176: Class Performance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. In what way does the banquet scene reinforce the play’s theme of deception? What information does the murderer relate to Macbeth? How does Macbeth respond? Note the entrance of the Ghost of Banquo. How are its actions a foreshadow of future action? The banquet with the Scottish nobles was meant to impress the nobles and solidify their support of his reign as king. So, how did that work out? Identify the line in which Lady Macbeth chastises Macbeth for ruining the evening with his bizarre behavior. Again, Lady Macbeth must save Macbeth from his own undoing. How does she do it? Before the scene ends, Macbeth notices that one of the nobles was not present. Who is it? Where is he? Macbeth says,“I am in blood Stepped in so far that should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o’er.” What does he mean? Act 4 scene 2: 4-5, 8-16, 22-31, 35-64, 71-82, 88-98: Class Performance 1. 2. 3. 4. Ross speaks to Lady Macduff of Macduff’s “wise and judicious” decisions, a compliment that Lady Macduff soundly rejects. Why does she reject them? What literary term best describes Lady Macduff’s opening lines (8-16) from our class performance? Ross takes an abrupt leave from Lady Macduff on what grounds? Lady Macduff is also warned by a messenger that she needs to flee for her safety. What does the messenger tell her? Restate his warning in modern English. Act 5 scene 5: 19-31, 37-40, 44-52, 58-59: Class Performance 1. 2. What is the name of Macbeth’s last servant to stay with him? How is his name a pun? What news does he bring Macbeth? What is Macbeth’s reaction to it, meaning specifically what does he say? Translate his musings from lines 19-31 into modern English. Use this guide to follow along with class performances and2as a means to reinforce meaning through homework and review. Regardless of their inclusion on this review sheet/performance guide, you are responsible for the entire play in Shakespearean English. Macbeth Class Performance activity guide and Homework review sheet. 3. What news does the messenger bring Macbeth? Why is Macbeth incredulous about the accuracy of the news? Act 5 scene 7: 1-6, 9-18: Class Performance 1. Young Siward foolishly challenges Macbeth in combat. Using the information from Act 1 scene 2 about Macbeth’s battlefield prowess, explain why this was a very poor decision. Act 5 scene 8: [from scene 7: 19- 23], 4-10, 15-39, 65-71: Class Performance 1. 2. 3. 4. The beginning of our class performance for this scene actually incorporates about four lines from the previous scene. What do those lines reveal about Macduff? Macduff, who is also rather good in battle, doesn’t initially frighten Macbeth. What makes Macbeth so confident? In the play’s ultimate twist, what news does Macduff reveal to Macbeth just prior to their seminal battle? What is Macbeth’s reaction? Why does Macbeth resolve to keep fighting? Use this guide to follow along with class performances and3as a means to reinforce meaning through homework and review. Regardless of their inclusion on this review sheet/performance guide, you are responsible for the entire play in Shakespearean English. 3 Macbeth Class Performance activity guide and Homework review sheet. 4 Act 1 scene 2: Act 1 scene 7 lines 1-7, 10-23, 25-28, 34-88, 91-96: Homework 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In his opening soliloquy, Macbeth concludes that he shouldn’t kill Duncan. List the four reasons that he gives against murder. How does this show that Macbeth is becoming a self-determining agent? Reexamine Macbeth’s conversation with Lady Macbeth. How does Lady Macbeth quickly rebuff his newly resolved decision? What arguments does she use to dissuade him from his decision? What plan does Lady Macbeth concoct to murder the King? The notion that things are not as they appear are reinforced in this scene. Select the line that best reinforces it. Act 2 scene 4 lines 8-12, 14-16, 19-44, 49-50, 56: Homework 1. 2. Ross’s interaction with the old man reveals what happened after the murder. What happened? What strange musings of the night does the old man relay to the audience? Act 3 scene 2: 10-63: Homework: What has consumed Macbeth’s thoughts? Lady Macbeth’s advice on this is very much like Bones from Angola. What does she say that is reminiscent of Bones? Of what does Macbeth fear? Act 3 scene 6: Homework: 1. 2. 3. What does Lennox think about Macbeth’s “official” reason for the apparent spike in patricide in the kingdom? Unlike in previous acts, there are no laudable accolades used to describe Macbeth. What adjectives or nouns are used to refer to Macbeth in their conversation. The nameless lord from this scene relates key information about the political situation in Scotland. List three things that he relates to the audience. Act 4 scene 1: Homework: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Witch 2 says “By the pricking of my thumb, Something wicked this way comes.” Who arrives? What is Macbeth’s attitude towards the witches this time? What 4 things do the witches show Macbeth? What does each show/say? What is Macbeth’s reaction? Macbeth says (about the witches), “Infected be the air whereon they ride, And damned all those that trust them!” What is Macbeth, in effect, saying about himself? Interestingly, it is Lennox who delivers to Macbeth the news about the whereabouts of Macduff. What does Macbeth decide to do? Using information from Act 3 scene 6, why did Lennox stay with Macbeth? Act 4 scene 3: Homework: Prince Malcolm informs Macduff that Macbeth had his family killed Act 5 scene 1: Homework Act 5 scene 2: Homework Act 5 scene 3: Homework Act 5 scene 4: Homework Act 5 scene 6: Homework Use this guide to follow along with class performances and4as a means to reinforce meaning through homework and review. Regardless of their inclusion on this review sheet/performance guide, you are responsible for the entire play in Shakespearean English.