Doctor Hassan`s C.V

Marital status: Married
Nationality: Jordanian
Phone: mobile 00962 7 77 386841, office +962 2 7211111, Ext. 2829, 2791
E-mail and
Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry Iowa State University/Ames, USA, 1984.
Theses Title: Free-Radial Chain Reactions of Organic Mercury and tin Compounds
M. Sc. in Chemistry, Jordan University, 1979
Theses Title: Synthesis and Spectral Properties of Quinoxaline Amino Ester Mono-N-Oxides
B. Sc. in Chemistry, Jordan University, 1976
Academic & Administrative Experience:
Jerash private university board of trustees(vice president): Nov. 8th,2009 – present
Al –Al Bayt University, Jordan:
o Dean of Academic Research, Sept,13th, 2010-sept.10th, 2011
o Dean of Faculty of Science, Sept.1st, 2008- Sept.12th, 2010.
Yarmouk University, Jordan:
o Dean of Faculty of Science, Nov. 2nd, 2004- Aug. 31st, 2008.
o Vice Dean / Faculty of Scientific Research Graduate Studies, Sept. 29 th-Nov. 1st 2004
o Chairman of Chemistry Dept, Sept. 19th 2003-Sept. 28th 2004
Yarmouk University, Jordan
o Research and Teaching assistant 1978-1980
o Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department (Feb 9, 1984-Feb. 1, 1989).
o Associate Professor, Chemistry Department (Feb. 2, 1989- Oct. 9th, 1993).
o Professor , Chemistry Department (Oct. 10th, 1993-Present)
Hashimite University, Jordan
o Professor and chairman of Chemistry Department (Sept. 1, 1997-Sept. 1, 1998)
Essen University, Germany
o Visiting Professor, (Jan. 1, 1991, Feb. 1, 1992).
Councils and Committees and Other Duties:
Advisory Committee (1995, 1988, 1986).
Graduate Studies Committee (1997, 1996, 1989, 1987).
Tender Committee (1988, 1985).
Seminar Committee (1987).
Library Committee (1985).
Curriculum and Teaching Plan Committee (1994, 1997).
Faculty of Science Council Chairman (Dean) : Nov. 2004 – Aug. 31st , 2008.
Faculty of Science Council - Yarmouk University (1992-1993), serving as a member in the following committees.
a. Curriculum Committee
b. Orientation Committee.
Faculty of Science and Arts Council - The Hashemite University (1997-1998), serving as a member in the following
a. Curriculum Committee.
b. Scientific Research Committee.
Al –Al Bayt University council (three years)
Yarmouk University Council (four years)
Dean's Council ( 7 years)
Curriculum Plans committee
Recruitment and Promotion committee(aabu, 3 years)
Scholarships committee
Health medical Insurance committee
Model School Council committee
Intel ISEF Judge in Jordan ( 2006-Present)
Editorship and Refereeing Activities
Jordan Journal of Chemistry, Yarmouk University/MOHE – Editor in Chief, July, 15th, 2012 –present.
Al-Manara for Research and Studies/ Al-AlBayt university-Editor in Chief sept, 2010- sept. 2011.
Al-Manara for Research and Studies/ Al-AlBayt university-Editorial Board, sept. 2008-sept. 2010
Jordan Journal of Chemistry (JJC)/ Referee
Tetrahedron Letters/ Referee
Mutah journal for research and studies/ Referee
Abhath Al-Yarmouk (Basic Sciences & Engineering)/ Referee
E-Journal of Chemistry/referee
Courses Taught
Chem. 101 General Chemistry (1).
Chem. 102 General Chemistry (2).
Chem. 105 Practical General Chemistry (1).
Chem. 106 Practical General Chemistry (2).
Chem. 211 Organic Chemistry (I).
Chem. 212 Organic Chemistry (II).
Chem. 213 Practical Organic Chemistry (I).
Chem. 214 Practical Organic Chemistry (II).
Chem. 215 Organic Chemistry for Non-Majors.
Chem. 216 Practical Organic Chemistry for Non-Majors.
Chem. 311 Organic Chemistry (III).
Chem. 312 Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds.
Chem. 412 (used to be chem.495) Free-Radicals in Organic Synthesis (Special Topics).
Chem. 611Advanced Organic Chemistry.
Chem. 612 Organic Synthesis
Chem. 613 Advanced Heterocyclic Chemistry
Research Activities:
 Mechanistic organic chemistry, with special reference to free-radical reactions in organometallic compounds.
 Free-Radical carbon-to-carbon bond formation reaction utilizing organometallic compounds
 Synthetic organic chemistry, with special interest on synthesis of Heterocyclic ring systems.
Honors and Prizes:
 Abed Al-Hameed Shoman Award for Youth Arab Scientists (1994).
 Alexander Von Hombuldt Research Fellowship-Germany (Nov. 1990 - Jan. 1992; June, 1992 - August, 1992).
 DAAD Research Fellowship-Germany (summer 1988).
 Postdoctoral Fellowship-Iowa State University, USA (summer 1986).
 Several Research Grants from the Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies - Yarmouk
University (74/84; 16/85; 34/87; 18/88; 2/89; 45/89; 46/89; 31/94; 37/98, 5/2001).
Sixth international symposium on organic free radicals, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 23 – 28 August
1st International conference of pure and applied chemistry, Yarmouk University, Irbid – Jordan, 21 – 23
April 1997.
Several seminars dealing with improvement and financing the higher education in Jordan held at the Jordan
universities in 1997.
2nd International Jordanian Conference of Pure of applied Chemistry, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan 16
– 20 April, 2000.
3rd International Jordanian Conference of Pure of applied Chemistry, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan 22
– 26 April, 2002.
4th International Jordanian Conference of Pure of applied Chemistry, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan 19
– 21 Sept., 2005.
5th International Jordanian Conference of Pure of applied Chemistry, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan,
19-23 april 2007.
6th International Jordanian Conference of Pure of applied Chemistry, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan,
19-21 April, 2011.
Publications in Refereed, Specialized, and Indexed Journals:
1. Selective monodeoxygenation of quinoxaline amino acid and ester dioxides. M.M. El-Abadallah; S. S.
Sabri; H. Tashtoush; Tetrahedron, 35, 2571 (1979).
2. Participation of anions of dialkyl phosphites and thiophosphites in aliphatic SRN 1 reactions. G. A. Russell,
F. Ros, J. Hershberger, H. Tashtoush, J. Org. Chem., 47, 1480 (1982).
3. Free radical chain substitution reactions of alkylmercury halides. G. A. Russell, H. Tashtoush, J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 105, 4622 (1983).
4. Alkylation of -substituted styrenes by a free radical addition-elimination sequence.
G. A. Russell, H. Tashtoush, P. Nogviwatchai, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 106, 4622 (1984).
5. C-13 NMR studies on some Quinoxaline amino esters and their N-Oxides, S. S. Sabri, M. El-Abadallah, H.
Tashtoush and H. Duddek, Heterocycles, 24, 3169 (1986).
6. A Novel synthesis of Quinone Ammonium Dyes. D. Marji, H. Tashtoush and J. Ibrahim, Tetrahedron, 42,
4517 (1986).
7. The reaction of Acylium Salts with Dialkycyanamides. Mahmoud Al-Talib and H. Tashtoush, Tetrahedron
Lett. 1987, 353.
8. Reaction of 1-alkyl and 1-alkynyl derivatives of Tin and Mercury with hetero-centered radical. G. A.
Russell, P. Nogviwatchai, H. Tashtoush and J. Hershberger, Organometallics, 6, 1414 (1987).
9. A convenient synthesis and spectral properties of some new iminium and 2-azaallenium salts. H. Tashtoush
and Moahmoud Al-Talib, J. Chem. and Eng. Data, 32, 477 (1987).
10. Unusual rearrangement in the reaction of Tri-n-butyl-3-butenyl stannane with diphenyl disulfide. H.
Tashtoush and G. A. Russell, Main Group Metal Chemistry, 10, 369 (1987).
11. A convenient synthesis of Amino substituted 1,3,5-oxadiazinium salts. Mahmoud Al-Talib and H. Tashtoush,
J. Heterocyclic Chem. 25, 1023 (1988).
12. Electron Transfer Process. 43, Attack of alkyl radicals upon 1-alkenyl and 1-alkynyl derivatives of Tin and
Mercury. G. A. Russell, P. Ngviwatchai and H. Tashtoush, Organometallics, 7, 696 (1988).
13. Reactions of alkylmercurials with heteroatom-centered acceptor radicals. G. A. Russell, P. Ngviwatchai and
H. Tashtoush, A. Pla-dalmau and R. K. Khanna, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 110, 3530 (1988).
14. A one pot preparation of substituted bis-1,3,5-triazinium salts. H. Tashtoush and Mahmoud Al-Talib, Org.
Prep. Proc. Int. 20, 511 (1988).
15. Lewis acid promoted reactions of 2-Furoyl chloride and 2-thiophene carbonyl chloride with
dialkycyanamides and dialkylcarbodiimides. Mahmoud Al-Talib and H. Tashtoush, Indian, J. Chem. 27B,
934 (1988).
16. Inhibiting effect of substituted 1,3,5-oxadiazinium salts on the dissolution of copper in nitric acid. M. M. AlAbadallah, Mahmoud Al-talib and H. Tashtoush, Indian J. of Technology 27, 168 (1989).
17. A novel one pot synthesis of substituted 1-oxo-1,2,4,6-thiatriazinium salts. H. Tashtoush and Mahmoud AlTalib, Recl. Trav. Chem. Payes-Bas, 108, 117 (1989).
18. Substituent effects in cyclooheptatrienyl radicals: an ESR spectroscopic study. R. Sustmann, D. Brandes, F.
Lange and H. Tashtoush, Mag. Res. Chem. 27, 340 (1989).
19. Recent advances in the use of acylium salts in organic synthesis. Mahmoud Al-Talib and H. Tashtoush,
Org. Prep. Proc. Int. 22, 1 (1990).
20. A convenient synthesis of alkyl and arly substituted bis-1,3,4-oxadiazoles. Mahmoud Al-Talib and H.
Tashtoush, and N. Odeh, Synth. Commun 20, 1811 (1990).
21. Solvolysis of N-chlorosulfinyl diaryl ketimines. Mahmoud Al-Talib and H. Tashtoush, Leibigs Ann. Chem.
1990, 611.
22. Diacyl acid dihydrazides. Mahmoud Al-Talib and H. Tashtoush, and N. Odeh, Mag Res. Chem. 28, 1702
23. Acylium Salts: Synthesis of tris-(3, 3, 5, 6-tetrahydro-1,3,5-triazinium) and tris (1,3,5-oxadiazinium) salts.
H. Tashtoush and Mahmoud Al-Talib, Recl. Trav. Chem. Pays-Bas 110, 75 (1991).
24. Reaction of acylium salts with aryl nitriles. Mahmoud Al-Talib and H. Tashtoush, and M. Al-Omary, J.
Parkt. Chemie 333, 303 (1991).
25. Addition, Substitution and Deoxygenation reactions of -phenyl-nitrostyrenes with the anions of thio and
diethyl phosphite: Formation of Indoles by reactions with ethyl phosphite. G. A. Russell, C. Yao, H.
Tashtoush, J. E. Russell and D. F. Dedolph, J. Org. Chem. 56, 663 (1991).
26. Synthesis and thermal transformation of substituted bis (1,3,5-triazinium salts). H. Tashtoush, Mahmoud
Al-Talib and K. Shawakfeh, Indian J. Chem. 30B, 491 (1991).
27. Effect of ethanol and acetonitrile containing some aryl-substituted bis-1,3,5-oxadiazinium salts on the
corrosion of aluminum. M. Abdallah, H. Tashtoush, Mahmoud Al-Talib and Mý. Al-Omary, Corrosion 47,
449 (1991).
28. Chromium (II)-Mediated intermolecular free-radical carbon-carbon bond formation. H. Tashtoush, and R.
Sustmann, Chem. Ber. 125, 287 (1992).
29. 1H and 13C-NMR spectroscopy of substituted bis-1,3,4- oxadiazoles. H. Tashtoush, Mahmoud Al-Talib and
Ný. Odeh, Magn. Reson. Chem. 30, 910 (1992).
30. Unusual rearrangement in the dehydration of aroylated butanodihydrazides. H. Tashtoush, Mahmoud AlTalib and N. Odeh, Liebigs Ann. Chem. 1992, 291.
31. Free radical coupling of alkyl and aryl halides with electron deficient alkenes mediated by Chromium (II)
Complexes. H. Tashtoush and R. Sustmann, Chem. Ber. 126, 1759 (1993).
32. Thermal and photochemical rearrangements of cyclic C8H9 radicals in adamantane matrix. H. G. Korth, R.
Sustmann, W. Sicking, F. G. Klaerner and H. Tashtoush, Chem. Ber 126, 1917 (1993).
33. 1H and 13C-NMR spectroscopy of substituted Tris-1,3,4-oxadiazoles. H. Tashtoush, R. Subaihi and
Mahmoud Al-Talib, Magn. Reson. Chem. 35, 549 (1997).
34. De-tert- butylation of substituted arenas S. Saleh and H. Tashtoush, Tetrahedron, 54, 14157(1998).
35. Synthesis and spectroscopic properities of 2-[1-benzyl-1 2, 3-triazolo-4]-5-aryl-1,3,4-oxadiazole.H.
Tashtoush, S. T. Abu-Orabi, E. Taan and M. Al-Talib, Asian Journal of Chemistry 11, 441 (1999).
36. Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of 4,5-bis-[5-aryl-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl]-1-substituted benzyl-1,2,3triazoles. H. Tashtoush, S. T. Abu-Orabi, Sh. Al-Majdalawi and M. Al-Talib, Indian J. Heterocycl. Chem. 8,
37. Reaction of 1,3- and 1,4- Bis (1,3,4- oxadiazole – 5(3H)-thione –2- yl) benzenes with aryl aldehydes. M. AlTalib, S. Bataineh and Hasan Tashtoush, Heterocyclic Communications, 5, 429(1999).
38. Unusual rearrangement in the reactions of Propanodihydrazide and Butanodihydrazide with carbon
disulfide. M. Al-Talib and H. Tashtoush, Ind. J. Chem. Sec. 38B, 1374(1999) Synthesis of 1, 4- and 1, 3Bis(5-alkylthio-1, 3, 4-Oxadiazol-2-yl) Benzenes, Asian Journal of chemistry, 13, 111, (2001)..
39. Synthesis, mutagenicity, antibacterial and antifungal activities of bis-1, 3, 4-oxadiazole derivatives Maslat,
M. Abossaud, H. Tashtoush, and M. Al-Talib, Polish Journal of Pharmacology, 54, 55, (2002).
40. A Notable Antimutagenicity of two Nonmutagenic Novel Oxadiazoles in Salmonella Mutagenicity Assay
Maslat, A.; Khalil, A. ; Fares, A. H. Tashtoush and M. Al-Talib Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 27, 157167, (2004).
41. Unusual Rearrangement in the Reaction of Phenylmalonic Acid Dihydrazide with 1, 3-Diketones M. AlTalib, H. Tashtoush, A. Al-Ghoul, B. Ziemer and U. Koert J. Heterocyclic Chemistry, 42,287, (2005).
42. Synthesis and evaluation of antimicrobial, Cytotoxic, and Genotoxic activities
Cycloalkanepyrazoles. H. Tumah, B. Tashtoush, H. Tashtoush, K. Ababneh and M. Al-Talib
Pharmaceutica Turcica, 47, 189-198, (2005)
of Substituted
43 . Synthesis and Biological Activity of Some New 5-Sulphanyl-4-nitroimidazole Derivatives. H. Tashtoush, Y.
Al-Soud, A. Maslat, M. Shakoor and M. Al-Talib, Jordan Journal of Chemistry, 2, 11 (2007).
44 . Efficient Synthesis of 2-Aroyl-3-Alkoxy-2,3-dihydrothiazolo[2,3-c][1,2,4]triazol-5(6H)-ones.
Mahmoud Al-Talib, Dalia Al-Saad, Mohanad Shkoor and Hasan I. Tashtoush, Jordan journal of
chemistry, 4, 317 (2009).
45. Dual behavior of monothiocarbohydrazones in the cyclization with diethyl acetylene dicarboxylate
"DEAD": synthesis of substituted 1, 3 - thiazolidin-4-ones. Hasan I. Tashtoush, Fatima abusahyon, Mohanad
Shkoor and Mahmoud Al-Talib, J. Sulfur Chemistry, 32, 405(2011)
46. Synthesis of some new chalcone and 4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole derivatives as potential antimicrobial agents,
Mohammad M. Ibrahim, Mahmoud Alrefai, Rajab Abu_El-Hallawa, Hasan Tashtoush, Sohail AlSohaili and
Mohanad Masad, Jordan Journal of Chemistry, 7, 115(2012).
 Professor Nabil Shawagfeh
President Al-Balqa University
Al-Salt - Jordan
Phone : +962 2629 70000 ext. 2000
Fax : +962 2629 7205
 Professor Fayez Khasawneh
Ex-President, Yarmouk University
Irbid, Jordan
Phone: (962 2) 7201000 ext. 23379
 Professor AbdelRahim Hunaiti
President, Mutah University
Al-Karak, Jordan
+962 (5) 3903333 Fax: +962 (5) 3826613
 Professor AbdelRahman Attiyat
Chemistry Department
Yarmouk University
Irbid, 21163, Jordan
Tel: +962-2-721-1111 ext: 2818 & 2788