SEWAGE TREATMENT SELECTION FORM Ecol-Unicon Sp. z o.o. tel.: +48 58 306 56 78, fax: +48 58 306 57 02 PROJECT INFORMATION Name of the project: Location of the project: Email address: Phone no.: Contact person: SELECTION PARAMETERS Source of wastewater: Housing estate Industry, services, production: - Type of Property: - Type of work: - Number of production staff: - Number of administrative staff: Other : Receiver: Qmaxd [m3/d]: Qmaxh [m3/h]: BZT5 [kg O2/day]: ChZT [kg O2/day]: Zog [kg/day]: Nog [kg N/day]: BZT5 [mg O2/ dm3]: ChZT [mg O2/ dm3]: Zog [mg/dm3]: Nog [mg N/ dm3]: Pog [mg P/ dm3]: Pog [kg P/day]: The area designated for sewage treatment: Additional information (appendix): Date and signature: Qmaxd = The maximum average daily volume of wastewater incoming to the treatment plant Qmaxh = Maximal hourly flow BZT5 = BOD = biochemical oxygen demand ChZT = COD = chemical oxygen demand Zog = TSS = total suspended solids Nog = total nitrogen Pog = total phosphorus