slovene national cancer control programme 2010-2015

February 2010
The National Cancer Control Progamme (NCCP) is a programme of activities, tasks and
measures, which are necessary for efficient action in the field of cancer control in Slovenia.
New actions have been added to those already being carried out in order to ensure future
control over this disease. The NCCP supplements the Resolution on National Plan of
Healthcare 2008-2013 "Satisfied Users and Performers of Medical Services" as an
independent programme.
The key reason for the production of the NCCP is the fact that cancer is becoming the most
important issue for public health - in Slovenia as well as globally.
Cancer is a disease that can develop in all tissues and organs in the human organism and
affects both sexes approximately equally. It can appear in people of all ages, but 80% of
cancer cases occur after the age of 54. Due to the ageing population, the number of cancer
patients is expected to increase. Cancer is thus becoming an important health, social and
economic problem facing modern society. According to data from the Slovene Cancer
Registry, it is projected that of those born in 2005, approximately 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3
women will develop cancer by the age of 75.
Approximately 11,000 Slovenes develop cancer each year, of this, approximately 5,500 men
and 5,200 women. Over 5,000 Slovenes die of cancer each year, of this, approximately
2,800 men and 2,300 women. 50% of men and 65% of women survive five years after being
In the last 10 years (from 1996 to 2005), the incidence of cancer in Slovenia has increased
by 40% in men and 35% in women, mortality has increased by 11% in men and 14% in
women. Over half of the increased cancer incidence can be attributed to the ageing
population. With the further increase in the ageing population, we can expect that the
number of new cancer cases will increase, as will the burden on healthcare services.
Epidemiologists forecast that cancer would soon become the leading cause of death and
would surpass cardiovascular disease in this respect; this has already been proven true in
certain countries, making cancer the main health problem facing humanity. The gradual
reduction of mortality from cardiovascular disease can be attributed to the increasing
success of prevention, diagnosis and therapy in the field of cardiovascular disease. The
most common cancers in Slovenia (skin, colorectal, lung, as well as breast and prostate) are
connected to unhealthy lifestyles, smoking, unhealthy diet, excessive alcohol consumption
and overexposure to the sun. These risk factors must be reduced by actions in the field of
primary prevention, as at least one third of cancer cases are preventable. Prevention is
proven to be the most efficient and thus the most powerful weapon in reducing the cancer
burden in any individual country. All existing knowledge and methods must be utilised and
implemented in the policies of all government agencies in cooperation with involved
The most important method for reduction of mortality from breast, colorectal and cervical
cancers (and reduction of incidence for the last two) is the provision of high quality screening
programmes, such as ZORA, DORA and SVIT, which are beieng implemented in Slovenia.
In Slovenia, all cancer patients have the right of equal access to quality treatment, which is
provided in the framework of compulsory health insurance. Survival of Slovene cancer
patients is increasing, but in the case of the most common cancers, is still beneath the EU
average. This can be improved by educating the population but primarily, by better
organising healthcare services.
Due to the increasing number of patients and implementation of new methods of diagnostics
and treatment, the steady increase of expenditure for cancer control can be expected. For
this reason, it is necessary to adapt current healthcare methods to the demands made in the
field of cancer control by contemporary methods of prevention, diagnosis, healthcare and
comprehensive rehabilitation, palliative care and research. At the same time, it is necessary
to ensure the systematic monitoring of the effectiveness of the actions and activities being
The Ministry of Health appointed an expert working group that prepared the premises for the
development of the NCCP. The working group consisted of top experts in the field of cancer
control, who also possess a large working knowledge of the healthcare system. The Ministry
of Health then summarised the premises and proposed tasks and actions, which are now
presented in the NCCP.
The NCCP has the following overall objectives:
- to assess the situation in the field of cancer control in Slovenia up to this point;
- to propose a comprehensive strategy for cancer control in Slovenia until 2015 (target
year of the current NCCP),
- to determine priority actions and measurable goals in all fields of cancer control:
prevention, early detection and screening, diagnosis, specific and palliative treatment
and rehabilitation of cancer patients,
- to propose collecting indicators for fields in which data on current status is lacking,
which will ensure monitoring of progress.
The professional orientation of the NCCP is based on the assessment of the World Health
Organization (WHO) that cancer incidence can be decreased by 30% through actions in the
field of primary prevention. This is why the NCCP is directed at increasing recognition of the
important role of primary prevention in cancer healthcare (CHC), as well as increasing the
range of prevention activities.
Since the anticipated results of primary prevention are long-term, the target population are
inhabitants that will be diagnosed with cancer in the near future. Early detection, accurate
specification of stage and individualised early treatment methods are the most important for
ultimate success. The majority of the NCCP is thus targeted to the organisation and
execution of secondary prevention activities as well as all the other activities in the
framework of OHC. The current situation in Slovenia, namely the scattered nature of CHC,
does not allow for the comprehensive treatment of the cancer patient, which must besides
good diagnostics and treatment also provide the patient with comprehensive rehabilitation,
psychosocial support and palliative care. The NCCP also gives large importance to
organisations executing activities in the fields of secondary and tertiary prevention, which will
ensure a multidisciplinary approach and the comprehensive treatment of the patient
(diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care), as well as professional monitoring
of the implemented activities. In order to achieve the above objectives, the NCCP seeks to
encourage better connections at the primary level, a concentrated CHC system, a network of
specialists at the secondary level and the use of modern information systems.
A variety of specific actions are needed in order to achieve the objectives set out by the
NCCP, all of which are further specified in individual chapters of this programme. A system
for the monitoring and surveillance of NCCP implementation is also outlined at the end of
this document.
- To slow the increase of cancer incidence: through effective primary prevention, to
prevent the increase of age standardised incidence levels – acceptable increases in men are
5% based on the status in 2004/2005, in women 8 % based on the status in 2003/2004.
- To decrease cancer mortality rates: alongside slower increase in incidence, earlier
detection and quality healthcare, the objective is to achieve a further decrease in age
standardised mortality rates in men and women by 10 % based on the status in 2004/2005.
- To increase survival rates: to increase the five-year relative survival rate in both sexes;
by 10 % in men and by 12 % in women (comparing the period 2001–2005 to the period
- To improve the quality of life of cancer patients with psychosocial and physical
rehabilitation and to increase the amount of patients with advanced stage illness that receive
palliative care.
1. in the field of primary prevention:
a. increase of personal responsibility for health through health promotion and
encouragement of healthy lifestyles,
b. providing conditions for healthy choices and a healthy environment through the
restriction and monitoring of chemical, physical and biological carcinogens in work
and living environments.
2. in the field of secondary prevention:
a. establishment of organised national screening programmes for cervical cancer
(ZORA), breast cancer (DORA) and colorectal cancer (SVIT) nation-wide, in
accordance with quality standards and achievement of adequate response levels,
b. ensuring greater effictiveness in early detection of cancer at the primary healthcare
3. in the field of diagnostics and specific oncological treatment:
a. concentration of diagnostics and treatment at second level healthcare,
b. production of clinical guidelines for treatment,
c. ensuring multidisciplinary treatment of patients,
d. ensuring equal access to high quality healthcare services.
4. in the field of comprehensive rehabilitation of cancer patients:
a. establishment of comprehensive psychosocial rehabilitation with the help of
interdisciplinary teams at all levels of the healthcare system.
5. in the field of palliative care for cancer patients:
a. definition of services within palliative care,
b. establishment of a palliative care network for cancer patients in accordance with the
national programme for palliative care.
6. in the field of education:
a. supplementation of educational programmes in oncology for all groups of
b. monitoring of continued education,
c. active inclusion of non-governmental organisations in informing the public about
7. in the field of research activities:
a. ensuring better connections between research groups,
b. encouraging greater involvement in international projects,
c. encouraging academic research,
d. providing stable financing for research,
e. ensuring greater access of patients to participation in clinical trials.
8. in the field of informatics:
a. standardisation of health documentation, from clinical history to all test results,
b. ensuring a gradual transition to electronic management of all health documentation
at all levels of CHC,
c. inclusion of the Slovene Cancer Registry in IT.
9. in the field of financial efficiency:
a. monitoring expenditure through the efficient use of IT support.
10. in the field of cooperation with civil society:
a. inclusion of civil society in decision-making processes and shaping of health policy,
b. inclusion of civil society in informing the public and patients about their rights and
11. in the field of coordination and monitoring of NCCP implementation:
a. .appointing the Council for Monitoring NCCP Implementation.
Primary prevention is surely among the most important approaches to effective cancer
control. Through controlling all key risk factors, such as smoking, harmful alcohol
consumption, unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity and obesity, harmful sun exposure and
exposure to carcinogens in work and living environments, 40 % of all cancers could be
Primary prevention works in a very broad manner, as the majority of risk factors for cancer
are common to all chronic diseases. It is important to realise that primary prevention spans
various policies, health promotion activities and prevention programmes, which are targeted
at controlling recognised individual risk factors connected to lifestyle and living and work
Health Promotion
There is a clear need in this field for an increase in personnel in the field of public health,
which would ensure adequate professional support for decision-making in health and other
agencies and thus ensure the concept of health in all policies and reduction of inequalities in
Tasks and Measures:
1. Ensuring the implementation of the concept “health in all policies”,
2. Reducing health inequalities and differences in exposure to risk factors across various
regions and different population groups,
3. Strengthening the field of public health in terms of knowledge and personnel and ensuring
better cooperation between public health professionals, civil society and policy makers,
4. Increasing public knowledge on the connection between cancer and associated risk
5. Producing a comprehensive model for health promotion and education of children and
youth in all phases of development,
6. Providing a uniform system for monitoring the efficiency of all measures in the field of
health promotion and primary prevention, to be based on indicators comparable to those
used in other countries.
Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle can be an important factor in decreasing cancer incidence. In this field,
Slovenia has had several successes, but there is still room for improvement.
In 1996, Slovenia passed the Restriction of the Use of Tobacco Products Act, which had a
key role in reducing the number of smokers. In 2007, Slovenia supplemented this law and
joined the rank of countries with a complete ban on smoking in all indoor public spaces and
in the workplace. Additional measures must still be taken to decrease the number of
Consistent implementation of the Resolution on the National Nutritional Policy Programme
2005-2010 (passed in 2005) and the Republic of Slovenia Government Strategy in the Field
of Physical Activity for Strengthening Health 2007-2012 will contribute to the reduction of the
cancer burden.
Amongst European countries, Slovenia stands out in regards to the harmful effects of
excessive alcohol consumption (liver cirrhosis, alcohol related accidents, etc.). Cancer
(primarily cancer of the mouth, oesophagus and liver) is just one of the harmful effects of
excessive alcohol consumption. Apart from the implementation of the Act Restricting the Use
of Alcohol (Uradni list RS, no. 15/03), a comprehensive policy must be put into place in order
to reduce harmful alcohol consumption and its consequences.
Tasks and Measures:
1. New methods must be put into place to ensure future non-smoker generations; smokers
must be given support in quitting smoking.
2. Regular monitoring of smoking patterns amongst adults and youth by sex must be
continued, as well as ensuring the monitoring of smoking patterns in high-risk groups.
3. Consistent implement of the Restriction of the Use of Tobacco Products Act
(Uradni list RS, no. 93707 –official consolidated text) must be ensured and new measures
must be taken in line with new information on the efficiency of individual measures.
4. The goals set out in the Resolution on the National Nutritional Policy Programme 20052010 and the Republic of Slovenia Government Strategy in the Field of Physical Activity for
Strengthening Health 2007-2012 must be realised.
5. A comprehensive policy and implementation plan for the reduction of harmful alcohol use
must be passed and implemented.
Living and work environments
In Slovenia, there is a lack of information on the types of carcinogens workers are exposed
to and the number of exposed workers. Likewise, there is not enough data on the
concentration of chemical substances in work and living environments. With the exception of
“asbestos studies”, there are no studies in Slovenia exploring the connection between
cancer and exposure to carcinogenic substances in work and living environments. This is
why very few cancers in Slovenia are in practice linked to exposure to chemical substances,
although many of these chemicals are known to cause cancer.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Monitoring of carcinogens present in living environments must be carried out and
measures must be implemented to reduce their presence.
2. A higher level of awareness must be reached in workers, employers, doctors,
professionals and labour inspection officials about the effects of exposure to carcinogens
and what can be done to prevent such exposure.
3. Every organisation must make consistent records regarding their use of carcinogens, their
concentration and the disposal of carcinogen waste products,
4. Adequate technical and other measures must be ensured in order to prevent exposure to
carcinogens in work and living environments.
5. Records must be kept of all locations (places of employment and other locations, illegal
waste dumps and official disposal sites) that have been polluted with carcinogens and plans
should be made for their redevelopment, beginning with planned and professionally led
cleaning activities.
6. Workers who have already been exposed to carcinogens must be adequately protected
and educated, so that their actions will not harm themselves and others.
7. Asbestos polluted locations should be clean uncontaminated by 2013 so that an actual
reduction in the incidence of mesothelioma could be achieved by 2020.
Non-ionising radiation
Because the development of skin cancer (including melanoma) is linked to overexposure to
ultraviolet radiation of both natural and artificial sources, activities must be geared to
reducing exposure to the lowest possible levels and ensuring the timely detection of all
suspicious changes to the skin. As regards other forms of non-ionising radiation (primarily
low-frequency electromagnetic waves), caution should be exercised, although there is
currently not enough information on its carcinogenic properties.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Support and coordination must be given to preventive programmes aimed at various
target groups with the aim of reducing exposure to ultraviolet radiation and early detection of
suspicious skin changes.
2. Heightening surveillance of tanning beds is required as well as increasing public
awareness of the harmful effects of non-ionising radiation. It is also necessary to follow the
latest scientific research on the effects of non-ionising radiation on health and objectively
inform the public.
Ionising radiation
The monitoring of ionising radiation in the workplace is governed by various international and
national regulations. The population is most at risk due to natural sources (radon) and the
non-critical use of diagnostic and therapeutic tools.
Tasks and Measures:
1. The level of exposure of patients in diagnostic and other treatments must be reduced.
2. Doses of radiation received during diagnostic procedures should be recorded in the
clinical record or noted electronically on the patient’s health card.
3. Consistent implementation of the Ionising Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act
(Uradni list RS, no. 102/04 –official consolidated text and 70/08) must be ensured, along
with other regulations monitoring this field.
4. The level of exposure of the population in buildings that house and carry out educational
or cultural programmes (or any buildings where individuals gather for prolonged periods of
time) should be reduced, in line with the above regulations.
Infections linked to cancer
Some infectious diseases, for which vaccines exist, are linked to the development of cancer.
In Slovenia, vaccinations against the Hepatitis B virus and some types of the Human
Papiloma Virus (HPV) are included in the national immunisation programme.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Execution of preventive measures for personal protection against HPV infection,
2. Monitoring of vaccination of target groups against HPV infection.
Treatment of the majority of cancers is more successful if diagnosed at an early stage.
Secondary prevention thus encompasses the early recognition of symptoms by the individual
and the timely diagnosis of changes by the doctor. On one hand, we would like to inform the
public of early symptoms and signs of cancer through health education and on the other,
train doctors to properly diagnose these symptoms as soon as possible. Through organised
screening programmes, that is with the help of simple tests, we uncover pre-invasive or early
invasive forms of cancer in people without clinical problems; these early forms of cancer do
not yet cause clinical problems. The main element of organised screening programmes is
the active invitation of individual population groups to tests, in addition to the monitoring of
programme indicators.
On the basis of current scientific evidence, it is recommended that organised populationbased screening programmes are implemented for cervical cancer (pap smear examination)
in individuals aged 20 – 30, breast cancer (mammography) in individuals aged 50 - 69 and
colorectal cancer (faecal occult blood test) in individuals aged 50 - 74. These programmes
can only be effective if they include at least 70% of the target population.
In Slovenia, the ZORA screening programme (population-based screening for cervical
cancer) has been underway since 2003. The DORA screening programme (populationbased screening for breast cancer) began in 2008. The headquarters for both programmes
is the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, which monitors and assesses the success of the
programmes from data in the screening registries. The headquarters of the SVIT screening
programme (population-based screening for colorectal cancer), which began in 2009, is at
the National Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia.
Cervical Cancer Screening (ZORA programme)
The national ZORA screening programme began in 2003. The programme is implemented
by reproductive health teams – gynaecologists in outpatient clinics, while the coordination,
central information system and monitoring of the programme is executed by the Institute of
Oncology Ljubljana. The success of the programme is attested by the fact that in the period
from 2004 to 2006, almost 70% of women in the age group from 20-64 had their pap smears
examined in a three year period. In 2006, there were 161 new cases of invasive cervical
cancer reported in the cancer registry, which is 23% less than in 2003 (206 new cases), in
2008, there were 130 new cases reported, which is 38% less than in 2003.
Activities in the following years must be aimed at the fulfilment of two objectives, namely that
80% of women in the ages from 20 to 64 have a pap smear examined in a three year period
and that incidence of cervical cancer will fall by 50% based on 2002 values (at most 100 new
Tasks and Measures:
1. It is necessary to implement a network of laboratories for cytopathology and pathology,
which will meet the quality standards of the screening programme.
2. Results of pathology reports must be standardised and a computer database must be
implemented, all laboratories must be connected through a central information system.
3. Gynaecologists must be given direct access to the central database of laboratory results.
Breast Cancer Screening (DORA programme)
An organised screening programme for breast cancer began in 2008 in the Ljubljana region.
It will gradually spread to encompass the entire country. It is planned as a centralised
system with two stationary diagnostic screening units (Ljubljana, Maribor) and mobile units,
which will be equipped with digital mammography sets. Women aged 50 - 69 will be included
in the programme; those with abnormalities in their screening mammography, which will be
reviewed by two additionally trained radiologists, will be invited for further tests and if
necessary, treatment at one of two centres, the Institute of Oncology Ljubljanaor the
University Medical Centre Maribor. Activities in this programme also aim at the fulfilment of
two objectives: inclusion of 80% of women aged 50 - 69 in the organised screening
programme and reduction of mortality from breast cancer in the population participating in
the programme by 30%.
Tasks and Measures:
1. To implement the proposed organisational structure and ensure the implementation of the
organised screening programme across the entire country.
Colorectal Cancer Screening (SVIT programme)
The national screening and early detection programme for colorectal cancer, SVIT, is aimed
at women and men aged 50 - 69. Individuals from the target population will be included in
the programme every two years. The screening procedure is carried out through an
immunochemical test for faecal occult blood, which enables detection of individuals which
may possibly have developed colorectal cancer. Individuals that test positive in the faecal
occult blood test will be invited to a colonoscopy.
As in all organised screening programmes, besides the adequate participation of the target
population in the programme, which must be over 50% (optimally 70%), the precondition for
success is the quality of all segments of the screening programme. Activities will be aimed at
achieving a 50% response rate of those women and men aged 50-69, who must carry out
their first faecal occult blood test, as well as reducing the incidence of colorectal cancer in
the screening population by 25% and reducing mortality from colorectal cancer in the
screening population by around 33%.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Implementation of organised screening across the country and soliciting responses from
those invited to participate in the programme.
Early detection of cancer (not in the framework of national screening
Opportunitistic screening of completely asymptomatic individuals not part of the determined
target groups and organised programmes is not recommended. It is of course necessary,
regardless of age, to find a cause for any changes that could be an early form of cancer this is early detection. All such cases are about discovering the early symptoms that may
indicate the possibility of cancer. The success of such detection is practically equally
dependent on the education of the individual and population as well as the cancer education
of the doctor in the primary healthcare system.
An educated doctor will more easily explain the importance of self-examination to his patient,
as well as better detect the early symptoms of cancer. An informed patient will not hide the
early symptoms. Both must be well informed on modern methods and successful diagnostic
methods and treatment of cancer. Most important in this process is good communication
between both, which must be based on modern medical findings. The role of the family
doctor or general practitioner in early detection of cancer is important due to the fact that
they are aware (or should be aware) of the individual’s family history of cancer, social
background, social status, psychosocial state (excessive stress), habit forming behaviours
(alcohol, smoking), dietary habits, exposure to carcinogens during work and other risk
factors. All the above information must be noted in the documentation, so that upon the
appearance of suspicious symptoms, they can be connected to one another.
The above measures should help achieve a rise in the number of patients with localised
illness by 10% in the following years, due to successful early detection (not in the framework
of screening programmes).
Early detection of cancer at the primary level spans all the most common forms of cancer
which are not included in organised screening programmes. These are: colorectal and
breast cancer (for those individuals not included in screening programmes), skin cancer,
lung cancer, cancers of the ENT area and urological cancers. Select gynaecologists are
responsible for gynaecological cancers. Doctors at the primary level must be well acquainted
with warning signs of illness and referral to diagnostic centres. Since early diagnosis tasks
cannot be separated from other activities at the primary level, they are listed together with
the OHC tasks at the primary level in the next chapter.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Implementation of planned training for general practitioners and other primary level
doctors on early detection of cancer,
2. Informing the public about the early symptoms of cancer.
The diagnostics and treatment process of cancer is usually complex and demands the
cooperation of a number of medical and healthcare services. Apart from cell-tissue
specialists, imaging diagnostics and several surgery subspecialisations , treatment can also
involve gynaecologists, haematologists, pulmonologists, dermatologists, neurologists,
paediatricians, psychiatrists, ophthalmologists and others. Modern treatment of cancer
cannot occur without radiotherapy specialists completely trained for oncology (radiation
therapy) and oncology internists (systemic treatment). Such an approach is
multidisciplinary in nature. If fields and activities such as psycho-oncology, pharmacy,
nutritional science, rehabilitation and nursing, which can add to the quality and success of
treatment, are also included, then we may speak of a multiprofessional approach.
The tertiary level of treatment for cancer patients in Slovenia consists of connections between
several specialist activities of the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana (IOL), University Medical
Centre Ljubljana (UKC LJ), University Medical Centre Maribor (UKC MB) and the University
Clinic of Pulmonary and Allergic Diseases Golnik (KOPA) and also includes the
Pathomorphological Institute of the Medical Faculty of Ljubljana (MFLJ). The connections
between the above institutions provide the most modern diagnostics, multidisciplinary
treatment, modern methods of combined treatment, professional healthcare services,
various counselling options and hospital palliative care. These activities, which together act
as a comprehensive cancer centre, are executed only in the greater Ljubljana region. The
other applicable term in this section is a regional oncology centre, which according to the
WHO definition, must at least include independent radiotherapy and medical oncology
departments. However, it is not rational to duplicate activities at a tertiary level in Slovenia.
The secondary level of treatment for cancer patients in Slovenia is executed in 15 general and
specialised hospitals. Currently, a general organisational and professional criterion for these
hospitals does not exist. A multidisciplinary approach prior to the patient’s first treatment is
made possible in some hospitals with the help of an organised consultation service in
conjunction with IOL or other tertiary institutions. Primary level treatment is not recorded in
the Slovene Cancer Registry, as patients from this level are generally referred to treatment
at the secondary or tertiary levels. There is data however which shows that 880 cancer
cases (8% of all treated cases in Slovenia) were diagnosed in 2004 outside the framework of
secondary and tertiary level institutions, of these 402 (46%) of patients were referred to IOL.
In Slovenia, diagnostics and treatment of circa 60% of cancer patients is executed in four
medical institutions at the tertiary level (three of these are in the greater Ljubljana area and
one in Maribor). In recent years, the need for the best possible expert treatment of patients
has brought about a concentration of diagnostics and treatment for thyroid and testicular
cancer, soft-tissue sarcomas, melanoma, malignant lymphoma and rare tumours. Since then
and despite some remaining unresolved issues, we have matched or even exceeded the
European average as measured in international studies of cancer patient survival in Europe
(for example, EUROCARE IV). In a broader sense, we can also add lung cancer patients as
having concentrated treatment, although the need for improvement in organising imaging
diagnostics and non-surgical treatment methods ensures that lung cancer patients are still
not being offered equal access to treatment. Treatment of patients with common forms of
cancer, such as breast and colorectal cancer, is too scattered and occurs in numerous
hospitals. Due to unequal conditions for implementing diagnostics and treatment, this can
only be said to be valid for urological and gynaecological cancers as well as non-melanoma
skin cancer.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Within the framework of options available in Slovene public health, all citizens that have
been diagnosed with cancer must be allowed access to treatment of equal quality at all
healthcare levels.
2. All cancer patients in Slovenia must be given a better chance of survival, as well as the
possibility for a higher quality of life.
3. Objectives will only be achieved through expert monitoring on the basis of uniform health
documentation, which will also allow for a quality comparison of various healthcare levels.
4. Patients must be given access to data comparing the treatment quality of various medical
3.2 Cancer diagnostics by fields
The process of diagnostics and treatment of cancer patients includes several specialists,
which join to form multidisciplinary teams. The success of the team is based on:
-the training of the specialists and cooperation between them,
-their equipment and human resources.
3.2.1 Cell-tissue and molecular diagnostics
This is the only type of diagnostics that enables a diagnosis of malignancy and accurate
determination of the type of cancer; the examination of the surgical sample allows for a more
accurate determination of cancer stage and determines several prognostic factors, which all
affect the selection and order of treatment methods. In Slovenia, histopathological and
cytopathological diagnostics are carried out in various departments of medical institutions
(IOL, UKC MB, Celje, Izola, Nova Gorica, Novo Mesto, Slovenj Gradec, Murska Sobota and
the Gynaelogical Clinic at UKC LJ), and at the Diagnostic Centre Bled and at the Pathology
Institute at MFLJ, which is not a health institution. An actual concentration of diagnostics has
only come about for types of cancers where treatment is carried out in specifically defined
institutions (lymphomas, hemathologic malignancies, paediatric cancer, germ cell cancer,
cancer of soft tissues and bones and thyroid cancer). For some forms of cancer (lung
cancer, cancer of the central nervous system and ENT), cell-tissue diagnostics are more or
less concentrated, for other cancers, diagnostics are scattered as they follow the
implementation of surgical activities. This is why the quality of results also varies.
Diagnostics directly affects the decision to select an expensive new drug, which is why the
scattering of specialists and necessary equipment across numerous departments needlessly
increases treatment costs. If the secondary level cannot ensure the necessary direct
cooperation between cyto- and histopathologists, diagnostic imaging specialists and
specialists in surgical fields, then the development of oncology activities is not worthwhile.
The execution of expensive tests, which require specialised equipment and high levels of
required expertise, is best concentrated at the tertiary level.
Tasks and Measures:
1. The most modern equipment and diagnostics with dedicated personnel must be
concentrated in three tertiary institutions in Slovenia (MFLJ, IOL and UKC MB) at most. It is
necessary to evaluate consultant activities; pathology departments in tertiary institutions
must have the possibility of archiving frozen tissue samples.
2. Cancer oriented diagnostics at the secondary level should operate in the framework of
multidisciplinary teams and on the basis of organ systems for which the hospital will also
carry out diagnostic imaging and operative treatment, in the framework of CHC
authorisation. In this regard, the exception is the execution of aspirational and exfoliative
cytological diagnostics.
3.2.2 Diagnostic Imaging
The role of diagnostic imaging in the framework of OHC is primarily to determine locoregional and systemic spread of the disease and consequently the operability and to monitor
the efficacy of tratment. The epidemiology of cancer in Slovenia dictates also the need for an
oncological orientation in the field of diagnostic imaging. This refers to radiological imaging
(x-ray, ultrasound, CT, MRI), nuclear medicine imaging (scintigraphy, PET) and combined
imaging (PET-CT). Purchase of equipment in this field must be premised on expert and
economic bases. At the primary level it is necessary to carry out a basic x-ray and
ultrasound diagnostic scan to ensure the patient’s preparedness for surgery. Imaging
diagnostics, which determines the stage and operability of cancer and is often connected to
interventions (biopsies, injection of catheters) can at the second level only be carried out by
trained specialists. Directed, complex and expensive tests within specific organ systems can
be found at the tertiary level, which are directly connected to therapeutic fields (for example,
PET-CT scans in the assessment of therapeutic effects and planning of radiotherapy,
therapeutic procedures connected to nuclear medicine, diagnostics of unseen changes and
sentinel lymph nodes, rare tumour oriented diagnostics, MRI in connection with
brachyradiotherapy, execution of stereotactic radiotherapy and radiofrequency ablation).
Tasks and Measures:
1. A more detailed definition of the range of diagnostic imaging at the primary level of CHC is
necessary, which must be also be included in updated guidelines.
2. Oncology oriented diagnostics at the secondary level should operate in the framework of
multidisciplinary teams and on the basis of organ systems for which the hospital will also
carry out diagnostic imaging and surgical treatment, in the framework of CHC authorisation.
The activity must follow guidelines of a multidisciplinary nature. Clinical pathways must be
put in place for the most common forms of cancer.
3. It is necessary to prepare and finance a post-specialist educational programme of
oncology in the fields of ultrasound, CT and MRI scans for radiologists, who will be carrying
out oncological activity at the secondary level in future. Hospitals carrying out activities in the
framework of CHC must be equipped with digital technology and adequate information
systems. The quality of the test execution must be uniform at all institutions, as should the
recording of the test results in electronic format.
4. It is necessary to provide a unified overview of waiting periods for CT and MRI scans for
all operators in the framework of the public health system (including concession operators)
and thus ensure cancer patients timely access to diagnostics.
5. The purchase and implementation of equipment for CT and MRI diagnostics must follow
professionally sound principles. The Expanded Professional Collegium for Radiology must,
on the basis of current needs, provide a five year needs assessment for CT and MRI
diagnostics in oncology. Apart from designating in advance the number of machines and the
place of installation, adequately trained professionals must also be provided. The same is
valid for further installation of PET-CT diagnostics.
3.2.3 Endoscopic diagnostics
This method of diagnostics, which simultaneously enables the removal of tissue for
diagnostis and an assessment of local operability, is mainly overlooked in planning needs of
CHC. It is carried out by surgeons (abdominal, thoracic, urological and ENT orientations)
and internists (gastroenterologists and pulmonologists), gynaecologists and radiotherapists.
Tasks and Measures:
1. In treatment guidelines for specific cancer types, it is necessary to determine which
specialists and which institutions should carry out endoscopic diagnostics of cancer.
3.3 Treatment of cancer patients by field
3.3.1 Initial treatment of cancer patients
The most important element for the successful treatment of cancer is the initial treatment.
The first treatment must be planned by a multidisciplinary team, which must record their
conclusions in the form of standardised documentation. All team reports must be collected in
a common national database – the Slovene Cancer Registry.
Tasks and Measures:
1. The first treatment of all cancer patients must be in accordance with accepted guidelines
and must be planned by multidisciplinary teams.
2. Documentation from multidisciplinary treatment must be standardised and provided to the
Slovene Cancer Registry.
3.3.2 Surgical activities
The role of the modern cancer surgeon is as an equal member of a multidisciplinary team;
together with professionals from complementary fields (diagnostics, radiotherapists, medical
oncologists), they cooperate in all aspects of treatment of the cancer patient – prevention,
diagnostics, treatment, monitoring and palliative care. Surgical treatment of cancer in
Slovenia is currently organised in diverse ways. For some years, certain types of cancer
have been operated on in a concentrated manner only in the larger centres (both University
Clinical Centres, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana). Usually these are relatively rare tumours
(annual incidence of around 100 new cases in Slovenia) with a specific localisation. The
results of treatment of these demanding types of cancer are already comparable to those
across Europe. Surgeons from surgery departments across Slovenia operate on other types
of more common cancers (annual incidence over 1,000 new cases) – these are mainly
breast cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer and skin cancer. Unfortunately, Slovenia
does not currently have treatment guidelines and clinical pathways for the majority of
cancers; where guidelines do exist, we do not have surveillance over their implementation.
Due to differences in surgical knowledge and experience as well as differences in other
activities (diagnostics, pre and post-operative treatment and healthcare), results of treatment
across different hospitals (regions) in Slovenia vary greatly. Unfortunately, the consequence
is an approximately 15% lower five-year survival rate of Slovene patients with these types of
cancers (EUROCARE-IV study).Because this lower survival rate affects more patients with
cancer types for which treatment is not concentrated, this worse treatment affects the overall
success rate of cancer treatment in Slovenia, which does not match the levels found in
developed Europe.
Along with special knowledge of surgical procedures, surgical oncology must also
encompass knowledge of various diagnostic, clinical, supporting and reconstructive and
rehabilitative medical procedures, which ensure the patient survival under the best possible
Tasks and Measures:
1. All cancer patients in Slovenia must be allowed professional and quality surgical treatment
and have equal access to surgical treatment of comparable quality.
2. The tertiary level of cancer surgical activity must prepare, in association with other fields,
the guidelines currently lacking for treatment of some of the common forms of cancer (skin
carcinoma, colorectal carcinoma, prostate carcinoma and breast carcinoma).
3. The tertiary level is responsible for preparing basic instructions for the production of
clinical pathways for surgical treatment of the most common forms of cancer.
4. On the basis of gathered data, it is necessary to reduce the overall number of hospitals at
the secondary level carrying out cancer surgery in future.
5. On the basis of such a future organisation of cancer surgery, it will be possible to link the
forming network of multidisciplinary consultations and medical oncology activities, as well as
execute and organise the comprehensive rehabilitation and palliative care of patients.
6. Tertiary institutions should carry out the treatment of rare cancers (alongside some
secondary activities), as well as the most complex surgical procedures and training of
surgeons, who will specialise in carrying out oncology activities.
3.3.3 Radiotherapy
The Institute of Oncology Ljubljana (IOL) is currently the only health institution in Slovenia
that includes a department of radiotherapy in its organisational structure, along with the
corresponding equipment and systems for the preparation, planning, execution and quality
control of irradiation with ionising radiation. Irradiation is used to treat 50% or more of all
cancer patients. It is an efficient method of cancer treatment, for both curative purposes (with
the aim to cure) and palliative purposes (with the aim to improve symptoms). This area
encompasses the fields of teleradiotheraphy (TRT) and brachyradiotheraphy (BRT), which
both require special equipment, which must be installed in dedicated areas that meet the
safety criteria of legislation governing ionising radiation. The initial investment of building
dedicated spaces and purchasing dedicated equipment is large, but the spaces can serve
their purpose for decades and individual irradiation machines have a lifespan of around 12
years. The operation of the radiotheraphy department demands not only a team of
healthcare staff (radiotheraphy specialists, radiology engineers and nurses), but also a team
of radiophysicists and electroengineers, who work together to plan treatment and ensure the
technical quality of equipment. Specific issues in the field of radiotheraphy (RT) in Slovenia
-realistic economic calculation of costs for carrying out radiotherapy treatment,
-mid-term plan for renovation and expansion of radiotherapy in Slovenia,
- timely acquisition of human resources;
-ensuring a multidisciplinary approach in the framework of CHC in Slovenia.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Prices for healthcare services in RT must be fixed and must be based on realistic
economic estimates and in addition to staff costs also include depreciation costs and
maintenance costs for irradiation machines.
2. The Oncology Centre in Maribor urgently requires the creation of a radiotherapy
department and a plan for personnel needs.
3. It is necessary to complete construction and equipment of the RT department at the IOL
(upgrade of the logistics centre and placement of two additional accelerators).
4. The work of multidisciplinary consultation teams must be financially planned as an
additional specialist activity.
5. In the future, it is necessary to provide uniform documentation of RT execution in
electronic format, which will ensure the uniform collection of data and monitoring in the event
of various providers.
3.3.4 Systemic Treatment of Cancer
In contrast to surgical and irradiation treatment, whose anatomic effects are primarily locoregional, systemic treatment generally affects the patient’s entire organism. Systemic
treatment of cancer includes cytostatic treatment or chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and
targeted therapy (some biological and small-molecule drugs). Specialists prescribing
systemic drugs for cancer patients must also have knowledge for treating symptoms of the
illness as well as unwanted side effects of the therapy, in addition to palliative care. The
need for the ever more specific knowledge of therapists in this field has brought about the
development of medical oncology as an independent field, which is an integral part of the
multidisciplinary treatment of cancer patients today. When planning systemic treatment,
medical oncologists must cooperate with several experts: pathologists, radiologists,
surgeons, radiotherapists, pharmacists and nursing professionals. Because this is a new
field, they must also participate in training and clinical trials.
A professional and high quality execution of systemic treatment must include a team of
specifically trained experts: medical oncologists, who prescribe drugs, nurses and
technicians specialised in working in departments/units and clinics for medical oncology and
pharmacists, who take care of the drug supply and its management. The demand for
systemic treatment of cancer is increasing each year. In the past five years, the number of
patients receiving systemic treatment at IOL has increased by 50%. Because the majority of
systemic treatment takes place in clinics and/or day hospitals, the capacity of IOL will not be
able to maintain the further concentration of systemic treatment of cancer patients.
Tasks and Measures:
1. An Expanded Professional Collegium must be created for the systemic treatment of
cancer, which is key to improving systemic cancer treatment in Slovenia.
2. Uniform documentation for carrying out systemic treatment must be created in an
electronic format, which will enable the central collection of data and monitoring.
3. A specialist network, which has already been planned, must begin operating as soon as
possible in the field of systemic cancer treatment. Until the completion of training of medical
oncologists, these activities should be carried out by internists with additional training in
select hospitals. Medical oncologists must be educated and employed in accordance with
the approved network at the Medical Chamber of Slovenia (36 specialists by 2015). Nurses
must be trained and employed simultaneously.
4. Tertiary institutions must establish a centralised preparation of anti-tumour parenteral
solutions (implementation of the Slovene quality standards in the field on oncology pharmacy
5. The tertiary level in the field of systemic treatment (introduction of new drugs, pedagogical
activity and clinical research) remains the domain of IOL and oncology oriented clinical
departments of tertiary institutions.
6. A unit for clinical trials (for execution of Phase 1 and Phase 2 clinical trials) must be
established at IOL within the Division for Medical Oncology.
3.3.5 Oncology Pharmacotherapy
The rational and economically efficient use of drugs is the primary goal of every healthcare
system. For the purpose of the health system, Outcomes Research is being carried out,
namely pharmaco-epidemiological and pharmaco-economic research with implementation of
their results in clinical practice (evidence- based clinical practice). All of the above practices
are already taking place in Slovenia, but until now, they have not been fully recognised and
have not received a systemic placement in the healthcare system. The professional potential
that clinical pharmacists and healthcare workers can provide to clinical practice as well as
the healthcare system, has not yet been utilised in Slovenia. The use of knowledge in the
fields of pharamco-epidemiology and pharmaco-economics is also unutilised potential,
primarily when making systemic decisions in regards to rationalising and optimising
treatment strategies and the efficient use of available funds.
Tasks and Measures:
1. A clinical pharmacist in the field of oncology must be included in practice within the
multidisciplinary team of experts. The initial implementation should take place as a pilot
project from 2010-2012 with evaluation of the realistic possibilities of including a clinical
pharmacist in the oncology field.
2. Groups of pharmacists within pharmacies should be established for executing tasks of
clinical pharmacy in IOL departments and departments of all tertiary and secondary
institutions carrying out systemic cancer treatment.
3. Research is needed on therapeutic outcomes for individual types of cancer.
4. The economic efficiency of cancer treatment protocols, current as well as new, must be
determined (field of pharmaco-economics).
3.3.6 Nutritional Treatment
One of the main fields of treatment for cancer patients is nutrition. By providing the patient
with adequate and custom tailored nutrition, the patient’s metabolism is supported in the time
of illness and treatment. The evidence-based conclusions from this field of medicine have
shown that the best solution for an efficient nutritional therapy is a multidisciplinary team
approach. Undernourishment can be critically reduced by the adequate nutritional support of
hospitalised and out-patient patients. Because adequate individual nutritional support and
treatment, which ensures the fulfilment of the patient’s nutritional needs, importantly affects
the treatment outcome, it is the right of every patient to have nutritional treatment provided in
the period of hospitalisation.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Nutritional therapy must be accessible to all cancer patients who require it and at all levels
of treatment.
2. A specialist for nutrition (clinical dietician) must be included in the multidisciplinary
oncological team.
3. Patients must have free access to enteral and artificial feeding at home and to medical
aids for nutritional treatment.
3.3.7 Genetic Counselling
In an accurate family history in cancer patients, we discover that 25 – 30% of all cancer
patients have a positive family history. In these cases, we may speak of a familial form of
cancer. Approximately one third of cancer patients with a positive family history have a socalled hereditary form of cancer. Today we are familiar with over 30 different tumour
suppressor genes or proto-oncogenes, which cause various types of hereditary cancer or
their syndromes. The common characteristic of all hereditary cancers is a typical family
history. In all patients with hereditary forms of cancer, genetic counselling should be
undertaken, which should always include the entire family.
In Slovenia we currently have a well organised genetic counselling service and testing for
four types of hereditary cancer: hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer and familial adenomatous polyposis colorectal cancer, hereditary
malignant melanoma and medullary thyroid cancer in the framework of multiple endocrine
neoplasia type II (MEN II).
Aside from the group at IOL, genetic testing for hereditary colorectal cancer is also
undertaken by the group at the Medical Faculty – Department for Molecular Pathology,
which lacks a key element of treatment for these high-risk patients – genetic counselling.
Tasks and Measures:
1. All forms of hereditary cancer must be adequately treated. For this reason, all doctor
profiles (primary, secondary and tertiary levels) which come in contact with cancer patients
must be able to set a clinical diagnosis of hereditary cancer upon basic criteria in the family
history. In all cases where hereditary cancer is suspected or diagnosed, oncological genetic
counselling must be undertaken.
2. Genetic counselling and testing should be executed at the IOL; an appropriate payment
for counselling services and tests should be ensured.
3.3.8 Management of Side Effects of Oncology Treatment
Over the past decade, aggressive oncology treatment, which encompasses surgery,
irradiation and systemic treatment, has proven to be particularly effective in treating some
forms of cancer that occur in childhood and adolescents. Due to the greater possibility of
later side effects, which are demonstrated by worsening function of individual organs and
psychic troubles, which lead to various levels of disability and even to newly developed
treatment-related cancers, this problem must be given special attention. A smaller portion of
cancer patients are affected by this, but due to the greater possibilities of a cure, this
represents an ever greater portion of overall cancer prevalence.
Tasks and Measures:
1. A Center for Management of Side Effects of Oncology Treatment must be established in
the framework of IOL as a tertiary activity.
2. Funds must be provided for the operation of the Center for Management of Side Effects of
Oncology Treatment.
3.3.9 Psycho-oncological Treatment of Cancer Patients
The illness of cancer takes a firm hold on the life of the individual and their family and not
only in the field of bodily functioning. Dramatic changes occur overall – in the areas of bodily,
psychological and social functioning. At least 50% of patients suffer due to symptoms
connected with the stressful circumstances of their illness and its treatment, including
feelings of anxiety, irritability, demoralisation and depression. Many develop serious
psychopathological states, such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Psychological distress can lead to worse cooperation of the patient in treatment, a lower
quality of life, a larger perception of pain, a greater suicidal tendency, etc.
Psycho-oncological treatment includes interventions, whose goal is to lessen the effect of
cancer on emotional experiences and improve the capability of the patient to meet the
demands of the illness, its treatment and the changed lifestyle due to cancer. Studies have
shown that psychosocial treatment as part of the standard care for a patient and their family
lowers psychological and psychosocial morbidity connected to cancer and improves quality
of life during and after treatment. This is why it is necessary to develop a system for early
detection of psychological distress, as well as individual and group psychotherapeutic
treatments, as well as psycho-pharmacotherapy.
An important professional component of psychosocial support, which all healthcare workers
treating cancer patients must respect, is the development of adequate communications skills
for patients in stressful life situations.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Psychosocial treatment must be a standard component of treatment for cancer patients
and/or their families at all levels of treatment and rehabilitation.
2. Specific psycho-oncological interventions (psychotherapy, psychopharmacology) must be
developed as a standard element of treatment of cancer patients and their families.
3. Cancer patients in need of psycho-oncological professional support should be actively
4. An adequate number of professional staff (such as clinical psychologists, social workers,
psychiatrists, etc.) must be on hand for the psychosocial treatment of cancer patients and
their families at the tertiary, secondary and primary levels.
5. Psycho-oncological content must be included in the training process of all health workers.
3.4 Oncology Nursing
Oncology nursing is one of the more important elements of the healthcare system. Today’s
reality is that a large number of patients are treated in oncology centres or units (IOL and
individual units within the other tertiary institutions in Slovenia) and in other secondary-level
health establishments. However, the inpatient duration of stay is short. Treatment is
becoming acute and is carried out in clinics and day hospitals with increasing amounts of
oral medication. The latter has caused a shift in oncology nursing from hospitals to home
environments, where the ability to provide oncology nursing is limited. These changes
demand the development of a flexible workforce in the framework of oncology nursing. The
majority of specialised (oncology) nursing is connected with tertiary institutions, but
execution of nursing is in many cases carried out at secondary or primary healthcare levels.
Nursing must therefore be focused on the needs of the patients and must not be limited by
the boundaries of traditional nursing and individual health fields. Multidisciplinary work is vital
to successful nursing.
In the light of the above statements, oncology nursing must go beyond the existing
boundaries of organisation and individual disciplines. The needs of patients must be central
in developing oncology nursing; this must form the practical framework for clinical practice.
Both must be accelerated with the help of:
-lifelong education and training, which includes undergraduate education, specialisation in
oncology nursing (postgraduate education) and vocational education and training;
-research, which will ensure trustworthy evidence and the development of a research base.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Oncology nursing must be based on the direct needs of patients, which is why key
medical-technical and nursing procedures, performed by nurses, must be standardised at
the level of process and aids needed for work.
2. The need for education and training of nurses for oncology nursing at the secondary and
primary levels must be a priority of cancer health policy. Educational programmes must be
refined; specific measures are listed in the section on education.
3.5 Alternative and Complementary Medicine
In the field of CHC, the Slovene National Cancer Control Programme advocates only the
execution of activities with an evidence.based and measurable effect. Clinical studies must
be carried out only in the framework of highly controlled procedures of official clinical
oncology. Some complementary methods (for example, acupuncture, relaxation methods)
are already gradually being included in some rehabilitation and palliative programmes, as
they serve only to supplement official medicine and not compete with it.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Verified complementary treatment must be included in the services of compulsory health
2. The general public must be made aware of the dangers and risks of alternative treatment.
3.6 Tasks of Various Healthcare Levels in the Field of Cancer Control
The primary tasks of CHC in treating cancer patients are interconnected among various
service providers and span the following:
3.6.1 Tasks of CHC at the Primary Level
The rights of cancer patients and the duties of doctors, at the primary level are not welldefined. In some aspects, patients have generous rights (year-long referrals and rights to
transport), while the role of the general practitioner during and after treatment is not
specifically defined. The blame for the undefined relationship between doctor and patient
should not be given to the doctors themselves, as they exert the maximum amount of effort
in their work. Various systemic reasons are to blame, which show that the educational and
overall healthcare system has neglected the importance of specific treatment of cancer
patients at the primary level. Some of the reasons are: education in clinical oncology during
specialisation is modest (1 month), education in oncology is not specially required when
extending licenses, the role of primary level healthcare is not defined in the accepted
guidelines, documentation of individuals which have or may have cancer is not especially
undertaken or recorded, communication between the general practitioner and the oncologist
occurs mainly through referrals, year-long referrals to oncologists lessen the role of the
general practitioner, the method of referral of the patient to rehabilitation from primary level is
not professionally defined, the inclusion of the primary level in palliative care is mainly
Patients are increasingly more informed and so demand more responsibility from general
practitioners and family doctors. For now, complaints (and lawsuits) filed by patients are still
primarily aimed at specialists in oncology treatment. In future, patients will increasingly
become aware of the role of their family doctors and general practitioners.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Education and training required for extension of licenses at the primary level must
dedicate 20% of its curriculum to the field of oncology.
2. In the framework of unifying medical information systems, a common portal must be set
up providing patient documentation from primary level healthcare, on the basis of which time
intervals from first symptoms to diagnosis can be tracked.
3. Regular monitoring of early detection at primary level must be undertaken and must be
displayed as a reduction of advanced stage cancers upon diagnosis.
4. The reasons behind a large proportion of patients with advanced stage illness upon
diagnosis must be investigated.
5. The tasks of the primary level during and after treatment must be included in the
guidelines for diagnostics and treatment of various types of cancer, including guidelines for
supporting treatment.
6. A costs analysis must be made of the rights of oncology patients to transport to health
examinations and treatment, in order to find the most rational solutions.
3.6.2 Tasks of CHC at the Secondary Level
The execution of oncology activities at the secondary level is currently the decision of the
management of the hospital and/or left up to individual therapists. This type of execution of
oncology activities in Slovenia leads to a lack of transparency and causes inequalities in the
access of patients to quality services. Conditions must be created in which patients will
receive the same high quality services of diagnostics, specific and palliative cancer care in
all institutions at the secondary level.
Guidelines for Development of CHC at the Secondary Level
Only treatment of the most common cancer types is adeqate at the secondary level: skin
cancer (non-melanoma), colorectal cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer and gynaecological
and urological cancers. Thus in the future, it is unlikely that oncology activities will be carried
out in more hospitals than the present. On the contrary, good traffic connections and short
distances between large cities in Slovenia must be utilised so that high quality treatment will
be available in fewer hospitals, which will have an adequate number of professionally trained
staff and adequate equipment to carry out oncology activities.
To this purpose, providers of CHC at the secondary level will in future have to fulfil the
following requirements:
- the annual number of diagnostic and surgical cases must exceed 150 patients for each of
the more common forms of cancer,
- common and uniform health documentation in electronic format must be provided with
electronic transmission of data to the Slovene Cancer Registry,
-all specialists taking part in oncology activities will have to obtain a recognised additional
form of education in the field of oncology,
- each hospital must organise weekly multidisciplinary consultations with the help of in-house
or visiting experts (for example, radiotherapists) for each of the treated forms of cancer,
either in the form of face to face meetings or teleconferences,
- the hospital must ensure basic conditions for execution of standard methods of systemic
treatment as regards preparation of drugs (pharmacy) and its applications (healthcare) in
clinics and hospitals,
- the hospital must provide nutritional treatment and treatment of complications,
- following treatment, the hospital must carry out periodic routine examinations of the patient,
-the hospital must take care of the rehabilitation of the patient after treatment,
-the hospital must offer the patient palliative care in the event of terminal illness.
The above criteria indicate that oncology activities to the extent required will not be able to
be carried out in numerous hospitals. In Slovenia, at most 3-4 hospitals should carry out
oncology activities in addition to tertiary institutions. In future, it seems prudent to develop
oncology activities in Celje and Nova Gorica, as well as Maribor, in the field of urological
cancers in Slovenj Gradec as well. Patients will definitely not be deprived due to this
reduction, as past unsuccessful treatment of common forms of cancer, attributable to the
excessive fragmentation of professionals across the country, shows. The larger number of
patients, who must currently travel to IOL in Ljubljana daily or monthly for standard
supplementary treatment, would even have their travel times cut by this measure. Common
medical documentation will enable the expanded collection of data for the cancer registry
and also allow for professional surveillance, which until now has been practically impossible.
Tasks and Measures:
1. A specific regulation on the execution of oncology activity at the secondary level must
determine the conditions and extent of treatment in this field (primarily multidisciplinary
treatment and training of the entire team).
2. The secondary level must also carry out regular routine examinations of patients which
have been primarily treated at their institution.
3. A system must be put in place for data entry of the number of patients which receive
access to multidisciplinary treatment at the secondary level.
4. The registering of treatment in an individual hospital should separate patients in terms of
organ system and according to whether they have been solely diagnosed or have also been
primarily treated at the hospital (operated on).
5. In the field of diagnostic imaging, a common waiting list for CT and MRI scans should be
put into place in Slovenia, which will allow cancer patients timely access to diagnostics.
6. Diagnostic and surgical specialists at the secondary level, who primarily deal with
oncology, should be given additional training in tertiary institutions. The length and form of
the training should be determined by the Expanded Professional Collegium, the importance
of such training which falls under the framework of continuous medical education (CME)
must be determined by the Medical Chamber of Slovenia.
7. In organising the specialist network in the field of systemic treatment, it is necessary to
provide for equipment, personnel and financing of drugs to the extent anticipated in the midterm plans. The coordination of this field, which is increasingly important for organisational
and professional aspects, can only be provided by the establishment of an Expanded
Professional Collegium for Medical Oncology, which must include paediatric oncology and
8. It is urgent to unify CHC documentation, which will enable transmission of data to the
Cancer Registry electronically. Health institutions must also be electronically connected so
that they will be able to hold teleconferences. These connections must adhere to strict
regulation in the field of personal data protection.
9. Multiprofessional teams should be established in the field of palliative care in hospitals at
the secondary level that will provide comprehensive treatment of cancer patients.
3.6.3 Tasks of CHC at Tertiary Level
Data from the Slovene Cancer Registry shows that around 60% of patients are treated in
tertiary institutions. This data show anly the proportion of patients treated in tertiary
instiutions, which does not also mean that they receive service of the highest quality that is
exclusive to the tertiary level. The tertiary level carries out too many of the services of the
secondary level and the secondary level carries out too many of the services which could be
carried out by the primary level. This process can only be salvaged by the tertiary level
taking on its role. The secondary level must begin carrying out standard methods of
(systemic) treatment as soon as possible and the primary level must be included in
organised CHC. Activities falling under the tertiary level in the field of oncology are:
- the Slovene Cancer Registry, which must become the foundational activity of tertiarylevel CHC,
- functioning and monitoring of multidisciplinary teams for all cancer types,
- creation and regular updating of national guidelines for diagnostis and treatment of
- execution of the most complex methods of diagnostics and treatment,
- implementation of new forms of treatment,
- undergraduate and postgraduate education in the field of medicine and nursing,
- execution of basic, translational and clinical research in the field of cancer,
- carrying out publicity activities and organising conferences, seminars,
- cooperation with international associations and institutions,
- cooperation with health policy makers and civil society.
Tasks and Measures:
1. The current role of the Slovene Cancer Registry, which also participates in the execution
and monitoring of two screening programmes, must be expanded and a greater role must be
provided in terms of its capacity to review oncology activity in Slovenia and consequently
provide professional surveillance.
2. Multidisciplinary treatment must be carried out for the majority of patients, in
multidisciplinary teams with team consultations; this should also be financially assessed.
3. Guidelines for the most common forms of cancer must be created, regular updating and
monitoring of implementation of the guidelines in practice must also be ensured. Expanded
Professional Collegiums must have a greater role in this than in the past.
4. Complex diagnostic and therapeutic procedures should be carried out and new activities
implemented, pedagogic and research work in the framework of CHC should also be carried
The prognosis for the majority of cancers is improving, which is why it is increasingly
important to provide all cancer patients the best possible opportunity to function well in the
future and a decent life. Increasing amounts of patients survive cancer, but the
consequences of their disease and/or treatment poses obstacles in their everyday lives.
Rehabilitation measures should be put in place from the beginning of treatment to end of life.
The patient’s self-respect and overall physical and mental wellbeing must be preserved as
long as possible through the aid of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is (primarily) directed at the
improvement of the patient’s quality of life and is not (only) aimed at increasing lifespan.
According to rough estimates, approximately 50% of cancer patients require rehabilitation;
its aim is reducing the adverse effects of illness and side effects of cancer treatment,
encouraging the patient to take a more active approach in their treatment, strengthening of
the patient’s faculties, self-trust, helping patients’ families to understand their needs and
changing the attitude to cancer in the social environment.
Through appropriate programmes, the goals of comprehensive rehabilitation are to:
 reduce the adverse physical and mental effects of illness and treatment, while
teaching new behavioural patterns and equipping patients with adequate tools,
 improve conditions in the wider social environment, which will alleviate social
integration for the patient (for example, reducing stereotypes, support programmes
for continuation of schooling, employment, etc.),
 improve the quality of life and achieve integration into the social environment: school,
family, workplace.
Guidelines for Development in the Field of Comprehensive Rehabilitation
When planning, we must take into account the bio-psychosocial approach, which underlines
the need for comprehensive rehabilitation at all three levels of healthcare. Rehabilitation
must be added to cancer healthcare guidelines.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Establishment of a multidisciplinary group of experts from all healthcare levels and
from the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia with the aim to prepare guidelines and
programmes for the comprehensive rehabilitation of all cancer patients (physically,
psychosocially, and professionally) with specifically defined individual programme
2. Providing conditions for the clinical development of rehabilitation teams for cancer
patients in the University Rehabilitation Institute of the Republic of Slovenia.
3. Health workers participating in the diagnostics, treatment and management of cancer
patients, as well as members of disability committees of the Pension and Disability
Insurance Institute of the Republic of Slovenia and health committees of the Health
Insurance Institute of Slovenia (committees on health sanatoriums, sick leave, aids,
etc.) must obtain additional education in the field of cancer patient rehabilitation.
Electronic records must hold data important for rehabilitation purposes.
Additional skills for the rehabilitation of oncology patients must be included in
specialisation programmes for physical and rehabilitative medicine and all other
programmes that include treatment of cancer patients.
Health sanatoriums that candidate for cancer patient rehabilitation programmes (in
tenders with specifications) must provide adequately trained staff.
A special study should be undertaken to assess the current situation and determine
the specific need for measures to provide a better quality of life for cancer patients.
20–30 % of all physical therapy and occupational therapy must be executed at the
patient’s home. Such treatment must be carried out by all providers within the public
health network.
Palliative care (PC) is care for patients with an active, progressive and terminal illness. It
encompasses nursing, management of pain and other accompanying symptoms, alleviation
of mental, social and spiritual problems with the aim to provide the patient with the highest
possible quality of life and help the patient’s family and loved ones during illness and after
death. The PC of cancer patients is not differentiated from the PC of patients with other
illnesses and is in line with the National Programme for PC. In Slovenia, PC has been
implemented for quite some time, but it is unorganised, unconnected and lacking norms in
the fields of education, personnel and other requirements.
The precondition for the normal functioning of PC is the determination of services which are
classified as PC and an agreement on which services fall under CHC and which may need
to find other funding sources (field of social assistance, civil society foundations and private
funds). It is likewise necessary to ensure appropriate education at an undergraduate level for
all professionals working in PC and maintain their continued education in the framework of
regular postgraduate educational programmes.
Guidelines for Development in the Field of Palliative Care in Slovenia
Palliative care is carried out at the primary level, secondary level (specialist PC in hospitals),
tertiary level (IOL: specialist PC, education, research), in hospices and retirement homes for
patients whose social situation does not allow care at home and when symptoms make it
impossible to provide care in the home.
Coordination of PC is carried out by regional coordinators and the national coordinator.
Volunteers may take part in all three PC levels. Apart from the appropriate selection of
volunteers, they must also be properly trained, monitored and the responsibilities of the
institution to the volunteers must be determined.
Certain drugs must be available for an adequate level of PC and must be provided for within
compulsory health insurance funds, together with tools for subcutaneous drug
Tasks and Measures:
1. A network of palliative care (primary, secondary and tertiary levels) must be established
for all cancer patients who require it.
2. The PC services, which fall under compulsory health insurance, must be determined.
3. Drugs and aids for PC must be provided and covered by compulsory health insurance; a
Committee for Access to PC Drugs must be established.
6.1. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Education of Doctors
6.1.1 Undergraduate Education of Doctors
Epidemiological data shows that cancer is the second most frequent cause of death in
Slovenia. At the Medical Faculty in Ljubljana, there is a relatively small Chair of Oncology
and Radiotherapy with a minimal amount of staff (consisting of a head and three assistants)
and consequently, a small number of programme hours dedicated to the subject (28 hours).
It is true that cancer falls within the framework of various subjects, but oncology should be
understood as multidisciplinary and not a unilateral approach to the treatment of cancer
It would be prudent to increase the range of the subject programme and transfer the subject
to the last year of study or restructure it in the framework of the currently existing programme
at the MF. Additionally, it could be possible to implement oncology as optional content within
the programme, as well as think about the implementation of a study programme in Palliative
Medicine (for example, in the framework of family medicine).
Tasks and Measures:
1. Study the possibilities for increasing the programme of oncology and radiotherapy in
the undergraduate study programme at both medical faculties,
2. The subject of oncology with radiotherapy must be held in the last year of the course
of study.
6.1.2 Postgraduate Education of Doctors
In Slovenia, the following specialisation programmes in the field of oncology are currently on
- specialisation in radiotherapy and oncology (since 1950),
- specialisation in medical oncology (since 2000),
- in the framework of other specialisations (primarily internist and surgical fields of
study and family medicine), although oncology is unfortunately treated in a small
manner or not at all. It is urgently necessary to include education in the field of
oncology in programmes for surgical specialisation. Doctors should develop a firm
grasp of the idea of a multidisciplinary approach during their education in order to
implement it in their working environment as specialists.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Oncology must be included in specialisation programmes for internist and surgical
fields of study and in family medicine.
6.2 Undergraduate and Postgraduate Education of Pharmacists
Pharmacists are educated in the framework of the undergraduate university programme,
Pharmacy, and the postgraduate scientific programme, Biomedicine, at the Faculty of
Pharmacy of the University of Ljubljana. These academic programmes must include more
lectures on the theme of oncological pharmacotherapy. Cooperation in the educational and
research levels in the field of oncological clinical pharmacy must be fostered between the
Faculty of Pharmacy and the Medical Faculty, Chair of Oncology and Radiotherapy and all
tertiary (university) hospitals that carry out diagnostics and cancer treatment. The Faculty of
Pharmacy together with the Slovene Chamber of Pharmacy have been carrying out
specialist clinical pharmacy programmes for a number of years. A possibility should be found
within this programme of including a subspecialisation in the field of oncological clinical
pharmacy, as well as a possibility of acquiring specific knowledge in the field of oncological
Tasks and Measures:
1. Current academic programmes must include more content from the field of
oncological pharmacotherapy.
2. Cooperation must be fostered in educational and research fields in the area of
oncological clinical pharmacy.
3. The possibility of including a subspecialisation in the field of oncological clinical
pharmacy should be assessed as well as the possibility of gaining specific knowledge
in the field of oncological pharmacy.
6.3 Undergraduate and Postgraduate Education in the Field of Nursing
Health colleges (institutions of higher education) currently include nursing of the cancer
patient in the framework of other subjects. Due to the ever greater need for trained nursing
staff, oncology nursing and oncology must be added as an independent subject. The
implementation of an independent programme will improve the basic knowledge of
registered nurses. The subject should be carried out by habilitated college teachers who are
in constant contact with cancer patients and the development of the professional field.
With the transition to the Bologna educational system (3 + 2), it is necessary to actively
prepare the academic programmes for the Master’s and doctoral degrees in oncology
nursing. In the framework of postgraduate study, nurses should begin clinical research in
oncology healthcare (management of side effects of treatment, primary and secondary
prevention of cancer, palliative care, genetic counselling, nutritional support, health
education counselling, management of the process of care of the cancer patient, etc.). Such
research will bring oncology nursing in Slovenia closer to that of other developed European
countries, where nurses with postgraduate degrees hold an important role in providing
quality treatment of cancer patients.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Oncology nursing and oncology must be treated as a special subject in the
undergraduate education of registered nurses.
2. All training programmes for all levels of health professionals in the field of oncology
nursing should be supplemented
3. The continuous education of staff in the field of oncology nursing is required, this
should take the form of functional training in cooperation with the Professional Group
of Nurses and Health Technicians for oncology (within the Nurses and Midwives
Association of Slovenia), oncology centres and postgraduate academic programmes
of oncology nursing. With the transition to the Bologna educational system (3 + 2), it
is necessary to actively prepare the academic programmes for the Master’s and
doctoral degrees in oncology nursing.
6.4 Undergraduate and Postgraduate Education of Other Health Professionals and
A multidisciplinary and multiprofessional approach to the treatment of cancer demands
several other health professionals and colleagues, such as clinical psychologists, social
workers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, etc. This field is in
general need of many more staff additions – only a few professionals of each individual
profile work on cancer treatment at the tertiary level, many more are in contact with cancer
patients at the secondary and primary levels. The acquisition of knowledge and skills in
individual areas related to oncology is unorganised and mainly dependent on the personal
motivation of the individual health professional; organised education and training for
individual professional groups in the field of needs and treatment of cancer patients
practically does not exist due to the small scale.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Specific content in the field of oncology must be included as part of the educational
process at an undergraduate level in numerous academic fields of study for various
professional groups, as well as at postgraduate level (such as for example, the
specialisation in clinical psychology).
6.5 Continuous Education of Health Professionals in the Field of CHC
In order to ensure development of certain fields and adequate training, continuous education
is needed at all levels, which can be implemented in the form of seminars, courses or other
types of education. Various programmes are traditionally held in this field, such as the
Oncology Weekend, Jurij Reja Seminars and other like initiatives, the IOL a School of
Malignant Melanoma and Palliative Care.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Assess the possibility that the Medical Chamber of Slovenia require not only a certain
amount of collected points for the extension of licenses, but could also assess which
field they were acquired in. In this way, doctors dealing with cancer should collect at
least 20% of points through education in the field of oncology.
2. Specialists in diagnostics and surgery at the second level dealing primarily with
oncology must undergo additional training in tertiary institutions. The length and form
of the training should be determined by individual Expanded Professional
Collegiums; the importance of such training which falls under the framework of
continuous medical education (CME) must be determined by the Medical Chamber of
3. Continuous education of staff in the field of oncology nursing must take the form of
practical training and specialisation, which should be implemented in the framework
of postgraduate programmes at health colleges.
4. The continuous education of health professionals and colleagues should also include
learning communication skills, strategies for managing stress and relaxation
techniques, which would help to strengthen the mental health of the employee and
would contribute to a reduction of burnout syndrome.
6.6 Informing and Educating the General Public
The public must be given access to the most up-to-date reputable information on cancer,
from information on prevention to early detection, new treatment methods, rehabilitation,
psychosocial and palliative care.
As many target groups should be reached as possible while using a variety of
communications channels. It is important to provide: thematic websites (for example, IOL
and Ministry of Health), which are an important source of information for health
professionals, patients and the general population, professional journals, for example the
journal ‘Onkologija’ and accessible educational programmes for the general public, which
can also be carried out by non-governmental organisations.
Non-governmental organisations and patient associations have a special role in raising
awareness and informing the public. Their activities are especially important in promoting
healthy lifestyles and prevention of cancer, promoting screening programmes, supporting
patients and cooperating with the media.
Tasks and Measures:
1. To ensure reputable and up-to-date information in relation to cancer,
2. To provide thematic websites,
3. To provide non-governmental organisations support in informing and educating the
general public.
In order to advance in cancer control, research and new knowledge is needed in all levels of
cancer control, from prevention, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation to palliative care.
Due to the ageing population and other risk factors, cancer is becoming one of the most
common illnesses of modern society and a large public health problem; research in the field
of public health is becoming a priority in oncology. A wealth of new discoveries, particularly
in the field of molecular biology, demands a quick transfer of new knowledge to the everyday
care of a patient, which is the reason for the increasing importance of translational research.
The boundaries between basic and clinical research are collapsing and translational
research is more and more prominent, as it is the only type which allows for rapid
development and transfer of new methods of prevention, diagnostics and treatment into
everyday practice. Patients included in clinical trials have a greater chance of survival than
those not included in clinical trials.
The main source of research financing in Slovenia are national budgetary resources; the
Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) finances research projects (basic and applicative),
research programmes (of a national interest) and young researchers and provides cofinancing for purchase of research equipment. Other sources of funding are bilateral
projects, international projects within EU Framework Programmes, clinical trials backed by
academic associations, pharmaceutical companies, industrial projects and projects financed
by public institutions themselves. There is practically no funding provided by charitable
The institutions that carry out cancer research in Slovenia are: public health institutions
(Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, UKC Ljubljana, UKC Maribor, KOPA Golnik), university
institutions (University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Medicine and Faculty for Electrical
Engineering) and public research institutions (National Institute of Biology). The connection
between basic and clinical research is carried out through applicative ARRS programmes
and projects and in the framework of a small number of translational studies. This
cooperation is of an inferior quality and the number of translational/clinical studies is too
small. Clinical trials take place mainly in the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, since 1974 also
with the cooperation of international academic networks (SIOP, LBCSG, CEEOG, EORTC,
CECOG). To a smaller extent, clinical research is also underway at UKC Ljubljana, UKC
Maribor and at Golnik Hospital. In recent times, clinical trials sponsored by pharmaceutical
companies have been more numerous than academic clinical trials, which are of vital
importance for multidisciplinary research. The predominant trials being carried out are those
of expanded access to drugs (EAP), which are sponsored by and primarily in the interest of
industry. There are too few academic Phase 3 trials, while there are almost no Phase 2 and
Phase 1 trials in which Slovene patients could get involved. The number of Slovene patients
included in trials is definitely too low. At IOL in 2007, only around 3% of patients referred
there participated in trials. Information on clinical and translational cancer research carried
out at IOL is publicly accessible through IOL’s website, but the list is not complete and is not
updated accordingly.
Guidelines for Development in the Field of Research
Today cancer is among the most important public health issues, which is why public health
research is so vital for effective cancer control, particularly among certain population groups.
More intense cooperation (networking) amongst institutions and groups would surely bring
about higher quality research activities. Convergence of projects in regards to content is very
important for work of a high quality and multidisciplinary nature. Many projects already
interlink in some way, all that is needed is to find a common denominator. It is necessary to
identify interesting fields that we have the capacity to develop to the highest quality and
dedicate all efforts in these designated fields.
The amount of international (EU) projects in medicine is extremely small. Only cooperation in
international projects and research enables a small country like Slovenia excellence.
In Slovenia we have a unique opportunity to carry out pre-clinical and clinical trials all in one
place. This is why the field of oncology can be attractive for such endeavours, as ideas can
be transferred into clinical practice in a relatively small amount of time.
Academic and multidisciplinary studies in all fields must be encouraged, from public health
studies to those in the fields of diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care of
cancer patients. For efficient cancer control in our country, an immediate and greater input in
academic and multidisciplinary research and public health research in oncology is needed
over the next decades. Cancer is one of the most important public health issues today and
only public health research can help solve the issue of how best to curb cancer in various
Financing should be increased to research groups that have proven to be of a high quality,
are productive and function well together. These groups have an ever greater value, as they
educate young personnel, who will carry out independent research in the future based on
these experiences.
The possibilities of granting public health institutions carrying out translational research the
same status as public research institutions and universities should be assessed.
Patients should be better informed and have more access to clinical trials and new
diagnostic and treatment methods.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Connections in cancer research should be strengthened - between basic and clinical
research projects as well as between institutions and research groups.
2. Active cooperation should be sought in international research projects, particularly
multinational, academic research and EU Framework Programmes.
3. Translational studies and public health studies should be accelerated.
4. The number of academic translational/clinical studies should be increased, as well as
the number of patients participating in clinical trials. Patients and civil society should
be better informed about the importance, process and conclusions of research. By
2015, around 15% of patients should participate in clinical trials and a publicly
accessible portal with information on cancer research should be produced.
5. Funds for the carrying out of cancer research in Slovenia should be increased,
including public funds as well as funds raised by charitable organisations and EU
One of the guiding principles of every doctor is the wish to improve the results of treatment.
One of the main goals of each healthcare system is the maximum improvement in quality of
health alongside the rational and economic use of available materials, spatial and staff
capacity. To achieve these goals, the individual as well as the healthcare system requires
standardised information. With the help of this information, it is possible to compare the
results of our work to the results of the work of other individuals, institutions and healthcare
systems and assess the degree of success at a professional and economic level. Success is
assessed at three levels. Alongside the professional and economic levels already
mentioned, there is also a third level, which is equally as important: the scientific level, which
represents the foundation for development of new treatment methods. Useful and
standardised information is not needed just to assess the success of treatment and
operation in the designated period, but also to help plan the future.
The status of data collection in Slovenia is currently not ideal. Unfortunately, there are no
specific instructions and regulations on the type of information each medical record should
include (medical history, pathology results, operative report and so on). Usually medical
records are in descriptive or narrative form and are very difficult for further use. Due to the
absence of standardised information, it is also impossible to compare treatment quality
amongst various hospitals. The indicators which determine treatment quality in oncology are
survival, recurrence and quality of life. These are indicators that can be tracked daily with the
help of an online application, quality can also be assessed for each individual hospital and
the acquired data published online. This data is also useful for the institution funding the
service (a higher than average number of complications means substantially higher
treatment costs) as well as the patients themselves (on the basis of data, the patient can
choose the institution which achieves the best results).
Guidelines for Development of IT in Slovene Oncology
The organisation of oncology activities across hospitals in Slovenia should be based on an
assessment of quality control, personnel and technological equipment. If it is concluded that
the health institution has not achieved the required standards, it will not be able to carry out
oncology activity in future. Likewise, institutions achieving high standards could have a
higher concentration of cancer patients. The larger revenues of institutions with good
treatment results would result in a lesser burden on the health budget, as the costs
associated with “lower quality” treatment are extremely high – repeating surgeries (each that
follows is more complex, longer and more expensive), long hospitalisation periods, long sick
leaves, disability and early retirement.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Implementation of a common central online electronic register of illness for each
patient with a malignant disease irrespective of where the patient is being treated.
2. Standardisation of records for each type of medical record (medical history, status,
operative report, course of illness, discharge, pathology results, x-ray results,
consultation opinion, etc.)
3. Computerisation of illness records.
When assessing the cost effectiveness of oncology activity in Slovenia, the following
principles should be taken into account:
the costs of cancer treatment should be specifically defined,
organisation of CHC in Slovenia should be guided by the rational use of funds,
investment in equipment should be directly connected to professionally trained staff,
actual control over costs can only be achieved by standardised computerisation in
Because this is an important social issue, the assessment of cost effectiveness demands the
close cooperation of health policymakers, providers of funding for health services, experts
and civil society. This area will increase in importance in future due to the increase in the
elderly population and the increase in cancer incidence. Strategic documents dealing with
healthcare in Slovenia must therefore take into account clearly defined premises and criteria
for assessment of economic efficiency in the field of all chronic diseases (oncological and
non-oncological). If this does not occur, the disproportionate use of funds within compulsory
health insurance will primarily endanger the increasing population of cancer patients.
9.1 Financing Cancer Treatment
Cancer occurs in over 400 histological variations, of these primarily in 4 illness stages. When
assessing the costs of diagnostics and treatment of patients with cancer diagnoses, these
differences are very important. Terms such as cure, remission (chronic disease) and
palliation are connected with procedures whose costs can vary in a ratio from 1:1,000 and
can be inversely correlated with the survival rate. At this moment, Slovenia is not yet able to
assess the average cost of treatment, including diagnostics, for individual types and stages
of cancer.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) costs in the field of cancer must include not only basic
diagnostic and therapeutic costs but also the execution of all activities which must be
included in standard cancer healthcare at the second level: nutritional counselling,
comprehensive rehabilitation and primarily, palliative care.
9.2 Cost effectiveness of CHC Organisation in Slovenia
Increasing access of the patient to healthcare at any cost is harmful in oncology. In such a
small country, the scattering of cancer healthcare brings about less successful treatment, as
shown by the results of international studies (EUROCARE III and IV). Decreased efficiency
does not only show itself in lower survival rates, but also indirectly influences needless
increase in costs, as a patient that has not been cured is also the most expensive, which is
why a concentration of services seems necessary.
Tasks and Measures:
1. Possibilities for concentrating services at the primary level must be assessed with the
aim of efficient early diagnostics and treatment, which lead to less chronic (and less
expensive) patients, as well as carrying out periodic examinations for certain patients
(lower transportation costs).
2. At the secondary level, merging diagnostics and treatment of the most common
forms of cancer in a smaller number of regional hospitals is necessary. With the help
of expert surveillance (oncology oriented specialists), a multidisciplinary work method
and carrying out procedures prescribed by guidelines, it is possible to achieve a
better cure rate (less chronic diseases), lower the costs per patient, increase access
to systemic and irradiation treatment (no unnecessary transportation costs) and carry
out periodic examinations closer to home (lower transportation costs).
3. The concentration at the tertiary level in terms of merging of equipment and staff to
carry out top level clinical oncology, research and educational activities (at least for
the period of this cancer control programme) can only be achieved within the
comprehensive cancer centre, composed of IOL and tertiary institutions in the greater
Ljubljana area.
9.3 Financing Equipment, Drugs and Staff Training
As soon as the professional criteria for carrying out CHC at the secondary level will be
followed (implementation of guidelines, ensuring a multidisciplinary approach, minimum
number of individual cancer cases treated), it will be easier to plan the equipment needed in
those hospitals. Prior to this, it will be necessary to additionally train staff using the
equipment. It is anticipated that concentration of secondary level CHC will add to the
improvement in quality of pathohistological and endoscopic tests, surgical procedures and
intensive medicine, execution of standard systemic treatment, the central preparation of
drugs, nutritional and pharmaceutical counselling and nursing. This is the only method of
achieving a reduction in the number of complications during treatment, which generate costs
greater than those planned.
The annual financing of costly cancer drugs is a much greater cost than investment in
equipment. Development in this field cannot be hindered, so monitoring of the placement of
new drugs in the healthcare system and competent prescription of drugs, as well as
monitoring use is of vital importance.
9.4 Common Information System as the Basis for Financial Control
Although some activities planned by the cancer control programme will have to be carried
out simultaneously, it is necessary to immediately begin the unification of medical
documentation as the basis for a common information system in oncology. Most important is
the question of content, which can be aided by the experience of foreign oncologists, also
due to the comparability of both health systems. The operating system is already developing
in programmes by the Ministry of Health and National Insurance Institute of Slovenia; in the
field of oncology it is urgent to connect it with the Cancer Registry, as a large portion of data
has already been collected and processed there, at least at a professional level. Because
competence and economic efficiency are directly connected in oncology, they should not be
separated in the planning of a common information system. The common information
system, which will allow a review of competence, professional qualification and waiting
periods, will also allow financial monitoring, more specifically:
- tracking of equipment use and staff workload,
- actual costs analysis, based on type and stage of cancer,
- assessment of relationship between costs and treatment effects.
9.5 Criteria for Economic Efficiency of the Slovene National Cancer Control
Economic efficiency, which would serve as a measure of the quality and length of survival of
cancer patients in relation to the invested funds of the entire society, cannot be separated
from other health issues. The basis for such assessments of economic efficiency must be
governed by dedicated criteria, which will include criteria for measuring the success of
overall healthcare in Slovenia. This is why the economic efficiency of preventive, curative
and palliative measures in the field of cancer control will only be determined when we have
available and comparable data for all epidemiologically important healthcare fields in
Slovenia. In this aspect, the Slovene National Cancer Control Programme is setting various
measures and criteria to measure success, which will allow for such comparisons in the
Cancer is an illness which introduces a number of restrictions to the patient and their
families; the exchange of experiences can prove helpful to the management of this disease.
For this reason, associations in civil society have been established and are increasing in
number in Slovenia. These associations have various areas of work: some focus only on
cancer, some only on patients, some educate and encourage all members of the general
public to decrease their risk of contracting this disease.
Chronologically, the fist association of this type to be established in Slovenia was the
Association of Slovenian Cancer Societies, which was founded in 1974, the Association of
Laryngectomy Patients followed in 1982 and in 1986,the Cancer Patients’ Association of
Slovenia, several others followed.
Gobally as well as in Slovenia, civil society is becoming increasingly more active in health
policy issues; its goals are to responsibly participate in decision making processes and help
to fight cancer in Slovenia.
Tasks and Measures for Civil Society Organisations:
1. Helping to raise a healthy and cancer-conscious population and informing the
Slovene general public of the issues surrounding cancer, including ways in which to
decrease their risk of developing cancer,
2. Encouraging target populations to participate in screening programmes,
3. Supporting patients and their families in the fight against cancer: civil society cannot
replace expert psychosocial support, but it can alleviate distress when arriving in
hospital (volunteer work), during and after treatment (individual counselling, support
groups, hospital visits, talks during and after treatment, etc.) and active inclusion in
4. Encouraging patients to participate in clinical trials,
5. Raising the awareness of civil society and politicians of issues for patients and
weaknesses in the healthcare system that restrict the access of patients to rapid and
quality treatment,
6. Helping the patient in acquiring a second medical opinion, counselling for selection of
treatment, overcoming treatment difficulties and helping make the transition back to
everyday life,
7. Informing cancer patients about their basic rights, making sure that patients are
correctly and timely informed of advances in oncology; civil society should demand
from professional and political groups that advances be implemented in treatment,
8. Collecting funds to purchase equipment and satisfy other patient needs, when funds
cannot be ensured from the public budget.
The successful coordination, tracking and monitoring of the Slovene National Cancer Control
Programme will only be possible with the help of a specially established Council, which will
function in the framework of the Ministry of Health. The naming of members to the Council
will follow WHO recommendations, its main task will be to review the execution of tasks and
measures from the programme and make an annual report to the Ministry of Health, experts
and the general public on the programme’s implementation.
After the completion of the designated timeframe (2010 – 2015), additional premises and
objectives for further periods must be added to the programme. The main premise of the
National Cancer Control Programme is that it must be continuously executed.
The Slovene National Cancer Control Programme is a comprehensive programme that
demands additional measures based on past experience. These additional measures should
help to improve the epidemiological situation and activities in the fields of prevention and
early detection, diagnostics and treatment, comprehensive rehabilitation and palliative care.
It encompasses the period from 2010 – 2015; for future periods, it will be necessary to alter
and supplement the programme in accordance with needs. The Slovene NCCP is based on
the conclusions of international studies and on WHO recommendations. It is also adjusted to
the needs of the Slovene healthcare system, which grants all citizens the right to equal
access and quality of healthcare services in the field of cancer. The Slovene NCCP presents
the concerted views of health policymakers, health professionals and civil society in the field
of cancer control.
Main Points of the Slovene NCCP 2010 - 2015
1. Slovene citizens must be given access to information on risk factors for developing
cancer. Awareness of healthy lifestyles must become a topic in the overall system of formal
and informal education. Future generations can reduce various forms of cancer primarily
through primary prevention, as at least one third of cancers can be prevented.
2. Successful early detection reduces cancer mortality. All citizens should be aware of this
fact. Screening programmes will help achieve this in target population groups for three
specific cancer types. The main task of early detection therefore remains in the hands of
general practitioners and family doctors, who annually detect cancer in only a small number
of their patients (<10 %). The Slovene NCCP recommends better training for healthcare
providers at the primary level. Cancer mortality can be reduced by 10% with the help of all
the recommended measures in the field of secondary prevention.
3. The scattered nature of cancer healthcare (CHC) in Slovenia has brought about a suboptimal distribution of medical equipment. The Slovene NCCP therefore demands a larger
concentration of CHC at all three levels. At the secondary level, criteria for carrying out CHC
are listed (multidisciplinary consultation groups, minimal numbers of patients with common
individual forms of cancer, carrying out follow-up examinations), which lead to the merging of
diagnostics and treatment, a greater level of professional competence and greater control
over expenditure. The same measure also serves to reduce the burden on the tertiary level,
which cannot adequately carry out its main duty (the execution of complex diagnostic and
treatment methods, education and research) due to an overburdening with standard
treatment methods.
4. In the field of palliative care, the Slovene NCCP deals only with the problem of cancer
patients, although there is a greater problem posed by the treatment of terminally ill patients
in general. The implementation of the principles of palliative care is a societal process, which
will begin to be solved with a comprehensive programme aimed at all terminally ill patients.
Palliative care services for cancer patients must be determined and a network of activity
established that will operate in accordance with the comprehensive programme.
5. An overview of the professional competence and economic efficiency of the Slovene
NCCP can only be provided by a common information system, which will be established in
cooperation with experts, the Ministry of Health and the Health Insurance Institute of
Slovenia. This will enable the additional collection of data for the Cancer Registry and give
control over quality and economic efficiency of health services. The development projects for
construction of the II. phase of IOL and the radiotherapy department in Maribor are also
concerned with the content of the Slovene NCCP. Also in this category is the placement of
new expensive drugs in the system of compulsory health insurance, as the pharmaceutical
industry is constantly launching such drugs on the market. The recommendation of the
NCCP is that a special commission is established for this field as has been done in some
other European countries, which would be responsible for placing expensive drugs on the list
of those recognised in Slovenia by compulsory health insurance.
6. In accordance with recommendations of international organisations, the Slovene NCCP
also includes fields such as comprehensive rehabilitation, dealing with the side effects of
treatment, nutritional support, genetic counselling and clinical pharmacy, which has not yet
been financially recognised as being a part of CHC, although it is an important factor in the
final result of treatment and quality of life of cancer patients. The development of the above
mentioned activities in Slovenia must be a priority.
7. The successful implementation of the Slovene NCCP is completely dependent on
effective monitoring. To this effect, it is necessary to designate members of a Council for
Monitoring NCCP Implementation. The Ministry of Health will decide on the designation of
council members and their competence and responsibilities.
Tasks and Activities
Collection of data in
the Slovene Cancer
Registry must be
continued and
Collection and
expansion of activities
encouraging a healthy
lifestyle and reduction
of risk factors in the
fields of tobacco,
nutrition, harmful use
of alcohol and sunlight
exposure. Monitoring
vaccination against
mortality –
overall and
specific to age,
sex and other
of the
% of people in
the target
group (adults,
without risk
Continuation and
supplementation of
the national
programmes programme for
cervical cancer
screening ZORA.
Expansion of the
national breast cancer
screening programme
(DORA) in line with
the programme’s
planned time
Execution of the
national screening
programme for
colorectal cancer
3.2 Early
To influence the ability
detection of of primary level
cancer in
doctors to detect
cancer early through
being better educated
and better informed
Percentage of
against HPV
% of women
(20-64) with
pap smear
examinations in
a three year
% of women
(50-69) having
every two years
Priorities in the
first year of the
Establishing a
national online
portal on cancer
in Slovenia –
SLORA project
Proposal for
indicators and a
plan for
indicators for
objectives in the
field of primary
Ministry of
Institute of
Public Health,
public health
Achieving the
target response
rate of those
invited in the
Institute of
Institute of
Public Health
Institute of
information on
the programmes
on a common
% of people
(50-74) having
taken the test
for faecal occult
between first
symptoms and
Stage upon
Producing an
analysis of
conditions and
premises for
Institute of
Institute of
Public Health
To study the
possibilities of
implementing changes
in primary level
healthcare with the
aim of increasing early
cancer detection
changes and
s of primary
Preparation of
guidelines for
cervical cancer,
cancer, breast
sarcomas and
accordance with
the determined
of clinical
according to
Preparation of
premises for the
shaping of
teams in the
field of
foundations for
network of
palliative care
Institute of
% of cases with
localised illness
% of cases with
Within the possibilities afforded by the Slovene
healthcare system, all citizens with cancer must be
given equal access to expert treatment at individual
healthcare levels. All cancer patients in Slovenia
must be given a chance at a longer survival period
of a higher quality.
Institute of
Ministry of
Institute of
Form a
committee for
access to drugs
for palliative
- assess the possibility - number of
Institute of
of expanding the
analysis and
oncology and
dedicated to
proposal for
oncology in the changes
programme in
undergraduate study
courses and finding
an adequate
- amount of
- assessing the
specialists and
possibility of an
trained in
programme for
specialist surgeons,
diagnosticians and
family doctors
- assessing the
possibility of
programmes in the
field of nursing
- providing patients
- % of cancer
with the possibility of
participating in clinical
included in
and translational trials
clinical trials
in phases 1, 2 and 3
- % of public
- ensuring that patients funds for
are well informed about research
clinical trials
aimed at
- directing public funds translational
meant for cancer
and public
research to
translational and public research in
health studies
- amount of
pharmacoepidemiology funds, their
, pharmacoeconomics) value and
- greater connection
percentage of
within the research
field (basic-clinical
financing of
- establishing
charitable foundations
for cancer research
- participating in the
- number of
implementation of a
common central
information system for using the
the disease, with
electronic records for
each patient with a
malignant disease
system for
irrespective of where
cancer patients
they are being treated
- standardisation of
- informing the public
- the number of
Publication of all
underway in
Slovenia on a
public portal in
the Slovene
Institute of
Participating in
project, e-Health
Ministry of
Institute of
Participating in
Ministry of
of prevention and
civil society
monitoring the
early detection of
representatives implementation
involved in
of the NCCP
- support for cancer
monitoring the
patients and their
- the number of
- support in palliative
involved in
- participating in the
decision making
process for health
policy in the field of
- monitoring of the
- annual reports Preparation of
implementation of the collecting all
an annual report
NCCP by the NCCP
Council designated by indicators and
the Minister of Health
assessment of
in the first year,
- reporting on NCCP
progress with
recommendatio recommendatio
ns for
ns for priorities
for the following
Health, nongovernmental
NCCP Council