EE 110L Experiment #6: Step Response and Advanced Filter Topics Name: Kenny Lu Student ID: 903801866 Lab Partner: Michael Chow Prof: Hassan Babaie TA: Neha Sinha Objectives The goal of this lab was to investigate the step response of capacitive and inductive circuits. Additionally, to design and measure advanced RC filters. Theory Step Response If a step input is applied to a resistive divider circuit, the output voltage will also be a step. However, if the circuit contains a reactive element (e.g. a capacitor or an inductor), the result is a nonstep output. The voltage across an element at time t is given by: ๐ก ๐ฃ(๐ก) = ๐ฃ(0) + [๐ฃ(∞)– ๐ฃ(0)] (1 – ๐ − ๐) where v(0), v(∞) are the initial and final voltage, respectively. And τ is the time constant. The time constant τ is defined as the time required for the response of a reactive element to fall to 1/e (37 %) of the original output voltage, or to rise to 63 % of its final value, in response to a step input. For a capacitive circuit, τ = RTh*C. For an inductive circuit, τ = L/RTh. Rth is the Thevenin resistance Twin-T Notch Filter The twin-t notch filter is a filter used to reject signals at a particular frequency, called the null frequency R2 R1 O VO C1 C2 Vi R3 C3 Figure 7: Twin-T Notch Filter The general equation for the gain of a Twin-T Notch Filter can be expressed as ๐ ๐ ๐ [( ๐ค๐ – ๐ ) + ๐ (๐ + ๐ − 1)] ๐๐ ๐ = ๐๐ [(๐๐ – ๐ ) + ๐ (๐ + ๐ + 1 + 1)] ๐ ๐๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ Where ๐๐ = 1 ๐ ๐ถ At ๐๐ = ๐, the gain of the filter reduces to ๐๐ ๐ 2 (๐ + 1)– ๐๐ = ๐๐๐ ๐ 2 (๐ + 1) + ๐ + ๐ ๐ The filter can have a gain of zero at its notch frequency whenever ๐ = ๐+1 Procedure 1. The first step was to measure the internal resistance of the function generator as it produces square waves. We did this by first setting the function generator to 1 KHz and the amplitude to approximately 2 volts peak to peak. We put a resistor with resistance RL parallel with the function generator so that it acts as a voltage divider. We measured the output voltage and then used the following formula to calculate the internal resistance. Then we change to voltage peak to peak to 20 volts and repeat. ๐ ๐ฟ ๐๐ = ๐๐ ∗ ๐ ๐ + ๐ ๐ฟ ๐๐ ๐ ๐ = ∗ ๐ ๐ฟ − ๐ ๐ฟ ๐๐ RS O Vi RL VO O Figure 1: Internal Resistance 2. The next step was to measure the step response of various RC and RL circuits. We used a capacitor value of 10 nF and a resistor of around 1Kโฆ. We calculated the theoretical time constant τ by either τ = RC or τ = L/R, depending on the circuit. We set the function generator to a square wave, with the frequency of 10% of 1/τ. This was to make sure that the function had enough time to decay when the next cycle came. At t = 5τ, the decay is almost 100% of the initial value at t = 0. We measure the time it takes the circuit to reach 100% decay and record it as 5τ for each of the 4 circuits. C R O O C VI VO R VI VO O O Figure 3: Circuit B Figure 2: Circuit A L R O O VI L VO R VI VO O O Figure 5: Circuit D Figure 4: Circuit C 3. In this step, we created a twin-T notch filter. We first measured the capacitor and resistor values, and then constructed the circuit. We used capacitors in parallel to create 2*C. We then measured the null frequency of the circuit by using sine waves and comparing Vin and Vout. The equation to measure the null frequency is given by: 1 2๐๐ ๐ถ R=R average; C=C average ๐๐ = We then measured Vo/Vi at theoretical null frequency, and then we measured Vo/Vi at our measured null frequency. The final step was to measure the rejection ratio, by dividing the gain at null frequency by the gain at high frequency. R2 R1 O VO C1 C2 Vi R3 C3 Figure 6: Twin-T Notch Filter Data and Data Analysis 1. Internal Resistance 20V pk-pk 2V pk-pk 101.8 RL (Ω) 101.8 20.6 Vi (V) 2 13.2 Vo (V) 0.512 1 f (kHz) 1 57.07 RS (Ω) 295.86 To find the sourcer resistance RS, we plug in the measured values into the equation in the theory section: ๐๐ ๐ ๐ = ∗ ๐ ๐ฟ − ๐ ๐ฟ ๐๐ As you can see that we obtained a value for the internal resistance exactly as expected. 2. Step Response of RC and RL circuits Circuit A Values R(Ω) 993 C(nF) 10.03 Vi pk-pk (v) 22.4 Vo pk-pk (v) 20.6 5τtheoretical (s) 5.24x10-5 5τmeasured (s) 4.56x10-5 5τtheoretical is five times the result of the theoretical time constant calculated using the formula: τtheoretical = RTC The total resistance RT is sum of the internal source and series resistor resistance. Circuit B R(Ω) C(nF) Vi pk-pk (v) Vo pk-pk (v) 5τtheoretical (s) 5τmeasured (s) Values 993 10.03 21.2 42 5.24x10-5 4.68 x10-5 5τtheoretical is the same as circuit a) because the same resistor and capacitors are used. Circuit C R(Ω) L(mH) Vi pk-pk (v) Vo pk-pk (v) 5τtheoretical (s) 5τmeasured (s) Values 993 3.38 21 42 1.6x10-5 1.7x10-5 5τtheoretical is five times the result of the theoretical time constant calculated using the formula: τtheoretical = L/RT The total resistance RT is sum of the internal source and series resistor resistance. Circuit D R(Ω) L(mH) Vi pk-pk (v) Vo pk-pk (v) 5τtheoretical (s) 5τmeasured (s) Values 993 3.38 21 42 1.6x10-5 1.7x10-5 5τtheoretical is the same as circuit c) because the same resistor and inductor are used. Twin-T Notch Filter R1 (KΩ) R2 (KΩ) R3 (KΩ) R4 (KΩ) Measured 281.2 277.5 278.2 276.4 C1 (nF) C2 (nF) C3 (nF) C4 (nF) fo(Hz) 32 34 36 41 45 50 56 59 65 70 76 80 85 90 96 1000 fo (Hz) Measured 10.03 10.22 10.12 10.36 ๐๐ ๐กโ๐๐๐๐๐ก๐๐๐๐ = 1 = 57.25๐ป๐ง 2๐๐ ๐ถ |v1| (volts) 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21.2 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 |v2| (volts) 6 5.2 4.8 3.6 2.8 1.6 0.296 1 2 2.8 3.6 4 4.6 5.4 6 21.02 theoretical measured 57.25 56 |v2/v1| 0.29 0.24 0.23 0.17 0.13 0.076 0.014 0.048 0.095 0.13 0.17 0.19 0.21 0.257 0.288 0.96 Error (theoretical vs. measured) 2.18% From fo, we can find the following: ๐๐๐๐ค = ๐๐ = 1.166 2(๐๐ − ๐1) ๐โ๐๐โ = ๐๐ = 1.166 2(๐2 − ๐๐) Discussion and Error Analysis 1. Internal Resistance Our device had a high resistance at 2 volts peak to peak, because it was once sent it for repair. While the resistance was 52.44 ohms at 20 volts peak to peak, it was 294.66 ohms at 2 volts peak to peak. 2. Step Response In the second part of the experiment, we created two capacitive and two inductive circuits and measured the step response for each circuit. We calculated the theoretical time constant and verified the constant by measuring where the output voltage reached almost 100% of the amplitude. The time it took the signal to reach this mark was 5 times of the experimental time constant, 5τ. For circuit A, had an error of 13% when comparing the theoretical time constant and measured time constant. This might be because we were not sure when to exactly to place the time cursor. As the time approaches 5τ, the output voltage almost approaches a horizontal line and it is hard to tell where exactly it reaches the maximum value. This is an error due to eyeballing measurements. For circuit B, we had an error of 10.7%, the time constants should be the same because the same circuit elements are used. And indeed, the two measurements are very close. For a), it was 45.6μs and b) was 46.8μs. In circuits C and D, the theoretical 5τ = 16μs. And for both circuits, we measured the result to be 17μs. This is an error of 5.9% 3. Twin-T notch filter When designing the Twin-T Notch Filter, the calculated null frequency was 57.25 Hz. Through measurement, the null frequency was found to be approximately 56Hz, where it showed the smallest gain. The error for the measured value was 2.2% which is not too far off from what it should be and so it is an acceptable value. Conclusion The objectives set for this experiment were accomplished and this lab was successful because we were able to perform the experiment with small errors between what we calculated (theoretical) and what was measured. In addition, we are now familiar with the step response of first-order filters and Twin-T Notch Filters.