Opportunities for Community groups Through Energy Storage (OCTES) “Scottish OCTES Regional Workshop” Wednesday October 31st 2012, 9 am to 4:00 pm Venue: HIE Cowan House, IV2 7GF Background OCTES is a multidisciplinary project looking at the impact of energy pricing for the domestic consumer in rural and remote communities. We expect electricity on demand as and when we require, however the question that has to be asked is:”Is it possible through a change in electricity pricing policy that communities can embrace a supply driven energy generation policy?” Modifications to existing Smart Meters will create the opportunity to introduce an intelligent pricing control strategy that will give a reduction in the discrepancy between intermittent renewable energy generation and consumer demand. Over the 2 years, 2011-2013, within the EU’s Northern Periphery Region the project is focused on small rural communities with this initial feasibility study investigating consumer behaviour in respect to financial cost of electricity. With the advent of further related NPP projects, SECRE and SULA, the workshop will not only review the findings eminating from the OCTES trials but also explore the implication this study has on these new initiatives. In compliment there will be an open forum to discuss the future trends in thermal energy management and storage within the domestic household environment focused on meeting the target of ‘Homes fit for the 21st Century’ To reserve a place at this free event please email noelle.maye@irri.org.uk. OCTES Workshop Agenda 31st Oct 2012 Time Agenda 9.15 9.30 Registration workshop Welcome 9.40 Part I –the OCTES project up-date Overview of the experiences with OCTES trial groups, Outer Hebrides and other Regions. OCTES the product and services 9.50 10.00 10.20 10.40 11.00 11.20 11.40 Part II –The changing face of domestic household energy consumption Vision of the future domestic thermal heating management systems Experiences with the installation and use of heat pums for domestic buildings Future enhanced thermal storage within the domestic building fabric Presenters Nina Hakanpaa, OCTES Project Co-ordinator Dr. Alasdair Macleod, Lead Partner, LCC/UHI Ewan Ramsay Energy Saving Trust Representative Albyn Housing Association Prof. P Banfill Heriot Watt University Changes in the Building Regulations to meet future energy efficiency targets Coffee Part III- New innovations in community renewable energy thinking Highland Council Representative Outline on Workshop discussion topics relating to OCTES and Organisation representatives Ewan Ramsay (IRRI), Scotland Ewan Ramsay IRRI Neil Hewitt, UoU 11.50 Breakout sessions 12.40 13.40 Lunch Feedback on Breakout discussions 14.00 Overview of the integrated NPP program initiatives: OCTES; SECRE and SULA 14.20 Breakout sessions 15.00 Coffee 15.20 Formulate strategy to meet stakeholders interests Open discussion 15.40 Close workshop Nina Hakanpaa Ewan Ramsay (IRRI), Scotland Dr. Alasdair Macleod Facilitators