Chromosomes and Human Inheritance Chromosome Theory of Inheritance Thomas Hunt Morgan Drosophila melanogaster Wild Type Mutant Phenotype Sex-Linked Genes Linked Genes Genetic Recombination Parental Type Recombinants Pedigree Blood Types A Blood Type (Who can it receive blood from / donate to?) B Blood Type (Who can it receive blood from / donate to? ) AB Blood Type (Who can it receive blood from / donate to?) O Blood Type (Who can it receive blood from / donate to?) Genetic Loci Recombination Frequency Genetic Map Unit Centimorgan Linkage Maps (Genetic Recombination Maps) Cytogenic Mapping (Expression Maps) Physical Mapping (Tagging Maps) Gene Sequence Mapping (Genome Map) Heterogametic sex Syndromes (NOT ON QUIZ) Achondroplasia (Dwarfism) Albinism Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Cri-Du-Chat Cystic Fibrosis Down Syndrome Duchene Muscular Dystrophy Edwards Syndrome Fragile X Syndrome Galactosemia Hemophilia Huntington’s Disease Hypercholesteromlemia Klinefelter Syndrom Patau syndrome Phenylketonuria (PKU) Prader-Willi/Angelman Syndrom Tay-Sachs Disease Triple-X Syndrome Turner Syndrome Sickle Cell Disease Homogametic sex Hemizygous X-Inactivation Barr Body Nondisjunction Aneuploidy Trisomic Monosomic Polyploidy Deletion Duplication (chromosomal) Inversion Translocation Gene mutation Chromosomal Mutation Misssense Point mutation Frameshift Substitution Insertion Deletion (gene) Position effect Genomic imprinting DNA methylation Extranuclear genes