5th grade Library Objectives Annual ELAR TEKS: 23(a) brainstorm, consult with others, decide upon a topic and formulate open-ended research questions to address a major research topic. 23(b) generate a research plan for gathering relevant information (surveys, interviews, encyclopedias +) about the major research question 24 (a) follow the research plan to collect data from a range of print and electronic sources (periodicals, web pages, databases) and data from experts 24 (b) Differentiate between primary and secondary sources 24(c) take simple notes and sort evidence into provided categories or an organizer 24 (d) identify the author, title, publisher, and publication year of sources 24(e) Differentiate between paraphrasing and plagiarism and identify the importance of citing valid and reliable sources. 25(a) Improve the focus of research as a result of consulting expert sources (reference librarians and local experts on a topic) 26(a) draw conclusions through a brief, written explanation and create a works-cited page from notes including the author, title, publisher, and publication year for each source used. 1st 6 Week Pacing Themes in Fiction Text Features Independent reading Research Plan Brainstorm Questions District AUP/Digital Citizenship Book Care Bluebonnet Reading Program Dewey Decimal System Self-selection of library books Contribute to exchange of ideas in community of readers Search OPAC, Keyword searches Copyright Law 4th 6 weeks Pacing Themes in fiction Text features Independent reading Historical events in literature Biographies/autobiographies Poetry Paraphrasing vs. plagiarism Note taking Bluebonnet Reading Program Dewey Decimal System Self-selection of library books Contribute to exchange of ideas in community of readers Search OPAC, Keyword searches Copyright Law 2nd 6 Week Pacing Myths Historical events in literature Biographies/autobiographies Themes in fiction Text Features Independent Reading Locate, access & evaluate print and online sources in the library Bluebonnet Reading Program Dewey Decimal System Self-selection of library books Contribute to exchange of ideas in a community of readers Search OPAC, Keyword searches Copyright Law 5th 6 weeks Pacing Media Literacy Themes in Fiction Text Features Independent reading Historical events in literature Biographies/autobiographies Research project Dewey Decimal System Self-selection of library books Contribute to exchange of ideas in community of readers Search OPAC, Keyword searches Copyright Law 3rd 6 weeks Pacing Poetry Themes in Fiction Text features Independent reading Historical events in literature Biographies/Autobiographies Bibliographies Bluebonnet Reading Program Dewey Decimal System Self-selection of library books Contribute to exchange of ideas in community of readers Search OPAC, Keyword searches Copyright Law 6th 6 weeks Pacing Themes in fiction Text Features Historical events in literature Biographies/autobiographies Poetry Media literacy Research project Dewey Decimal System Self-selection of library books Contribute to exchange of ideas in community of readers Search OPAC, Keyword searches Copyright Law