5 th grade Library Objectives - Denton Independent School District

5th grade Library Objectives
 23(a) brainstorm, consult with others, decide upon a topic and formulate open-ended
research questions to address a major research topic.
 23(b) generate a research plan for gathering relevant information (surveys,
interviews, encyclopedias +) about the major research question
 24 (a) follow the research plan to collect data from a range of print and electronic
sources (periodicals, web pages, databases) and data from experts
 24 (b) Differentiate between primary and secondary sources
 24(c) take simple notes and sort evidence into provided categories or an organizer
 24 (d) identify the author, title, publisher, and publication year of sources
 24(e) Differentiate between paraphrasing and plagiarism and identify the importance
of citing valid and reliable sources.
 25(a) Improve the focus of research as a result of consulting expert sources (reference
librarians and local experts on a topic)
 26(a) draw conclusions through a brief, written explanation and create a works-cited
page from notes including the author, title, publisher, and publication year for each
source used.
1st 6 Week Pacing
 Themes in Fiction
 Text Features
 Independent reading
 Research Plan
 Brainstorm Questions
 District AUP/Digital Citizenship
 Book Care
 Bluebonnet Reading Program
 Dewey Decimal System
 Self-selection of library books
 Contribute to exchange of ideas in
community of readers
 Search OPAC, Keyword searches
 Copyright Law
4th 6 weeks Pacing
 Themes in fiction
 Text features
 Independent reading
 Historical events in literature
 Biographies/autobiographies
 Poetry
 Paraphrasing vs. plagiarism
 Note taking
 Bluebonnet Reading Program
 Dewey Decimal System
 Self-selection of library books
 Contribute to exchange of ideas in
community of readers
 Search OPAC, Keyword searches
 Copyright Law
2nd 6 Week Pacing
 Myths
 Historical events in literature
 Biographies/autobiographies
 Themes in fiction
 Text Features
 Independent Reading
 Locate, access & evaluate print and online
sources in the library
 Bluebonnet Reading Program
 Dewey Decimal System
 Self-selection of library books
 Contribute to exchange of ideas in a
community of readers
 Search OPAC, Keyword searches
 Copyright Law
5th 6 weeks Pacing
 Media Literacy
 Themes in Fiction
 Text Features
 Independent reading
 Historical events in literature
 Biographies/autobiographies
 Research project
 Dewey Decimal System
 Self-selection of library books
 Contribute to exchange of ideas in
community of readers
 Search OPAC, Keyword searches
 Copyright Law
3rd 6 weeks Pacing
 Poetry
 Themes in Fiction
 Text features
 Independent reading
 Historical events in literature
 Biographies/Autobiographies
 Bibliographies
 Bluebonnet Reading Program
 Dewey Decimal System
 Self-selection of library books
 Contribute to exchange of ideas in
community of readers
 Search OPAC, Keyword searches
 Copyright Law
6th 6 weeks Pacing
 Themes in fiction
 Text Features
 Historical events in literature
 Biographies/autobiographies
 Poetry
 Media literacy
 Research project
 Dewey Decimal System
 Self-selection of library books
 Contribute to exchange of ideas in
community of readers
 Search OPAC, Keyword searches
 Copyright Law