Final Programme 5th International Workshop on Systems & Concurrent Engineering for Space Applications SECESA 2012 17-19 October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal Wednesday, October 17, 2012 07:45 Registration desk open 08:45 Welcome Speech PLENARY SESSION (#1) Session 1 CE Facilities: Technical Challenges, Knowledge Management, Educational Perspectives 09:00 09:25 Withdrawn 09:50 Concurrent Design Facility in an Academic Environment. Ivanov, Anton ; Gass, Volker ; Richard, Muriel ; Belloni, Federico ; Kronig, Luzius Swiss Space Center, (SWITZERLAND) Integration of the Concurrent Design Facility in the Research and Educational Activities at IDR/UPM Alonso, G. ; Pérez-Grande, I. ; Fernández, G. ; Torralbo, I. ; Martínez, A. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, (SPAIN) TNO Open Concurrent Engineering Facility de Lange, T.J. 1; Duisterwinkel, A. 1; Durkut, M. 1; Matthyssen, A. 2 1 TNO, (NETHERLANDS); 2J-CDS, (NETHERLANDS) Statistics and Evaluation of 30+ Concurrent Engineering Studies at DLR Braukhane, A. ; Maiwald, V. ; Quantius, D. ; Romberg, O. German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Space Systems, (GERMANY) 10:15 Networking Break and Poster Session 10:30 The Potential of Knowledge-Based Engineering for Space Application Design Raju, P. ; Thomas, A.M. ; Chapman, C. ; Birmingham City University, (UNITED KINGDOM) Team Work and Team Behaviour : Findings of a CDF Team Leader Biesbroek, R. ESA, (NETHERLANDS) 10:55 Key-Note Speech 11:20 Model based Engineering (MBE) and Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) - are we approaching the Golden Age of Simulation? Stoewer, H. - Professor emeritus TU Delft Space Associates, (GERMANY) 11:45 Lunch Break PARALLEL SESSIONS (#2, #3+#4) Session 2 SE&CE Processes and Methodologies for Space Applications: from Small Satellites to Complex Systems 13:00 OPS-SAT Concurrent Design: Does size matter? Final Programme 5th International Workshop on Systems & Concurrent Engineering for Space Applications SECESA 2012 17-19 October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal 13:25 13:50 14:15 14:40 15:05 Evans, D. 1; Biesbroek, R. 2 1 ESA/ESOC/HSO-OSA, (GERMANY); 2ESA/ESTEC/TEC-SYE, (NETHERLANDS) "How to build a 10 kg autonomous Asteroid Landing Package with 3 kg of Instruments in 6 Years?" Systems Engineering Challenges of a high-density deep Space System in the DLR MASCOT Project Lange, C. ; Findlay, R. ; Grimm, C. ; Grundmann, J.T. ; Ho, T.-M. ; Witte, L. ; van Zoest, T. German Aerospace Center, (GERMANY) Systems Engineering Approach for JAXA's Technology Demonstration Mission SDS-4 and its Lessons Learned Ohtani, T ; Nakamura, Y ; Takahashi, Y ; Inoue, K ; Hirako, K JAXA, (JAPAN) The ESA Moon Exploration Activities: Preparations & Perspectives Gardini, B. ; Pradier, A. ; Houdou, B. ; Fisackerly, F. ESA, (NETHERLANDS) Assessment of Future ESA Science Missions and concurrent Engineering Rebuffat, D. ; Falkner, Peter ; Agnolon, D. ; Puig, L. ; Gehler, M. ; Rando, N. ESA, (NETHERLANDS) Implementation of Concurrent Engineering for Launcher Design Haerens, D. 1; Huet, A. 1; Matthyssen, A. 2 1 Astrium Space Transportation, (FRANCE); 2JAQAR Concurrent Design Services, (NETHERLANDS) 15:30 Networking Break and Poster Session 15:45 Iris – Defining the Satellite Communication System behind the future Air Traffic Management System Morlet, C ; Chalex, R ; Ricard, N ; Del Rio, O ; Burzigotti, P ESA, (NETHERLANDS) ESA CDF SoS Architecture Activity Support to Industrial Consortium Bieler, T. ; Matthysen, A. ESA, (NETHERLANDS) Concurrent Engineering Applied on Mission Architecture Evolution Maiwald, V. ; Braukhane, A. ; Quantius, D. German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Space Systems, (GERMANY) EDA ISR Capability Package Assessment (ICPA) study - a System of Systems Architecture Activity in ESA's CDF Bieler, T. 1; de Vries, J. S. 2; Mathieu, C. 3 1 ESA/ESTEC, (NETHERLANDS); 2TNO, (NETHERLANDS); 3ESA/HQ, (FRANCE) 16:10 16:35 17:00 Session 3 SE&CE Tools and Models - General SE Tools 13:00 13:25 13:50 Automated Sensitivity Analysis in Early Space Mission Design Schaus, V. ; Fischer, P. ; Quantius, D. ; Gerndt, A. German Aerospace Center (DLR), (GERMANY) IDA supporting the Concurrent Design Platform at J-CDS Matthyssen, A. 1; Ridolfi, G. 2 1 J-CDS B.V., (NETHERLANDS); 2Delft University of Technology, (NETHERLANDS) Multidisciplinary Design Optimization for Concurrent Engineering of Space Systems Guo, J. ; Guadagni, L. Final Programme 5th International Workshop on Systems & Concurrent Engineering for Space Applications SECESA 2012 17-19 October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal 14:15 14:40 15:05 15:30 Delft University of Technology, (NETHERLANDS) Experimental Validation of a Systems Architecting Framework for Objectives Definition in a Concurrent Engineering Environment Aliakbargolkar, A. ; Crawley, E.F. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (UNITED STATES) INCREMENT, a Tool to enhance concurrent Design Activities Ferreira, I. ; Gil, P. Instituto Superior Tecnico, (PORTUGAL) Extending usage scenarios of the CDF with a Collaborative Working Environment Richardson, R 1; McMahon, E 1; Strassberger, O 2; Biesbroek, R 3; Kiernan, Paul 4 1 Daysha Consulting, (IRELAND); 2Astrium, (GERMANY); 3ESA, (NETHERLANDS); 4Skytec, (IRELAND) Networking Break and Poster Session Session 4 SE&CE Tools and Models - Domain Specific Tools 15:45 SIM2: A Generic System for Space Instruments Design based on Concurrent Engineering Trujillo-González, J. 1; Tesoro-Calvo, G. 1; Ratti, F. 2; Huesing, J. 3 1 ELECNOR DEIMOS, (SPAIN); 2ESA, (ITALY); 3ESA, (GERMANY) 16:10 Small Satellite Model-based System Engineering and Component Development using Dynamis Simulation Roemer, Stephan 1; Deckert, A 1; Nicolai, A 1; Raschke, C 1; Grossekatthoefer, K 2 1 Astro- und Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbH, (GERMANY); 2TU berlin, (GERMANY) Withdrawn Development of a Spacecraft Dynamic Simulator for the Assessment of the Electrical Power subsystem Performances Nicito, Annammaria/A. ; Notarantonio, Anna/A. ; Faccin, Valentina/V. ; Di Lauro, Riccardo ; Di Lauro, Riccardo ; Pugliatti, Daniele Thalesaleniaspace Italy, (ITALY) PLENARY SESSION (#5) Session 5 European Industrial Primes SE Trends 17:30 17:55 18:20 18:45 SE Trends in Astrium Satellites Hartmann, R. Astrium, (GERMANY) System Engineering Approaches and Trends in OHB Merkle, F. OHB, (GERMANY) Applying Collaborative System Engineering in Thales: Lessons learned and best Practices Di Giorgio, F. ; Wiart, B. THALES GROUP, (ITALY) Welcome Drink Final Programme 5th International Workshop on Systems & Concurrent Engineering for Space Applications SECESA 2012 17-19 October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal Thursday, 18 October 2012 PARALLEL SESSIONS (#6, #7) Session 6 New SE&CE Processes and Methodologies for Space Applications 08:45 09:10 09:35 Clean Space from the beginning; a Description of Systems and concurrent engineering Aspects of ESA's Clean Space initiative for Earth Soares, Tiago 1; Huesing, J. 1; Carnelli, I. 2; Galvez, A. 2; Inn, L. 2 1 ESA, (NETHERLANDS); 2ESA, (FRANCE) Responsive Space System Engineering: Methodologies and Tools Prototype Simonini, L. 1; Arbusti, F. 1; Richardson, R. 2; Dunne, C. 2; Bieler, T. 3; Soares, T. 3; Galano, D. 3; Ramsey, M. 1 1 Thales Alenia Space, (FRANCE); 2Daysha Consulting, (IRELAND); 3ESA, (NETHERLANDS) ESA's "Minimum System" Studies Galvez, A 1; Carnelli, I 2; Fontaine, M 2; Luraschi, E 2; Soares, T 3 1 ESA, (FRANCE); 2ESA-HQ, (FRANCE); 3ESA/ESTEC, (NETHERLANDS) 10:00 Networking Break and Poster Session 10:15 ESA Virtual Spacecraft Design Eisenmann, Harald 1; Fuchs, Joachim 2; Wilde de, Don 2; Basso, Valter 3 1 Astrium Satellites, (GERMANY); 2ESA ESTEC, (NETHERLANDS); 3TAS-I, (ITALY) The First Application of Operation Design Process and Model-Based Operation Analysis for a Satellite Development Miyamoto, Y.; Nishihara, Yuji2; Katahira, Masafumi Japan Aerospace exploration agency, (JAPAN) Meaning of Concurrent Space Engineering in Phase B Braukhane, A. ; Bauer, W. ; Maiwald, V. ; Paris Lopez, R. ; Quantius, D. ; Reershemius, S. ; Romberg, O. ; Schubert, D. ; Spröwitz, T. German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Space Systems, (GERMANY) Concurrent Engineering applied to Industrial phase B Project: Lessons learned from PROBA-3 Tallineau, J. QinetiQ Space nv., (BELGIUM) 10:40 11:05 11:30 Session 7 Product Data Exchange 08:45 09:10 09:35 Standardization of Semantic Data Models - Vision to Support Interoperable MBSE de Koning, H.P. 1; Eisenmann, H. 2; Valera, S. 1 1 ESA, (NETHERLANDS); 2Astrium Satellites, (GERMANY) Semantically-Rigorous Systems Engineering Modeling using SysML and OWL Jenkins, J. ; Rouquette, N. California Institute of Technology, (UNITED STATES) The Ontology of healing of Product Shape Data for ISO 10303 STEP Shilnikov, P. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) Final Programme 5th International Workshop on Systems & Concurrent Engineering for Space Applications SECESA 2012 17-19 October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal 10:00 Networking Break and Poster Session 10:15 Compositional Variability Management - Key Success Factor for Systems Engineering Theis, K. ; Seibertz, A. PROSTEP AG, (GERMANY) Concurrent Engineering Meta Data-Model & Multi-domain Representation Simonini, L. 1; Roser, X. 1; Arbusti, F. 1; Legal, J.L. 2 1 Thales Alenia Space, (FRANCE); 2CNES, (FRANCE) Exchange of CAD Data via STEP in concurrent Design Approach during preliminary Studies Le Gal, JL. 1; Hilaire, B. 2 1 CNES, (FRANCE); 2CSTB, (FRANCE) Recursive Data Conversion for PDQ Management Stolyarova, C. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) 10:40 11:05 11:30 11:55 Lunch Break PLENARY SESSION – Key-Note Speech 13:20 Concurrent Innovation of Space Mission Concepts: JPL's New Model Sherwood, B. NASA JPL, (UNITED STATES) PARALLEL SESSIONS (#8, #9) Session 8 New SE&CE Processes and Methodologies for Non-Space Applications 13:45 14:10 14:35 MEERA - Mobile RFID at TAP M&E Matos, F. 1; Quinta, C. 2; Azevedo, F. 3 1 TAP Maintenace & Engineering, (PORTUGAL); 2MEGASIS, (PORTUGAL); 3TAP Maintenance & Engineering, (PORTUGAL) Concurrent Design for Customer Request Evaluation and proposal Preparation De Wilde, P. 1; Matthyssen , A. 2; Fijneman , M 2 1 Unitron, (NETHERLANDS); 2J-CDS, (NETHERLANDS) EMSA Integrated Maritime Data Environment - a Tool for providing improved Maritime Domain Awareness Chintoan-Uta, M. ; De-Sousa, J. European Maritime Safety Agency, (PORTUGAL) Session 9 Interoperability and Distributed Concurrent Design Centres 13:45 14:10 The Concurrent Engineering Working Group: Learning to Work Together Heneghan, C. 1; Warfield, K. 2; Hihn, J. 2 1 NASA/JPL, (UNITED STATES); 2JPL/Caltech, (UNITED STATES) 3D SYSTEM MANAGER - Concurrent Engineering between CDFs Berga, M.D.C. 1; Paccagnini, C. 1; Amata, G.B. 1; Simonini, L. 2; Tosetto, A. 3 1 Thales Alenia Space, (ITALY); 2Thales Alenia Space, (FRANCE); 3Blue Engineering, (ITALY) Final Programme 5th International Workshop on Systems & Concurrent Engineering for Space Applications SECESA 2012 17-19 October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal 14:45 15:00 Mission Database exchange at CNES Ferreira, J. CS, (FRANCE) The Concurrent Design Platform And The Private Cloud For Space Science Yang, Z. ; Meng, X. ; Zheng, J. ; Deng, L. National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (CHINA) 15:30 EMSA Visit (Registration for the visit will be available at the on-site registration desk) 15:30 Poster Session and Demos (Registration for the demos will be available at the on-site registration desk) 19:00 Gala Dinner Final Programme 5th International Workshop on Systems & Concurrent Engineering for Space Applications SECESA 2012 17-19 October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal Friday, 19 October 2012 PLENARY SESSION (#10) Key-Note Speech Ref. Day 1 Model based Engineering (MBE) and Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) - are we approaching the Golden Age of Simulation? Stoewer, H. - Professor emeritus TU Delft Space Associates, (GERMANY) Session 10 MBSE: Fundamentals and Applications 09:25 09:50 10:30 10:55 11:20 A Pilot Infusing Model-Based Systems Engineering into Concurrent Engineering via Domain Specific Languages Cole, B. ; Dubos, G. ; Banazadeh, P. ; Reh, J. ; Case, K. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (UNITED STATES) Thinking further Model Based Systems Engineering Gross, J. ; Rudolph, S. University of Stuttgart, (GERMANY) Next Generation Requirements Engineering for the European Space Industry Favaro, J. 1; Mazzini, S. 1; de Koning, H-P. 2; Schreiner, R. 3; Olive, X. 4 1 Intecs, (ITALY); 2ESA, (NETHERLANDS); 3ObjectSecurity Ltd., (UNITED KINGDOM); 4Thales Alenia Space France, (FRANCE) Model-Based Systems Engineering Approach to Managing Mass Margin Chung, S. ; Bayer, T. ; Cole, B. ; Cooke, B. ; Dekens, F. ; Delp, C. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, (UNITED STATES) Use of a "Model Based" approach for EGNOS V3 system definition Arnaudy, D. ; Cheutin, S. Thales Alenia Space, (FRANCE) 11:45 Lunch Break 13:00 STEPS Results: MBSE Prototypes to support Space Exploration Projects Lifecyle Pasquinelli, Mauro 1; Basso, Valter 1; Marello, Manuela 2; Paccagnini, Carlo Maria 1 1 Thales Alenia Space Italia S.p.A., (ITALY); 2SSE/Thales Alenia Space Italia, (ITALY) On the use of MBSE Methods for a generic small Asteroid Landing Package Lange, C. ; van Zoest, T. German Aerospace Center, (GERMANY) A Model of Customer - Supplier and Client - Server Relations described within a requirement engineering Framework. Belvedere, G. ; Gaudenzi, P. Università "La Sapienza", (ITALY) Adopting Patterns for Space Mission and Space Systems Architecting Hein, A.M. Technische Universität München, (GERMANY) 13:25 13:50 14:15 Final Programme 5th International Workshop on Systems & Concurrent Engineering for Space Applications SECESA 2012 17-19 October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal 14:40 Workshop Summary and Conclusion 15:30 End of the Workshop Final Programme 5th International Workshop on Systems & Concurrent Engineering for Space Applications SECESA 2012 17-19 October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal Posters P.01 With Demo P.02 P.03 P.04 P.05 P.06 P.07 P.08 P.09 P.10 P.11 P.12 P.13 Collaborative Satellite Configuration Supporting Catia Export Schaus, V. ; Fischer, P. ; Wolff, R. ; Müller, J. ; Gerndt, A. German Aerospace Center (DLR), (GERMANY) The Advanced Study Group as Source for Following Up CE-Studies Quantius, D. ; Bauer, W. ; Braukhane, A. ; Maiwald, V. ; Romberg, O. ; Schubert, D. ; van der Veen, E. ; Zeidler, C. DLR - Institute of Space Systems, (GERMANY) A reusable High Altitude Balloon Testbed as a rapid prototyping Facility for Nano Spacecraft Systems Walach, U. ; Hart, S. ; Tatnall, A.R. ; Lewis, H.G. ; Karlsen, N. University of Southampton, (UNITED KINGDOM) Research on Uncertainty Theory Applied to Virtual Satellite Platform Pan, Z. 1; Zheng, J. 2; Yang, Z. 2; Li, L. 2; Deng, L. 2; Wu, X. 2 1 Center for Space Science and Applied Research, (CHINA); 2 Center for Space Science and Applied Research ,Chinese Academy of Sciences, (CHINA) Based on Collaborative Optimization Method Satellite Constellation Design Deng, L. ; Zheng, J. ; Yang, Z. ; Pan, Z. ; Li, L. ; Wu, X. Center for Space Science and Applied Research ,Chinese Academy of Sciences, (CHINA) VTS : A Visualization Suite Implemented during concurrent Engineering Sessions Joubert, M. 1; Evade, J. 1; Crosnier, T. 2; Le Gal, JL. 2 1 SPACEBEL, (FRANCE); 2CNES, (FRANCE) Metallic liners, for Space Oriented COPV's, from pure forming Methods: an integrated Approach to Manufacturing Fernandes, N. ; Pardal, T. Omnidea, (PORTUGAL) Space-Point Web Services: Injecting Reality into concurrent System Engineering Fleeter, R. ; Menapace, M. ; Stefanini, E. ; Stipa, M. ; Colonna, G. Space-Point, (ITALY) Generalizability of Mission and Satellite Design by means of Key Variables and Key Indicators as Basis for User-Centered Mission and System Simulation Nemetzade, T. 1; Foerstner, R. 2 1 EADS Astrium GmbH, (GERMANY); 2Institute of Space Technology and Space Application, Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen, (GERMANY) Ops-Sat mass Budget Management using IDA in the Concurrent Design Facility Ridolfi, G. 1; Mooij, E. 1; Biesbroek, R. 2; Gracia Matatoros, M. A. 2 1 Delft University of Technology, (NETHERLANDS); 2ESA (NETHERLANDS) System Simulation & Visualisation to support Concurrent and Collaborative Engineering Roser, X ; Simonini, L ; Dufour, C Thales Alenia Space, (FRANCE) Concurrent Design Dashboard Koller, A 1; Matthyssen, Arne 2 1 University of Applied Sciences Inholland, (NETHERLANDS); 2J-CDS BV, (NETHERLANDS) Study on the Mission Satisfaction Assessment Indicator System of Space Science Satellite Project Li, L. ; Zheng, J. ; Zhang, L. ; Yang, Z. ; Deng, L. ; Pan, Z. ; Wu, X. ; Liang, J. Center for Space Science and Applied Research ,Chinese Academy of Sciences , CHINA, (CHINA) Final Programme 5th International Workshop on Systems & Concurrent Engineering for Space Applications SECESA 2012 17-19 October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal P.14 Open Concurrent Design Tool (OCDT) 1 1 1 1 2 2 With Demo de Koning, H.P. ; Bandecchi, M. ; Gerené, S. ; Ferreira, I. ; Dunne, C. ; Da Silva, A. ; 2 3 3 Evans, C. ; Pinto, P. ; Rui Baptista, M. 1 European Space Agency; 2Daysha Consulting; 3Critical Software