Auxiliary material Model field data used for detruding the observation Table 2. Values of the model field at two points. Subscript 1 represents trajectory position at y=-10, while subscript 2 represents trajectory at y=+10. The model field can be assimilated as a straight line in such small scale compared with the scale of Saturn. Components E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E13 Bx1 -0.8721 0.1203 -0.8890 0.3713 0.4329 0.1543 0.0818 By1 9.6138 15.7475 8.9057 8.8907 22.7045 6.6263 5.2984 Bz1 -317.87 -312.84 -313.47 -316.34 -320.70 -315.78 -316.28 Bx2 -0.8358 -0.0318 -0.7583 0.2502 0.1459 0.2431 0.3127 By2 10.6131 17.1229 9.7959 9.7588 19.3891 7.3680 5.9450 Bz2 -338.89 -333.62 -334.25 -337.40 -342.38 -337.24 -337.65 Multi-fluid MHD simulation of charged dust at Enceladus The electron fluid is not tracked by the full continuity equation, rather it is defined by the massive charges. The electron density is calculated by assuming charge neutrality: ne n s q s , where n is the number density. The gravity and electron pressure is s neglected. The electron velocity vector is calculated from the charge averaged velocity between ions and dust: ue nqu s s s ene s J . (1) By neglecting the momentum of electrons, the convection electric field E is replaced by E u e B . (2) Thus the magnetic induction equation becomes: B (u e Β) 0 , t (3) which means the magnetic field is fronzen-in with the electron fluid. In this simulation we neglect the charging process of dust, and assume uniform mass/charge ratio of mD/qD = 104 amu/e, where e is the electron charge. In our multi-fluid equations we model the conservation equations of ion fluid (subscript i) and dust fluid (subscript D) respectively: s ( s u s ) Qs t (4) ( su s ) ( s u s u s ps Ι ) ns qs (u s u e ) B Q sus t (5) ps ( s u s ) ( 1) ps ( u s ) Q ps , t (6) where , u and p are density, velocity vector, and pressure, respectively. Subscript s is the index running over both fluids, qs = Zse is the total charge per particle, = 5/3 is the adiabatic index, and the source terms Q in each of the equations are written as mass density source Qs, momentum source vector Qsus, and pressure source Qps, respectively. Tensor I is a 33 unit tensor. Again, the electric field in equation (5) is replaced by the term with electron velocity. We isolate the effect of dust by temporarily neglecting the effect of the solid moon and pickup ions from the plume neutrals. The dust cloud is defined by an arbitrary source rate Qs = 1017/((2x)2 + (2y)2 + (z/3)2), which results in a number density contour of 8 cm-3 marked in Figure 3b and d. The upstream plasma has a number density ni = 70 cm-3, uix = 26 km/s and T = 40K. The magnetic field is Bz = 330 nT. The very different mass/charge ratios in dust and ions have raised new phenomena, because the dust fluid is demagnetized in the ion fluid. As the dust moves along the convection field, the ions move in the opposite direction to maintain the original zero momentum parallel to the convection electric field. However, the electrons follow the combined motion of these heavy charges, which is different from the motion of the momentum center. This difference hence raises additional convection of the magnetic flux parallel to the initial electric field, which appears in increase/decrease of magnetic field along the electric field. Figure 3c shows the modeled Bz perturbation. The pile-up and decrease of the field indicates slowing down of the plasma by picking up of the charged dust. This is also supported by the bent field lines in the x-z plane in Figure 3a. Figure 3d shows that both the southern and northern Alfvén wings are pushed to –y, breaking the symmetry across the y=0 plane in an Io-type Alfven wing system. Consequently, a spacecraft traveling from –x to +x above the momentum-loading center sees a negative By perturbation, which is consistent with the 2008 data. Observations along the 2009-2010 trajectories are not directly comparable with the 2D slices shown in Figure 3, but they are found consistent with the 3-D model result. These comparisons are not shown here. Instead, we assemble all the important physics in this interaction region into an improved multi-fluid MHD dusty plasma model as the next step of our study. In previous studies we have found that the observed By perturbations can be partly modeled by adding a uniform flow in the +y direction [Jia et al., 2010c]. Our multi fluid simulation indicates that charged dust provides observed By perturbations, which is independent of the effect of the upstream flow. More modeling work is needed to compare the difference of their effect.