AFE-handout - Pedro Bay, Alaska

Small-Scale Balefill Demonstration Project
Benjamin Foss, Pedro Bay Environmental
Pedro Bay, AK
Alaska Forum on the Environment, Anchorage, AK
February 7-11, 2011
Our Village: Pedro Bay
We are small, close-knit, and remote,
relying on one another for help on projects of all sorts and sizes.
We are looking for solutions to solid waste issues.
Our Project: Objectives
To reduce the amount of solid waste we put into our over-capacity landfill
To reduce waste scatter
To reduce the general public’s contact with trash
To do this in an environmentally sound and responsible manner
Our Project: Chronology
Summer 2009
o Researched ways to reduce our waste volumes
o Rejected burn pit option due to health risks, its being non-environmental, etc.
o Found trash balers to be environmentally friendly and to reduce volumes
o Balers would also help reduce general public’s contact with trash and would reduce waste scatter
Fall 2009
o Continued research on balers, looking for one to fit our village’s size and needs
o Found and applied for the RurAL CAP Environmental Demonstration Grant
o Received Grant and began making arrangements and modifications around Pedro for arrival of new
Winter 2009 – Spring 2010
o Ordered baler from Recycle Systems LLC (Model M60STD, made by Harmony Systems)
o Planned for baler use, including new recycle and trash separation systems
o Made shipping arrangements for delivery by barge in the summer
Summer 2010
o Prepared Transfer Station for new machinery--Painting inside and out, organizing, separating areas, etc.
o Received two Connex boxes from the BIA for storage of baled trash
o Baler arrived by barge and was taken to transfer station—where it sits on its side
o Will begin baling trash after it is turned and hooked up to electricity
PBVC Environmental Demonstration Grant/AFE Feb. 2011
PBVC Environmental Dep’t. 907-850-2342 or
Lessons Learned/Helpful Tips/Notes
 Make certain you know how to tip the baler back right-side-up once it is delivered.
 Plan on hiring a professional electrician for this install.
 Allow for some confusion in regards to new trash disposal methods or changes to normal routine.
 Be prepared for things to go differently than as planned—but also be prepared for unexpected surprises in
the form of volunteer labor, enthusiastic youth, and overall village support.
 Involve as many village residents as you can for assistance, as well as buy-in.
 Enjoy the journey! Solid waste management can be rewarding!
PBVC Environmental Demonstration Grant/AFE Feb. 2011
PBVC Environmental Dep’t. 907-850-2342 or