GRB/NIMH dbGaP instruction sh.v2 GRB/NIMH Instructions for submission of data to NCBI (dbGaP) databases. 1. The contact personnel are the NIMH GWAS Program Administrators (GPA), either Thomas Lehner,, or Nicole Ma, The contact person for dbGaP is Lora Ziyabari, 2. Provide the GPA with the following information if available: A. A study name of less than 75 characters if possible. It may contain acronyms. It should be identifiable as the same study name on the consent form(s) and IRB approval letter(S) used in enrolling the subjects. The name provided will be the name listed in dbGaP for the study. – [Fill in] B. Content of the dataset : Please check all data types expected for this study: General Individual Phenotype Individual Genotype Individual Sequencing Supporting Documents Metagenomic Protomic/Metabolomic Images Sample Types Germline Tumor/Normal DNA RNA Mitochondria Microbiome From Repository Array Data SNP Array Expression Array Methylation Array Genotypes Array derived Genotypes CNV calls from miroarray CNV calls derived from Sequencing GRB/NIMH dbGaP instruction sh.v2 Genotype calls derived from Sequence Targeted Transcriptome Epigenomic Marks Somatic SNV (.MAF) Sanger Array CGH CNVs 16S rRNA Sequencing Whole Genome Association/Linkage Results Whole Exome Array derived Expression Targeted Genome RNA Seq derived Expression Targeted Exome Array derived Methylation Whole Transcriptome C. D. E. F. G. H. Analyses Is Sequence Read Archive (SRA) submission expected? Yes or No Number of subjects in the data set. – [Fill in] Expected start date for uploading the data. – [Fill in] Expected release date of the data. – [Fill in] Is a publication embargo period requested (users of the data can not publish for some time after initial data release). The period can be 0, 6, or 12 months. We recommend 0 months. – [Fill in] Name of the investigator who should be listed as the contact P.I. in dbGaP. – [Fill in] 3. The GPA will provide a template Submission Certificate that needs to be completed and a signed copy returned to the GPA. The Submission Certificate is certifying that the samples used in the study were collected in compliance with federal and local law and corrected consented for deposition in a restricted use database/repository under the governance of NIH. The submission Certificate also provides statement as to any data use restrictions and consent group restrictions imposed by the consenting process. The GRB/NIMH dbGaP instruction sh.v2 GPA may also request a copy of the consent form and IRB approval letter used in recruiting the subjects from whom the data were collected or biospecimens analyzed. If the biospecimens (DNA etc.) used for the analysis are from the NIMH repository (aka. NIMH Center for Collaborative Genetic Studies or the NIMH Human Genetics Initiative) then a Submission Certificate is not necessary, unless you are the submitting PI of the samples to the repository. 4. At this point the GPA can register the study with dbGaP and the investigator can start downloading the data. The dbGaP contact person, Lora Ziyabari, can assist in this process and provide a ftp site. 5. Once the data is ready to release all that is needed is a statement of how the investigator(s) want to be acknowledged in publications that use their data set(s). The GPA can provide examples. This acknowledgement statement will be put into a Data Use Certificate. All investigators who request access to the data must sign the Data Use Certificate to gain approval. [Provide Acknowledgement Statement here]