UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA – UNAD Instituto Virtual de Lenguas - INVIL Programa: Programa Nacional de Inglés Curso: Inglés B1+ Campo de formación: Componente Básico Común Tipo de curso: Teórico-Práctico. Créditos: Dos (3). Director del curso: Jorge Edwin Garzón WRITING ASIGNMENT Component Assessed Spelling Capitalization. Low Score Medium Score High Score e-learner was able to identify some of the spelling mistakes included in the given text without correcting them 1 point e-learner was able to identify most of the spelling mistakes included in the given text. Elearner also corrected them well. 3 points e-learner was able to identify some of the capitalization mistakes included in the given text without correcting them 1 point e-learner was able to identify most of the capitalization mistakes included in the given text. Elearner also corrected them well. 3 points e-learner was able to identify the five spelling mistakes included in the given text. Elearner also corrected them well within the date established. 5 points e-learner was able to identify the five capitalization mistakes included in the given text. E-learner also corrected them well within the date established. 5 points TOTAL Component Assessed Task Fulfilment Highest score 5 Final Score 5 10 Low Score Responds to at least two content points appropriately. Medium Score Responds to at least three content points appropriately. 3 points High Score Responds to all four requirements fully and effectively. Highest score 5 5 points 1 point Grammar Many errors, sometimes difficult to follow. Adequate range of grammar Grammar appropriate to used with no impeding errors. level and mostly accurate. 1 point 3 points 5 5 points Vocabulary Narrow repertoire. Good control of elementary Frequent errors make message difficult to vocabulary, major errors when expressing unfamiliar or Good range of vocabulary on general topics, accuracy is high. 5 Final Score UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA – UNAD Instituto Virtual de Lenguas - INVIL Programa: Programa Nacional de Inglés Curso: Inglés B1+ follow.de formación: Componente complex topics. Errors don’t impede Campo Básico Común Tipo de curso: Teórico-Práctico. 1 point Dos (3). 3 points communication. Créditos: Director del curso: Jorge Edwin Garzón 5 points Structure Attempts to use linguistic devices though not always consistent. Errors, including punctuation, Cohesive & coherent text adequately using a range of linguistic devices. Punctuation Cohesive & coherent errors do not impede communication. using a full range of 3 points 5 text appropriately linguistic devices. Few if any punctuation make the text difficult errors. to follow. 5 points 1 point Forum contributions The e-learner’s contributions were absent throughout all the writing process or e-learning contributions failed to fulfil netiquette. Moreover, the contributions were not posted on the chronology of events established. The e-learner seldom expressed his/her ideas throughout all the writing process or e-learning. However, her/his contributions failed to fulfil netiquette. Moreover, the contributions were posted on the chronology of events established. 3 points 1 point The e-learner’s contributions are well sequenced and help him/her to consolidate the final product. Moreover, e-learner’s contributions fulfil the netiquette. Moreover, the contributions were posted on the chronology of events established. 5 points Total Component Assessed Task Fulfilment Grammar 5 25 Low Score Medium Score High Score Partially satisfies the demands of the task, with little expansion of the topic. Mainly satisfies the demands of the task, with adequate 1 point 3 points Many errors, sometimes difficult to follow. Adequate range of grammar used with no impeding errors. Grammar appropriate to level and mostly accurate. 3 points 5 points expansion of the topic. Fully satisfies the demands of the task, with good expansion of the topic. Highest score 5 5 points 5 Final Score UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA – UNAD Instituto Virtual de Lenguas - INVIL Programa: Programa Nacional de Inglés Curso: Inglés B1+ 1 point Campo de formación: Componente Básico Común Tipo de curso: Teórico-Práctico. Créditos: Dos (3). curso: Jorge Edwin Narrowdel repertoire. Good range of vocabulary Vocabulary Director Good Garzón control of elementary Frequent errors make on general topics, accuracy vocabulary, major errors when message difficult to is high. Errors do not follow. impede communication. expressing unfamiliar or complex topics 1 point 5 points 5 3 points Structure Attempts to use linguistic devices though not always consistent. Errors, including punctuation make the text difficult to follow. Cohesive & coherent text adequately using a range of linguistic devices. Punctuation errors do not impede communication. 3 points Cohesive & coherent text appropriately using a full range of linguistic devices. Few if any punctuation errors. 5 5 points 1 point Forum contributions The e-learner’s contributions were absent throughout all the writing process or e-learning contributions failed to fulfil netiquette. Moreover, the contributions were not posted on the chronology of events established. The e-learner seldom expressed his/her ideas throughout all the writing process or e-learning. However, her/his contributions failed to fulfil netiquette. Moreover, the contributions were posted on the chronology of events established. 3 points The e-learner’s contributions are well sequenced and help him/her to consolidate the final product. Moreover, elearner’s contributions fulfil the netiquette. Moreover, the contributions were posted on the chronology of events established. 5 5 points 1 point Total 25 UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA – UNAD Instituto Virtual de Lenguas - INVIL Programa: Programa Nacional de Inglés Curso: Inglés B1+ Campo de formación: Componente Básico Común Tipo de curso: Teórico-Práctico. Créditos: Dos (3). Director del curso: Jorge Edwin Garzón SPEAKING ASSIGNMENT ASIGNMENT Ítem Evaluado Valoración Baja Valoración Media Valoración Alta PROJECT PHASE1 The student did not take part of the activity. The student only sent one of the activities proposed in the Project phase1 /The student sent the activities just at the end of the closing date and it did not let the group to add his/her participation. The student sent the individual work on time and participated actively on the design of the group voice thread. Voicethread (Score = 0) Puntos (Score = 20) 20 The student can maintain the conversation without difficulty and expresses his/her ideas with fluency. 20 (Score = 10) PROJECT PHASE 2 Interview The student only limits to read his/her points of view./ The student only makes the self-interview (Score = 3) PROJECT PHASE 2 Pronunciation and intonation The student has a lot of errors on pronunciation which impede the understanding of his/her speech. The student has some difficulties on keeping on a conversation. (Puntos = 10) (Puntos = 20) The student has some mispronunciation or intonation problems but they do not interfere with the understanding speech. The student pronounces clearly articulated words, has a standard pronunciation and uses intonation and stress effectively. (Puntos = 3) (Puntos = 5) 5 The student commits some grammar mistakes or had some problems on using tenses correctly. However, he/she made himself/herself understand and he/she can explain causes, consequences and solutions about a particular issue. The students can express his/her ideas and opinions taking into account word order, tenses and grammar structures taught in the course. His/her answer or opinions are clear and coherent. 5 (Score = 2) PROJECT PHASE 2 Accuracy (Grammar) The student has a lot of difficulty on expressing his/her ideas with coherence. Grammar mistakes blocked communication. The student has difficulties on expressing causes, consequences and solutions about a particular topic. (Score = 3) (Score = 2) Briefly describe causes and consequences. Then, propose possible solutions on a particular issue. (Puntos = 5) PROJECT PHASE 2 Vocabulary His/her vocabulary is reduced. Words were not used correctly or were use in an isolated way. It blocked communication. The student uses native language most of the time. The use of the vocabulary is not always consistent with the proposed situation but he/she uses the vocabulary taught in the course. He/she uses the vocabulary taught in the course. The message was clear and coherent to the situation. 5 (Puntos = 5) (Puntos = 2) (Score = 2) PROJECT PHASE 2 Listening The student does not understand what he/she is being asked. It is difficult for him/her to keep the conversation going. (Puntos = 2) The student needs the speaker to repeat questions eventually but he can keep the conversation going. (Puntos = 3) The student is able to understand and answer questions and follow along with a conversation happening around him/her. (Puntos = 5) 5