Supplemental Data Table 1. Search strategy used to capture randomized controlled trials in PubMed Search Syntax Search 1 antibiotic prophylaxis[MeSH Terms] OR "antibiotic prophylaxis"[All Fields] OR (antibiotics[tiab] AND prophylaxis[tiab]) OR (antibiotic[tiab] AND prophylaxis[tiab]) Search 2 ((exp glycopeptides[MeSH Terms] OR glycopeptide[tiab] OR glycopeptides[tiab] OR vancomycin[tiab] OR teicoplanin[tiab] OR exp betalactams[MeSH Terms] OR beta-lactams[tiab] OR beta-lactam[tiab] OR cephalosporin[tiab] OR cephalosporins[tiab] OR cefazolin[tiab] OR cefonicid[tiab] OR cefsulodin[tiab] OR cephacetrile[tiab] OR cephaloridine[tiab] OR cephamycins[tiab] OR cefuroxime[tiab]) AND (prophylaxis[tiab] OR prophylactic[tiab] OR prophylactically[tiab])) Search 3 "surgical site infection"[tiab] OR "surgical site infections"[tiab] OR surgical wound infection[MeSH Terms] OR "surgical wound infection"[tiab] OR "surgical wound infections"[tiab] OR ssi[tiab] Search 4 (surgery[tiab] OR surgical[tiab]) AND (wound[tiab] OR wounds[tiab] OR site[tiab]) AND (infection[tiab] OR infections[tiab]) Search 5 (#1 OR #2) AND (#3 OR #4) Search 6 (exp Cardiovascular Surgical Procedures[Mesh]) OR exp Orthopedic Procedures[Mesh] Search 7 heart[tiab] OR cardiac[tiab] OR myocardium[tiab] OR myocardial[tiab] OR cardiovascular[tiab] OR vascular[tiab] OR orthopaedic[tiab] OR orthopedic[tiab] OR orthopaedics[tiab] OR orthopedics[tiab] OR prosthesis[tiab] OR prosthetic[tiab] OR hip[tiab] OR joint[tiab] OR arthroplasty[tiab] OR arthroplasties[tiab] OR knee[tiab] OR bypass[tiab] OR arthrodesis[tiab] OR transplantation[tiab] OR arthroscopy[tiab] OR diskectomy[tiab] OR osteotomy[tiab] OR tenodesis[tiab] OR traction[tiab] OR reconstruction[tiab] OR "clean surgery"[tiab] OR "clean surgical"[tiab] OR thoracic[tiab] OR cardiothoracic[tiab]) Search 8 #6 OR #7 Search 9 #5 AND #8 Search 10 Filtered Search 9 to the following publication types: All types of clinical trials, comparative study, evaluation studies, guideline, multicenter study, validation studies Search 11 Exp Epidemiologic Studies[Mesh] Search 12 (randomised[tiab] OR randomized[tiab] OR prospective [tiab] OR retrospective[tiab] OR case-control[tiab] OR cohort[tiab] OR crosssection[tiab] OR cross-sectional[tiab] OR longitudinal[tiab] OR followup[tiab] OR multi-center[tiab] OR multi-centre[tiab] OR comparison[tiab] OR comparative[tiab] OR observational[tiab]) Search 13 #9 AND (#11 OR #12) Search 14 #10 OR #13 Table 2. Search strategy used to capture randomized controlled trials in Scopus. Search Syntax Search 1: ((TITLE-ABS-KEY("surgical site infection" OR "surgical site infections" OR "surgical wound infection" OR "surgical wound infections" OR ssi) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY((surgery OR surgical) AND (wound OR wounds OR site) AND (infection OR infections))) AND ((TITLE-ABS-KEY("antibiotic prophylaxis" OR (antibiotics AND prophylaxis) OR (antibiotic AND prophylaxis)) AND SUBJAREA(MULT OR AGRI OR BIOC OR IMMU OR NEUR OR PHAR OR MULT OR MEDI OR NURS OR VETE OR DENT OR HEAL)) TITLE-ABS-KEY((glycopeptide? OR vancomycin OR teicoplanin OR betalactam? OR cephalosporin? OR cefazolin OR cefonicid OR cefsulodin OR cephacetrile OR cephaloridine OR cephamycins OR cefuroxime) AND (prophylaxis OR prophylact*)) TITLE-ABS-KEY((bleomycin OR peptidoglycan OR ristocetin OR peplomycin or phleomycins) AND (prophylaxis or prophylact*))) Search 2: Search 3: Search 4: (#1 or #2 or #3) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY("clinical trial" OR "clinical trials" OR randomised OR randomized OR prospective OR retrospective OR casecontrol OR cohort OR cross-section OR cross-sectional OR longitudinal OR follow-up OR multi-center OR multi-centre OR comparison OR comparative OR observational) Search 5: #4 AND TITLE-ABS-KEY(cardiac OR myocard* OR cardiovascular OR vascular OR thoracic OR cardiothoracic OR orthopedic* OR orthopaedic* OR prosthesis OR prosthetic OR hip OR joint OR arthroplast* OR diskectom* OR osteotom* OR tenodesis OR traction OR reconstruct* OR "clean surgery" OR "clean surgical") Search 6: : #5 AND NOT (PMID(1* OR 2* OR 3* OR 4* OR 5* OR 6* OR 7* OR 8* OR 9*)) Table 3. Subject characteristics. Glycopeptides β-lactams Variables p-Value Number of studies not reporting Mean ± SD Mean ± SD 313.9 ± 373.4 325.6 ± 367.6 0.8542 0 Age (years) 64.7 ± 3.4 65.7 ± 4.2 0.5658 5 Female (%) 31.1 ± 22.4 30.1 ± 21.3 0.7394 4 Diabetes (%) 13.4 ± 3.8 13.2 ± 6.7 0.5350 7 228.1 ± 54.8 219.3 ± 52.1 0.7009 7 12.9 ± 5.8 13.5 ± 4.9 0.4815 7 Number of subjects Procedure length (min) Mean length of stay (days) Table 4. Assessment of risk of bias Study Adequate Allocation Blinding Blinding of Incomplete data sequence concealment of outcome addressed patients adjudicators generation Maki et al. 1992 n/a n/a + + + n/a n/a n/a + n/a + n/a n/a n/a n/a + n/a n/a n/a + + n/a + + + n/a n/a n/a + - - - - - + + + + + + - - n/a n/a - + - n/a + + - - - + - - - - - - Mollan et al. 1992 Suter et al. 1994 Vuorisalo et al. 1998 Marroni et al. 1999 Periti et al. 1999 Salminen et al. 1999 Saginur et al. 2000 Finkelstein et al. 2002 Dhadwal et al. 2007 Kanellakopoulou et al. 2009 Tyllianakis et al. 2010 (+) Low risk of bias. (-) High risk of bias. (n/a) Unclear/not reported