Asexual Reproduction

Name ___________________________
Course: Science/Ms. Lopez
Date: ___________________
Aims: SWBAT describe how various living organisms reproduce asexually.
Essential Question: How does the reproductive system work in asexual organisms?
Reflection Discussion Do Now
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Mini Lesson: Asexual Reproduction
_____________________________ is important for the survival of all living things.
Without a mechanism for reproduction, life would come to an end. There are several
ways animals can produce offspring. The two main methods of reproduction are
sexual and asexual. Fun Fact: __________________________________________________________
_______________________reproduction is a method of reproduction with all the
genetic information coming from ________ parent. In asexual reproduction, only one
parent is needed, resulting in offspring that are genetically identical to the parent -________________. Fun Fact: __________________________________________________________
Asexual Reproduction
- Number of Parents Needed?
-Offspring (babies) get genes from
1 parent
2 parents
Sexual Reproduction
-Number of Parents Needed?
-Offspring (babies) get genes from
1 parent
2 parents
How will the offspring look
compared to parent? (Same, Kind
of Different, 100% different) Why?
How will the offspring look
compared to parent? (Same, Kind
of Different, 100% different) Why?
________________________ reproduction requires two parents who donate genes
to the
Single celled organisms, such as paramecium
and bacteria, which reproduce by splitting in
two. This is often the only mode of
reproduction for these organisms.
ng in
EXAMPLE: __________________________
Fragmentation frag-muhn-tey-shuhn
with a
Some animals can grow from a separate piece
of parent animal. This happens in only the
simplest animals, such as some flatworms.
EXAMPLE: __________________________
ne the
of asexual reproduction.
Vegetative Propagation
New plants can be produced from sections of
parent plants that are cut off. New plants
reproduced in this way are genetically
identical to the parent plant. Spider Plant.
EXAMPLE: __________________________
Cell division produces a bud. As the bud
grows, it forms an identical copy of its parent,
then separates from the parent and becomes
independent. An example is a hydra. These
organisms may also reproduce sexually. The
“choice” between sexual and asexual
reproduction is often determined by
environmental conditions.
EXAMPLE: _________________________
Parthenogenesis par-thuh-noh-jen-uh-sis]
Some animals may produce eggs that develop
directly into offspring without fertilization.
Common examples occur in insects, reptiles
and fishes. Often, these organisms may also
reproduce sexually.
Example: ____________________________
Amoebas don’t’ have males and females – they reproduce asexually, meaning
____________________ sex.
____________________ reproduction is pretty common among plants and simple
animals. In some plants, like the strawberry, a stem extends away from the parent
plant, with child plants growing all along it. Aspen and poplar trees do the same
thing with their roots, shooting them in all directions to grow new trees.
A single grove of trees like these might all come from ____________ parent.
Farmers have asexually reproduced plants for thousands of years, by taking cuttings
from one and replanting them. However asexual reproduction is done, the children
plants are always genetically identical to the ____________________ plant.
So they’re actually ____________________. Clones share the same genetic information, but
parents and their sexually reproduced offspring do not.
In sexual reproduction, the female egg cell is fertilized by a male sperm cell. Each cell contains
a half set of the parents’ chromosomes, or genes. When the two cells combine, the genes do
too, making a unique new individual. But in asexual reproduction, the parent’s genes simply
split in _______________.
In eukaryotes, organisms with nuclei in their cells, the chromosome replicate
through ____________________. That’s the process of cell division that goes on
all the times in your body. In most prokaryotes, organism without nuclei, the
chromosomes replicate through a similar process called binary fission. Bacteria are
prokaryotes that reproduce this way.
Some animals can reproduce asexually by a neat little process called
____________________. In budding, a child organism develops as a growth
on the parent’s body. In some animals, like the yeast here, the bud falls off
and becomes an independent creature.
In other animals, like corals, the bud stay put, just one more clone added to the entire
And you’ve probably heard about how a starfish gets its arm cut off and will grow back
a new one. That’s a process called _______________________, which in
certain cases is a form asexual reproduction. Like, if any injury is severe
enough, the animal can regenerate into two or more separate children.
Fission (Singled Celled Organisms that divide)
Fragmentation (Organisms that grow from a separate piece of
the parent)
Budding (An identical copy of parent that falls off and becomes independent)
Vegetative Propagation (New plants cut off from part of parent plant)
Parthenogenesis Some animals may produce eggs that develop directly into offspring with/ without
1. Cell division that forms a bud and as it grows, forming an identical copy of its parent,
then separating from the parent to become independent. _________________________
2. A flatworm is cut in half. Two flatworms form afterwards.
3. Single-celled organisms that reproduce by splitting in two.
4. Farmers are able to grow a new plant without a seed.
5. Protista are single celled organisms.
6. Ms. Lopez really likes the plant outside the courtyard and is going to cut a piece of it off
to plant it inside the classroom. _________________________
7. Hydra can reproduce themselves by making another, smaller hydra. They do this by
gradually growing a little hydra out of their side, using mitosis. Once mature, it separates
and becomes its own organism. _________________________
8. When there are no male geckos in an given area, female geckos are able to lay eggs and
reproduce alone until male geckos become available. _________________________
9. A starfish is attacked and loses two of its arms. Three starfish form later. ______________
What do all five types of asexual reproduction have in common?
Which type of asexual reproduction do you think is most advantageous? Which would
ensure a better chance of survival?
Independent Practice Questions
1. What percentage of asexual organisms are female?
A. 100%
B. 50%
C. Asexual organisms have no gender
2. Which of the following is LEAST likely to reproduce asexually?
A. A mammal
B. a plant
C. a single-celled organism
3. How can you easily induce asexual reproduction in a plant?
A. With hormones from a garden store
B. By splitting it down the middle
C. By taking a cutting from it and replanting it
4. What do the children of asexual reproduction have in common with the parents?
A. Everything—they’re clones
B. They can only reproduce once per lifetime.
C. They’re all sterile.
5. What is mitosis?
A. When cells combine B. When cells stop working
C. When cells divide
6. How do prokaryotic cells replicate?
A. Through binary fission
B. Through fertilization by a sperm cell
C. Mitosis
7. In a budding organism, a child starts out as:
A. An egg cell
B. A zygote
C. A growth on the parent’s body
8. By what process do starfish grow back lost arms?
A. Budding
B. Regeneration
C. Binary fission
9. Why are the offspring of asexual reproduction called clones?
Hey there! Glad to see you have learned so much about
body systems. Remember, when reading a text, be sure
to read the questions FIRST. Underline key words and
then underline clues, or sometimes the answer, in the
text. Be sure to number it so you know what text to focus
on every time you answer a question.
Asexual Reproduction
Under suitable conditions, some bacteria reproduce every twenty minutes. Bacteria are
single-celled organisms. To reproduce, they simply divide into two to form two new individuals.
Each offspring is identical to the parent. Reproduction that involves one parent and produces
offspring with the same genetic make up as the parent is asexual reproduction. The pictures
below show how bacteria reproduces on a human’s hand.
1. How can the rate at which harmful bacteria reproduce harmful to a human’s health?
There are other forms of asexual reproduction in animals. For example,
hydra are tiny freshwater animals that reproduce by budding. Small buds grow
from the sides of an adult. When the bud on the adult becomes large enough, it
breaks off and become new hydra. In addition, animals such as flatworms,
sponges, sea stars and starfish can split into two or more pieces and grow into
new individuals. If these organisms break into pieces, a whole new organism will
grow from each piece!
2. Give an example and describe how an animal can asexually reproduce.
3. Infer what would happen if someone cut sea stars and starfish into pieces and threw
them back into the ocean.
Some plants can also reproduce asexually. A strawberry plant produces stems, called
runners that stretch out along the ground instead of upward. Buds along the stems grow into
new plants that quickly grow their own roots. Some plants, such as geraniums or sweet potato
plants, can reproduce from stem or leaf cuttings that are placed in water. Stems, leaves, and
roots of asexually reproducing plants all have the same genetic information.
4. Infer from the picture of strawberry plants how the genetic material in the small
strawberry plant above compares to the genetic material in the large strawberry plant.
(Hint: Would they have the same or different genetic material?)
5. How could having asexual reproduction be beneficial for a species survival?
Name ___________________________
Course: Science/Ms. Lopez
Date: ___________________
Homework #78 – Due tomorrow
Ms. Lopez 646-477-2658 ** **
1. Thousands of genetically identical trees have been discovered growing in a remote,
undisturbed mountain area in Colorado. These trees are most likely a result of…
a. genetic engineering
b. asexual reproducing
c. meiotic cell division
d. biotechnology
The diagram below illustrates asexual reproduction in yeast.
2. Yeast produce offspring that usually have
a. genetic material is different from that of parent.
b. genetic material is identical to the parent.
c. half of the genetic material of the parent.
d. organelles that are not found in parent.
3. How could having asexual reproduction be beneficial for a species survival? (TAGG)
Write Asexual or Sexual Reproduction.
4) A part of the parent jellyfish breaks off and becomes a new jellyfish.
5) A female komodo dragon produces eggs that develop into babies without a male
when no male is to be found.
6) Two parents join together to create a new offspring that looks different from each of
7) A single celled bacteria splits into two cells that are identical.
Name ___________________________
Course: Science/Ms. Lopez
Date: ___________________
Exit Slip – Asexual Reproduction
Using any picture from above that shows an example of asexual reproduction, describe in 4-6 sentences the
How many parents were used in the asexual reproduction?
How are offspring’s genetic make up compared to parent or parents genetic make up?
How will offspring actually look like parents? (e.g. exact same, similar, different, very different)
3 Real Life Examples of plants or animals that reproduce asexually?
Check your work.
____Did you capitalize the beginning of every sentence and all proper nouns?
____Did you spell every word correctly that is spelled correctly on the page?
____Did you punctuate the end of every sentence?
____Did you write in complete sentences? (Subject, predicate, and complete thought).
____Did you use commas correctly? (In compound sentences and lists).