Barbara McClintock Distinguished Lecture - CU

Barbara McClintock Distinguished Lecture
Barbara McClintock (B.S. 1923, M.A. 1925, Ph.D. 1927, all from Cornell) won the 1983 Nobel
Prize in Medicine.
The yearly Barbara McClintock Distinguished Lecture will bring a young (pre-tenure)
outstanding female faculty member who was a Cornell undergraduate to campus for a broadreaching technical seminar and for an experiential seminar for undergraduates, to provide them
with a role model and to discuss graduate school and faculty careers.
This series will bring a pool of talented women faculty to Cornell, serve as a recruiting tool by
providing a prestigious invitation, and provide professional networking opportunities fro both the
visitor as well as for Cornell faculty.
Lecturers will be selected competitively; nominations by departments must include a description
of the process by which the nominee was selected and other potential nominees. Special
emphasis will be placed on inviting women of color.
The CU-ADVANCE Center will provide publicity and will cover the costs of travel, a small
honorarium, and networking events and meals.
Nomination Guidelines for the Barbara McClintock Distinguished Lectures
Please include the following in your nomination:
Nominating letter, signed by the nominators
A discussion of the process by which the nominee was selected
CV of the nominee
Supporting letters are not required but will be considered if submitted (e.g., from chairs
of potentially hiring departments)
The nomination should discuss:
The department(s) or unit(s) from which the nomination comes
Evidence of wide interest in a visit by the nominee in the departments or units
Whether the visit is a recruiting visit, a pre-recruiting visit, or neither.
If recruiting or pre-recruiting, discuss suitable lines available now or in the future.
All nominations will be held in strict confidence by the CU-ADVANCE Center.