NORTH ARLINGTON PANDEMIC ACTION PLANNING TOOL Health Education and Leadership Planning (HELP) Teams Mitigation and Prevention Tasks Responsible Person Attend State Meetings Superintendent Communicate with Local Health Department Identify or create district committee to provide guidance to school sites regarding pandemic flu preparations Review district emergency response plan Superintendent Determine if any additional policies/procedures need to be in place Crisis Intervention Team and NAPD Develop communications plan for possible school closures Identify school-based individual(s) to educate students about hand washing, covering cough, and staying home when sick Identify individual(s) to ensure each room has soap/water for hand washing or alcohol-based hand washing product Distribute and post in each classroom “Stop the Spread of Germs” poster Track the number of staff and students absent daily Report numbers absent to the appropriate Department of Health office if over 10% of when requested Superintendent/Reverse 911 Superintendent Crisis Intervention Team Nurse, Administrators and Staff Principals Principals Principals/Central Office Superintendent Ensure that the District committee includes representatives/communications, as necessary Ensure collaboration with the appropriate local Emergency Management Agency (EMA) for integration of the school into the community plan and effective communication between the school and community planning committees. Identify ways to communicate with staff and students Superintendent Superintendent Regina Guillen Police Chief Ghione CI Committee Tech Personnel Superintendent Continue educating staff, families, and students on pandemic flu prevention and school plans Develop procedures for communicating with staff, students and families Identify or review procedure for communicating possible school schedule changes, bussing changes, and school closures Review procedures for sending ill students and staff home and make adjustments, if necessary Track the number of staff and students absent daily Plan for School from Home Superintendent/website Superintendent, CI Committee Superintendent Reverse 911 System Superintendent Administrative Staff Principals/Central Office Crisis Intervention Team, Superintendent, Administrators and Tech person Report Student Attendance RealTime from Home Communicate Assignments with Students Students e-mail staff Research on-line service to better communicate Superintendent, Tech Person, others as needed 2 Plan for Staff member absent and school in session Staff have 3 weeks lesson plans ready that are reviewed throughout the year to keep updated. Also will help students without internet services. Communicate with parents regarding individual student progress Acquire on-line learning services Parent Portal, other services as selected Hold staff meeting to provide information on the extent of infection at school site and potential changes that may take place Conduct timely debriefings to identify lessons learned and make necessary changes to the response plan Pre-planning for recovery; Identify and pre-screen health and grief service providers, develop template letters, and provide training for school staff regarding grief and possible health problems Mobilize the Crisis Recovery Team that provides emotional-psychological support. If there is a loss of life in the school community, establish location site or “Safe Room” for counseling services to be provided. Hold staff meeting and provide information on extent of pandemic flu in the community and activities that may assist students; signs and symptoms to look out for and safe room function and location. Also announce counseling support services available to faculty and staff Announce counseling support services that are available to students Provide rest places for those that tire easily Principals/Superintendent Provide physical assessment, if needed, or make appropriate community health referrals Nurses/North Arlington Health Department Study Island SAT Program, etc. Superintendent/CI Committee See Crisis Intervention Plan Mrs. Marie Griggs 287 Mortimer Avenue Rutherford, NJ 07071 201-935-2551 Superintendent/Principals Principal Nurses/Principals 3 Make educational materials available to families and staff on topics such as how to support your student with their recovery from pandemic flu, common symptoms of loss and grief, and constructive ways to cope with stress Utilize Employee Assistance Programs for assistance with coping with loss and stress District Website Bergen County Health and Senior Services North Arlington Health Department Identify students, families, and staff who may need long-term physical and mental health support or intervention and develop school and community resources to provide these services Monitor the effects of cumulative stress on caregivers such as office staff, school nurses, teachers aides, school counselors, and other crisis team members Administration Crisis Intervention Committee Local Health Department Bergen County Health and Senior Services Modify work roles and responsibilities or add volunteer or support staff, as needed Superintendent/Principal (continue class, activity, Supervisor for schedule) Administration Crisis Intervention Committee Local Health Department Bergen County Health and Senior Services Crisis Recovery Team – See Marie Griggs Document “lessons learned” and incorporate them into revisions and trainings Crisis Intervention Team 4