A2 Level, 3rd Module Worksheet 1 14th February, 2014 PART I

A2 Level, 3rd Module
Worksheet 1
14th February, 2014
Listening 1:
A. Listen and make notes in the table.
Sleep weekdays
Sleep weekend
B. Answer the questions.
1. Who is always tired?
2. Who likes to stay in bed late on Sundays?
3. Who has problems sleeping when they are worried?
4. What happens to Liz when she drinks a lot of coffee?
5. Why does Liz use two alarm clocks?
Alarm clock
A2 Level, 3rd Module
Worksheet 1
14th February, 2014
6. When does Paul use an alarm clock?
Past simple & Past continuous
1. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous forms of the verbs
in brackets.
a. Were you watching (watch) the football match on TV when I phoned (phone)?
b. The teachers _______________ (speak) when you _______________ (arrive) at school.
c. We _______________ (not like) the movie. It was boring.
d. I _________________ (not listen) to music last night. I ______________ (study)
e. She _______________ (have) a shower when you ______________ (knock) at the
f. They _____________ (not go) to the theatre last month. The tickets were all sold.
g. While Chris and Jane ___________________ (travel) on Saturday, we
_________________ (prepare) the party for their arrival.
h. The children _______________ (sing) some songs last week, at the Christmas Festival.
i. Yesterday, I _______________ (hear) a strange noise while I _______________ (put
on) my pyjamas.
j. We _________________ (write) notes in class, when the Headmaster _____________
(come) in.
k. What __________ you __________ (do) last Tuesday at 11 p.m.?
2. Underline the correct answer.
a. While my mother [cooked / was cooking], she [watched / was watching] TV.
b. We [slept / were sleeping] in our bedrooms at 6 o’clock.
c. The boys [played / were playing] baseball when it [started / was starting] to rain.
d. My cousin [had / was having] dinner when the telephone [rang / was ringing].
e. When I [got / was getting] up, my father [read / was reading] the newspaper.
f. Emilio [fell / was falling] when he [painted / was painting] the wall.
A2 Level, 3rd Module
Worksheet 1
14th February, 2014
g. The doctor [examined / was examining] my eyesight yesterday.
3. Complete the following text with the Past Simple of the Past Continuous forms of the
verbs in brackets.
I was (be) with some friends and we _______________ (run) in a race. It was a
marathon. There _____________ (be) hundreds of runners around us, men and
women, and it _____________ (be) extremely hot. As we _____________ (cross) a
bridge over a river, I suddenly _____________ (notice) that everyone in the race
_______________ (have) the same face, even my friends! They were all the same
person! I _____________ (want) to stop, but there ______________ (be) so many
people behind me that I _______________ (have to) keep running. Then I _______
__________ (wake up) screaming.
Present simple & Present continuous.
4. Choose the most suitable sentence or question.
a) 1 Do you know the answer?
2 Are you knowing the answer?
b) 1 Do you wait for the school bus? You’re in the wrong place!
2 Are you waiting for the school bus? You’re in the wrong place!
c) 1 That bike costs £350.
2 That bike is costing £350.
d) 1 Do you understand?
2 Are you understanding?
A2 Level, 3rd Module
Worksheet 1
14th February, 2014
5. Complete each sentence. Use the words in brackets. Use present simple or
present continuous.
a) Richard (always, get up) .................................... before 7.00.
b) Hurry up! The bus (wait) ........................................................................ for us!
c) Where (we, go) .......................................................... ? This is the wrong road!
d) My friends (not believe) .................................................................... my story.
e) Please be quiet! I (read) ............................................... a very interesting book.
f) (like, Susan) ................................................................................. horror films?
6. Choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space.
1. ‘Someone ..... for you outside.’ ‘Who is it?’
A) waits
B) is waiting
C) waiting
2. ‘What ..... of this book?’ ‘I think it’s fantastic!’
A) do you think
B) is you think
C) you do think
B) Are you believing
C) Do you believe
3. ..... in ghosts?
A) Are you believe
4. Kate is busy. She ..... for a test.
A) is study
B) is studying
C) is studies
5. ..... a great time at the moment!
A) We are have
B) We’re have
C) We’re having
6. Tina usually ..... at 7.00.
A) get up
B) is getting up
C) gets up
A2 Level, 3rd Module
Worksheet 1
14th February, 2014
7. Write the verb in brackets in the correct tense in each example.
Many people 1(feel) feel that currently global warming 2 (change) ___________________ the
weather in almost every country in the world. The number of floods in northern Europe 3
(increase) _______________________, while at this time droughts and forest fires 4 (happen)
_______________________ much more frequently in southern Europe. Scientists 5 (see)
_______________________ similar patterns of change all around the world. However, others
do not agree and point out that weather patterns always 6 (change)
_______________________ from year to year, and that people always 7 (worry)
_______________________ about the weather.
1. Here is some target vocabulary from your course books: Language Leader & Skills.
Read the sentences. Circle the best definition for each bold word.
1. My name is very difficult and many people cannot pronounce it well.
a. to tell a friend or family member something
b. to make the sound of a letter or word
c. to spell a word or name
2. Some businessmen and women only think about their career.
a. a job that you learn to do and then do for many years
b. a place to live for a family
c. a large amount of money
3. My sister is a famous celebrity who lives in Hollywood.
a. very uncommon or ordinary
b. known by many people
c. very rich or wealthy
A2 Level, 3rd Module
Worksheet 1
14th February, 2014
4. It is difficult to find an honest car salesman.
a. always feeding dogs
b. always telling lies
c. always telling the truth
5. If you want a job in the USA, you must send your resume to the company.
a. a C.V.
b. a list of good references with phone numbers
c. a letter or email that you send when you want a job
2. Which adjectives would you use to describe each of these people?
1. Kankugbe works for a charity in Africa. He is paid little, and works long days. He wants
to help the people of his country. dedicated, hard-working, helpful, kind
2. Sophia works with children in a nursery school. She loves reading stories and playing
games. She speaks softly when a child is upset. _______________________
3. Hyun-ha can play ten musical instruments. She plays violin and cello in an orchestra.
She practises three hours a day. ________________________
4. Last year, Parshu tried four times to climb Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the
world. Today, he is starting his fifth trip. ________________________
A2 Level, 3rd Module
Worksheet 1
14th February, 2014
3. Choose the correct word in each sentence.
1. During the hurricane the wind/windy speed got up to 100 kilometres an hour.
2. Hurricanes generally occur in warmer countries and include heavy rain/snow fall.
3. Before a storm, the sky will usually be cloudy/cloud.
4. A long period of foggy/dry weather can lead to drought.
4. Put the correct preposition, in, on or at, into each sentence.
1. Could you come and visit me on Saturday?
2. ____ eight o’clock tonight there will be a firework display.
3. He first went to school _____ 1969.
4. I am visiting my grandmother ______ Christmas Day.
Reading I:
1. Read an interview with Michelle Fossett, a knife thrower’s assistant. Fill in the gaps
(a-f) with questions (1-6)
1. Did you have any accidents in those ten years?
2. How did you meet your knife-throwing partner?
3. Did he say sorry?
4. How did you become a knife thrower’s assistant?
5. Which is worse, being the assistant or the thrower?
6. When was your first show together?
Someone’s got to do it.
A2 Level, 3rd Module
Worksheet 1
14th February, 2014
I was born into the circus. My dad was a knife thrower and my mum was his assistant. One
day mum couldn’t assist him, so I did. I didn’t have to, it was my decision. This was when I
was 12.
I met him at my uncle’s circus. He wanted to be a knife thrower and he needed an assistant.
We had to practice for hours every day. But it was fantastic to hear our first audience go
Over ten years ago. And we worked out that, in the first ten years of our act, my partner threw
195.200 knives at me!
Yes, when he tries to throw the knives too close together. He hit me three times- in the leg, in
the arm and the top of my head.
No he didn’t say sorry, but then he never apologizes! I got really angry about that and we had
a big argument- but after the show, not in front of the audience.
It’s the same. If something goes wrong, we both feel really bad! But I love the excitement. It’s
wonderful when 500 people are watching me and I am making them happy.
Reading II:
A2 Level, 3rd Module
Worksheet 1
14th February, 2014
These days most people believe that weather patterns around the world are changing. The
world is getting hotter and storms, hurricanes, floods and droughts are starting to happen
where they are not normally expected. This process is called climate change.
Causes of climate change
Climate change always happens, through a variety of causes such as the oceans of the world
becoming larger or smaller, the movement of large areas of land around the planet, and
changes in temperatures over long periods of time.
However, most recent discussion on climate change focuses on human activities which have
an effect on the climate. This includes the burning of fossil fuels, such as petrol, which
releases carbon dioxide into the air. Extra carbon dioxide causes an increase in the average
temperature of the Earth’s air and oceans. This very fast increase is called global warming.
Examples of climate change
Global warming is seen as a direct cause of many changes in weather patterns, such as the
lack of rainfall in some countries, causing drought, and the increase in rainfall in other areas,
causing floods. Also, rising temperatures in oceans and the air can cause changes in the way
that winds move around the planet, leading to an increased number of severe storms,
including hurricanes, in certain areas.
An increase in global temperatures also leads to ice melting at the North and South Poles,
which then leads to rising sea levels. Other effects of changes in the climate include damage
to land normally used for growing food, and some kinds of animals disappearing from the
planet completely.
What can be done?
Most people agree that we have to change the way that we live, using fewer fossil fuels and
doing much more to protect the natural environment.
A2 Level, 3rd Module
Worksheet 1
14th February, 2014
1. Put the following events in the correct order.
1. Wind patterns around the world change.
2. Mankind burns fossil fuels such as petrol.
3. Storms and hurricanes occur.
4. The temperature of the air and the oceans increases.
5. Carbon dioxide is released into the air.
Correct order: 2, ___, ___, ___, ___
2. According to the text, is each of the following statements true or false?
1. Climate change is only a very recent process. T / F
2. People think that global warming is caused by things we do. T / F
3. Storms can be caused by an increase in global temperatures. T / F
4. An increase in temperatures leads to an increase in polar ice. T / F
3. Which is the best definition of the term ‘climate change’?
1. The fact that general temperatures all around the world are rising.
2. The process in which weather patterns are changing around the world.
3. Storms, hurricanes, floods and droughts starting to happen around the world.