1 - Derry City & Strabane Council

Paper A
Derry City and Strabane District Council – Community Planning
Establishing the Evidence Base and Baseline Position – Methodology
Oct 2014
Background and Introduction
Why Community Planning?
Community Planning is ‘‘a process led by councils in conjunction with partners and
communities to develop and implement a shared vision for their area, a long term vision
which relates to all aspects of community life and which also involves working together to
plan and deliver better services which make a real difference to people’s lives.1’’
Local Government Reform (Local Government Bill) requires Councils to initiate and having
done so, maintain, facilitate and participate in community planning for its district. Specifically
with regard to community involvement, the Legislation states;
(1) A Council and its community planning partners must seek the participation of and
encourage the persons mentioned in subsection (2) to express their views, and take those
views into account, in connection with –
community planning
the production of a community plan for the district; and
the review of community plans.
(2) The persons are –
persons resident in the district;
persons who are not resident in the district but who receive services provided by the
council or one of its community planning partners;
representatives of relevant voluntary bodies;
representatives of persons carrying on businesses in the district;
other persons who, in the opinion of the council, are interested in the improvement of
the district’s social, economic or environmental well-being.
Local Government Reform: Community Planning Foundation Document, DOE, October 2013
Key Principles
To deliver on all of the above decision makers need a process that meets key principles of;
1. Integration – Social, Economic, Environmental well-being of the district focused on
outcomes and people centred delivery.
2. Whole System Approach - Civic and Community Leadership, Partnership Working,
Participation and Engagement, Transparency and Openness, Equality and Diversity.
3. Robust Evidence Base – Identification of real rather than perceived need, allowing
targeted interventions to bring about measured improvements and support ongoing
monitoring and evaluation of impacts.
Establishing Evidence Base/Baseline Position
The Methodology
This paper sets out the proposed methodology for establishing the robust evidence
base/baseline position for the Council area. This evidence base will be complied through two
distinct but complimentary strands of work;
1. Collation of official statistics.
2. Citizen Survey 2015
 Questionnaire
 Focus groups (including S75 groups)
 Interactive Digital Web-based – Young peoples Survey/Online workshop/gaming
Collation of Official Statistics
The need to profile the population of the Derry City and Strabane District Council area is
twofold. Firstly, in order for the effectiveness of any community plan to be assessed in future
years it is necessary to baseline the socio economic profile of the population of the council
area at the start of the process. Secondly, the collation of these data will allow for data
gaps to be identified and the need for additional research to supplement the official data.
It is essential that these data are compiled in a consistent manner and that when compared
or utilised in conjunction with other data that their interpretations and limitations are known to
the user. The simple presentation of data are of limited use if associated metadata or levels
of statistical significance are not recorded and noted in any process of user engagement.
To collate and analyse official statistics (economic, social and environmental)
to support the development of a community plan.
To use data collated to ensure that any agreed targets of the community plan
will only be set if the evidence base exists that will accurately measure
progress and achievement.
To use the data collated to investigate issues that could be explored through
the proposed Citizen Survey or through additional research work as need and
resources allow.
To create a bank of quantifiable information that can be used to measure
outcomes from the implementation community plan.
To provide a data resource that can be utilised by council staff to provide
evidential base in other areas of work distinct from community planning.
Plan of work
Ilex’s Statisticians (on secondment from NISRA) are currently drawing up a definitive list of
data sources of official and National Statistics that are published by NISRA. Many of the
sources of information are well known to Council, its members and key stakeholders within
the community planning process. However, each of these organisations and/or individuals
may use such data with a single focus determined by their own work agendas and
responsibilities. It is imperative that these data are collated in such a manner that they can
be fed into the formative stages of the community planning process in a manner that allows
for cross-cutting issues to be incorporated from the outset.
It is proposed that a Statistical Monitoring Group be established. The purpose of the group
will be to share information, co-ordinate the collation, analysis and publication of data, agree
interpretations of data as well as raise awareness of the issues behind the statistics
concerning the council area and how these impact directly and indirectly on its citizens. This
group will be convened and chaired by the lead Statistician.
The draft timeline for the work involved in this collation of data is provided below.
Stage of work
Schedule of official data sources to produced
Nov 2014
Formation of Statistical Monitoring Group
Nov 2014
Agree format of data collation and identify suppliers of Nov 2014
Dec 2014 – Jan 2015
Identify data gaps
Production of summary document outlining data Mar 2015
Programme to host data on council website
Apr 2015 – Jun 2015
Citizen Survey 2015
The proposed 2015 Citizen Survey and the surrounding consultation is firmly founded on the
key principles of community planning (see 1.2). The process directly involves citizens
throughout – from questionnaire design, testing, field work through to reporting and feedback
sessions with the capacity building of enumerators in the urban and rural areas across the
Council area, a key planned outcome of the process. This combined with the S75 focus
groups provides a stable platform on which to ‘...produce a community plan after consensus
has been reached with its community planning partners on the objectives, actions and
functions...’2 in line with the draft Order as published by DoE.
The Citizen Survey 2015 applies all of the learning that Ilex, Social Capital North West and
the University of Ulster have gained during their implementation of the Citi-Scope 2009 and
2012 surveys. In addition the introduction of new elements including a new Digital/Social
Media component increases significantly the reach of the survey into the lives of young
people across the new council area.
The rationale/need for the Citizen Survey 2015
A prerequisite for good and informed decision making for Community Planning is the
provision of robust data sets that encompass all aspects of community life. These include
quantitative and qualitative data as well as relevant contextual information facilitating
interpretation of the data.
The Community Planning approach proposed here includes the following elements;
Citizen Survey 2015;
NISRA data sets to include
Departmental Data;
Section 75 Focus Group;
Census 2011 data, NINIS data;
The draft Local Government (Community Planning Partners) Order (NI) 2015, Consultation Document, Oct
Interactive Digital APP/Web based – Young Peoples Survey/On-Line Workshop;
Feedback Sessions – enumerators;
Summary of existing community based surveys;
Administrative data sets; and
Local Community Plans.
Within this context of the availability of large data sets across almost all aspects of life within
NI – many of which are now almost available in real time – then it is critical the role and
purpose of the Citizen Survey is clearly defined. Only by doing so can we ensure that there
is no duplication of effort and that the questions posed seek to fill in gaps in our knowledge
base or alternatively provide more detailed information on critical areas of focus.
It must be noted that the 2011 Census and other data sets are by definition all
encompassing and thus come without the need to attribute confidence intervals or other
mechanisms to caveat the accuracy of the results. The corollary of that is that the first
reference point in any analysis should be the Census followed by administrative data sets
and finally survey data.
Defining the Role and Purpose of the Citizen Survey
The primary role of the Citizen Survey is to contribute to establishing the evidence base and
assist Derry City and Strabane District Council in producing its Community Plan by providing
it with accurate, reliable data on aspects of community life. It is one part of a matrix
including the data sources outlined above Census, Departmental and other administrative
To this end then the Citizen Survey does not seek to replicate existing data sources e.g. the
rate of car ownership is well known, available at Super Output Level3 from both Census and
DoE. Thus no purpose would be served in duplicating questions relating to car ownership in
the Citizen Survey but rather further exploration of the impact of non-car ownership might be
sought e.g. availability of public transport, access to education etc.
Through this approach it is planned that key questions can be more fully answered feeding
directly into policy making and resource allocation.
These might be expected to include the following;
Q1. What barriers do you face in upskilling? a) Access to educational facilities. b) lack of
confidence. c) financial. d) lack of time. e) childcare. f) other.
SOA geographic area of circa 300 households.
Q2. Would you be prepared to participate in a health programme at a local
community/sports/leisure facility? If no, why not?
Drilling down beneath the already available data and the production of both supplementary
and complementary data will enable us to provide a holistic picture which decision-makers
can utilise to produce the Community Plan.
Objectives of the Citizen Survey
To ascertain citizens views on areas that are pertinent to community planning
and that are not necessarily evident from published official data sources.
To collect quantitative data through a household survey targeting households
resident within the Derry City and Strabane District Council area.
To collect qualitative data through community engagement sessions.
Channel the data collated in to the community planning process to establish
the evidence base and support the content of the proposed Community Plan.
Plan of work
The University of Ulster, in partnership with social research community interest
company, Social Capital North West (SCNW), took forward the fieldwork, analysis and
presentation of the results of the 2009 and 2012 Citi-Scope surveys (appointed following a
competitive tendering exercise lead by Ilex and facilitated by CPD). Through agreement with
Central Procurement Directorate (CPD), Ilex has secured their services once again to take
forward the work associated with the Citizen Survey proposed for 2015. The 2012 survey
achieved a sample of 450 responses within DDC area. It is important to note that for the
2015 survey it is proposed to target 1400 households across the two existing council areas
in order to achieve a target sample size of 900.
An outline of the stages of work involved in the Citizen’s Survey and its associated
processes are detailed below:
Draft survey created
Ilex Statisticians have drafted a survey as a starting point for discussion by the Task and
Finish group (See Appendix 1). The questions included in this draft have been chosen as it
is believed that they will help in the councils remit of community planning and provide
supplementary information not directly available from official sources.
Timescale – October 2014
Ilex Strategy managers who lead on the implementation of the One Plan strategic themes
have been asked to advise on the draft survey content based on their experience working
with stakeholders across each of the One Plan themes. They have also been asked to
informally gather the views of key stakeholders within their working networks to further
ascertain the requirements to be placed on the community survey.
Once this has been completed, it is proposed to present the draft survey to the ‘Task and
Finishing’ group as well as to Council party leaders for further consultation.
Timescale – October & November 2014
Sample of households derived
Ilex Statisticians will request colleagues in NISRA’s Central Survey Unit to establish the
household sample for the survey. This will entail 1400 households being randomly selected
across the new Council area. This will be a systematic random sample ensuring robustness
of results. It will also ensure that households from rural areas are represented.
Timescale – October 2014
Recruitment of survey enumerators
Similar to the previous Citi-Scope surveys in 2009 and 2012, once SCNW are aware of the
random sample of addresses to target and the number of surveys that will be carried out in
each of the electoral wards across the Council area, they will then contact local Community
and Voluntary groups operating in the these areas to engage them in recruiting local
volunteers and/or local residents who would be interested in volunteering or undertaking
survey work. It is anticipated that 30 enumerators will be recruited from the current Derry
City Council Area and 30 from the Strabane District Council Area. These enumerators will
then survey households in their local areas allowing local community knowledge and
participation to be embedded in the overall process.
Timescale – November/ December 2014
Focus group Consultation
It is currently planned to hold 12 focus groups targeting different participants across the
Council area. Where more detailed data is needed and in order to have the optimum
information on which to hold focus groups with Section 75 groups, SCNW will seek co7|Page
operation within and between sectors for any additional, relevant, reliable, local and up-todate information such as local qualitative literature and research reports relevant to Section
75 and rural communities.
The planned series of focus groups will allow for a community engagement process that will
enable those on the margins to feed their views and experiences into the community
planning process. It will also engage with section 75 groups as well as Neighbourhood
Renewal Partnerships and other relevant bodies in identifying relevant issues in regard to
community planning.
The Focus Groups will provide an opportunity to feed qualitative information into the
community planning process, information that will not necessarily be available from any
administrative or survey source.
Timescale – December 2014 to March 2015
Training of enumerators
The training of the enumerators will occur over a two day period and will include interview
skills, survey content, health and safety, confidentiality, code of conduct, ICT training,
survey practice sessions and survey administration through the medium of presentations,
handouts, group work, ICT practical and survey practice sessions.
Timescale – January 2015
Survey piloting
The trainee enumerators will pilot the survey through their training sessions but it is
envisaged that that a number of the enumerators will be asked to pilot the survey within a
number of households in January.
Previously the University of Ulster has piloted the Citi-Scope surveys with university students
and this may be an option for the citizen survey as well.
Timescale – January 2015
Survey fieldwork
It is planned to split the survey fieldwork into two stages. The fieldwork has been developed
with the recruitment of 60 enumerators. The first stage will involve 700 households being
approached across the Council area. This will require 15 enumerators working in each area.
Timescale – February to March 2015
The second stage of the fieldwork will then involve the remaining 700 households being
approached for interview.
Timescale – April to May 2015
First wave of headline results
Depending on the success and expediency of the survey fieldwork it is anticipated that
headline and provisional findings could be available by May 2015. However, this has not
been confirmed by UU at this stage. Experience from the 2012 Citi-scope meant that
headline results were available approximately one month after the end of the fieldwork
period. However, please note that the Citi-Scope surveys were paper based and data input
and quality assurance were a resource intensive process both in terms of time and financial
cost. The Citizen Survey 2015 will be undertaken using survey software on electronic
Given Ilex experience in surveying both City of Culture events as well as Council events, the
use of survey software means that results can be uploaded and collated almost
instantaneously after a survey has been completed.
Resource Requirements
To be completed
Appendix 1
Respondent profile
10 | P a g e
Local Area and Council Area
Community Participation
Employment and Finances
Health and Wellbeing
Children and Family
Standard of Living
Cultural Activities
Respondent Profile
Responses in conjunction with visual show cards.
 How do you identify yourself (Gender)?
 What is your religion?
 What is your marital status?
 To which of these ethnic groups do you consider you belong?
 Do you have dependents?
 Are you a lone parent?
 Do you provide unpaid care?
 How many hours of unpaid care do you provide per week?
 What is your sexual orientation?
 How many children aged 17 or under are living here?
 How many children aged 17 or under are living elsewhere?
 And how many adults aged 18 or over are living here?
 And how many adults aged 18 or over are working in your household?
 Does any member of your household have a disability which affects their
normal day to day activities?
 How many members of your household have a disability that affects their
normal day to day activities?
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Local Area and Council Area
1. How long have you lived in this local area?
yy mm
2. Do you agree or disagree that you belong in this local area?
1 - Strongly agree
2 – Agree
3 – Neither
4 – Disagree
5 - Strongly disagree
3. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your local area as a place to live?
1 – Very satisfied
2 – Fairly satisfied
3 – Satisfied
4 – Fairly dissatisfied
5 – Very dissatisfied
6 – Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
4. Over the last year, has this area got better or worse to live
in, or have things not changed?
1 – Got better
2 – No change
3 – Got worse
4 – Lived here less than a year
5. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement about your
“I’m embarrassed to bring people to this area”
1 - Strongly agree
2 – Agree
3 – Neither agree or disagree
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4 – Disagree
5 - Strongly
6. Please tell me how you rate the provision of the following facilities within your local
GP / Social Care facilities
Pharmacy services
Dental services
Food / convenience stores
Green Areas / Parks / Play areas
Library facilities
Leisure facilities
Arts and Cultural activities
Public Transport services
Local community facilities
Post office / Banking services
Provision of ATM / Cash Machine
Response options:
1 – Very good
2 – Good
3 – Fair
4 – Poor
5 – Very poor
6 – Not aware of any such service / facility in local area
7. Please indicate three services / actions that you would you like to see
better provided for in this local area?
1 - More structured activities for teenagers to be provided
2 - Better facilities for young children and families
3 - Greater supply of affordable decent housing
4 - Better provision of community facilities
5 - Greater access to library and cultural facilities
6 - Greater provision of parks and recreational facilities
7 - Improved provision of education and training services
8 - Improved provision of health services
9 - Greater effort placed on informing and helping with job training and local
employment prospects
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10 - Reduced levels of pollution / litter / graffiti
11 - Reduced levels of traffic problems
12 - Improved public transport provision
13 - Greater efforts to improve cross community relations
14 - Greater efforts to reduce crime in this area
8. How safe would you feel walking alone in this area after dark?
1 - Very safe
2 - Fairly safe
3 - Fairly unsafe
4 - Very unsafe
9. How much of a problem are the following types of anti-social behaviour and
disorder in your area?
Disruptive neighbours
People congregating in groups
Drug misuse / dealing
People drinking alcohol and associated disorder
Dog control
Vandalism / fire setting
Violent crime
Hate crime
Car / vehicle crime or nuisance
Burglary of personal items
Theft of plant / machinery
Litter / graffiti
Fraud / Bogus callers
Domestic Violence
Response options:
1 – High
2 – Medium
3 – Low
4 – Not a problem
10. In terms of the continued development of Derry / Londonderry - Strabane council
area, please indicate which three of the following areas you believe are most
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1 - Support the local economy and business community
to create jobs
2 - Maximise the reach of next generation (4g) broadband provision
3 - Supply a community broadband coverage to all households
4 - Promote Derry/Strabane as a positive destination
for visitors and inward investment
5 - Increase sustainable transport networks
(e.g. walking, cycling and public transport)
6 - Increase the level of qualifications and other achievements
of children and young people
7 - Increase the success of adults in gaining qualifications
and in re-training
8 - Provide a focussed service that connects people with job training
opportunities and businesses
9 - Refurbishment and redevelopment of city / town centre
10 - Increased provision of cultural activities
11 - Continued development of rivers and greenways
11. To what extent do you agree or disagree that Derry /Londonderry / Strabane is a
place where people from different backgrounds get on well together.
1 – Strongly agree
2 – Agree
3 – Neither agree or disagree
4 – Disagree
5 – Strongly disagree
12. In terms of relations between Protestants and Catholics in Derry / Londonderry/
Strabane, would you say they are better than they were 5 years ago, worse or
about the same now as then?
1 – Better
2 – About the same
3 – Worse
4 – Don’t know
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Community participation
13. How would you rate the council’s efforts to keep residents informed about
important issues and current events? Would you say they are . . .
1 - Very good
2 - Good
3 - Neither good nor poor
4 - Poor
5 - Very poor
6 – Don’t know
14. Please provide three areas that you believe the new Derry/Londonderry – Strabane
council will be responsible for.
15. How do you hear about events in your Council Area?
1 - Local Press
2 - Community newspaper
3 - Neighbourhood / community association newsletter
4 - Local radio
5 - Council web site
6 – Social Media
7 - Word of mouth
8 - Other
9 - Don't know / Undecided
10 - Refused to answer
16. Do you agree or disagree that you can influence decisions affecting your local area?
1 - Strongly agree
2 – Agree
3 – Neither agree or disagree
4 – Disagree
5 - Strongly disagree
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17. Do you agree or disagree that when community representatives get involved in
matters concerning your local area, they can have an influence on outcomes?
1 - Strongly agree
2 – Agree
3 – Neither agree or disagree
4 – Disagree
5 - Strongly disagree
18. In the last year, have you contacted any of the people/ organisations listed below?
1 - Local Councillor
2 - MP
3 - MLA
4 - Council official
5 - Government / Civil Service official
6 - Community worker
7 - Local Neighbourhood Renewal Area office
8 – Other (please specify)
9 – Have not contacted anyone
19. In the last year, have you taken part in a consultation about issues in your local area
in any of the ways listed below?
1 – Yes
2 – No
20. If yes, which of these have you taken part in?
1 - Door to door questionnaire
2 - Postal questionnaire
3 - Online questionnaire
4 - Attended a public meeting
5 - Involved in a neighbourhood group
6 - None of these
21. Which, if any, of these might make it easier for you to influence decisions in your
1 - If I had more time
2 - If the council got in touch with me and asked me
3 - If I could give my opinion online
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4 - If I knew what issues were being considered?
5 - If it was easier to contact my local councillors
6 - If I knew who my local councillors were
7 - If I could get involved in a group making decisions about issues affecting
my local area
8 – Other, please specify
9 -Nothing
10 - Don't know
22. How often you have you used each of the following council services in the past 12
Sports and leisure facilities
Museums and Galleries
Theatres or Concert Halls
Parks and Open Spaces
Community Centres and Facilities
Recycling centres
Council Offices
Response options:
1 - Most days
2 - At least once a week
3 - About once a month
4 - Once or twice a year
5 - Not used in the past year
6 - Never used
7 - Don't know
23. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the provision with each of these
local services?
Sports and leisure facilities
Museums and Galleries
Theatres or Concert Halls
Parks and Open Spaces
Community Centres and Facilities
Recycling centres
Council Offices
Response options:
1 - Very satisfied
2 - Fairly satisfied
3 - Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
18 | P a g e
4 - Fairly dissatisfied
5 - Very dissatisfied
6 - No opinion
24. Do you give any time as a volunteer or as an organiser for any charities, clubs or
organisations (i.e. in an unpaid capacity)?
If yes, go to q25.
If no, go to q28.
1 - Yes
2 - No
25. On average, how often have you volunteered in the last 12 months?
1 - At least once a week
2 - At least once a month
3 - Once every 2/3 months
4 - Once or twice a year
26. Who do you volunteer with?
1 - Sports club
2 - Governing body
3 - Local authority
4 - Community / voluntary group
5 - School / college / university
6 - An individual / number of individuals
7 - Other
27. What roles have you carried out
1 - Raising money
2 - Committee work
3 - Office work or administration
4 - Providing advice or assistance to others
5 - IT Support
6 - Education or training or coaching
7 - Advocacy
8 - Campaigning
9 - Providing transport or driving
10 - Visiting, buddying or befriending people
11 - Counselling
12 - Helping to organize or run events or activities
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13 - Providing direct services (e.g. meals on wheels, doing odd jobs) etc.
Representing others
15 - Managing, organising or co-ordinating other unpaid helpers
16 - Generally helping out
17 - Other (please specify)
20 | P a g e
14 -
Employment and Finances
28. Please state your current main employment status
1 - Full-time employment (30hr + / week)
2 - Part-time employment (less than 30hr / week)
3 - Self employed
4 - On maternity leave
5 - On a government training scheme
6 - Unemployed
7 - Full-time student
8 - Retired
9 - Looking after family / home
10 - Long term sick / disabled
11 - Do not want / not looking for a job
12 – Caring for someone
If working go to q29
If unemployed go to q33
29. Please describe your occupation in your main job
30. Do you have a second job?
1 – Yes
2 - No
If yes, go to q31
If no, go to q33
31. How many hours do you work in your second job?
32. What is the occupation of your second job?
33. How many periods of unemployment have you had in the last five years?
If currently employed go q38
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34. How long are you currently unemployed?
yy mm
35. What difficulties do you face finding suitable work?
1 - No jobs in local area
2 - No reliable transport to jobs/work
3 - Low confidence
4 - Lack of qualifications / skills
5 - Cost of childcare
6 - Find it hard to get information on vacancies
7 - Possible jobs not worthwhile financially
36. Have you been offered a job in the last 6 months that you have turned down?
1 - Yes
2 – No
If yes, go to q37
If no, go to q38
37. If Yes, why?
1 - Located too far away
2 - No reliable transport
3 - Had no affordable childcare
4 - Possible jobs not worthwhile financially
38. Looking back, how do you think you are financially from a year ago, are you...
1 - Better off
2 - Worse off
3 - or about the same?
39. How well would you say you yourself are managing financially these days? Would
you say you are...
1 - Living comfortably
2 - Doing alright
3 - Just about getting by
4 - Finding it quite difficult
5 - or finding it very difficult
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40. Looking ahead, how do you think you will be financially a year from now, will you
1 - Better off
2 - Worse off
3 - or about the same?
41. Do you save any money each month?
1 - Yes, every month
2 – Yes, some months
3 - No
42. What are your reasons for saving?
1 - Leisure activities e.g. Holidays
2 - For emergencies
3 - For a car
4 - Christmas
5 - Relatives birthdays
6 - Deposit for a house
7 - House repairs / furnishings
8 - Children's savings
9 – Other, please specify
43. In the last year, have you reduced your weekly/monthly expenditure in any of the
following areas, in an effort to save money?
1 - Eating out
2 - Cinema / theatre / concerts
3 - Nights out
4 - Short breaks
5 – Music /Film /computer games
6 - Internet
7 - TV packages
8 - Childcare fees
9 - Branded groceries
10 - Cigarettes / alcohol
11 - Buying clothes
12 – Other, please specify
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Health and Wellbeing
44. How is your health in general? Would you say it was....
1 - Very Good
2 - Good
3 - Fair
4 - Poor
5 - Very poor
45. Do you have any long-standing illness, disability or infirmity?
1. Yes
2. No
46. Does this illness or disability limit your activities in any way?
1. Yes
2. No
47. Over the last 12 months, would you say that your health has improved,
deteriorated or stayed the same?
1 - Improved
2 - Stayed the same
3 – Deteriorated
If improved, go to q49
If deteriorated, go to q48
48. You indicated that your health has deteriorated in the last year. Which of
the following factors may have contributed to this?
1 - My economic situation has got worse
2 - I cannot access health services in a convenient manner
3 - People are less educated on health matters
4 - I feel less safe
5 - I find it expensive to prepare healthy meals
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6 - I find it hard to plan and prepare healthy meals
7 - There are fewer places to exercise, such as parks and gyms
8 - People in my community are living less healthy lives
49. You indicated that your health has improved in the last year. Which of the
following factors may have contributed to this?
1 - My economic situation has improved
2 - I can access health services in a more convenient manner
3 - People are more educated on health matters
4 - I feel safer
5- I find it less expensive to eat healthily
6 - I find it easier to plan and prepare healthy meals
7 - There are more places to exercise, such as parks and gym
8 - People in my community are living more healthy lives
50. How easy or difficult is it to lead a healthy lifestyle specifically in this area?
1 - Vey easy
2 - Easy
3 - Difficult
4 - Very difficult
5 - Not sure
51. How would you rate the health of the people in this area?
1 - Very good
2 - Good
3 - Fair
4 - Poor
5 - Very poor
6 - Don't know
52. Compared to people of your own age, what would you say that your health
has been on the whole?
1 – Excellent
2 – Good
3 – Fair
4 – Poor
5 – Very Poor
6 – Don’t know
25 | P a g e
53. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
‘If my neighbours are less healthy, I am likely to be less healthy’.
1 - Strongly agree
2 - Agree
3 - Neither agree or disagree
4 - Disagree
5 - Strongly disagree
54. Which of the following best describes your frequency of visits to the
1 - I visit the doctor for regular checkups, even when I am well
2 - I visit the doctor regularly to take care of a chronic condition
3 - I only visit the doctor when I am given a referral to see one
4 - I only visit the doctor when I am sick or injured
5 - I never visit the doctor
6 - Don't know.
55. Have you ever visited a health or medical website/ app to research health issues?
1 - Yes
2 – No
If yes, go to q56
If no, go to q59
56. How much importance do you place on health information you find online?
1 - Very important
2 - Important
3 - Neither important or not important
4 - Not important
5 - Not at all important
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57. What is most likely to make you consult these health or medical websites?
1 - To get exercise information
2 - To get a second opinion
3 - To get nutritional information
4 - To determine if I need to see a GP
5 - To diagnose myself
6 - To learn about a health issue affecting a friend or family member.
58. How often do you use a website or an app that can do the following?
1 - Count calories / advise on weight
2 - Track / plan physical exercise
3 - Keep track of medication
4 - Manage a chronic condition or disease
5 - Provide nutritional advice / recipes
6 – Diagnose illness
Response options:
1 - Most days
2 - At least once a week
3 - About once a month
4 - Once or twice a year
5 - Not used in the past year
6 - Never used
59. How long per week would you spend on moderate-intensity aerobic activities
(e.g. cycling, fast walking/hiking, pushing a lawn mower etc)?
60. How long per week would you spend on vigorous-intensity aerobic activities (e.g.
jogging/ running, game of singles tennis, football, rugby, hockey martial arts etc)?
61. How often per week would you carry out muscle strengthening activities
that work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and
arms) (lifting weights, resistance bands, heavy gardening, yoga etc)
62. Have you ever smoked a cigarette, a cigar or a pipe?
1 – Yes
2 - No
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If yes, go to q63
If no, go to q65
63. Do you smoke cigarettes at all nowadays?
1 – Yes
2 - No
If yes, go to q72
If no, go to q65
64. How many cigarettes do you smoke per day?
65. Do you drink alcohol?
1 - Yes, regularly (i.e. every day or most days of the week)
2 – Yes, on few occasions each week
3 – Yes, on social occasions
4 - No
If yes, go to q66
If no, go to q67
66. How many times a week would you drink more than 3-4 units (male) and 2-3 units
(female) a day?
For the following questions, please answer on a scale of zero (0) to ten (10), where 0 is
'not at all' and 10 is 'completely'.
67. Overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays?
68. Overall, to what extent do you feel that the things you do in your life are
69. Overall, how happy did you feel yesterday?
70. How anxious did you feel yesterday?
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71. Are you in full-time education?
1 – Yes, Secondary School
2 – Yes, Higher Education
3 – Yes, Further Education
4 – No
If No, go to q72
If Yes, go to q73
72. How old were you when you left full-time education?
1 - Write in age
73. Please provide the names of the primary and secondary schools you attended?
(Primary, Secondary)
1 - School
2 - City / Town / Area
74. Have you ever enrolled in a Further Education or Higher Education course?
1 – Yes, Higher Education
2 – Yes, Further Education
3 - No
75. Have you graduated from a course in Further Education or Higher Education?
1 – Yes, Higher Education
2 – Yes, Further Education
3 - No
76. What are the main reasons you did not go on to Further or Higher Education?
1 - Having school qualification is enough
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2 - Have decided on a specific career that did require FE or HE
3 - Wanted to work and earn money
4 - Cost of education too high
5 - Depends on grades
6 - Did not achieve the grades required
7 - Did want to go
8 - Want to travel
9 - Undecided about it
10 - Other reason
77. How important do you feel education is?
1 - Very important
2 – Fairly important
3 – Important
4 – Not very important
5 – Not important at all
6 – Don’t know
78. How likely is it that you will undertake a new learning activity in the next two
1 - Very likely
2 - Likely
3 – Neither likely nor unlikely
4 - Unlikely
5 - Very Unlikely
6 - Don't know
If Unlikely/Very Unlikely, go to q79
If Very Likely / Llikely, go to q80
79. Why do you think that it is unlikely that you will undertake any learning activities in
the next two years?
1 - Don't need / want training
2 - Cost of training is too high
3 - Cost of living whilst training is not affordable
4 - Family commitments make it difficult
5 - Do not have time
6 - Can't get time off work
7 - Locations of courses make it difficult to attend
8 - Lack / cost of childcare
9 - Illness / disability
10 - Do not have qualifications for course I would like
11 - Worried might lose benefits
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12 - Do not like exams
13 - Previous learning experience is discouraging
14 – Other, please specify
15 – Current course will still be ongoing
16 - Don't know
80. What, if anything, would help you to take part in learning activities in the future?
1 - Advice on the type of learning I could do
2 - Funding to help me pay for learning
3 - Childcare available while learning
4 - Care for dependants while learning
5 - Help with health problems / disability
6 - Help with reading writing and numeracy skills
7 - Learning organised at more convenient times
8 - Learning organised in more convenient locations
9 - Learning which helped to improve employment prospects
10 - Time off work
11 - Learning in workplace
12 - Support with transport arrangements
13 – Other, please specify
14 - Nothing
15 - Don't know
81. For the next series of statements, please tell me to what extent you agree or
1 - Learning is something you should do throughout your life
2 - I see paying for my education as an investment
3 - I don't have the confidence to learn new things
4 - I wish I had carried on in education to a higher level
Response options:
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Don't know
82. Which of these best describes the type of qualifications / skills your father gained?
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1 - He did not go to school at all
2 - He left school with no qualifications or certificates
3 - He left school with some qualifications or certificates
4 - He gained further qualifications or certificates after leaving school (e.g. an
apprenticeship, nursing or teaching qualification, City and Guilds
5 - He gained a university degree or higher degree
6 - Other
7 - Don't know
83. What is / was your father's occupation?
84. Which of these best describes the type of qualifications / skills your mother gained?
1 - She did not go to school at all
2 - She left school with no qualifications or certificates
3 - She left school with some qualifications or certificates
4 - She gained further qualifications or certificates after leaving school (e.g. an
apprenticeship, nursing or teaching qualification, City and Guilds certificates)
5 - She gained a university degree or higher degree
6 - Other
7 - Don't know
85. What is / was your mother's occupation?
86. Would you personally like to see your children go on to university or college when
they finish their education?
1 - Yes
2 - No
If Yes, go to q88
If No, go to q87
87. If no, why not?
1 - Too expensive
2 - No guarantee of job
3 - Too far from home
4 - Need to support family
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Children and Family
88. How confident do you feel about helping your children with the following?
Other school subjects
Response options:
1 - Very confident
2 - Confident
3 - Unconfident
4 – Very unconfident
89. Children vary a great deal in how often they talk to their parents about things that
matter to them. How often [does your child / do any of your children] talk to
you about things that matter to them?
1 - Most days
2 - More than once a week
3 - Less than once a week
4 - Hardly ever
90. How confident do you feel when dealing with issues that affect teenagers?
1 - Bullying
2 - Alcohol
3 - Smoking
4 - Sex education
5 - Anti social behaviour
6 - Drug abuse
7 - Depression
8 – Online safety and awareness
9 – Domestic / Family issues
Response options:
Very confident
Very unconfident
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91. How often do you and your [child/children] spend time together on leisure
activities or outings outside the home such as going to the park, going to the
movies or taking part in sports?
1 - Everyday
2 - Almost every day
3 - Several times a week
4 - About once a week
5 - Several times a month
6 - Once a month or less
7 – Never or rarely
92. How often would you read stories to your children, either during the day or before
1 - Most days
2 - More than once a week
3 - Less than once a week
4 - Hardly ever
Q93 -96 only for those who have children living outside household
93. Can you tell me how often you visit, see or contact your child(ren) aged 17 or under
living outside the household?
1 - Never
2 - A few times a year
3 - Once a month or less
4 - Several times a month
5 - About once a week
6 - Several times a week
7 - Almost everyday
8 - Shared care 50/50
94. Do they stay with you for weekends or school holidays on a regular basis, an
irregular basis, or not at all?
1 - Regular basis
2 - Irregular basis
3 - Not at all
95. About how long would it take you to get to where your child(ren) aged 17 or under
1 - Less than 15 minutes
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2 - Between 15 and 30 minutes
3 - Between 30 minutes and 1 hour
4 - Between 1 and 2 hours
5 - More than 2 hours
6 - Lives/works abroad
96. How close a relationship do you have with your child(ren) aged 17 or under living
outside the household? Would you say it is...
1 - Very close
2 - Close
3 - Not very close
4 - Not close at all
35 | P a g e
Standard Living
97. Type of building at/in which address is located
1 -House detached
2 - Bungalow detached
3 - House - semi-detached
4 - Bungalow - semi-detached
4 - Terraced house or terraced bungalow
5 - Purpose-built flat or maisonette
6 - Part of house/converted flat or maisonette in house
7 - Rooms in flat/maisonette or house
8 - Dwelling with business premises
9 - Rural cottage
10 - Other (please specify)?
98. Can you tell me if you own or rent your home?
1 - Own it outright
2 - Buying it with the help of a mortgage or loan
3 - Pay part rent and part mortgage (shared ownership)
4 - Rent it from a Housing Association
5 – Rent it from the Housing Executive
6 – Rent it from a private landlord
7 – Part of work package
8 - Live here rent-free (incl. rent-free in relative’s/friend’s
9 – Squatting
10 – Family home
11- Other, please specify
99. Do you receive any help with your rent or mortgage, such as housing benefit or
mortgage protection?
1 – Yes, full housing benefit
2 – Yes, part housing benefit
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3 – Yes, full help with mortgage
4 – Yes, part help with mortgage
5 – No help with rent or mortgage
100.How many rooms do you have altogether in your accommodation,
that's excluding bathrooms and toilets, but including kitchens?
101.How many bedrooms do you have?
102.How long have you lived in this accommodation?
yy mm
103.Have you owned or rented a home before this current one?
1 – Yes
2 – No
If Yes, go to q104
If No, go to q107
104.Can you tell me if you owned or rented your last home?
1 - Owned it outright
2 - Bought it with the help of a mortgage or loan
3 - Paid part rent and part mortgage (shared ownership)
4 - Rented it from a Housing Association
5 – Rented it from the Housing Executive
6 – Rented it from a private landlord
7 – Part of work package
8 - Lived there rent-free (incl. rent-free in relative’s/friend’s
9 – Other, please specify
105.Where was your last home?
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106.Why did you decide to move from your last home?
1 - To move to cheaper accommodation
2 - Previous home was too small
3 - Previous home was too big
4 - Previous home was in disrepair
5 - Relationship breakdown
6 - To move closer to friends/family or employment
7 - To move to a better environment
8 - Wanted to buy a home
9 - Needed housing with care/support or adaptations
10 - Other reason (please specify)
107.Do you believe that it will be likely that you will need to move home in the next
five years?
1 – Yes, within the next year
2 – Yes, in 1 to 2 years
3 – Yes, in 2 to 5 years
4 - No need/not likely to move in next 5 years
If No, go to q109
If Yes, go to q108
108. What are the main reasons for wanting/needing to move to a different home?
1 - To move to cheaper accommodation
2 - Previous home was too small
3 - Previous home was too big
4 - Previous home was in disrepair
5 - Relationship breakdown
6 - To move closer to friends/family or employment
7 - To move to a better environment
8 - Wanted to buy a home
9 - Needed housing with care/support or adaptations
10 - Other reason (please specify)
109.What is the main type of domestic fuel that you use to heat your accommodation?
1 – Electricity
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2 – Oil
3 – Gas
4 – Solid fuel (Coal, turf, wood chip etc)
5 – Other, please specify
6 – None
110.How much do you spend per year on heating your home?
111.Is this enough to adequately heat your home?
1 – Yes
2 – No
If Yes, go to q113
If No, go to q112
112.If no, how much would you need to spend to adequately heat it?
113.How much do you spend per year on electricity?
114.How do you heat your water?
1 - Oil
2 – Gas
3 - Electric / Immersion heater
4 - Fire, Back Boiler
5 – Wood pellet/ slack burner etc
6 – Other, please specify
115.When purchasing oil, how much would you purchase on average?
1 - Less than 100 litres
2 - 100 - 300 litres
3 – 301 - 500 litres
4 – Over 500 litres
If Less than 100 litres, go to q116
If more, go to q117
116.If less than 100 litres how do you get the oil delivered?
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1 - Delivery lorry
2 – Purchase at a fuel pump at petrol station
3 – Other, please specify
117.Please indicate for Yes / No / DK for each of the following questions
1 - Do you have solar panels installed
If yes, are they Solar PV panels or Solar Water Heating panels
2 - Do you have adequate insulation in your accommodation?
(best practice level is 270mm)
3 - Do you have double glazing?
4 - Have you switched electricity provider in last two years?
5 – If applicable, would you like to switch from oil to gas?
If yes, do you believe you can afford the gas installation cost?
7 – Are you aware of schemes such as the ‘Warm homes scheme’
to aid with insulation of your home?
118.Is your home of cavity or solid wall construction?
Cavity Solid DK
119. Are the walls insulated?
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120.In general, how concerned, or not, are you personally about the environmental
issues that impact on you?
1 - Very concerned
2 - Concerned
3 - Neither concerned or unconcerned
3 - Unconcerned
4 – Very unconcerned
121.Could you look at this list of environmental problems and tell me which, if any, you
think is the most important to you?
1 - Pollution in rivers
2 - Traffic exhaust fumes and urban smog
3 - Fumes and smoke from factories
4 - Traffic congestion
5 - Use of pesticides, fertilisers etc
6 - Waste sent to landfill
7 - Illegal dumping of waste
8 - None of these
9 – Other, please specify
122. Which, if any, of the following actions have you taken in the last 12 months?
1 - Cut down the amount of electricity/gas/oil you (or your household) uses
2 - Cut down on your use of water
3 - Deliberately used public transport/walked/cycled
4 - Cut down on the use of a car for short journeys
5 - Encourage wildlife in your garden
6 - Bought items made from recycled material
7 - Decided not to buy a particular product because it had too much
8 - Bought organically produced food
9 - Used low energy light bulbs in the home
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10 - Avoided food waste – shopping lists, proper storage, portion planning,
use leftovers
11 – Grow your own food
12 - Avoided buying products you throw away
13 - Ensured clothes/furniture/bric-a-brac that you no longer want is
14 - Reused plastic bags or used a reusable bag
15 - Used rechargeable batteries
16 - Used the kerbside collection service, local amenity sites or bring banks
for recycling household and garden waste
17 - Bought clothes and items in charity shops
18 - Used online services such as Freegle, Freecycle, Gumtree, eBay, etc to
give away, buy or sell used items
19 - Composted or used a wormery for garden and food waste
20 - Used real nappies
21 - Reduced waste by giving family or friends a gift experience/certificate
instead of a product
22 – Other, please specify
23 - None
123. You mentioned that you had…
Was this taken for environmental reasons, economic reasons, both or neither of these two
1. Environmental reasons only
2. Economic reasons only
3. Both environmental and economic reasons
4. Neither
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124.I'm going to read out some types of journey. For each type of journey, could you
tell me which of the phrases on this card applies to you?
A - Go shopping for small amounts of food
B - Go supermarket shopping
C - Go town centre shopping
D - Go for evenings out for leisure purposes (cinema, eating out)
E - Visit friends and relatives
F - Go to see GP
G - Go to the library
Response options:
1 - Never make that type of journey
2 - Always walk
3 - Always take a taxi
4 - Always take a bus
5 - Always use a private car
6 - Sometimes a car / sometimes walk
7 - Sometimes a car / sometimes a taxi or bus
8 -Sometimes a taxi / sometimes a bus
125.Where you always use a car, how easy or difficult would it be for you to ****
without a car?
A - Go shopping for small amounts of food
B - Go supermarket shopping
C - Go town centre shopping
D - Go for evenings out for leisure purposes (cinema, eating out)
E - Visit friends and relatives
F - Go to see GP
G - Go to the library
Response options:
1 - Very hard
2 - Hard
3 - Easy
4 - Very easy
5 – No difference
126.Confirm if employed or self-employed
127.What is the postcode of the place where you work?
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128.Address of work
129.How do you usually travel to work
1 - Walk
2 - Driver car/van
3 - Passenger car/van
4 - Motorcycle/moped
5 - Bicycle
6 - Works bus
7 - Ordinary (service) bus
8 - Taxi/minicab
9 - Rail
130.What are the main reasons you use this method of travel to work
1 - Close/nearby/not far away
2 - Most convenient
3 - Travel with friends
4 - Safest method
5 - Quickest method
6 - Only method available
7 - Too far to walk
8 - No public transport
9 - Public transport unsuitable (e.g. too infrequent)
10 - Good exercise/fresh air
11 - No car/transport
12 - Laziness
13 - Distance
14 - Too much to carry
15 - Parking problems
16 - Need car at work
17 - Work patterns (e.g. shifts, unsociable hours, start early, work late)
18 -Other (please specify)
– Cheapest method
- Company car / supplied by employer
- Drop off children on the way
- Better for the environment
– Health reasons
- Avoid congestion/traffic
– Most comfortable – relaxed, warm, stress-free etc.
– Dislike public transport
– Buses too busy
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131.Apart from the days when you use ****, do you regularly use any other method of
travel to get to work?
1 - No, None
2 - Walking
3 - Driver car/van
4 - Passenger car/van
5 - Motorcycle/moped
6 - Bicycle
7 - School bus
8 - Works bus
9 - Public bus
10 - Taxi
11- Rail
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132. How often do you take part in the following cultural and entertainment activities?
1 – Lessons for music/drama/dance
2 – Music performance
3 – Play/Theatre
4 – Museums
5 – Cinema
6 – Eating out
7 – Going to a pub/club
8 – Events / festivals
9 – Other (please specify)
Response options:
Less than once a month
Once a month
More than once a month
133. How has the City of Culture influenced your participation in cultural and
entertainment activities?
1 – It has increased my participation
2 – It has no effect
3 – It has decreased my participation
134.Did Derry-Londonderry's year as UK City of Culture allow you to take or attend
any cultural activity or entertainment activity that you had never been involved in before?
1 - Yes
2 - No
135.If yes, what was it?
136.If yes, have you been able to continue in this since, or have you repeated the
activity after 2013?
137.Which of the following City of Culture events, if any, did you attend?
1 – Radio 1’s One Big Weekend
2 – Return of Colmcille
3 – Fleadh Cheoil na héireann
4 – Walled City Tattoo
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5 – Turner Prize
6 – Lumiere
7 – Other (please specify)
138. Did you attend any community based events and/or activities supported by the
City of Culture?
1 – Yes
2 – No
139. If yes, please tell us what they were.
140.Did you feel that the reach of the City of Culture programme extended to
your local area?
141.Has the City of Culture empowered your local community for the better?
142.If so, how?
143.How do you rate the provision of Arts and Cultural activities in the Derry –
Londonderry / Strabane?
1 – Excellent
2 – Very good
3 – Good
4 – Fair
5 – Poor
6 – Don’t know
144.Do you believe that the Derry City/ Strabane Council should continue to
invest in large scale cultural programmes and events?
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