EHS-EA001 Application Form Environmental Protection Act 1994 Site-specific application for environmental authority This approved form is to be used to make a site-specific application for an environmental Authority under sections 124 and 125 of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act) for an environmentally relevant Activity (ERA). The Following ERAs are administered by Local Government: ERA No. Short Description Threshold Asphalt Manufacturing 1000 tonne or more a year 12(1) Plastic product manufacturing other than foam, composite plastics or rigid fibre-reinforced plastics 50 tonne or more a year 12(2) Plastic product manufacturing foam, composite plastics or rigid fibre-reinforced plastics 5 tonne or more a year Metal forming (hot forming) 10 000 tonnes per year Metal Recovery 100 tonnes per day Metal recovery without using a fragmentiser 100 tonnes or more per day, or 6 19 20(1) 20(2)(a) 10 000 tonnes or more per year 38(1)(a) 49 61(1) Surface Coating – anodising, electroplating, enamelling or galvanising 1 tonne to 100 tonnes per year Boat Maintenance and repair within 50 metres of a bed of naturally occurring surface waters Waste incineration and thermal treatment waste vegetation, clean paper or cardboard All applicants must be a registered suitable operator before carrying out an ERA. If you are not already registered as a suitable operator, you need to apply to the Department of Environment & Heritage Protection (EHP). EHP are contactable on 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or by email on You must apply fore, applying for the environmental authority. Please note that your application for an environmental authority will not proceed until you have been confirmed as a suitable operator. If you would like to have a pre-lodgement meeting please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre prior to lodging this application form. Document1 1 EHS-EA001 Checklist for making a site-specific application You must complete this checklist before you continue with the application form. If your application is for: A single prescribed ERA Multiple prescribed ERAs fill in section 1 fill in section 1 and section 2 Depending on the results of your answers to the checklist questions, you may not be able to make an application. Checklist Questions Section 1 Has a Development application for the development been made under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 Has a development application been refused for this activity? Result ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No If no, you cannot make an environmental authority application until you have made a development application for the material change of use. Both applications need to be made together. If yes, you cannot make an environmental authority application. If a development application is refused the environmental authority application must be refused. ☐ N/A Is this an application for an ERA devolved to Local Government ☐ Yes ☐ No If no, you cannot make an application to Council for an Environmental authority. Is the application for a devolved ☐ Yes ERA undertaken by a State of ☐ No Local government entity If yes, you cannot make and application to Council for an Environmental Authority. Application needs to be made to EHP. Is the application for an mobile and/or temporary activity across local government areas ☐ Yes If Yes, you cannot make an application to Council for an Environmental Authority. Application needs to be made to EHP. Is the proposed activity carried out at a facility with a nondevolved activity ☐ Yes Section 2 Will the proposed ERAs be carried out under the day to day management of a single responsible person (eg. a site manager or operations manager) Are the places where the proposed ERA will be carried out close enough to make the integrated day to day management of the activities feasible? ☐ No ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No If yes, you cannot make an application to Council for an Environmental Authority. Application needs to be made to EHP If no, you cannot make a single environmental authority application as you do not meet the definition of a single integrated operation. All ERAs must be carried out under the day to day management of single responsible person. Separate applications will need to be made for the ERAs that cannot be carried out as a single integrated operation. If no, you cannot make a single environmental authority application as you do not meet the definition of a single integrated operation. All ERAs must be separated by distances small enough so that the integrated day to day management is feasible. Separate applications will need to be made for the ERAs that cannot be carried out as a single integrated operation Document1 2 EHS-EA001 Are all aspects of the proposed ERAs operationally interrelated? ☐ Yes ☐ No Is this application for a new ERA which will form part of an ERA ☐ Yes project under an existing ☐ No environmental authority? If no, you cannot make a single environmental authority application as you do not meet the definition of a single integrated operation. All ERAs must be operationally interrelated. For example if a Metal recovery ERA and Surface Coating ERA were applied for, 1 ERA must be dependent on the other ie. The operation of 1 cannot function without the operation of the other. Separate applications will need to be made for the ERAs that cannot be carried out as a single integrated operation. If yes, you cannot make an environmental authority application for additional ERAs proposed to be carried out as a part of a project. You can apply to amend the existing environmental authority to add a new ERA to the ERA project. Definitions of terms used in this form Where there is inconsistency between the definition of terms and the terms used in the EP Act, the terms in the EP Act apply. Environmentally relevant activity (ERA) A resource activity or a prescribed ERA ERA Project A prescribed ERA project or a resource project. Mobile and Temporary ERA A prescribed ERA, other than an activity that is dredging material, extracting rock or other material, or the incinerating of waste: (a) Carried out at various locations using transportable plant or equipment, including a vehicle (b) That does not result in the building of any permanent structures or any physical change of the landform at the locations (other than minor alterations solely necessary for across and setup including, for example, access ways, footings and temporary storage areas) (c) Carried out at any 1 of the locations: (d) For less than 28 days in a calendar year, or (e) For 28 or more days in a calendar year only if the activity is necessarily associated with, and is exclusively used in, the construction or demolition phase of a project. Prescribed ERA An environmentally relevant activity that is not a resource activity and is prescribed under section 19 of the EP Act. Prescribed ERA project All prescribed ERAs carried out, or proposed to be carried out, as a single integrated operation. Registered suitable operator A person who, or a corporation which under section 318I of the EP Act has been assessed as being suitable to carry out an ERA and has been listed on the suitable operator register. Single integrated operation Occurs when all the below criteria is met: (a) The activities are carried out under the day-to-day management of a single responsible individual, for example, as site manager or operations manager (b) The activities are operationally interrelated (c) The activities are, or will be carried out at 1 or more places (d) the places where the activities are carried out are separated by distances short enough to make feasible the integrated day-to-day management of the activities. Document1 3 EHS-EA001 RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS OR REGISTERED BUSINESS ADDRESS (NOT A POST OFFICE BOX ADDRESS) Section 1 – Application Details (PLEASE USE BLOCK LETTERS) 1. Applicant Details INDIVIDUAL OR BUSINESS NAME POSTAL ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) TRADING NAME (IF RELEVANT) CONTACT PERSON ABN/ACN/AN (IF RELEVANT) PHONE (WORK) RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS OR REGISTERED BUSINESS ADDRESS (NOT A POST OFFICE BOX ADDRESS) PHONE (AFTER HOURS) MOBILE POSTAL ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) FACSIMILE CONTACT PERSON EMAIL PHONE (WORK) 3. Applicant Suitability PHONE (AFTER HOURS) Note: Where this application is a corporation these questions applies to all the executive officers of the corporation. MOBILE A. Have you been convicted of an offence under this legislation? If yes provide details. ☐ No FACSIMILE ☐ Yes (provide details) B. Have you been issued with one or more penalty infringement notices under this legislation? EMAIL ☐ No When there is more than 1 applicant complete Attachment 1 Appointment of principal applicant by all joint applicants. ☐ Yes (provide details) C. Have you ever had an environmental authority or an equivalent authority or an equivalent authority from another state or country that was cancelled or suspended? If yes, provide details about the authority, when it was cancelled or suspended and the reasons why. 2. Agent for applicant/address for service INDIVIDUAL OR BUSINESS NAME TRADING NAME (IF RELEVANT) ☐ No ☐ Yes (Provide details) Document1 4 EHS-EA001 D. Have you ever breached any condition of an environmental authority under this legislation? Have all applicants been registered as a suitable operator? APPLICANT NAME ☐ No ☐ Yes (Provide details) SUITABLE OPERATION REGISTRATOIN STATUS E. Have you ever been issued with an environmental protection order under this legislation? Tick the box that applies and provide any other requested detail. ☐ I am a registered suitable operator. You must provide your suitable operator registration number below ☐ No ☐ Yes (Provide details) F. Have you been convicted of any offence under environmental legislation in another state or country? SUITABLE NUMBER OPERATOR REGISTRATION ☐ No ☐ I have lodged an application to be registered suitable operator and am waiting for it to be decided. ☐ Yes (Provide details) G. Do you have any formal qualifications that may be relevant to complying with conditions of an environmental authority? ☐ I am not an existing registered suitable operator and I have not yet lodged an application to become a registered suitable operator. You must contact EHP and make an application to become a registered suitable operator, otherwise this site-specific application may be rejected as incomplete. ☐ No ☐ Yes (Provide details) H. Have you owned or operated a business with activities similar to that for which you are making this application? If yes, include details about size, location and nature of the operation. NOTE: If you will be lodging the suitable operator application form please lodge it to EHP Prior to this application. ☐ No ☐ Yes (Provide details) I. J. Section 3 – Prescribed ERA details Do you have knowledge of environmental protection legislation or any particular knowledge of environmental issues and the local areas that may be relevant to the activities to be conducted under the permit? 5. Type of ERA Application ☐ A single prescribed ERA at a fixed Location ☐ No ☐ 2 or more prescribed ERAs at a fixed location ☐ Yes (Provide details) ☐ A mobile and temporary ERA with Toowoomba Regional Council area only Do any of your previous roles and responsibilities provide you with knowledge that may be relevant to you application? 6. Prescribed ERA/s to which the application applies ☐ No 1. ERA NUMBER ☐ Yes (Provide details) Section 2 – Registered suitable operator NAME OF ERA 4. Suitable Operators Document1 5 EHS-EA001 THRESHOLD Area of Operation (eg. Oakey, Toowoomba, Greenmount 2. ERA NUMBER NAME OF ERA THRESHOLD 3. ERA NUMBER NAME OF ERA 9. Related Approvals THRESHOLD ☐ I have made this application in conjunction with my development Application ☐ a development approval has been granted, state your development approval number 7. Fixed ERA Location Fill out the details of the fixed location where the ERA/s will be carried out. STREET NUMBER ☐ I have made an application for a development approval but it has not been granted STREET NAME APPLICATION NUMBER SUBURB/TOWN DATE APPLICATION LODGED POSTCODE APPROVAL STATUS LOT/PLAN(S) 8. Mobile 10. Take effect Date and Temporary Do you want the environmental authority to take effect on a nominated date or event? ERA ☐ Yes (nominate the date or event below) Location For a mobile and temporary prescribed ERA being conducted within Toowoomba Regional Council only , provide details of the area of operation below. ☐ No Document1 6 EHS-EA001 ☐ By Mail Section 4 – Environmental Impact and supporting information Enclose a Cheque or Money order made payable to Toowoomba Regional Council and please mail to: Toowoomba Regional Council PO Box 3021 TOOWOOMBA VILLAGE FAIR QLD 4350 11. Environmental impact You must provide an assessment of the likely impact of each ERA on environmental values, including: Please ensure that you return your completed form with payment. A description of the environmental values likely to be affected by each relevant activity Details of any emissions or releases likely to be generated by each relevant activity A description of the risk and likely magnitude of impacts on the environmental values Details of the management practices proposed to be implemented to prevent or minimise adverse impacts Section 6 – Declaration Note: If you have not told the truth in this application you may be prosecuted. I declare that: I am the applicant or an authorised signatory for the applicant. The information provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that it is an offence under section 480 of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 to give to Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) or an authorised person a document containing information that I know is false, misleading or incomplete in a material particular. ☐ Tick to indicate that an assessment of the environmental impact and provision of specific supporting information has been attached. I understand that all information supplied on or with this application form may result in the application being refused. 12. Waste Management A description of the proposed measures for minimising and managing waste generated by the ERAs must be attached I understand that all information supplied on or with this application form may be disclosed publicly in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009 and the Evidence Act 1977. ☐ Tick to indicate attachment Section 5 – Payment of Fees I understand that I am responsible for managing the environmental impacts of these activities, and that approval of this application is not an endorsement by TRC of the effectiveness of management practices proposed or implemented. Please refer to the schedule of fees to obtain the application fee relevant to this application. If your application is approved the first annual fee must be paid within 20 business days of the environmental authority taking effect. Operation of the ERA cannot commence until the annual fee is paid. APPLICANT’S NAME (Please select the payment method below) ☐ In person SIGNATURE Cash, cheque, money order, EFTPOS, Mastercard or Visa. Present this notice to Council’s Customer Service Branch at one of our Customer Service Centres, 8.30am to 5pm weekdays (except public holidays). POSITION OF SIGNATORY DATE Document1 7 EHS-EA001 JOINT APPLICANT NAME (IF APPLICABLE) Section 8 – Submission Please submit your completed application kit to: Toowoomba Regional Council PO Box 3021 TOOWOOMBA VILLAGE FAIR QLD 4350 JOINT APPLICANT SIGNATURE (IF APPLICABLE) Or JOINT APPLICANT NAME (IF APPLICABLE) In person to one of Council’s Customer Service Branch at one of our Customer Service Centres, 8.30am to 5pm weekdays (except public holidays). JOINT APPLICANT SIGNATURE (IF APPLICABLE) Section 9 – Privacy statement Toowoomba Regional Council is committed to protecting the privacy, accuracy and security of your personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. Section 7 – Applicant Checklist ☐ Application form has been singed and completed. ☐ Attachment 1: Appointment of principal applicant by all joint applicants has been signed and completed (if applicable). Council is collecting your personal information in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1994 in order to assess your application under that Act. The information will only be accessed by authorised employees within Council. Some of this information may be shared with Department of Environment and Heritage Protection. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given us permission or we are authorised or required by law. ☐ Section 3: additional details have been attached with a description of the land where ERA/s will be carried out (if required). ☐ Question 9: Information for assessment of environmental impacts attached ☐ Question 10: Details of waste management attached All information supplied on this form may be disclosed publicly in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009 and Evidence Act 1977. For queries about privacy matters contact Council’s Customer Service 131 872. ☐ Fees paid or enclosed. All requested information must be provided with this application, otherwise it will not be considered properly made under section 127 of the EP Act and assessment cannot commence. Document1 8 EHS-EA001 ATTACHMENT 1 APPOINTMENT OF PRINCIPAL APPLICANT BY ALL JOINT APPLICANTS We being the joint applicants for this environmental authority, hereby nominate the following as the principal applicant Print name of principal applicant Name/Company Signatory name ABN/CAN/AN Signatory position Signature Date Name/Company Signatory name ABN/CAN/AN Signatory position Signature Date Name/Company ABN/CAN/AN Signatory name Signatory position Signature Date Name/Company ABN/CAN/AN Signatory name Signatory position Signature Date Document1 9 EHS-EA001 ATTACHMENT 2 Environmental impact assessment Activity Details Describe the type of work and services performed by your business. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ____ Environmental Management Are discharges to water that potentially cause contamination managed? ☐ No ☐ Yes Specify __________________________________ Is stormwater protected from contamination? ☐ No ☐ Yes Specify __________________________________ Are direct or indirect discharges to groundwater that potentially cause contamination managed? ☐ No ☐ Yes Specify __________________________________ Are noise and vibration emissions impacting on the surrounding environment and ecosystems managed? ☐ No ☐ Yes Specify __________________________________ Are direct and indirect discharges to land that potentially cause contamination managed? ☐ No ☐ Yes Specify __________________________________ Is waste generated by the activity managed to prevent any adverse impact on the environment? ☐ No ☐ Yes Specify __________________________________ Do you have a Site Management Plan (including equipment maintenance, practices and procedures) to prevent pollution or contamination during the normal operations of the activity? Document1 10 EHS-EA001 ☐ No ☐ Yes If Yes, is it documented? ☐ No ☐ Yes (provide a copy) Do you have an Emergency Response Plan that includes practices and procedures to prevent pollution or contamination during an emergency situation? ☐ No ☐ Yes If Yes, is it documented? ☐ No ☐ Yes (provide a copy) Do you have any other environmental reports or assessments pertaining to your business? (eg Environmental Impact Statement) ☐ No ☐ Yes If Yes provide a copy Are noise and vibration emissions impacting on people’s ability to sleep, study, learn and be involved in recreation, including relaxation and conversation managed? ☐ No ☐ Yes Specify __________________________________ Does this activity generate any liquid waste? ☐ No ☐ Yes Specify a. Do you discharge liquid waste to the sewer? ☐ No ☐ Yes If Yes, does the property owner have a Trade Waste Permit? ☐ No ☐ Yes Provide permit No: b. Does a contractor remove any liquid waste from the premises? ☐ No ☐ Yes Site Plan A site plan (a scaled drawing or sketch plan with dimensions) should accompany this application and include the following details: Adjacent land uses Position of the building relative to the site boundaries Location type and height of site fencing or other buffers Location of all noise generating (both stationary and mobile) equipment Location and type of light source (eg showrooms, security, advertising lights) Location of all stormwater drain discharge points (to either stormwater system, natural waterway or canal) Location of all other waste sources (eg gaseous emissions such as overspray etc) Location of sewer entry point SEE EXAMPLE PLAN ON THE BACK OF THE LAST PAGE. Document1 11 EHS-EA001 Locality Details Are the premises located within 500 metres of the following areas? a. Hospitals, schools or residential buildings ☐ No b. Indicate approximate distance: ___ Waterbodies (creeks, rivers, lakes, water supply catchments) ☐ No C. ☐ Yes ☐ Yes Indicate approximate distance: __ Other sensitive land uses (community parks, children's day care centres, etc) ☐No ☐ Yes Specify and indicate approximate distance: Operating Times What are the hours of operation for this activity? Mon-Fri Start . . . . . . . . . am/pm Finish . . . . . . . . . . . am/pm Saturday Start . . . . . . . . . am/pm Finish . . . . . . . . . . . am/pm Sunday Start . . . . . . . . . am/pm Finish . . . . . . . . . . am/pm Contaminated Land Is the ground (soil) contaminated with chemicals and/or other waste? ☐ Unlikely register ☐ Possible ☐ Site is registered on the environmental management Document1 12 EHS-EA001 DISPOSAL METHOD Recycle SOLID WASTES Approx quantity per month kg or no. WASTE MINIMISATION For each of the wastes listed, indicate which wastes, if any, are recycled either on site or off site, treated or minimised through equipment/process modification. Reuse WASTE AND POLLUTION Tick the type and list approximate quantity and disposal method of each waste product. TREAT WASTES If Yes, please indicate how Absorbents/kitty litter Ash – all types Batteries Cans/drums – all types Empty containers Filter Bags/Pads Food scraps Glass – all types Grit – all types Leathers Metals-off cuts/parts Paper/Cardboards Plastics inc. foams Rags Rubbers inc. tyres Sand/Ash/Gravel Slag – all types Woods inc. crates LIQUID WASTES TREAT WASTES Litres If Yes, please indicate how. Acids Caustics – all types Chemicals Contaminated stormwater Coolants Degreasers Detergents Oils Paints/dyes/inks Sludges – all types Thinners/solvents Wash waters Document1 13 EHS-EA001 GASEOUS EMMISSIONS Adhesives/bonding Carbon Monoxides Chlorine compounds Dust – grain etc Dust – grinding etc Dust – road/yards etc Dust - wood Fluorides Furnace Heavy metals/vapour Odours Over sprays Ozone depleting substances/CFCs Resins/styrene/paints Smoke/soot Solvent/thinners/ink Toxic eg oils/rubbers NOISE SOURCES G/m3 If applic. CONTROL METHOD TREAT WASTES If Yes, please indicate how. CONTROL METHOD TREAT WASTES If Yes, please indicate how. CONTROL METHOD TREAT WASTES If Yes, please indicate how. Abrasive blasting Air & power tools Air conditioners/fans Animal noises Compressors Extracting equipment Grinding/sawing Hammering Music Other machinery Sirens/bells/loud speakers/phone Vehicular LIGHT SOURCES Advertising Car park Security Vehicular Welding/gas-electric Document1 14 EHS-EA001 FUEL/CHEMICALS/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES F & C Liquid TANK STORAGE U/Ground A/Ground No. & No. & Vol Vol Leaded Unleaded (Hi-Octane) Unleaded (Regular) Diesel Kero Metho Turps Oil (Heating) Oil (Lube) Chemicals Other Other Other Hazardous Other Other Gas Document1 15 DRUM/PACKAGE 60-205L <60L EHS-EA001 Document1 16