Guidelines Commission Natural Hazards group Meeting: 20 March 2014 in Leuven, Belgium Present: Matti Orrainen (chairman), Finland; Ib Bertelsen, Denmark; Lars Brodin, Sweden, Jeanine Driessens (hostess), Belgium; Adair Lewis, UK; Miguel Vidueira, Spain; and Mingyi Wang, Germany Not present: - Mateja Gris, Slovenia Minutes 1. Welcome a) Welcome and agenda. Matti welcomes everybody and congratules Jeanine and the ANPI for the dinner on 19th and general organization. The agenda was confirmed. 2. Minutes from last meeting Minutes from the meeting in Bled, September 12, are ok for everyone. Regarding chapter 1b) from the minutes, Matti informs that Miguel will be elected as chairman of the Guidelines Commission in coming CFPA General Assembly, in May. Matti also informs that Mingyi has accepted to be the vicechairman-secretary of our Commission when Miguel is the chair. 3. Comments concerning ratification. Decision about ratification. a) “Protection roof from collapse under heavy snow”. Members of CFPA E had possibility to give comments and vote about the proposal between 7/10/2013 to 31/01/2014. Only one country, France, has voted against ratification. In order to consider France comments, we discuss to change the title. It is decided that the title will be “Managing heavy snow loads in the roofs”. In the scope a new sentence will be added, something like “Roof construction design is not the topic of this Guideline, since these requirements are already considered in the Eurocodes”. All other countries has voted yes for ratification with no comments. We decided to ratify the proposal as Guideline No. 5:2014 N in March. Adair has already made the English wash. 4. Proposal for discussion. a) “Heavy rain”. A colleague from Matti will join the Commission since our next meeting. She is expert in natural hazards, and she will develop this “Heavy rain” guideline and will be back for our meeting in October. We decide that the title could be “Planning and managing the effects from heavy rain”. b) “Forest fires”. Miguel showed a short presentation about the contents of the document, since it was circulated too late and the members had not the opportunity to go through it. Commission members will send their comments to Miguel before the 1st of September. It is decided that the title for this guideline will be “Prevention of fires in the countryside”. Also it is decided that when speaking about safety distances in the 1 guideline, it will be stated that “minimum safety distances are stated according to Spanish experience”. c) “Water supplies for sprinkler systems in dry periods”. Adair says the sprinkler standards are being rewritten in the UK, so it does not make sense to produce a guideline on this topic until they have the final version of these standards. He will try to make a first draft for next meeting. d) “Hail”. Mingyi says they have begun a project on this topic yesterday. They are looking for statistics about hail storms, but not only for the number and location of storms, but also for the intensity and the size of hail. He thinks it is preferred to wait and collect more data before giving recommendations in a guideline. e) “Earthquake”. We have not received information about this topic from any country. In the Guideline Commission meeting this afternoon Matti will ask again every members to collect information in each country about this subject. 5. Ideas for new proposals a) “Landslides”. Lars has collected some information from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, but they have some doubts about making the material “European” because the conditions could be very different in different countries. We also speak about coastal erosion and the stability problems for buildings that are very close to the coast. We decide that it is a good idea to consider also coastal erosion in this “Landslides” guideline, and make it more general. We will ask Harry for their experience in Switzerland. Matti will put Lars in contact with a Norwegian expert on this subject. Adair will also look for some information. b) “Cold weather”. We decide that this guideline would be mainly about freezing, and that maybe it has not enough content. It remains in the “waiting list”. c) “Fog”. Although there have been some car disaster because of fog, we do not see it clear how to produce a guideline about this topic. It remains in the “waiting list”. d) “Solar storms”. For the moment we have no expertise on this topic. It remains in the “waiting list”. e) “Snow slides”. Waiting list. f) Other. We think that “Tsunami” can be a topic. We have no experience in our countries about this. Matti and Miguel will meet the chairman of CFPA-I in May. He´s from Malaysia so maybe he can give us some information. Adair says some buildings are having structural problems because of the weather conditions (floods, heavy rain, etc.). This is a problem also in other countries. We will keep this idea in the “waiting list”. Mingyi says it could be a good idea to produce a guideline about “Mobile flood protection systems”. We all agree it is a very interesting topic. He can develop a first paper to discuss. Miguel says that we could produce something about “Snow storms”. Matti says it is difficult to define the scope. They have produced something about preparing the home for a snow storm, her colleague from SPEK will bring some information about this next meeting. Also Adair will send information. Finally, Adair makes a proposal about “Emergency power supplies”. It is a good idea from our “Natural hazards” perspective, and also for fire protection. 6. Time limits Documents and comments for the next meeting should be sent to Miguel by the 1st of september. 2 7. Any other business The cover of the guidelines will have a good picture for coming guidelines in order to make them more attractive. Also previous guidelines will adapt to this new template when revising. 8. Next meetings. After this meeting the Natural Hazards Group will meet: - 2014, October 6 in Switzerland, - 2015, April 16 in Finland (will be probably together with the training commission), - 2015, September 17 in Denmark, and - 2016, March in France - 2016, September in Norway Meeting in Switzerland will probably oblige most of us to travel on Sunday evening. We will ask Harry for the details. Meeting in Finland will be shared with Training Commission so members will probably have to travel on Wednesday to have more time to develop all the work. / Miguel Vidueira 3