equipment specifications

PROJECT –JC11-0001
Hydrogen Fuel Analyzer for measurement of impurities in hydrogen including oxygen, nitrogen, carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide, total hydrocarbons, helium, argon, total sulfur, total halogenated
compounds, and water, including:
1. Bruker Scion GCMS with 451 Gas Chromatograph plus vacuum pump, or equivalent
2. NIST Library
3. Pulsed Flame Photometric Detector, P/N 45240150F-CAD
4. PFPD Scope Software, P/N 392594391-CAD
6. Electronic Flow Controller Type 5, 2 ea. P/N CP450025-CAD
7. 1177 Capillary Injector with Electronic Flow Controller Type 1
8. Bruker CP-Select 624 column, 30 m, 0.25 mm ID, CP7414-CAD, or equivalent
9. CarboPLOT column, 30 m, 0.32 mm ID, P/N CP7514-CAD
10. Bruker BR1, 30m, 0.53mm ID, 5 μ film, P/N CP9775-CAD, or equivalent
11. Particle Trap, P/N CP4018-CAD
12. Large Valve Oven, total of 3. P/N 455000001-CAD, plus P/N 45500001F-CAD, 2 each
13. Column Oven Cryogenics, P/N 3925557-01-CAD
14. Digital Flowmeter, P/N 190011500-CAD
15. Leak Detector, P/N CP87610-CAD
16. Options Board, P/N CP741205-CAD
17. Panel, P/N CP742288-CAD
18. Column Hanger, P/N
19. Stream Selector Software, P/N BCA9410010
20. Sample Container, Swagelok P/N 316L-50DF8-1000
21. Training, 3 days
22. Dual Stage Gas Regulators for He/H2/Air, 4 each
23. VICI Metronics Permeation Oven with Sulfur Permeation Tubes
24. Restek TO-15 65 component mix standard
25. Miscellaneous columns, tubing, and fittings
26. Modifications to Bruker Series 300/451, or equivalent, including 16 Position Automated
Sampler, Heated Sample Lines, Sample Cart, required valving with Microelectric Actuators, Dual
Cryotraps, Dual Mass Flow Controller, required columns, Restek 6L canister with gauge (2 ea),
Pressure Station, computer with 4GB RAM, 3GHz Intel processor, 1TB hard
drive, keyboard, mouse, 27” LED screen, Laserjet printer, factory assembly and testing, on-site
installation and on-site training (5 days).
27. Bruker 451 Gas Chromatograph, P/N 450000001-CAD, or equivalent
PROJECT –JC11-0001
28. Flame Ionization Detector with Detector Electronic Flow Controller, P/N 452100101-CAD
29. VICI Pulsed Discharge Detector and electrometer, P/N CP741096-CAD
30. Thermal Conductivity Detector with Detector Electronic Flow Controller, P/N 452500301CAD
31. Large Valve Oven, total of 3, P/N . P/N 455000001-CAD, plus P/N 45500001F-CAD, 2 each
32. Electronic Flow Controller Type 3, 3 ea., CP450023-CAD
33. Options Board, P/N CP741205-CAD
34. Panel, P/N CP742288-CAD
35. Column Hanger, P/N
36. Extended cover for Valve Oven, P/N CP742195
37. Dual Stage Gas Regulator for N2
38. Scott-Marrin Hydrogen Gas Standard and Regulator
39. Tiger Optics HALO-H2O-500 Moisture Analyzer
40. Miscellaneous columns, tubing, and fittings
41. Modifications to 451, or equivalent, including 16 Position Automated Sampler, Heated
Sample Lines, Sample Cart, required valving with Microelectric Actuators and Purged
Housing with special leak testing for sensitive valves, required columns, external
temperature controllers (4 each), reduction catalyst, custom report software, Canister
Cleaner, Agilent Triscroll 300 Vacuum Pump, factory assembly and testing
42. 3-year extended warranty on complete system, including Bruker Series 300 GCMS and
second Bruker 451, or equivalent
43. 3-year extended warranty on modifications, computer, pressure station and canister