学習院で学ぶ わくわくとしま日本語教室 受付 No. 2013 年 月 日 Application Form (Hiragana/Katakana) Name (Kanji/Alphabet) Gender Address □Male □Female Birthplace(Citizenship) Occupation Contact Number Date of birth Phone: 19 . . e-mail: Class(Please circle ○ the date(s) you wish to attend) Wednesday Thursday Saturday (1) 15:30-18:00 9:30-12:00 14:00-16:30 Saturday (2) 14:00-16:30 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 23 Nov. 23 Orientation, Basic①(Greeting) Orientation, Basic①(Greeting) Orientation, Subject【1】 ①Earthquake, Typhoon Subject【2】①Pharmacy Subject【1】①Earthquake, Typhoon Nov. 27 Subject【1】 ②Emergency evacuation Subject【1】 ③ Making emergency phone calls Nov. 28 Basic①(Greeting) Orientation, Basic①(Greeting) Subject【2】①Pharmacy Nov. 30 Nov. 30 Subject【5】 ①School events Cultural experience 「Lunch box」 Basic② A flyer Subject【2】 ②Seeing a doctor Cultural experience 「Lunch box」 Basic③ Address Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 7 Dec. 7 Basic③ Address (Repeat) Subject【5】 ②School supplies Subject【5】①School events Basic④ A signboard Subject【3】 ① Garbage Subject【2】 ③Seeing a doctor Subject【5】② School supplies Subject【1】②Emergency evacuation Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 14 Dec. 14 Basic ⑤ Going shopping Subject【5】③Contacting school1 Subject【5】③Contacting school 1 Basic⑥ Menu Subject 【4】 At the post office Subject【5】④Contacting school 2 Subject【5】④Contacting school 2 Subject【1】③Making emergency phone calls Q. Can you do the following in Japanese? Please tick the appropriate answer✓. ◎ Yes ○ to some extent △ No Use greetings such as ohayo, konnichiwa etc. ◎ ○ △ See a doctor at the hospital ◎ ○ △ Introduce yourself within 30 seconds ◎ ○ △ Ask about garbage disposal rules ◎ ○ △ Write your name in Japanese ◎ ○ △ Post a letter/parcel at the post office ◎ ○ △ Write your address in Japanese ◎ ○ △ Read a notice of non-delivery, and respond by phone ◎ ○ △ Read sign boards and understanding the content ◎ ○ △ Apply for re-delivery on the internet ◎ ○ △ Communicate with shop staff/shopping ◎ ○ △ Understand the times, content and purpose of events at your child’ s nursery school or school ◎ ○ △ Read a menu, order food and drink ◎ ○ △ Prepare school supplies for class or events ◎ ○ △ Read a flyer and understand the content ◎ ○ △ Prepare a lunch box for a sports festival or a picnic ◎ ○ △ Use a machine to buy a food ticket ◎ ○ △ Contact school by phone or in writing ◎ ○ △ Understand earthquake, typhoon, and prepare necessary items ◎ ○ △ Read handouts received from school and take action ◎ ○ △ Take suitable action when an earthquake or a fire occurs ◎ ○ △ Speak about your child with nursery teacher or teacher ◎ ○ △ Get information about an earthquake or typhoon on TV and radio ◎ ○ △ Talk with other parents during school events ◎ ○ △ ◎ ○ △ Participate in local community events and communicate with Japanese people ◎ ○ △ ◎ ○ △ Write all hiragana ◎ ○ △ ◎ ○ △ Write all katakana ◎ ○ △ Make emergency phone calls Explain medical symptoms and purchase medicine at the pharmacy Go to doctor/hospital and follow the procedure for first-time patients Fill in the medical questionnaire at the hospital ◎ ○ △ 学習院で学ぶ わくわくとしま日本語教室(2013 年 11 月 20 日~12 月 14 日) Japanese Class Subject (2013/Nov. 20~Dec.14) 1.Subject Subject【1】Living Safely ① Preparing for earthquakes and typhoons ② Emergency evacuation, protecting yourself ③ Making emergency phone calls Subject【2】Living Healthy ① Going to a pharmacy ② Going to a hospital ③ Seeing a doctor Subject【3】 The rules about garbage disposal Subject【4】 Receiving postal items and home-delivered parcels, responding to a notice of non-delivery 2.The cultural experience class(Nov. 30) ・Lunch box for school event Subject【5】School ① School events ② Preparing school supplies ③ Contacting school by phone or in writing ④ Reading handouts Subject【6】Basic Japanese ① Greeting ② Reading a flyer ③ Writing name and address and name ④ Reading signs ⑤ Going shopping ⑥ Reading a menu and ordering