Skin Allergies - City Veterinary Hospital

Skin Allergies
Written by: Dr. William Baskerville, DVM
There are many different allergens that animals
Have you noticed your pet scratching or itching
What causes skin allergies?
at their skin constantly? Are they keeping you
Allergies are an abnormal reaction by the pet’s
up at night because they are scratching so
immune system to a normally harmless
much? Has your pet developed hair loss or a
substance that the body sees as harmful. When
 Grass
distinct odor? If yes, your pet may have a skin
the immune system encounters the allergen it
 Pollen
allergy. Allergies can be difficult to diagnose
will cause mast cells to release irritating
 Beef, turkey, chicken
and treat. Allergies are one of the most
chemicals, such as histamines, which cause the
common diseases treated in veterinary
allergy symptoms. Most of these mast cells are
medicine, especially in the southern states.
located in the skin which is why we see that
 Trees
most dogs have “skin” allergy symptoms.
 Flea bites
Are there different types of allergies?
 Wheat, corn soy
There are several different causes of skin
 Weeds
What are the symptoms?
 Itching/Scratching all over body
 Licking/chewing at feet
allergies in pets. The most common cause is
may be allergic to, the most common allergens
 Dust mites
 Dairy products
 Dry scaly skin
Atopy, which is an environmental or inhalant
 Red/Irritated skin
allergy. Other causes are flea allergy
 Eggs
dermatitis, which is an allergic reaction to the
 Hair loss
 Chronic Ear Infections
 Skin Lesions/Abrasions from
constant scratching
flea saliva, food allergies, and contact allergies.
Beef, turkey, chicken
Dust mites
Plastic materials
Ear Infections in Dogs
It is important for your veterinarian to perform
It is important to note that most treatment for
Unfortunately, these testing methods cannot be
a full physical exam to assess your pet’s health.
allergies are aimed at providing relieve from
used to test for food allergies. To determine if
Your veterinarian will also do certain
the symptoms, mostly itching. However, the
your pet has a food allergy they must be put on
diagnostic test to rule out other diseases.
best way to treat allergies is to find what your
a hypoallergenic diet for 8-12 weeks, all other
Depending on what your veterinarian finds, a
pet is allergic to. There are two main
foods and treats must be discontinued during
typical allergy treatment plan could include:
diagnostic test that help diagnose what
the hypoallergenic diet trial. At the end of the
 Antihistamine/Anti-inflammatories
environmental/inhalant allergens your pet is
trial your pets’ skin will be re-evaluated, if
allergic to.
there was improvement seen, your veterinarian
 Omega 3 and 6 Fatty acids
Blood Testing- There are two types of blood
 Medicated shampoo
 Antibiotics (if a secondary bacterial
infection is present)
 Antifungal (if a secondary fungal infection
is present)
 Flea prevention (if fleas are seen or suspect
flea allergy)
 Hypoallergenic food (if food allergies are
test used, the RAST and the ELISA tests. A
blood sample is obtained from the suspected
will start your pet back on their normal food to
see if the symptoms return, if they do then your
pet has a food allergy.
atopic dog/cat and screened for a reaction to a
If you think your pet may have allergies please
broad range of allergens.
call, text or email us to make an appointment.
Intradermal skin testing- This test is usually
done by a certified veterinary dermatologist.
Antigens of common allergens are injected into
the dermis of the patient and the veterinarian
Phone: 210.225.6531
818 Austin Street
San Antonio, TX 78218
will analyze which allergens your pet has a
reaction to, based on if a skin reaction is seen
where the injection occurred.
We know it can be stressful when your pal isn’t feeling well and we know it can be unexpected.
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