I seek the advice and input of the NSWTA into a draft rule on intra

I seek the advice and input of the NSWTA into a draft rule on intra-articular administration of
corticosteroids proposed by the ARB Board. Currently there is no Australian Rule of Racing covering
intra-articular corticosteroids and the ARB believes that this situation cannot continue as medication
control is essential for integrity, animal welfare and safety of riders.
Whilst Australia has no specific rule for intra-articular corticosteroids, trainers and vets assume that
their use is controlled by testing of race day urine samples so that in practice there is a 7 days stand
down period. This is not the case in actual fact. Current lab techniques are insufficient to control
intra-articular corticosteroids as joints are small spaces and medicine injected is less distributed
around the body so that only very low levels can be found – if at all – in blood and urine sampling.
The ARB accepts that corticosteroids are a perfectly legitimate therapeutic medication. However,
there is the potential for increased risk of breakdown injury in horses injected with corticosteroids
into their joints. The welfare and safety of both horse and rider are increasingly being called into
account as there is emerging data linking injections of corticosteroids to breakdowns.
The ARB’s Veterinary and Analysts Committee (VAC) has considered the issue at length taking into
account the papers prepared by the International Group of Specialist Racing Veterinarians (IGSRV)
chaired by Racing Victoria’s Dr Brian Stewart and the International Federation of Horseracing
Authorities Welfare Committee recommending an international standard of a 14 day Stand Down
Time after application of intra-articular corticosteroids. Most racing jurisdictions around the world
have moved to introduce a 14 day Stand Down Time.
However, in the Australian context the ARB supports a Stand Down Time of 12 days. Many horses
race 2 weeks apart and a 14 day stand down period could play havoc with their programs. In effect,
a 14 day stand down period allows a horse to race only every 3 weeks which is an unnecessary
restriction on its program.
In Australia horses commonly race fortnightly throughout a preparation as this is often considered
an ideal period for a horse to recover between runs. In addition, critical lead up races to Group
events are often programmed to be run fortnightly for this very reason and it fits in well with most
horses’ preparations.
The ARB believes that a 12 day stand down period will facilitate and encourage proper veterinary
examination and assessment of intra-articular corticosteroid treatments. A 12 day stand down
would still have a beneficial effect on racehorse welfare by encouraging more judicious use of intraarticular corticosteroids thus minimising the incident of breakdowns. The principle aim of the stand
down is to prevent doses of intra-articular corticosteroids being repeatedly administered only a few
days prior to racing, often without a comprehensive veterinary assessment to determine the cause
of lameness.
In summary, the ARB believes a new Rule governing the application of intra-articular corticosteroids
is required for the following reasons:
1. Emerging data linking corticosteroids to breakdowns with attendant rider and horse safety
2. Increased risk (4.5 times) of muscoskeletal injuries in racehorses administered corticosteroids.
3. Corticosteroids administered on occasions without proper diagnosis and modification of
training and racing regimes.
4. Corticosteroid levels in blood and urine decline rapidly which current routine analytical methods
are unable to detect.
Please find attached the following documents for your consideration:
1. Draft Australian Rule of Racing setting a 12 day (or 10 Clear Days) Stand Down for horses
treated with intra-articular corticosteroids.
2. Advice tendered to the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities by the International
Group of Specialist Racing Veterinarians dated 5th February 2013.
3. Advice tendered to the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities by the Horse
Welfare Committee dated March 2013.
Finally, I regret the inadvertent release of the draft rule before contact had been made with the
NSWTA which understandably has caused a degree of consternation.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information or a meeting to
discuss the issues.
Yours Sincerely
Peter McGauran
Chief Executive | Australian Racing Board