_________________________________ S C HO O L O F TH E HU M A N I TI E S Application: Dean’s Scholarship in the Humanities Applications received by January 15, 2015 will receive full consideration for a Dean’s Scholarship in the Humanities. Applications received after this date will be considered if space remains available in the program. Electronic submissions (preferred) should be sent as a single document to schoolofthehumanities@messiah.edu. Submissions by mail should be sent to: Dr. Peter K. Powers, Dean of the School of the Humanities Messiah College, Suite 3009 One College Avenue Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 I. Personal Information Name: Street Address, City, State & Zip: Phone: Email: Declared Major: II. Academic Information List advanced coursework and extracurricular activities related to the Humanities in general or to the specific major you intend to pursue. Common examples include language clubs, newspaper, debate team, study abroad experiences, history day participation, leadership in religious organizations, etcetera. List any activity you believe has connected you to or added to your understanding of the fields associated with the School of the Humanities at Messiah College. Students invited for an interview may be asked to discuss the significance of some of these activities in relationship to their chosen major. I N TE L L E C T . C HA R A C T E R . C HR I S TI A N F A I T H _________________________________________________________________________________________ Suite 3009 . One College Avenue . Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055 . 717.691.6013 Phone . 717.796.4795 Fax _________________________________ S C HO O L O F TH E HU M A N I TI E S III. Essay The readers of your application are interested in hearing about why you are interested in studying the humanities at Messiah College and what difference you think studying in this area can make to you and to your fellow students. Drawing on your experience in previous classes or extra curricular activities and interests, as well as on your interest in Messiah College so far, please complete an essay of no more than 500 words on one of the following two prompts. Essays longer than 500 words will not be considered. Prompt 1-Suggest an innovative course that you would like to take, one not in our regular catalog. Tell us what attracts you to that course and why it is something your fellow students might find interesting or compelling. (Current courses may be found at the end of the course catalog, available here). Prompt 2-What do you believe is one of the most significant challenges or issues facing people of your generation, and why? How do you believe your studies in the humanities at Messiah College might help you or others address that challenge? IV. Interview Information Finalists will be invited for an interview. We will arrange interviews convenient to the student up through February 27. While in person interviews are preferred, students unable to travel to campus will be accommodated through a phone or skype interview. Please indicate when you can be available for an interview if you are selected as a finalist. Finalists will be contacted to confirm specific dates and times for the interview. Check all that apply. o o o o o February 16 (Open House at Messiah College) February 20 (Accepted Student Preview Day for School of the Humanities) February 25 (Humanities Symposium at Messiah College) February 26 (Humanities Symposium at Messiah College) February 27 (Humanities Symposium at Messiah College) I N TE L L E C T . C HA R A C T E R . C HR I S TI A N F A I T H _________________________________________________________________________________________ Suite 3009 . One College Avenue . Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055 . 717.691.6013 Phone . 717.796.4795 Fax _________________________________ S C HO O L O F TH E HU M A N I TI E S o I cannot be on campus for these dates. Please contact me at _____________________________ to set up a different date for an in-person or phone interview. I N TE L L E C T . C HA R A C T E R . C HR I S TI A N F A I T H _________________________________________________________________________________________ Suite 3009 . One College Avenue . Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055 . 717.691.6013 Phone . 717.796.4795 Fax