
Creating a Feminine Culture
Welcome ladies! What a wonderful gift you have given yourself and your friends by
investigating this program. This is truly a powerful program and a way for you all to empower
yourselves through gathering together. We naturally do these things but with a conscious
intention and knowing the details of what creates that strong collaborative power, we can
move quickly together toward becoming a strong feminine culture.
Each month you will receive a new template that offers the topic, practices, and ideas for
discussion. This is a guideline for you. We are all individuals and each group of woman different
with different gifts. Personalize it how you feel and see fit. This is meant for self development of
you and your community so there is no steadfast rules about it. This is not a thinking process, it
is to develop your intuitive essential nature so it is all a practice in doing so. Personalize it to
your gifts, enjoy the fun of adding whatever you feel will make it yours and individual to your
friends. This is a creating of the red tent in modern culture so follow your feelings of what you
and your group need and desire. The guideline is just a starter for you to begin. Your essence
will lead as you develop it.
We are developing our vibrational nature so it must include our feelings, this is so important. It
should be fun, giggly, emotional and like play. You know how we are when we gather. It is not
at all like a business meeting. It is set in a home or relaxed environment, with all the delicious
details we love. Flowers, soft pillows, essential oils or candles, music that inspires, all the things
woman love to have about that makes for a gathering. Design it with your pleasures, your
sensuality, your gifts that you like to have when you gather with woman. These things create
relaxation and safety for woman so we can be in oxytocin. These are very important to the
process and naturally what we do so enjoy it. Create a sacred space!
A very important component of this gathering is to use the universal energy that comes in when
woman collaborate. Be very careful not to let a gossip, complaining session occur for the
evening. This putting forth where we are emotionally, with the issues and stresses we face must
not override the flavor. It is okay for us to bring forth our problems, our dilemmas, but
understand that it is only done to bring to light what we are needing to learn. After they are on
the table it is about the becoming of what we want rather than where we are. If you don’t put
forth an idea of where you want to move your path, you ground in where you are with
universal energy. That is what we often do and we do not want to continue this.
Also, when one puts out their issues, our natural empathic ability will call up a time when we
felt that. Be very careful not to go there. We bear witness to each others strife and then create
pictures of where we want to go with it rather than hang in the messiness and all feel that
strife. I can not stress this enough and this is a bad habit woman have developed and lower
their vibration through this. We honor the trials in learning but are certain to hold the space for
becoming not what is.
Ending with each speaking what they what to become, all listening and holding that space is
how we create our partnership and use universal energy of the group correctly. However you
want to do this is up to you. You can go around the circle having each put forth their ideas and
then hold hands and meditate on all of you becoming greater, stronger, more fulfilled and
beautiful in expression. Feel your way through it with how you and your friends get to this end.
We are natural at this and you develop this together. The rules and ways are not as important
as the feelings of support and love you generate. This is our nature so develop it as it comes
forth from your heart.
I always have a time near the end of the gathering where you dance. To me this is the quickest
way to create joy and self love together. I would just make it a rule to always dance after a class
even if you did it earlier. This creates oxytocin and the vibration of joy for woman so they may
remember what that vibration feels like. The purpose is to retrain ourselves into that flowing
space more often in feminine energy. We constantly have to remind ourselves and our bodies
what this natural state is. Dancing gets us there quickly and the body flows and moves energy
without us thinking about it. The more we do this creates a habit. Done in the group adds great
power. I love Sarah Brighton’s Show music and top 40 songs. These details are for you all to
create. Whatever music you like. The details do not matter. Then you can all put forth your
becoming and do a moment of silence or meditation together to end.
These are the only things that I think are important to speak of. We have been gathering our
whole life so this is just refining for our empowerment so there is little that we have to shift,
just knowing the laws of a group and creating the vibration of joy and play. We are naturals at
this so just go with the flow. Enjoy!
Please feel free to email me throughout this program, with
questions, thoughts, stories of transformation or issues that come up. I am so delighted to
share this and all the ways we grow together as woman. I want to be involved in your
transformation and support however I may. We may even be able to chat or conference with
others on this growing modern femininity. Indeed an adventure I delight in!
Month One
Laying the ground work for the monthly gatherings.
Let everyone know what your intention is and that you want to use the principles of creating a
feminine culture together that supports each of you in creating a more delightful life. Generally,
we all have friends we gather with and just let them know that you are going to tweak it to be
more empowering for you all. This doesn’t have to be class format, it is an informal gathering.
You are beginning to make your friend groups more powerful and that is it. So you can do the
things you normally do when you gather and are just adding in a few elements to make it
productive beyond your current get togethers.
We are going to start with a combination of chapter 11 and 12 and then go in order from
chapter two. If others want to read the book, suggest it and then you are on the same
wavelength. However, you can share these ways of woman without them reading it. We all
gather for the same reasons, have the same discussion and offer each other our insights.
Woman love the same things in every country and culture.
Feminine Essence and a feminine culture are what we are tapping into so to begin here makes
sense. You could start with the Forward so the idea is put forth of what woman we want to be
as creatives. This area gives us a new look at the feminine role that we do not see and have not
been educated on. We are putting forth a picture of ourselves that is new yet in our bodies it is
natural. Each of us has that hight state of a woman in her finest. Call your picture, your own
glory to what this beauty looks like, acts, creates. As woman we need to see this wonderful
state of ourselves that we want to become. Getting the becoming, the idea of where we are
going is important.
There is great importance in understanding masculine and feminine energy. They are opposing
yet complementary. We need to really get a feeling of what feminine energy is and realize the
importance of operating in this way. We are all in masculine most of the time so this whole
process of building a community is about retraining ourselves to our natural way. We develop
this as we are doing things in feminine energy. We are gathering to reinforce this in ourselves
and together so our body gets the habit. Both chapters have ideas to discuss and a way to look
at a community that will build us together. You are opening your mind to these ways and
practices. Read the chapters and think of how you want to discuss this together. Your knowing
will come forward.
Opening Circle
Once come together and all are there, do some practice to shift you all away from your day. A
great way to do this is have everyone go around and talk about what their state is that day and
what is most important for them to take away. This sets an intention, shifts them from the day
and puts forth a becoming for them to receive from the gather. It helps when all know what
one is working on or dealing with. This doesn’t have to be deep or profound. It could be I had a
tough day at work and knew this would reset me. I needed to get out of the house and do
something for myself. Doesn’t matter. It could be that they needed their friends to giggle and
laugh. We are woman, this is open to whatever we feel. We want to get to the feeling nature
not thinking.
Discuss feminine energy and how it is different than masculine. When are you in feminine
energy? Do you know examples and times? Is it often or not at all. We are just trying to connect
with where we are and how we are operating. Let the conversation go where it may and just
discuss these types of energy. The truth is we should rarely be in masculine energy and the
sympathetic nervous system. This is a far reach for us now but we are working toward
understanding this. Just know that is the purpose of this culture. To know flow, flexibility,
collaboration, joy, playfulness, water like qualities. Pleasure in all we do! Artisty at all tasks.
Share the breath of passion and do together. It will surely get you giggling. Do the Aaaa, Oooo,
Mmmm with emotional and sensuality. We are not used to making these sounds so inhibition
will come forth. It is okay and you are friends so you can giggle through it. It will help you all get
into oxytocin. See if you feel the shift, it is subtle. Do it 3 or 4 times together and discuss it.
Talk about how you felt, the oddity of it, the silliness, whatever came up. Bad girl feelings. Our
throat chakra, our voices, our individuality will be developed through pleasurable joyful sounds.
It tells our body we are safe. Singing, beautiful sounds develop our voices and our connection to
oxytocin. Our voices are powerful expressions and we can play with it to create rhythmic angel
voices. So have fun with this. Silly yet powerful it is.
Put on some music and set the tone that we are going to connect to our flowing nature. It is
free form dancing, turn down the lights so no one feels weird. I tell people to close their eyes so
they get into a trance like state not thinking about things. Play the music loud whatever seems
perfect and dance together. Let your body flow and release, feel the joy and beauty that
emerges. Just have fun dancing. There is usually someone who yells woohoo or some
expression of joy. That is all it is, the joy vibe created together. At the end put your hands in
prayer position over your heart and all take a moment to feel your state. How do you feel? How
does your heart feel, your body, your rush of vitality. This is pleasure and joy state that we are
to be creating.
Then have everyone sit and talk about how you felt. Whatever anyone wants to share is
perfect. Realize this joy is so easy to attain through this marvelous movement of our body. Our
bodies where made to flow and have fun. It is truly a prayer to dance the feminine body.
Closing Circle
You close the gathering by going around and ask what anyone learned and what intention they
want to put forth until the next gathering. Have all hold the space for them. Then have a silent
moment in gratitude for each attending and the learning you are doing. If you like meditation
someone can lead one. Ask that they try dancing and the Breath of Passion throughout the
month and see if it makes a difference. You are creating a community of sharing and shifting so
trying these practices will only enhance them. If they don’t, they don’t there is no pressure
So enjoy! Connect with me on fb or email with questions or
comments and blessings!