This document is not an application form; it is a replica of the application in the Investment Management System (IMS) Portal and is intended for use in preparation of your Callaghan Innovation R&D Grant application. Before completing all sections please take time to read the funding agreement which is available from your account manager. When you are ready to apply, cut and paste the information into IMS under the relevant sections – please do not submit or upload this form. Before you submit your proposal check you have completed all sections that appear in the side bar in IMS. If you have any questions please ask for assistance. G E N ER AL IN FO RM AT IO N Print and submit First talk to us Callaghan Innovation strongly advises Applicants to discuss their proposed R&D Student - Career Grant BEFORE preparing an Application to ensure that they are eligible for funding. Contact your Callaghan Innovation Account Manager or phone Callaghan Innovation on 0800 4 CALLAGHAN. The Ministerial Direction sets out the rules for Business R&D Grants. Refer to the Ministerial Direction 7 December 2015. Funding Contract Your Application will form part of your Funding Agreement with Callaghan Innovation. We advise that you read the Funding Agreement before you submit your Application. Need help? For information about your Application please discuss with your Account Manager. For technical support relating to the portal phone 0800 477 8326 or email, between Monday and Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm. Next steps For additional information and forms, please visit our website R&D CAREER GRANT > NOV 2015 / v1.0 S ECT IO N 1: AP P L IC ANT INF O RM AT IO N 1.1 Application Summary Career grants help recent Masters and PhD graduates get their first job in an R&D business. The grant covers the first six months’ salary, however in many cases the student will be employed for a longer period. Businesses must have selected a recent Masters or PhD graduate before applying for a Career grant. Your Callaghan Innovation contact person (Business Innovation Advisor, Customer Manager or Regional Business Partner) can help you find a student. Investment area: Contracting organisation: R&D Student-Career The contracting organisation is the Applicant Business ("Business"), who will be responsible for signing the Funding Agreement, should this Application be successful. Enter text here Postal and Courier address: Enter text here New Zealand Business Number: Enter text here Total funding requested: The grant is up to $30,000 (GST exclusive) based on an annual salary of $60,000. Enter text here Project Title: Please use a brief project title that is not commercially sensitive. If your Application is approved, project title, business name, funding type and value will become public information. Enter text here Proposed start and end dates: Please enter the proposed start and end dates for the R&D Project. These dates will be confirmed at time of contracting should your Application be successful. (They may be different from the dates recorded here). Costs will not be claimable before or after the contract start and end dates Enter text here Statistics New Zealand Industry Code (ANZSIC06V1.0): Please provide the most appropriate Industry Code for your business. Refer to Enter text here R&D CAREER GRANT > NOV 2015 / v1.01 1.2 Key Contacts Please identify four roles in your business that are relevant to this Career grant: - Contact person Project Manager (typically the student’s manager, may also be the contact person) Students mentor Masters/PhD student (please add the Tertiary Institution/University as the organisation (this is for reporting purposes). Enter text here 1.3 Bank Account Please enter your Bank Account details and provide evidence of the bank account information you have entered. e.g. scanned bank deposit slip or screenshot form online banking. Please ensure that the bank account name and detail can be clearly seen on the documentation provided. Enter text here 1.4 Business Background a) Provide a snap shot of your business and its operations – even if you are already known to us. Outline current product, services and the markets you target. Enter text here S ECT IO N 2: B US IN E S S E LIG IB ILIT Y 2.1 Business Eligibility a) Please confirm that your business is an eligible business entity. A Company registered under the Companies Act 1993 A Limited Partnership registered under the Limited Partnerships Act 2008 A Maori incorporation or a trust established under Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 A trust established on behalf of Maori claimants to receive and manage assets as part of the settlement of a claim under the Treaty of Waitangi. A Maori statutory body. A business that is controlled by one or more of these types of Maori entities. Enter text here R&D CAREER GRANT > NOV 2015 / v1.01 b) If your business is a Māori Trust or a Māori statutory body, please identify the Act under which your business was established. Enter text here c) Are you aware of any issues (past, current or potential) relating to your business, its Owners or Directors (or equivalent), or your products or services that could bring New Zealand's or Callaghan Innovation’s reputation into disrepute? If yes, outline the issues: Maximum of 200 words, bullet points preferred. Enter text here 2.2 R&D Programme, Expertise and Successes a) Please provide an overview of your business’ R&D programme by summarising the R&D expertise you have in your business and outlining their recent R&D successes. Your response will be used to assess whether your business has an active R&D programme. This is an eligibility requirement. Enter text here 2.3 Financial Information Table Please enter the last three years of financial information for the applicant entity in $NZD (excl. GST). If you already have a grant with Callaghan Innovation the table will automatically fill with the most recent data we hold. Please ensure you update the figures with current financial data, because this may influence your eligibility. We will use this information to assess your business financial health and assess your eligibility for Career grant based on 'R&D spend' and 'R&D staff employed'. Please make sure that you have supplied correct, up to date information. For the latest information on eligibility criteria, please see our website Do not include any other student(s) funded by Callaghan Innovation when entering staff full time equivalent (FTE). 'R&D spend' is the direct cost of R&D activities in your business, including staff salaries and external contractors. 'R&D staff employed' is the total FTEs (full time equivalents) employed to undertake R&D. Financial Year Total revenue: Net profit before taxation (NPBT): Exports revenue: R&D spend: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 R&D FTE: FTE: R&D CAREER GRANT > NOV 2015 / v1.01 Comment on your business' revenue for the last two financial years. Please note any significant issues or changes (both positive and negative) within your business that have affected these figures. Maximum of 50 words, bullet points preferred. Enter text here S ECT IO N 3: ST U D EN T S EM PLO Y M ENT I N Y O UR B U SI NE S S 3.1 Student’s employment in your business a) Employment contract: Will the student be offered permanent or a fixed term contract? Please enter the contract type below and if the contract is fixed term, please specify the term. Note: Fixed term contracts must be at least 6 months. Enter text here b) Students work plan: Outline the student’s work plan in your business, describing specific projects and deliverables. Identify the R&D challenges and relevance to their Masters/PhD degree qualification. Your response should answer the key question; “How will the internship expose the student to technical work that is relevant to their degree?” This should be in the form of a defined R&D programme. Enter text here c) Benefits to your business: How will your business benefit from employing the student under this Career grant? Identify the benefits in terms of the new scientific/technical capabilities the student brings to your business, e.g. new knowledge, expertise etc. Your response should answer the key questions; "How will the involvement of the student within the business support the business' internal capability development?" Enter text here d) R&D project costs met by your business: Estimate your business’ financial contribution to the student’s R&D project; e.g. staff time, materials, consumables, etc. You should exclude any support that is already covered by a government grant. Note: Costs relating to professional development and mentoring is covered in a separate question, see 5.1 Professional Development. Enter text here R&D CAREER GRANT > NOV 2015 / v1.01 S ECT IO N 4: P O ST - G R AD U AT E ST UD ENT 4.1 Post-graduate Student Student eligibility To be eligible a student must: Have undertaken their Masters/PhD studies in science, engineering, technology, design or business at a NZ tertiary institution Have submitted their Masters/PhD thesis for marking, or has graduated within the past 12 months. Be applying for their first professional job following completion of their Masters/PhD. They have not been employed in their professional capacity, but may have had part-time employment e.g. at a university or in a business (e.g. food service, temping etc.) Not have previously been employed by the business (exception is short-time employment e.g. over a summer break). Not have undertaken their Masters/PhD degree in association with the business; e.g. under Fellowship funding Have relevant immigration status if not a New Zealand citizen or resident a) Post-graduate student eligibility Please confirm that the student is eligible by ticking the boxes below that are true: The student has undertaken their Masters/PhD studies in science, engineering, technology, design or business at a NZ tertiary institution The student has submitted their Masters/PhD thesis for marking, or has graduated within the past 12 months The student is applying for their first professional job following completion of their Masters/PhD. They have not been employed in their professional capacity, but may have had part-time employment e.g. at a university or in a business (e.g. food service, temping etc.) The student has not previously been employed by the business (exception is short-time employment e.g. over a summer break) The student did not undertake their Masters/PhD degree in association with the business; e.g. under Fellowship funding The student is allowed to be employed in NZ by right of citizenship, residency or an appropriate visa; or has submitted an application for work visa to Immigration NZ Enter text here a) Students post-graduate degree Select the student’s postgraduate qualification from the drop-down menu. Career grants are restricted to Masters and PhD degrees (NZQA level 9 & 10) - PhD - Research Masters - Taught Masters Enter text here R&D CAREER GRANT > NOV 2015 / v1.01 b) Area of study Select the student’s area of study from the drop-down menu. Career grants are restricted to degrees in the following areas of study; science, engineering, technology, design and business. Note: the requirement that students undertake a R&D project in the business may rule out some business students. In these cases we suggest you consult Callaghan Innovation for advice. Enter text here c) Masters/PhD area of specialisation Please enter the student’s specialisation into the text box below, plus the title of the students thesis if applicable. Enter text here d) Immigration status Please confirm the student is a NZ citizen, NZ resident or has a relevant work visa. If the student has applied for a visa, or a change to their visa, please outline the status of their application; e.g. work visa applied for and a decision is expected within 3 weeks. Enter text here 4.2 Post-graduate Student Documents (upload) Please upload the following information; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Student's CV Student's academic record Evidence of student's immigration status (foreign students) - photocopy of the students passport with visa(s). Confirmation by the University of acceptance into a postgraduate course Other supporting information (optional) S ECT IO N 5: P RO F E S SI O N AL D E V ELO P M E NT 5.1 Professional Development Plan Career grants are a bridge to employment for Masters and PhD students. These grants are designed to introduce recent graduates to employment and to give them the requisite skills they need. It is important that the student gains a practical understanding of how a business operates and how they can contribute to its success. These skills will help the student function in an R&D business. A professional development plan that covers skill development is required. Professional development is enhanced when a student has a mentor. A good mentor can guide the student, helping them get the most out of their time in the business. Also the mentor can provide advice on career opportunities and development in the sector. Applicants must submit a professional development plan and appoint a mentor for the student. R&D CAREER GRANT > NOV 2015 / v1.01 a) Professional development plan Your response should answer the key question; "Does the business have a credible plan for the professional development of the student, and what resources has the business committed towards this?" Prepare and upload a Professional development plan using the template provided (available within IMS). b) Student mentor: Identify the person that will mentor the student. The student's mentor should be an experienced and knowledgeable employee (not their manager/supervisor) that can guide the student during their time in your business. We expect that the mentor will meet with the student each week. You have named the mentor in section 1.2 Key People. In this section please provide their job title, and briefly summarise their experience in the sector. Enter text here c) Professional development costs Estimate the cost to your business for the professional development and mentoring of the student; e.g. staff time, travel, etc. Enter text here S ECT IO N 6: FI N AN C I AL INF O RM AT IO N 6.1 Financial information Businesses must demonstrate that they are financially sound. Please supply sufficient information to prove that your business will be a going concern over the next 12 months. The minimum information we require is detailed below. You may elect to provide additional information to demonstrate your business' financial health. Profitable businesses The financial information provided in section 2.3 is normally sufficient. Be sure to comment on any anomalies that have impacted on revenue and/or NPAT. You may choose to provide your last year's Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet. Loss making Provide the last two years accounts (Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet) plus a cash flow statement for the next 12 months. Start-up business Provide a cash flow statement for the next 12 months and bank statements for the last 3 months. R&D CAREER GRANT > NOV 2015 / v1.01 DE CL AR AT I O N The information below is a copy of the formal declaration that will appear when you submit your application. You agree that by submitting this application to Callaghan Innovation, you declare and acknowledge the following: I am authorised to submit the application on behalf of the applicant; The applicant is a legal entity capable of entering into a contract with Callaghan Innovation; The information in the application is true and correct; Information received and generated by Callaghan Innovation in relation to this application may be released by Callaghan Innovation in accordance with Callaghan Innovation’s external reporting requirements or if required by law, including in accordance with the requirements of the Official Information Act 1982 or the Privacy Act 1993. Consent to the disclosure of this application and all information relating to this application, to New Zealand Trade and Enterprises and regional business partners of Callaghan Innovation, for the purpose of improving the quality of shared customer engagement and service provision. To submit your application, click the 'Submit to IMS' button in the 'Print and submit' section. R&D CAREER GRANT > NOV 2015 / v1.01