doc - Peace Corps Tanzania

This application applies to any project involving trainings for
improved animal care, starting a vaccination program, building
animal facilities, or distributing animals.
Instructions: This application should be used by any PCV facilitating one of the above
projects, regardless of funding source. Use this document as template and delete the
explanatory paragraphs of each section: Cover Page, Project Narrative, Technical Details,
Monitoring and Evaluation, Timeline, Budget, Community Statement, and Indicators. Most
information in the online application (which you will fill out after your word document
application has been approved by Peace Corps Tanzania Grants Coordinator) is also covered
in this application. Use 12-point Times New Roman font.
Preceding the application are two tables, the Proposal Compliance Checklist and the Grant
Review Worksheet. These two tables will be used by the reviewers after you have submitted
your application. The tables will serve as tools to indicate comments on helping you to submit
a quality application. We encourage you to use these lists to cross check your proposal before
you submit it for peer review.
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Compliance Questions
Is the proposal written using 12-point Times New Roman?
Does the proposal adhere to the word application format?
Does the cover page contain all required information?
Does the proposal address all sections:
Cover Page
Project Summary
Community Involvement
Capacity Building
Monitoring and Evaluation
Budget Narrative
Do No Harm Discussion
Environmental Review (for FtF and SPA grants)
Goals and Objectives (M&E)
Framework Indicators (at least one specific to the funding source)
Community Statement
Technical Details
Do all proposal sections have no more than 250 words?
Does the project committee consist of at least 4 and maximum of 10 members?
Is the PCV a member of the project committee?
Are names of the project committee members provided?
Is the grant request no more than USD10,000 for VAST and FtF grants and USD2,000
grants? Contribution at least 25% of the total budget?
Is the
Is the Community Statement in Swahili?
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Cover Page
Assessment Criteria
Reviewer Comments
PCV Response to
Cover Page with Project title,
Community contact person
(name, title, phone number),
community name, and “with
support from. Project title needs
to be informative, but not too
long (fewer than 15 words).
Brief information about:
- the problem
- proposed solution
Project Summary
- anticipated outcomes
- information about beneficiaries
- implementation timeline
- mention of the project
- brief M&E information
- sustainability plans
- total project cost and
community contribution amount
(in TZS)
Clear statement of the “problem”
or need of the community.
Information about the community
that will be served, including
pertinent data and statistics?
Village name, region and
organization you are working
Discuss the history of the
problem and explain why any
past efforts to fix the problem
have failed.
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Community Involvement
Does the application show that
the community is the driving
force behind the project and
gives specific examples showing
Is there a statement that the
project is a village development
Explanation of the project
committee members; list of their
names, titles, and experience;
and meetings this committee has
held to plan and design the
Capacity Building
Implementation Plan and
Mention of the community
contribution for the project and
where this is coming from.
Short-term outcomes of the
Long-term outcomes of the
How will beneficiaries be
reached through this project and
with what?
Information about specific
project tasks, who will be
responsible for completing them,
and when they will be
completed. How will
implementation phases be
monitored and evaluated?
Skills that will be gained by
those working on the project
directly, and how these skills will
be used in the future.
Skills that will be gained by the
target beneficiaries of the
project, and how these skills will
be used in the future.
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A sustainability plan with specific
strategies for sustaining the
Mention of where the resources
to sustain this project will come
from and who will be responsible
for managing these.
Do No Harm and
Environmental Review
Budget Narrative
Information about how prices for
items were determined and
where these items will be
purchased. How did the
community determine prices and
ensure their accuracy? Which
items and services will be
provided by the community?
Potential negative effects the
intended project could cause
(environmental, social, political,
or economic).
Steps for the community or local
organization to take to mitigate
these negative effects.
For SPA and FTF Grants onlyEnvironmental Review
Monitoring and Evaluation/ Goals and
Goals are realistic and state
the proposed long-term
outcomes of the project.
Objectives are short-term,
specific, and measurable, and
they give a specific date for
completion. Did the community
provide specific and attainable
Does the application describe
how exactly monitoring and
evaluation will be done for this
project, who will be
responsible for it, and when it
will be done?
Are the community-defined
indicators for this project
attainable, will they ensure
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Are numbers given for
expected values of Peace
Corps Tanzania Project
Framework Indicators and do
the numbers make sense?
quality project outcomes, and
do they follow the example
Timeline includes information
- specific project tasks
- who will be responsible for
completing them
- when will they be
Are the prices for items
reasonable and do the
quantities make sense?
Is the total requested amount
reasonable for this project?
Community Statement
Is there at least a 25%
community contribution?
Is the community statement in
Swahili and clearly states how
and why the community will
support the project
(involvement in planning,
design, budgeting, execution,
monitoring and evaluation of
this project, community
Are the specific, required
technical details for this grant
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Online App: Project Description
Create a cover page with the following information, in the following format:
Project Title
Submitted by
Community contact person name and title
Community contact person phone number
Name of school or village and region
With support from
PCV name, COS Date: XXX
PCV phone and email
Funding Source: (VAST, PCPP, FtF, or SPA)
Expected Implementation Dates:
Submission Date: (update with revised editions)
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Online App: Project Narrative and Do No Harm
For each of the following topics, provide a succinct description, keeping in mind that your
application may be shared with others. If relevant, feel free to copy some information from
the Technical Details section, but make sure that all sections have 250 words or fewer.
Project Summary: provide a brief summary of the project. (For PCPP, this will be posted on
the Peace Corps website. For safety and security reasons, do not include the specific village
name or any personal identifying information.)
- Existing problem and proposed solution
- Anticipated outcome
- Information about beneficiaries
- Basic implementation timeline
- Total project cost and community contribution (both TZS amount and items/services
- Committee information
- Monitoring and evaluation and sustainability plans
Background: State the need this project will address. Describe the background of the
community including the village name and region and organization you are working with,
including as much data as possible. Discuss the history of the problem and explain why any
past efforts to fix the problem have failed.
Community Involvement: How is the community the driving force behind the project?
Provide examples that demonstrate the community’s involvement in the design and planning
of this project. Discuss committee members and their experience.
Outcome: Briefly describe the desired outcome of the project. Include both short-term
outcomes and longer-term anticipated effects of the project (how project will impact target
community members’ lives).
Implementation: Describe the implementation plan that will be used to achieve the goals and
objectives of this project and discuss any potential challenges. Include all project
implementation phases and how they will be monitored and evaluated. What indicators will
be used to evaluate the project’s success and how will the indicators be measured? Mention
time periods in which each phase will be completed.
Capacity Building: State the skills the participants will gain and how will they use them.
Include both people working on the project and the target beneficiaries of the project. (For
example, for a Girls Empowerment Conference, include both counterparts and student
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Sustainability: How will the community be able to sustain the activities and/or benefits of
this project? What is the community's plan to sustain the benefits of the project after the
initial material support has ended? How will the community continue and address problems
that arise after the PCV has left?
Budget Narrative: Discuss the main items and services which will be purchased and where
they will be bought. How did the community determine prices and ensure their accuracy?
Include which items and services will be provided by the community. Note: this section will
be included in table form in the Budget section of the Online App.
Do No Harm Discussion: (Online App: Do No Harm)
With your project committee, discuss the potential intended and unintended negative
consequences of the project. Consider environmental, social, economic, and political aspects
Report on the results of your discussions. (Online App: General)
Discuss possible negative environmental impacts with your community. What are potential
negative environmental impacts of the project activities? (Online App: Environmental)
For the potential negative impacts described above, please describe the measures the
community will adopt in order to monitor and mitigate against potentially harmful effects.
(Online App: Mitigation)
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Online App: Environmental Review
NOTE: Only SPA and FTF grants are required to fill out the Environmental Review
The purpose of this Environmental Review and Assessment Checklist (ER Checklist) is to
determine whether the proposed action (scope of work) encompasses the potential for
environmental pollution or concern and, if so, to determine the scope and extent of additional
environmental evaluation, mitigation, and monitoring necessary to fulfill federal U.S.
environmental requirements. The ER Checklist is intended to be used by both the Peace
Corps personnel who submit project proposals and the grant selection committee to ensure
that environmental consequences are taken into account before making an award for a
proposed activity. The environmental consequences checklist will assist in determining the
potential environmental impact of the proposal.
Include cost information on any environmental mitigation and monitoring in the overall
budget proposal. Appropriate environmental mitigation and monitoring is considered an
integral aspect of the overall project activity.
Please provide the following information. This information will assist the grant award
committee in making an environmental impact determination on the proposed activity.
Project/Activity Description:
Type of Project/Activity:
Baseline Environmental Conditions:
as Yes (Y), Maybe (M), No (N) or Beneficial (B). Briefly explain Y, M and B checks in next
Section, "Explanations". A "Y" response does not necessarily indicate a significant effect, but
rather an issue that requires focused consideration.
Select Y. M. N.
or B.
1. Earth Resources
a. grading trenching, or excavation in cubic meters or hectare
b. geologic hazards (faults, landslides, liquefaction, un-engineered fill,
c. contaminated soils or ground water on the site
d. offsite overburden/waste disposal or borrow pits required in cubic
meters or tons
e. loss of high-quality farmlands in hectares
2. Agricultural and Agrochemical
a. impacts of inputs such as seeds and fertilizers
b. impact of production process on human health and environment
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c. other adverse impacts
3. Industries
a. impacts of run-off and run-on water
b. impact of farming such as intensification or extensification
c. impact of other factors
4. Air Quality
a. substantial increase in onsite air pollutant emissions
b. violation of applicable air pollutant emissions or ambient concentration
c. substantial increase in vehicle traffic during construction or operation
d. demolition or blasting for construction
e. substantial increase in odor during construction or operation
f. substantial alteration of microclimate
5. Water Resources and Quality
a. river, stream or lake onsite or within 30 meters of construction
b. withdrawals from or discharges to surface or ground water
c. excavation or placing of fill, removing gravel from, a river, stream or
d. onsite storage of liquid fuels or hazardous materials in bulk quantities
6. Cultural Resources
a. prehistoric, historic, or paleontological resources within 30 meters of
b. site/facility with unique cultural or ethnic values
7. Biological Resources
a. vegetation removal or construction in wetlands or riparian areas in
b. use of pesticides/rodenticides, insecticides, or herbicides in hectare
c. Construction in or adjacent to a designated wildlife refuge
8. Planning and Land Use
a. potential conflict with adjacent land uses
b. non-compliance with existing codes, plans, permits or design factors
c. construction in national park or designated recreational area
d. create substantially annoying source of light or glare
e. relocation of >10 individuals for +6 months
f. interrupt necessary utility or municipal service > 10 individuals for +6
g. substantial loss of inefficient use of mineral or non-renewable resources
h. increase existing noise levels >5 decibels for +3 months
9. Traffic, Transportation and Circulation
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a. increase vehicle trips >20% or cause substantial congestion
b. design features cause or contribute to safety hazards
c. inadequate access or emergency access for anticipated volume of
people or traffic
10. Hazards
a. substantially increase risk of fire, explosion, or hazardous chemical
b. bulk quantities of hazardous materials or fuels stored on site +3 months
c. create or substantially contribute to human health hazard
11. Other Issues
a. substantial adverse impact
b. adverse impact
c. minimal impact
biological and social), if any: (Use ER to identify significant environmental impacts):
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Online App: Monitoring & Evaluation
Before starting your goals and objectives, carefully read through this guidance and examples.
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Use this table in your application and fill it out. Add or remove rows for Goals and Objectives
as needed. Remember that all objectives need to be time-bound, and must be completed
before your COS date. Indicators, Who, and When should be filled out for objectives, but not
goals. Fill out the table according the example.
How will you measure
that the objective is
Who will collect
the information?
When and how often
will data be collected?
What data-collection
tools will be used?
Goal 1
To sustainably
improve sanitation
and hygiene at the
Primary School
XXXX in the YYYY
District for a better
learning environment
for current and new
student generations.
Objective 1.1
By August 2015, the
Primary School
XXXX will have a
total of 12 toilets
stalls and 2 handwashing stations.
# of functional toilets
# of hand-washing
Construction will be
monitored daily,
adhering to the
construction schedule
and itemized budget.
Objective 1.2
Objective 1.3
Goal 2
Objective 2.1
Objective 2.2
Objective 2.3
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Online App: Classification & Indicators
Every proposal needs to address at least one Peace Corps Tanzania Project Framework
Indicator related to the funding source (e.g., VAST = PEPFAR; FtF Indicators; for PCPP use
any indicator that is relevant) To identify suitable indicators, download the project
frameworks at and copy those that are applicable into the table
below. Note that when you are submitting your grant online you will be required to fill in
targets for various indicators relevant to the type of project you are creating.
Objective Code
AG-005 FTF
# of individuals who have received USG (including Peace
Corps) supported short-term agricultural sector productivity
or food security training
Online App: Timeline
Include a detailed timeline, from initial planning meetings with your committee through
buying materials, construction, and final evaluation. Use this table in your application,
remove the example, and fill it out. Under the “Implementation Time” column please list at
which month, week, or day the activity will be started and the duration of time this activity
will take.
Person(s) Responsible
Pick up material from Dodoma PCV and counterpart
PCTZ Grant Application – Animal Husbandry Projects
Last Revised May 6, 2014
Implementation Time
1 month, January 2014
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Online App: Detailed Budget
The budget table below is integrated in Excel. Double click on the table and Excel will load
the spreadsheet. Alternatively, you may create your budget in Excel or a similar program and
copy the final version (including totals and community contribution percentage) into this
Word document. Remove the example and fill in values for Item Description, Unit Cost, and
Quantity. For each item, indicate how much of the total cost will be covered by the grant and
the community. Grant request, community contribution and total grant amount will be
computed automatically. All costs need to be in TZS. The community contribution must be
25% or greater.
Total Project Cost
TZS 74,000.00
Item Description
Cement (1 bag)
Community Contribution
Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost Grant Contribution
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Community Contribution
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Online App: Does not apply
To ensure the community is fully behind this project, please have a community member
(leader or counterpart) write a one-page statement of commitment to the project. The
statement should explain how and why the community will support the project (involvement
in planning, design, budgeting, execution, monitoring and evaluation of this project,
community contribution). Though only one statement is required, additional statements by
other community members are encouraged. The statement(s) may be hand written (include a
picture) or typed and must be in Swahili. An English translation may be included but is not
Online App: Does not apply
This section includes a variety of questions specific to animal husbandry projects. Not all
questions apply to all types of animal husbandry projects. Please fill out only the sections
relevant to your project.
1) What is the responsibility of people being trained following the training?
2) Will a contract be signed at the training for each participant explaining the
responsibilities? Such as teaching a certain number of fellow villagers.
3) How will people be chosen to attend the training?
4) Are there currently resources (materials or animals) available in the community to
implement the new skills learned at the training? Will there be lessons on how to use
those local resources? For example making supplemental chicken feed or creating bee
hives with locally sourced material.
5) Does the training include business practices for selling meat or eggs?
Poultry and Small/Large Livestock Distribution
1) Where will the animals come from? Please indicate whether they are acclimated to
confinement (without foraging) or in a village setting where they have experienced
foraging. For example will the chickens be ‘kinyeji’ or ‘kisasa’?
2) How will the animals be fed? Will they forage, have supplemental feed or be
completely dependent on humans bringing them food?
3) What will be the average age of animals dispersed?
4) What is the vaccination plan for the animals, before and after they are dispersed? Is
there a nearby facility to keep vaccines refrigerated? What will be the cost for
villagers to vaccinate their animals?
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5) What are the benchmarks villagers must meet before receiving animals? For example
will they need to build a banda or housing unit?
6) How is the local bwana wa shamba/mifugo involved in the distribution and vaccines?
7) How will the animals be transported and distributed? Where will they be housed until
8) What are the requirements for people after they receive animals (are they able to sell
the animals, will they need to give offspring to a neighbor)? Will a contract be signed?
9) For livestock such as goats, sheep, and pigs: will elevated housing units be used to
prevent hooving (a condition which can develop with the animals’ feet/hooves from
being on the ground in a confinement setting)?
1) What type of beehive do you want to use and why?
2) Is your Hive location:
a) In a spot with easy access (has a path/not overgrown/etc)?
b) Clean of ground cover/debris?
c) Shady?
d) Sheltered from wind?
e) Have an adequate water source nearby?
f) Have adequate nectar sources nearby?
g) Not too close to human population centers?
3) Will your hives be hung from trees, put on stands, or put in a shelter you'll build?
4) How many hives do you want to use and what kind of spacing will you use (how
much space will you need)?
5) What seasons do your nectar sources produce, what plants could you grow to fill in
the gaps?
6) Will you buy or make local alternatives of:
a) Hive tools
b) Smokers
c) Bee suits (At least veil and gloves)
d) Extractors
e) The hives
7) Do you know if any of the members are allergic (Make sure you can provide EpiPens
or comparable first aid)?
8) Will you use an active hive for demonstration (will you have suits for everyone)?
9) Are you promoting bee products (honey, wax, etc.) or services (pollination)?
10) What type of extractor/purification machines and techniques are most appropriate?
11) What pests or predators of bees exist in your location?
12) What season do people harvest in your location?
13) What season do bees swarm in your location?
14) Do you plan on collecting or baiting for new bees?
15) How much does honey and other bee products sell for in your area?
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16) Is there an available market for the products you create?
17) Are you working with a group or individuals, and will they be able to visit to check
their hives often enough?
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