APPENDIX 3 APPROVAL OF RECOGNITION AND ARTICULATION ARRANGEMENTS BY FACULTY ACADEMIC STANDARDS COMMITTEE (FASC) (or subgroup) INDICATIVE AGENDA This indicative agenda provides an aide-mémoire for FASC (or sub-group) meetings. FOR CONFIRMATION KEY DETAILS FOR EACH PROPOSED ARRANGEMENT CONSIDERED name of Partner; details of receiving BU programme(s) and proposed Partner feeder programme(s); proposed progression with or without advanced standing; new or reviewed progression route; date articulation/ recognition arrangement comes into effect (entry date). FOR DISCUSSION RATIONALE FOR RECOGNITION OR ARTICULATION ARRANGEMENT introduction and rationale for the arrangement (if new); how the arrangement fits with the Faculty Delivery Plan/strategy; background to development with the Partner; applicant demand and interest for the proposed progression route; anticipated student numbers being admitted through this arrangement. RECOGNITION / ARTICULATION - ARRANGEMENTS AND MAPPING As outlined on the Recognition Arrangement Proposal, consider the underpinning curriculum to ensure the feeder programme(s) is positioned at an appropriate level. For Recognition/ Articulation without Advanced Standing: refer to Credit Level Descriptors published by SEEC (South East England Consortium for Credit Accumulation & Transfer) Also confirm that the feeder programme(s) structure and subject content are appropriate For Recognition/ Articulation with Advanced Standing: - refer to the following The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) QAA Quality Code Chapter A1: UK and European reference points for academic standards European Higher Education Area (EHEA) Qualification Cycles - Consider the Curriculum Mapping document for: fit and appropriateness to programme specific curriculum /programme learning outcomes /feeder curriculum to receiving curriculum; fit and appropriateness of unit specific learning outcomes from feeder to receiving curriculum; any disparities between curricula and how gaps in curricula will be bridged; difference in assessment strategy from feeder programme to receiving programme; issues that may arise; - The following should also be considered for all Recognition and Articulation Arrangements: any additional entry criteria/hurdles from the feeder programme to the receiving programme. confirmation of English language requirements for entry; any potential gaps to be addressed for students admitted through this arrangement; additional student support anticipated: academic, pastoral, cultural. APPROVAL 1 outcome of meeting: recommend unconditional approval subject to annual monitoring; recommend approval subject to conditions/recommendations; recommend approval be withheld. If withheld, provide rationale for decision. 7E - Articulation: Policy and Procedure