Urchfont Pre-School AGM / Urchfont Pre-School CIO Monthly Committee Meeting Date: 16/09/14 Attendees: Sarah Lee (Chair), Di Cooper, Linda Weekes, Claire Brewer, Helen Hampton, William Lang, Laura Sandford, Karen Creasey-Cottle, Jo Yates, Rebecca Gashi, Romarna Corke, Sam Harris. Apologies: Katharine Hulse, Kate Walters 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Notes Action Members update Rozzy Roan is stepping down from the committee. New members, Rebecca Gashi, Claire Brewer, Katharine Hulse and Kate Walters Supervisor’s end of year 2013/14 report Di Cooper attended to give the supervisors report. Amendment – Leanne has left due to personal reasons. Chairman’s end of year 2013/14 report Sarah Lee reported to committee Treasurer’s end of year 2013/14 report Sarah Lee reported to committee. A good profit has been made this year due mainly to the increase in income from funding because of the large number of children at the setting throughout the year. Profit will be invested back into the pre-school and to bolster the restricted funds saved for redundancy. Urchfont Pre-School (Charity 1024214, Ofsted 146061) The process for becoming a Charitable Incorporated Organisation has been completed and the committee approved the proposal to close the current charity. To be dissolved as of 12.00 midnight on the 16/09/14 Urchfont Pre-School CIO (Charity 1157254, Ofsted EY480715) – active as of 17/09/14 A new bank account has been opened. Parents and all suppliers have been informed of the new account number and sort code. Budget Bright Horizons income has now finished so we will not have any for this year. Aster grant for new windows and canopy over sandpit. The request had not been received so Sarah has resubmitted the request. Cost would be £1500. If the grant request is not successful agreed to pay for the windows and canopy out of the profits. Freezer required for BASC – to offer better options of food. Needs to be a chest freezer that can be stored outside with a lock. £289. 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) Agreed to be ordered. Forest School Mrs Pike has offered to do Wednesday morning session at £50 per session. Concern that she may not offer any more than the current staff already do on a Thursday. Sarah to ask Mrs Pike for a plan of what will be covered to establish the whether any value will be added. BT Still an ongoing issue. Have to now wait for school to update their system as needs a new bonded line which will involve digging up the path. Planned for Oct holiday. Website Need a volunteer to take on the update of the website. Sarah to ask Katherine Hulse if she would be happy to. Inventory An inventory is required for insurance purposes. Undecided who will do this. Staff Updates Leanne needs to return her P45, keys for the pre-school and her uniform. As she only worked for such a short period of time and only £234 solution may be to request an invoice from her and pay her as self-employed rather than put her on the books. Sarah to chase. Supervisor role – interview planned for early October. BASC Parents need to inform the BASC if they are not attending. Sarah to produce letter to go out in book bags + email to parents. Relations with School A more joined up closer relationship with school needs to be established. William to speak to school about assigning a liaison officer at school. Pre-school to assign a representative. Should this be a member of staff? Ugly Bug Ball Sunday 19th October. Jo, Sam and Claire to organise. Sarah to send through check list and poster. CRB Check Sarah to look into whether these expire SL SL SL SL WL SL SL