COW Q2 N2 Binary & Hexadecimal Complete the following methods in the BinaryFun Class. Level 1 Name: displayBinaryArray Input: boolean [] binaryValues, Graphics g, int x, int y Output: nothing Action: draws the corresponding binary number to the screen at location x, y. Each true represents a one and each false represents a 0. The variable at index 0 is the first digit in the binary number and the last is the most significant digit. So boolean [] binary values = {false, false, true, false, true}; would translate to 10100 Level 2 Name: Input: Output: Action: convertBinaryToDecimal boolean [] binaryValues int number converts a binary number to a decimal number Level 3 Name: addBinary Input: boolean [] binaryOne, boolean [] binaryTwo Output: boolean [] binarySum Action: adds the binary values in binaryOne and binaryTwo and returns the sum in binarySum. You may assume that binaryOne and binaryTwo are the same length. You should make binarySum one digit longer. Name: Input: Output: Action: Level 4 convertBinaryToHex boolean [] binary String hex; converts a binary number to a hexadecimal String. Level 5 Name: Input: Output: Action: convertDecimalToBinary int decNumber boolean [] binaryValues converts a decimal number to a binary number