Italian Linacre Lecture – Rome – 11 th October 2014

15th Annual Italian Linacre Lecture
Rome, Saturday October 11th.
We are most grateful to Dr Rasmus Brandt (1970) and Mr Adam Gerrand (1993), for
kindly organizing the events that day. Thanks also go to Adam for kindly enabling us to hold
the event at the FAO, and for being part of our panel in the afternoon, when we will also
welcome the Principal, Dr Nick Brown (1986), as a co-speaker. It’s possible that a third
Linacre member may also speak; details to be confirmed. The panel will be chaired by
It is essential to book your names in with us for the 3 events – Morning Visit 10.30; Italian
Linacre Society AGM & Italian Linacre Lecture 14.00; Dinner 20.00. Security at the FAO
Building is understandably very high, so we need to hand in name of all attendees,
beforehand. Please could you indicate your attendance as below. Thank you!
10.30 a.m.: A visit to the Non-Catholic Cemetery of Rome. A guided tour by Rasmus Brandt.
Meeting place: The entrance of the Cemetery in Via Caio Cestio, 6 in the Testaccio district of
Rome (near Porta S. Paolo and la Piramide (the Pyramid)), on the inside of the Aurelian city
12.00/12.30: Short "Take Away" lunch break in a bar or similar in the Testaccio area at your
own expense – or on your own, as you please.
14.00: FAO building, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla (i.e. opposite the east end of Circo
Massimo) - 15-20 min. walk from the Testaccio area.
1. Annual reunion of the Italian Linacre Society - open to all.
2. Annual Italian Linacre Society lecture.
This year The Principal, Dr Nick Brown (1986), Linacre Old Member Adam Gerrand
(1993), and possibly one other Old Member will be speaking on: ‘Forests, Climate Change,
and Environmental Governance’.
NB! All who want to participate in these two events should meet at the main entrance to the
FAO building NOT later than 2 p.m. sharp. We shall have to walk in together and go through a
security check. Late-comers may be turned away.
20.00: Dinner in a restaurant for those who are interested to prolong the day in nice
company – at your own expense.
Please let us know if you can attend by completing the booking form on the next page and
sending it to .
Italian Linacre Lecture – Rome – 11th October 2014
Your name (title, first name and surname)
Morning Visit
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Linacre Society AGM & Italian Linacre Lecture
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Guest’s name (title, first name and surname)
Morning Visit
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Linacre Society AGM & Italian Linacre Lecture
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