Possible movies to reference

Anthem Essay of Argument
A utopia is possible if _________________________________________________.
Because _________________________all utopias are destined to eventually become dystopias.
Assignment: Write an essay including a clear thesis statement that you can prove using one of the starters
above. You will prove this thesis using Anthem, a scholarly journal article, and either a movie or another novel.
(You can NOT use Minority Report) The essay will be between 3-5 pages and include evidence from multiple
Possible texts to use: 1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, The Giver, Divergent, The Handmaid’s Tale,
The Hunger Games, Unwind, Never Let Me Go and other dystopian texts
Possible movies to reference: Gattaca, A Clockwork Orange, The Running Man, Logan’s Run, Equilibrium,
Death Race, Idiocracy, I Robot, Total Recall, V for Vendetta, RoboCop and other dystopian movies
Scholarly articles using infohio.org: authors and scholars discuss/analyze dystopian literature
*If trying to access www.infohio.org at home, the username is infohio and the password is power
Getting started:
 Make a list of possible dystopian novels you have read. How do these prove the topic question?
 Make a list of possible dystopian movies you have seen or will watch. How do these prove the topic
 Find scholarly research articles that support your findings
 Synthesize how Anthem, scholarly research and either another novel/movie answer the question.
Many of you will be required to cite scholarly journal articles for research at some point in the future. Scholarly
articles have more original thought, complexity, validity and sources than popular or trade publications.
Scholarly journals can be accessed in print at a library such as KSU or on a database such as EBSCO Host.
This assignment is meant to familiarize you with the search process and to prepare you for the advanced
complexity of the text.
Step 1: Use Infohio and EBSCO Host to find and print a scholarly article that focuses on dystopian literature.
The article should be 2-5 pages in length. Look it over before you print it to make sure it is on topic and of
Step 2: Read the introduction and find out the author’s main point or argument. Underline the thesis. Then read
the remainder of the article carefully highlighting clear evidence to support your thesis.
 Attach the printed and highlighted article to your final essay
Helpful reminders:
Follow formal writing rules
Do not use “you” or “I think,” “I believe” etc.
Embed quotes
Use literary present tense
Use specific language – avoid things, got, a lot, many, very
Don’t use intensifiers
*Remember to submit to turnitin.com
Anthem Rubric:
Name: _________________________________
Each category will be graded on a 5-point scale:
0=Not Evident/No Attempt Made
1. _____ Paper begins with a formal literary attention-getting opener that effectively transitions into the
2. _____ Paper contains a thesis statement using the chosen sources to support the dystopian or utopian
3. _____ Paragraphs are organized, and include topic sentences (that introduces the evidence used in that
paragraph, relating back to the thesis), concluding sentences (tying the body paragraph back to
the “so what” of the thesis) and transitions to connect ideas.
4. _____ Body paragraphs provide the best textual evidence from Anthem which aligns with the central
idea of the paper, supports the thesis, is integrated/embedded into the text, and is cited correctly
(MLA format).
5. _____ Body paragraphs provide the best textual evidence from scholarly article(s) which aligns with
the central idea of the paper, supports the thesis, is integrated/embedded into the text, and is cited
correctly (MLA format).
6. _____ Body paragraphs provide the best paraphrased evidence from another book, or summarized
concept(s) from a movie which aligns with the central idea of the paper, supports the thesis, and
is cited correctly (MLA format).
7. _____ The conclusion refers back to the thesis idea of the paper and includes a concluding thought.
8. _____The paper contains correct usage of spelling, grammar, varied sentence structure and formal
9. _____ The paper contains at least five words from your vocabulary packet which are used correctly,
highlighted or underlined, and defined (definitions provided at the end of the paper).
10. _____The paper follows the assignment requirements: Times New Roman size 12 pt. font, MLA
heading, typed, double spaced and proper MLA formatted Works Cited page. *Attach the printed
and highlighted scholarly article to your final essay
Total: ___________/50