Hampton Park Care Group Inc. Annual General Meeting 2013 Held at

Hampton Park Care Group Inc.
Annual General Meeting
Held at:
Hampton Park Community House
16-20 Stuart Ave,
Hampton Park 3976
Ph: 9799 0708
1. Welcome
2. Previous Minutes
3. Words from the Chairman, John O’Callaghan
4. Treasure’s report and annual financial statements
5. Early Childhood Report
6. Out of School Hours Report
7. Playgroup Report
8. Family Support Report
9. Program Co-ordinator Report
10. Managers’ Report
11. Election of new Board of Governance
12. Gift presentations
13. Video Presentation
14. Supper to conclude
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29TH MAY 2013
Hampton Park Care Group Inc.
Hampton Park Community House
Wednesday 29th May 2013
1: Welcome: Meeting opened by John O’Callaghan 7.35pm
2: Apologies: Kathryn Bellis, Ann Green, Zoe Grealy, Julie Sullivan, Diana Spano,
Sue Stephens, Debra McCowatt, Shirley Borlase, Wendy McClimont, Melinda Perry.
3. Acceptance of Previous Minutes: As read.
Moved: Peter Hanson
Seconded: Alison Kramer
4. President’s Report: As written and read by John O’Callaghan.
With thanks to Ann Green, for all of her help in appointing the new manager. Thank
you to Lynda Smith for taking on the role of manager with such vigour, you are
making the house and committee proud.
Sorry to see Kym Frost go, however thank you for all of the time you have given the
committee and the house during 2012.
5. Treasury Report: As written by Ann Green and read by Tania Sacco.
Ann Green would like to recommend we nominate Inside Accounting Pty Ltd for
Hampton Park Care Group’s continued auditing needs.
Moved: Alison Kramer
Secomded: Peter Hanson
6. Early Childhood: As written and read by Queenie Tirado
7. Out of School Hours: As written and read by Jan O’Callaghan
8. Playgroup: As written and read by Sandra Palmer
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9. Family Support: As written and read by Wayne Lucas
Funding changed throughout the 2012 year, thank you to Jan O’Callaghan for
allowing Edith the change roles and step into the Family Support department.
Edith and Wayne went through a new reporting process, and will also now go
through an annual accreditation process.
Feeling is thinking has been great for the house. The launch of the KMG group has
been successful, in particular with group mentoring.
Barnados now classifies the Community House as a community partner, rather than
as a funded body. This is a much better relationship than previous.
10. RTO: As written and read by Tania Sacco.
11. Manager’s Report: As written and read by Lynda Smith.
Thanks to the funding bodies for encouragement and support, in particular Lynda
Huge thanks to staff and committee for Lynda’s appointment and continued support
throughout 2012-2013.
Moved: Michael Scargill
Seconded: Peter Hanson
12. Election of New Committee 2013
“Committee positions are declared vacant.” By Lynda Wilkens
Committee positions are nominated as follows:
President – John O’Callaghan
Vice President – Peter Hanson
Treasurer: Ann Green
Secretary: Christie Stoneham
Assistant Secretary: Abilasha Ruthiradas
General Members: Alison Kramer, Michael Scargill
All above nominations are accepted. Congratulations to all committee members.
Thank you to Lynda Wilkens for conducting the election process.
13. Presentations of Life Memberships
Presentations of life memberships by Diane Spencer
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Sandra Palmer – has not only been dedicated to the house but has been an
exceptional employee. Sandra received flowers and chocolates.
Peter Hanson – A valued and dedicated member of the house, Peter is always there
to help. Peter received a gift certificate and chocolates.
Gifts to all outgoing committee members, each received a metal tree for
appreciation. Huge thanks.
14. Guest Presentation:
Trevor & Ira Turner, Peter & Lois representing Rotary Club Endeavour Hills, gave us
a presentation on a Rescue Mission for Children in Mae Suai, Thailand 2011.
The four presenters got involved building a school for disadvantaged girls and boys
that have been taken from their homes to be used in child labour.
A visual presentation depicting the hard work that Rotary and other volunteer groups
have done to protect these children was a definite eye opener for the attendees at
the AGM.
Thank you very much for this presentation, and a suggestion to committee to
sponsor one of the children.
Meeting Closed: 8.43pm followed by supper.
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It is my pleasure to present the chairpersons report for this year’s AGM. Once
again it has been a busy 12 months. It started with implementing
recommendations from our strategic plan that we had been working on for
quite a while and finalised during this time.
In July 2013 was our 25th Anniversary and it was a terrific day and it was
great to see past and present members of the house help us celebrate this
great occasion. The former State Treasurer, Mr Rob Jolly, who opened the House in
July 1988, was the guest of honour; the then Mayor Cr Amanda Stapleton and
Cr Wayne Smith were also present.
In November last year, we reviewed our constitution in line with the
Associations Incorporations act. This was voted on at a Special resolution
meeting so that our members could have the opportunity to have their say on
the changes. One of the changes was to bring the committee into the modern
era; we changed from a Committee of Management to a Board of Governance.
Financially it has been another challenging year, however the support we
receive from our funding bodies, in particular the State government and the
City of Casey is greatly appreciated.
This year one of our long standing and revered members retired from the B.O.G
and I would like to wish Alison Kramer all the best in her future endeavours
and thank her for her many years of service with us, she will be sorely
To the current B.O.G members, I would like to take this opportunity to thank
them all for their support and dedication and also welcome our new members
of BOG. Saying this we are in need of more B.O.G members, so if any of you know
of anyone interested in becoming a B.O.G member please let us know.
A massive thank you to all our wonderful staff and volunteers, without their
dedication and hard work, the Hampton Park Community house would not be the
success it is
John O’Callaghan
Chairperson Hampton Park Board of Governance.
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Good evening everyone, I would like to present the Treasurers report for 2013 on
behalf of the Board of Management.
This is my first full year report and to that end I have spent as much time as I could
trying to get my head around the financial workings of the house to the best of my
ability. I would like to extend thanks to Jan Davies, Janine Gablek, Tania Sacco and
Lynda Smith for helping me try and find my feet in this role.
2013 was a watershed year for the House. We took the bold steps forward that we
needed to in order for the House to grow and prosper in the future. To that end we
did experience a considerable loss of $85,870.07. It became necessary to look at the
big picture and take a slight step backwards in order to be able to take positive steps
forward in the future.
In order to put this in context please let me explain that this loss was made up of
asset depreciation, Consultancy fees, Setup of an advertising/marketing program
and a major computer refit. Not completing these items and pushing forward would
result in us losing momentum and slipping backwards with our ability to provide
viable programs in the future.
We also experienced a reduced demand for services, especially in the areas of
classes and Out of School Hours Care.
The balance of the term deposit stayed at the $187,507.00 mark. It is necessary for
me to explain that this is not “excess” funds but just the majority of our cash on hand
not needed for day to day running that we place in the term deposit so as to obtain a
higher interest return. The intent is to make our money work as hard as it can for us.
At this time I would like to thank all our funding and community bodies from 2013.
City of Casey
Commonwealth Bank – Hampton Park
DEECD – Dept of Education and Early Childhood Development. – This
department incorporates the funding we receive as:
ACFE – Adult Community of Further Education – Pre accredited training.
Capacity and Innovation Funding – final payment.
DEEWR – Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.
DHS – Department of Human Services.
Child Protection and Family Services.
Neighborhood House funding.
Department of Justice – Security grant.
Besen Family Foundation – Dari Literacy
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Lastly I would like to nominate that we appoint Insight Accounting Pty Ltd for our
continuing auditing needs.
Ann Green
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I am pleased to present the report for 2013.
We had a very successful year; with an increase and a steady number in the
Occasional care and Pre-Kinder groups.
We found there was a big demand for places for children from “Culturally and
Linguistically Diverse” (CALD) families and we also had a large number of children
form the “Adult Migrant English Program” (AMES) attending our service.
We were able to provide 4 morning sessions of Pre-Kinder and by term four we
added an afternoon session.
The “Victorian Early Years Framework” (EYLF) guidelines pinpoint the curriculum
that we use to delivered programs for the children.
In the past few years our agenda has been to encourage our professional
development so that we are able to implement the EYLF and its changes in our
I was privilege and very grateful to attend the 2013 Early Childhood Education
Conference “Together we grow-towards excellence” delivered by the Early Learning
Association Australia(ELAA) which focus on continuous improvement in children’s
education and care which I greatly enjoyed.
Through the year we were able to provide children with a broad range of learning
experiences, such as the very popular play dough, , box construction, bathing
babies; home corner; book area, puzzles, Lego, blocks, dressing up; hairdressing;
mechanics, variety of imaginative play; music and movements, we also provided lots
of art experiences such as; painting, pasting, using clay, sand and natural materials
and let us not forget the very popular out-door play, where they enjoy the sand pit;
cubby house, climbing; water play; riding bikes ,cars and ball games.
During the year we also were happy to provide some special incursions for our
children such as the visit of The “Country Fire Authority” (CFA). Ray delivered an
awareness session for our pre kinder children (“Fire safe kids program”).
We also had Kerry from the Casey Aquatic Centre who delivered a “Water safety
program” for the children which was full hands on, and enjoyed by all children and
During the year we had students from Merinda Park, TBM Training Pty and VCE
students doing their placement/work experience hours with us.
A big thanks to Jaiyden Watts, who was a fantastic Santa for us this year.
This year we also had Peta Stevanovic and Chantal Jose our new Pre-Kinder
Educators working with us. They have been a great addition to our team.
We were happy to be able to purchase a variety of natural items, manipulative,
construction and skill development activities to enhance our program.
All of these items are appreciated by staff and children.
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Many thanks to the childhood educators for providing quality care for the children.
Sandra is a dedicated educator, being always ready to help and support our
A big thanks to Pacient, Patricia, Rachael, Jessica and Wendy our volunteer staff for
always, willing to help us in whatever is needed to be done.
I would like to thank all of the other staff that has supported our area and me as
Coordinator this year. Lynda as House Manager, Tania as Program Coordinator,
Diana for always being there to help, Jan Davies and Janice as Book Keepers, the
OSHC Educators and Sandra on Reception.
Thanks to our Committee of Management 2013 for great support for our area.
I would like to wish the new Committee all the very best for the year 2014.
Queenie Tirado
Early Childhood Coordinator.
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Out of school hours has had rather an unusual year this year. Normally I am saying
how high our numbers are, but unfortunately this time around I have to say our
numbers are quite low. We have found that many of our families have had one
parent out of work for a while and so the children have been pulled out of our
program and then put back if a new position has been found. Consequently our
numbers are continually changing. Our vacation care program is still well attended
and we have picked up lots of new children there.
In our before and after school care we drop off and pick up from 5 local schools. With
the low numbers it has meant that we can do a lot more one on one with the
children, which is always nice. They have been very settled and enjoyed doing a
variety of activities which have included science experiments, lots of art work,
different crafts, and being active out in the backyard.
We also now have a garden plot at the Communal gardens at the Uniting Church
and we have a group of children who really enjoy going there and digging in the dirt
and keeping it all looking nice. Our own little veggie patch in the yard is popular too,
but it’s funny how none of the tomato’s ever seem to get on the plates!
Our Vacation care program always seems to be popular with the children being able
to do as much or as little as they want. Some children just want to spend their
holidays chilling out with their friends and others want to fill their days doing as much
as possible. We have had visits from the Music man, Reptile encounters, the
Gymbus, Stufflers, which is like build a bear and a very funny puppet show. Our
excursions this year have been Roller skating, a community treasure hunt around
our area, and a last minute excursion to Laser Tag. This was last minute because
after the children asking for a while we had booked to go to Luna Park. Unfortunately
on the day we were going in September it was absolutely pouring with rain and the
wind was blowing a gale, so they phoned and cancelled us as all the rides were
closed. Other activities the children did were cooking days, a pirate day, crazy hair
day, different crafts, lots of games and a bike day.
We had to say goodbye to my team leader Rene Sulyok at the beginning of the year.
She had been a part of this house for many years and it was very sad to see her go,
and she has been missed very much by us all in Out of school hours. Thank you for
all she did for our program. We have also said goodbye to Tara Williams, Erica
Brandt and Linda Hogan. We appreciate all that these people have done for our
program and wish them well in the future
My permanent staffs this year are as follows:
Rene Sulyok, Kelly Yuile, Jaiyden Watts, Sandra Palmer, Olga Minotoli and Rachael
Palmer. Plus we have casual workers Sarah Seeley, Tara Williams and Erica Brandt.
We also have five lovely ladies that wait at the schools and collect all the children
together and get them onto our 2 mini buses. They are Linda Hogan, Charmaine
Barron, Jane Cameron, Michelle Nicholls and Belinda Haslet and our two bus drivers
Claudia Alevizos and Lynette Michel. Thank you to you all.
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My thanks also go to my Administrative assistant Janine Gablek who does all the
accounts, and all the ladies in the offices Jan D, Tania and Di.
To Edith Schaaf in family support, thank you for helping our program whenever you
are needed and being a good sounding board.
Lastly thanks go to Lynda Smith our house manager who always seems to be able to
spare me some time no matter what she has on her plate and the Committee of
Management for your support throughout the year.
Jan O’Callaghan
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2013 has been an exciting and successful year for playgroup, we have had a large
number of families attending throughout the year, and this year we have seen a rise
in the number of family day care people accessing our playgroup. Playgroup gives
families and carers a regular meeting place outside of their homes that is safe,
secure and welcoming; this gives parents and carers a chance to meet on a regular
basis in a familiar place to:
To exchange thoughts and ideas on parenting
To establish new friendship circles
Maternal Child Health is attending playgroup every term answering parents
questions and concerns
We have had a representative from Tupperware attend several times
throughout the year
For the children to develop social skills
To learn about other cultures
Each term Pete’s Clothing has attended playgroup with parents snapping up
lots of bargains
Cranbourne integrated health attended on a regular basis, they focused on
children with speech difficulties
This year we have been encouraging families to recycle by using the worm
farm as much as possible
This year we received a new garden in the back yard from the council, at first
there were a lot of issue in regards to safety and the general lack of appeal
that the garden had, but as time goes by the safety issues have been
addressed and the overall appearance of the garden has improved, the
children are using the garden to their advantage, a lovely place to explore,
touch, smell and feel as well as a great place to hide
Lots of interest in the vegetable garden in particular the strawberries and
For families to develop a love of music and movement
We continue to sell chocolate frogs as an ongoing fundraiser
The Afghan playgroup has had a great year, our numbers have grown quiet a lot
over the last 12 months. Parents are really starting to understand the importance of
enrolling their children in 3 and 4 year old kinder as well as attending school on a
regular basis. We have had regular visits throughout the year from the Maternal
Child Health Nurse. Parents have been able to access help and advice from the
careers guidance officer and Rick Comfort from Centerlink has visited several times
to advise the ladies about the benefits that they and their families are entitled to. we
have also had a visit from our local library. The SPPI Officer Jodie Soutter has given
us lots of support and advice throughout the year.
The City of Casey once again has provided a great end of year party at Myuna Farm
which is available to all playgroup members and their families throughout the City of
Casey. All who attended had a wonderful time.
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Once again we decided to have 2 separate parties for end of year break up as this
seems to suit everyone. Santa arrived bearing gifts and lolly bags for all, much to the
delight of the children. I would like to express my thanks to our Santa- Jaiyden Watts
who did a wonderful job on the day, children and parents were happy with the gifts
that they received as well as the compulsory lolly bags, this year Santa also came
along to the Afghan playgroup, I’m not sure who was the most excited about, this the
children or the parents.
I would like to say thank you to all of the volunteers who have willingly given up their
time so regularly in particular Sandra Marks, Jessica Riddiford and Rachael Palmer,
without the help of these lovely people playgroup would struggle to run, I would also
like to say thank you to all staff and committee members for their help and support
throughout the year of 2013. All at playgroup are looking forward to a successful and
fun filled year in 2014.
Sandra Palmer
Playgroup Coordinator
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I am pleased to present this year’s Family support report.
It has been a very challenging year in Family Support. During the year we had a
change in department head and this always takes time for the changeover process
to be completed.
We took on the challenge of reporting with ISO9001 (International Organisation of
Standardisation) and finalising changes in our area have been a time consuming and
all-encompassing procedure. I have found our House Manager Lynda Smith, an
invaluable source of help and encouragement to me during this time.
Family support has been very busy during 2013, seeing many people throughout the
year includes families, couples and lots of children. This includes Child First referrals
which we receive from DHS and it is part of our funding.
Family Support has case managed 110 clients, many of the issues covered and
supported were Parenting support and Education, Child Behaviour and Bullying,
Isolation and Depression, Family violence, Drug and Alcohol, Grieve and Loss,
Relationship counselling and Migrant concerns.
Feeling is Thinking
Children’s Feeling is Thinking group is running well and we welcomed two new
facilitators to run the group. I was able to successively take over the responsibility of
keeping the group running with Kristy a Case manager from Windermere. We have
had many children go through the HPCH Feeling is Thinking groups, 52 in the past
year with many different outcomes. This group will be continuing throughout next
year and hopefully many years to follow. To see the changes in the children’s lives is
exciting. I am proud to be part of their lives for a short period of time and see the fun
and strengths they achieve while attending the group.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Board of Governance for their faith in
me in heading this department. I would also like to thank Michael Scargill for all the
volunteer hours he contributed during the year especially with IT and admin work.
A big thank-you to DHS for their funding and commitment of this area and to Moritz
Muckenberger for his continued support.
Edith Schaaf
Family Support Case Worker.
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Good evening everyone, at this time I would like to present the Program
Coordinators report for 2013.
I would like to start with an update on the RTO part of the House. After many years
of success and then a change in eligibility criteria for students, we experienced grave
concerns with the RTO part of our business. We decided that during 2013 we would
put the RTO into a hiatus and research the pros and cons of continuing that part of
our business. With a sad heart but a clear purpose we have decided to close the
RTO. It has become obvious to us the best way to service the people of Hampton
Park is to be able to offer them what they need and when they need it. So to that end
we will no longer run an RTO from here but will partner with different RTO’s to
provide what courses the people demand. We have partnered up with 2 members of
our Learn Local alliance, Merinda Park and Pakenham, to hopefully run Aged Care
and Children’s services Certificate Course from Hampton Park. We received
insufficient number in the second semester to run the courses here however these
people were referred to either Merinda Park (Childcare) or Pakenham (Aged Care) to
enrol. We are hoping for better success next year.
The Career Guidance Development Program that was started in 2012 was again run
in 2013 with funding from the Hampton Park Renewal Program. Under the watchful
eye of Jen Schutze we again serviced the people of Hampton Park that for one
reason or another slipped through the cracks of mainstream help. We met our target
for the year which was most pleasing however due to circumstances beyond our
control this service will cease in 2014. This program was designed to provide users
of our House the help they require to assist them into further education and/or
employment and the usual cohort of people needing help could not afford to pay for
career guidance. Though a number of funding possibilities were investigated, we
were unsuccessful in obtaining funding for next year; therefore as mentioned the
program will end. A big thank-you must be extended to the Hampton Park
Community Renewal project for organising matching funding to take us through 2013
and to Jen Schutze for not only taking the program over but by becoming a welcome
addition to our team and one that I’m sure will still be involved with our House into
the future.
We ran our usual compliment of pre-accredited classes that included English and
Introduction to Computers during 2013 and managed to stretch our repertoire to
include MYOB and Excel. We managed to more than double of our usual delivery of
Student Contact Hours from 2000 SCH to over 5000 SCH. It is exciting to be able to
provide these hours for our students. Most of our students that previously chose to
enter in accredited training chose to transition into the pre-accredited ESL training
either because the new rules made it so or because they just couldn’t bear to be
parted from Monica and her wonderful teaching.
Lastly I would like to mention the success of prototype of a Youth Pre-Employment
Program that we trialled. This program was targeted at a number of different
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elements. We wanted to have a partnership with the local high school, engage
possible disengaged youth through employment education, promote the profile of the
House and provide some win/win scenarios for us all. Three students successfully
completed the pilot and one gained employment. We are hoping to obtain some
funding in 2014 so as to run a proper version of the program. A big thanks to Jodie
Bayley from Hampton Park Secondary College and the principal David Finnerty for
his support of this program.
Tania Sacco
Program Coordinator
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2013 has been one of exciting new opportunities and challenges.
Following an Organisational Review at the beginning of the year a new Business and
Strategic Plan was developed. Several key objectives were identified including;
development of new programs offered and increasing IT integrity for training and
work purposes.
Our brand new brochure containing newly offered programs was released for
Semester 2. New computer classes and particularly MYOB were popular. The
decision was made to relinquish our RTO status as its retention was unviable. We
will continue to reflect the needs of the community by having other RTOs deliver in
our facility. Thanks to our involvement in the Casey Cardinia Alliance of Learn Local,
other opportunities to gain qualifications in Childrens Services, Home and
Community Care and Disability Care were offered for delivery here through
partnerships with Merinda Park Learning and Community Centre and Pakenham
Living and Learning. Although demographics and trends indicated these accredited
courses should be popular, they did not attract enough participants to run from this
Our IT capability and support required has improved with the upgrade of software to
all staff and learning computers. The server capacity was improved and data moved
to the ‘Cloud’. Our WiFi capability is great and allows for classes to login easily. We
now have phone and call out support that has been most beneficial.
As part of the Business Plan new advertising banners were developed and the
community buses were brightened considerably with our logo etc .expertly done. We
now have mobile advertising which has resulted in enquiries for OSH when the
buses are used for school trips to and fro.
Thanks to Tammy Lobato Consultancy, Tania Sacco our program co-ordinator and
the then Committee of Management, for giving this project the enthusiasm and
support it needed to blossom.
We completed the very successful Careers Development Project, funded through
Hampton Park Community Renewal and the Capacity and Innovations Fund grant
with a new facilitator. Many residents participated and went on to further training
and/or employment. Well done to Tania Sacco and Jen Schutze for delivering such
an important program!
There were discussions during the year whether a community workshop would be
erected in our car park area. Funding from the State Government through the
Renewal Project is still pending. If it goes ahead a Mens Shed group will be a
welcome user of the facility.
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Our Mens Group is still operating on the first Wednesday evening of each month.
The group received a volunteers grant from the Federal Government, with which
they purchased vital equipment ie; laptop, camera. They also purchased a portable
pool table which is used enthusiastically. The group involves themselves in
supplying BBQs at community events. David Maxwell is leading the group, so big
thanks to him for his voluntary contribution. It is very much appreciated.
The Womens Friendship Café, steered by the hard work of Elaine Smith, has grown
to an amazing number of women from many different ethnic backgrounds. The
ladies enjoy sewing, craft, guest speakers and great friendships. The group has
grown too large for us to accommodate so they have made arrangements to meet at
River Gum Primary School and Arthur Wren hall. They appreciate our role in their
foundation and it is a privilege to have been involved in the development of such an
amazing community development outcome.
Funding from City of Casey for community development initiatives was utilised for
the development of a ‘Business Brunch’. A networking opportunity for local home
based businesses. Members were mostly women with small children who could not
attend mainstream networking opportunities. Approximately 40 individuals
participated once a month for 6 months. Some wonderful guest speakers gave their
time for the group. A closed facebook page was initiated by the group and they still
stay in contact. Several members have since partnered for projects such as expos.
They are a fantastic group of people who, although too busy now to regularly meet,
stay in contact with us. Great success and I am very proud of that project.
As part of the City of Casey’s minor capital works program new bi-fold doors were
installed between the two childcare rooms. They are just fantastic, sound proof and
solid. Thank you City of Casey.
After many years of conversation in regard to upgrading of the facility, City of Casey
have a budget to do just that. Plans and visions have been developed and continue
to be revised. Works should begin in the new financial year of 2014.
This was our 25th anniversary year in this building and we celebrated with a morning
tea on the 24th July. It was in 1988 that Rob Jolly MP opened the building and we
were honoured to have him attend our function and cut the cake. Local MP Judith
Graley, Cr Wayne Smith and the Mayor Cr Amanda Stapledon were also in
I will finish my report by wholeheartedly thanking the Admin staff, Jan Davies, Janine
Gablek, Diane Spencer, Sandra Hoy and Tania Sacco. Without their support
everyday this community would be left wanting. Also the Co-ordinators, Jan
O’Callaghan, Queenie Tirado, Sandra Palmer and Edith Schaaf, thank you to you
and your fantastic staff and volunteers, for your dedication to your clients, big or
small. You all play an integral role in facilitating opportunities for friendship and
support for everyone that walks in our door and always go beyond the call of duty.
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Thank you to the Board of Governance. They are remarkable people, volunteering
their time and efforts all year round, couldn’t do it without you! You have been a
wonderful support!
Lynda Smith
House Manager
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