AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH INTERFERENCE INTO INDONESIAN LANGUAGE USED IN PIKIRAN RAKYAT DAILY NEWSPAPER LiahTarlia (09220246) Email English Sport Study Program Language and Arts Department SekolahTinggiKeguruan Dan IlmuPendidikan (STKIP) Siliwangi Bandung ABSTRACT The objectives of this research entitled “An Analysis of English Interference Into Indonesia Language Used in Pikiran Rakyat Daily Newspaper” are to find out how many interference used by the articles writer in Sport Column of Pikiran Rakyat Daily Newspaper, what types of interference was most frequently used and what types of interference was least frequenlty used. In this research, the writer used descriptive qualitative method. The instrument used to collect the data were pieces of paper covering the types of English interference. The subjects of this research were all the texts of article in Sport Column of Pikiran Rakyat daily newspaper. The collected data were identified, classified, analyzed, and interpreted F based on Mackey theory (1995:168) and using percentage category based on Sudijono’s theory (P = x N 100). The results of this research showed that: the newspaper writer of Pikiran Rakyat used 3995 words. They include: interference without phonetic interference 17 words (8.28%), grammatical interference 7 words (7.52%), lexical interference 57 words (61.3%), and semantic interference 12 words (12.9%). According to results above, the writer concluded that the most frequently interference used by the articles writer was lexical interference 61.3% and the least frequently used was interference with semantic interference 12.9%. Key word: interference submitted language to oral article, etc. Language has a simple component in a sending message, the message will be sent if there are three factors: the speakers, reader or listener and the object (Alwasilah, 1993:16). The interaction can be through television, newspaper, magazine, or even internet, in which most of the information uses English as a language. Newspaper is one of media which is necessary for human life. We can get many benefits from magazines. Besides getting information, newspaper can shown the developments of language. Daily newspaper is one of type which often use absorption word with less observed the standard Language Pikiran Rakyat are example of the popular newspaper in daily. Many adoption words are used with less observed the standard of word forming or standard of word loaning. In linguistics, the forming of absorption word without observed the standard of word forming and standard of word loaning is called as interference. Besides, it has functions and categorizes the words. This is evidence from the results of masterpiece yielded by the writer of newspaper who use interference either through interact or which have been given by argumentation; the following English interference is taken from article in Pikiran Rakyat. A. BACKGROUND Language was born as a very important thing and very required. With language, Human being is born as social creature which cannot be quit of language. (Wardaugh, 1977:3) stated that, “Language is a system of obituary vocal used for communication”. However, it is clear that language represent very important thing for human being interaction and to communicate. This world consists of many languages, and Indonesia is either one of that language. Indonesian have problem which comes from language variety. Variety is generating many matter issue is communicate to people who have different language variety was made compulsory in overcome thus problem. English as International language which is used by many people in the world. Has great role on others. A part of Indonesian language adopted some words from English. Indonesian as a national language ought to become first language in Indonesian its self, but practically nowadays Indonesian domicile it is likely wished off by foreign language, which in this case is English. People live in the era of information and globalization, and inevitably interact with other people in the world. In the usage, language can be 1 “Achmad Sodikin memiliki dissenting opinion( pendapat berbeda).” (PikiranRakyat , 09 Januari 2013). The example above had the shown usage of English interference. The usages of English interference in example above are effect of language identifications by bilingualism. The writer in newspaper above will prefer use Indonesian words than English words in their written, because Indonesian has the comparison words that they used example above. These matters draw to be expressed, to be studied, accurately and traced. People believe that standing nation is the determined by culture, and culture of this State is Indonesian. So, indonesian has important role in standing of Indonesian nation. All of Indonesain people, actually has responsibility to grow Indonesian by using it properly and avoid interesting of English word expect if it can be translated into Indonesian. But now in Indonesian there is a tendency that people prefer use some foreign words in Indonesian, especially for this case in daily newspaper. Based on that statement, the writer will try to investigate about how is the process entering element of foreign language which is called as interference (Weinrich, 1966:63) states that they are done because the readymade designations are more sport than to describe things once more. Based on these phenomena, the writer is interested in conducting a research dealing with English interference in the newspaper entitled “AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH INTERFERENCE INTO INDONESIA LANGUAGE USED IN PIKIRAN RAKYAT DAILY NEWSPAPER.” Language contact in bilingualism can influence language each other, it will become intensive if the total of bilingualism is bigger than said language, and usually the influence will be bigger if the language is rare in using and made language unused. According to Weinreich as quoted by (Supiana, 2010:14)that, “ Those instance of deviation from the norm of either language with occur in the speak bilinguals as a result of their familiarity with more than one language,i.e. as a result of language contact”. According to (Alwasilah, 185:132), “That interference is an error caused by a tendency of using certain language utterances to another language that cover pronunciation, structure, and vocabularies. Interference is deviation of language to bring in other language. According to (chaer, 1995:164) stated, “deviation of language to bring in other language. According to Chaer (1995:164), “That interference is norm declination of one or more languages “The example can be seen in the sentence “ Mereka akan Married bulan depan”, (Chaer,1995:163). The word “married” had shown the usage of English Interferences. Furthermore Weinreich (1976:11) described, “interference as ‘those instances of deviation from the norms of either language which occur in the speech of bilinguals as a result of their familiarity with more than one language, i.e. as a result of language contact’; it is thus the influence of structures, rules and elements from the source language in the production of the target language”. There are three important elements to get a rule of interference process, the first, source language, in a communication as dominates, which made that language is used to other community. The second, recipient language is a language is accepted from other language then is used in spelling and writing into the source of language. The third, importation language is the elements of the foreign language becoming absorption language (Yusuf, 1994:70). In addition (Yusuf, 1994:7) stated that, the absorption language can be seen in the word “television” as source language, it’s mean “televisi” as recipient of language. Based the example above, it can be concluded that the absorbent of language is pervade of the source language. The usage of absorption language according in the example above is the process transfer of source language into recipient language. a. The type of Interference B. LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Interference Interference is one of bilingualism or multilingual phenomena. It is conferred as “confusion,” if it saw from subsystem of phonology, morphology, and syntax. Nevertheless, interference riches language for donor language vocabulary. It is begin from interference, and then integrated in part of recipient language (Mackey ,1995:168) Mackey has also a certain point of view between interference and borrowing. He has seen interference as a contingent and individual, while borrowing is a collective and systematic. Language contact happens in other phenomenon that is in transfer of language, which has negative character. Clyne in (Romaine, 1989:51) explains that, “Interference which has somewhat negative connotation.” Based on the statement that interference is produced by social interaction that has negative influence, that is the using of mistake language. Iinterference is mainly regarded as a rather involuntary process; but this categorization has often been criticized, since there is evidence for both 2 understanding): “What cards?“ “The card so we could go to Grandma’s.“ In this example, the meaning of English ‘card’ is overextended to include ticket’; as “Karte“ can mean ‘card’, ‘ticket’, and ‘map’. A very recent occurrence that nicely illustrates this overextension is the new ticket system of our local transport services: They now distinguish ‘tickets’ and ‘cards’. Nonetheless, the latter are certainly supposed to be tickets, too. 2. The factors of Using English Interference a) Bilingualism The term “bilingualism” relates to society and individual, which has two languages, how both languages are used and studied, while one who relates to it, referred as bilingual. Alwasilah (1993:107) quoted by (Supiana, 2010:107) stated that, “Language contact is an event of using two languages interchangeably done by a speaker. Later, transmission or language element transfer from one language to another language covers all levels”. Bilingualism begins when the native speaker of one language can produce meaningful utterance in the other language in one community. According to (Romaine, 1989:50) Bilingual performance, this is shared by a community. In community phenomena will appear borrowing and interference as individual and community phenomena. It is supported by (Mackay in Romaine, 1989:51) stated “Interference as contingent and individual, while borrowing is collective and systematic”. From the explanation above can be concluding that bilingualism is the people who have proficiency two languages in communication. b) Social Status Language is a product from culture; it has a significance function in the societies. Societies have own characteristic to convey some information to another by using language that is suitable with their social status. The aim on social status of language users is their position connected with educational level and occupational level. Both social statues mentioned above will produce different language varieties. Another linguist said that social status refers to the societies that, “have certain similarity in social for example: economic, occupation, position, and caste of societies” (Sumarsono Pertana, 2002:43). 3. Integration process in Indonesian Language Integration is viewed to be a distract or in Indonesian language. Chaer (1994 : 67) sated “that integration is element of foreign language in which considered, treated, and used as a part of receptive language”. Integration usually needs a long process as it must be suited to Indonesian language in terms of the pronunciation, the spelling, and even the grammatical/syntactical feature. As a multicultural voluntary and involuntary occurrence of all these phenomena. According (Weinrinch, 1976:11). Four different types of interference have been distinguished: 1) Phonetic Interference Phonological interference involves the transfer of the phonological system of L1 to L2, which also includes the sound characteristics of the first language, e.g. tress, rhythm, and intonation. This type of interference is likely where sound features of the two languages differ from each other, or if an element of one language is not represented in the other (Weinrich 1976 :12). The example is a both English and German dispose of a highly complex vowel system which consists of about 16-20 vowels and diphthongs, whereas Greek and Italian only use 5 to 7 different vowel sounds. Consequently, Italian and Greek speakers of German are prone not to distinguish between long and short vowels: Thus, both ‘sit’ and ‘seat’ might come out as [sit]. 2) Grammatical Interference Grammatical Interference refers to syntactical features, that is, sentence structure (=word order), use of pronouns and determiners, prepositions, tense, etc. In English, for instance, adverbs or adverbial clauses of time are normally placed at the end of a sentence, which contrasts to e.g. Israelian and German word order. Thus Israelian or German speakers attempting to speak English might produce sentences like: a) “I went three years ago to London.“ b) “I bought yesterday the car.“ c) Lexical Interference According to (Weinrich, 1976:13). Lexical Interference is the usage of second language vocabulary into the first language. It happened in Indonesian people who know English, They often use in their communication. Example “planning”, it means “rencana” in Indonesian. 3) Semantic Interference Semantic interference is occurs when the recipient language absorbs cultural insight of words as the origins from another language. This process is known as expansive. E.g. Indonesian takes words from Greece-Latin as demokrasi, politik, revolusi, and many more (Chaer and Agustina, 2004). Surprisingly, this borrowing process is natural and normal. English also takes many stems from other languages such as Latin for morpheme geo-, bio-, ology, -graphs, etc. An example of this is the semantic transfer that has been noticed in the German of Greek children: another example of semantic transfer was provided by Saunders, (1982:52). A nearly 5 year-old German-English bilingual wanted to tell his English mother that he and his father had bought air tickets for the summer holidays: “Mum, we got the cards.“Mother (not 3 background country, Indonesia is enriched by its Multilanguage’s feature of its people. Indonesia’s inhabitants live in five big islands across the country, they are Sumatera, Kalimantan, Jawa, Sulawesi, and Papua. Surprisingly, each big island is also divided into small islands. Each group of people has particular spoken language which is called indigenous languages as Javanese (mostly spoken in Java Island), Sundanese (spoken in West Javanese), Balinese (Balinese language), Sasak (Lombok or West Nusa Tenggara), Palopo (South Sulawesi), and hundreds of other languages. Thus, Indonesian language appeared to be national language to accommodate hundreds of local languages spoken and loved by the people. Indonesian language is usually used in formal occasion while local languages are used mostly in daily conversation. Automatically, local languages influence the using of Indonesian language in integration process. For example, the word “kurang” is originally derived from Javanese and Malay language. There are many others examples of local words internalized as Indonesian language (most are found in the dictionary of Indonesian language). Life is changing, thus it insists the global inhabitants change also not only the attitude but also the language using. Internationally, English is mostly spoken. Thus, English also influences Indonesian design of the study to obtain the data, in this study, the writer approach to data collection, analyzed and report writing searched in some newspaper. a. Site and Subject 1) Site Qualitative researchers take place in the natural setting. The qualitative researcher often goes to the site of the participant to conduct the research. This enables the researcher to develop a level of detail about the individual or place and to be highly involved in actual experiences of the participants. (Creswell, 2003:181) 2) Subject Qualitative researchers look insolvent of their subject in data collection and seek to build rapport and credibility with the individuals in the study. (Creswell, 2003:181). In some studies it is appropriate to include statements about the researchers past experiences with the topic, the setting or the subjects. The site and subject of this research is all the text of articles in sport column ofPikiran Rakyat daily newspaper which is one of Indonesian newspaper. b. Instrument of Research Instrument is one of the important things in a research. In collecting the data, the writer used document analysis. In specific manner of gathering the data, the writer searched on Pikiran Rakyat sport column. c. Research Data Collection Data collection is steps that include setting the boundaries for the study; collecting information through unstructured or semi structured observations, documents, and visual materials, as well as establishing the protocol for recording information. (Creswell, 2003:185). this research used document analysis as its approach During the process of research, the researcher collected document. The document which is used in this research is Pikiran Rakyat daily newspaper. For the research of data collection, there were several steps that were used document analysis by the researcher to collect the data from the editorial column of Pikiran Rakyat daily newspaper. Firstly, the writer read and rewrites the first issue of the source of data, On March 2013 edition. Then, the writer checked all words and also the terms that might belong to English Interference and listed them into table. d. Research Data Analysis The collected data were identified, analyzed based on the categories of phonetic interference, grammatical interference, lexical interference, and semantic interference. The calculated the total percentage of interference using this formula: language as the impact of modernization through the process of integration. Unfortunately, people tend to use integrated language as it is comfortable to use. This is in accordance to the assumption of the need of prestige and style. C. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1. Research Method In doing this research the writer focused on finding the English interference on Indonesian vocabulary the method used qualitative research. (Creswell, 2003:22) qualitative research “is exploratory and is useful when the researcher does not know the important variables to examine”. Type of qualitative method; case study, action research, document analysis, ethnographic studies, phenomenological studies. Through document analysis type of approach may be needed because the topic is new, the topic has never been addressed with a certain sample or group of people; or existing theories do not apply with the particular sample or group under study (Morse,1991) according (Creswell, 2003:22) Besides that, this study used qualitative method to measure interference rate. In doing this research the researchers focused on finding the English interference on Indonesian newspaper. Tell the reader specifically about the 4 𝑓 𝑛 Based on the data above, the writer of article 1 to article 10 in the Editorial column of Pikiran Rakyat from March 5nd until 16th 2013, tends to used lexical interfernceits about 61.3%, it shows that lexical interference was the most frequently used and semantic interference (12.9%) was the least frequently used. The total percentages calculation from each edition presented in the following table: Table 4.12The Total Percentage Calculation from Each Edition P = x 100% P = Percentage F = frequent of word N = total of word L.R.Gay ,(1992:248) D. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 1. Result Analysis Based the formula according to (Sudijono, 2009:43) P = __F__ X 100% N P = aspercentage of English Interference F = as frequency of English Interference N = as the total words used in an editorial (Sudijono, 2009:43). The total percentages calculation from each type interference presented in the following table: Table 4.11 The Total Percentages Calculation from Each Type of Interference NO Data Words Interference 1. Article 1 359 10 2. Article 2 353 8 3. Article 3 503 6 4. Article 4 362 2 5. Article 5 452 21 6. Article 6 451 8 7. Article 7 448 12 8. Article 8 448 15 9. Article 9 356 6 10. Article 10 263 5 Total 3995 93 Percentage 93 / 3995 x 100% = 2.33% Types of Interference No Data Type1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 T ot al 1 Article 1 1 - 7 2 10 2 Article 2 1 - 6 1 8 3 Article 3 1 - 4 1 6 4 Article 4 - - 2 - 2 5 Article 5 6 - 10 5 21 6 Article 6 2 2 3 1 8 7 Article 7 2 2 7 1 12 8 Article 8 - - 15 - 15 9 Article 9 2 2 1 1 6 10 Article 10 2 1 2 - 17 7 57 12 93 12/93x1 00%=1 2.9% 10 0 % Total 17/93x 100% Percentage =18.2 8% 7/93x10 0% =7.52% 57/93x 100% =61.3 % From the data above it can be said that the writer of Pikiran Rakyat article 1 to article 10 used 93 interference or 2.33 % from total word 3995 the writer of article 1 to article 10 in the Editorial column of Pikiran Rakyat from March 2nd until 15th 2013. 2. Discussion of the Study From the findings of the types of English Interference, it can be seen that four types of English Interference: phonetic interference, grammatical Interference, lexical interference, semantic interference. Based on the table 4.11 the total percentages calculation from each types of interference, the writer of article 1 to article 10 in the Editorial column of Pikiran Rakyat from March 2nd until 15th 2013, tends to used lexcical interfernceits about 61.3%, it shows that lexcical interfernce was the most frequently used and semantic interfernce (12.9%) was the least frequently used. E. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 1. Conclusions 5 5 After analyzing and discussing the data writer could draw some conclusions as follows: a) There were 93 Interference used by the writer in sport article in PikiranRakyat daily newspaper on 5 thuntil 16th March 2013. b) Among the 93 Interference used by the writer in sport article in Pikiran Rakyat they were devided into four types of Interference: phonetic interference (17 word : 8.28%), grammatical Interference (7 word : 7.52%), lexical interference (57word : 61.3%), semantic interference (12 word : 12.9%). The most frequently types of Interference used by the writer was lexical interference (61.3%). The least frequently types of Interference used by the writer was grammatical interference ( 7.52%). 2. Suggestion a. The writer hopes that this paper can introduce Interference and types of Interference to the readers. b. The writer hopes that in the future, the other researchers can conduct the same study on English interference finding different subject of the studies such as from radio or television. Lyons.1985. Language and Linguistics .London: Cambridge University Press. F. BIBLIOGRAPHY Chaika, Elaine. 1982. Language: The Social Mirror. Rowley: Newbury House Publishers, Inc. Christian, Petra. 2001. PedomanUmumEjaanBahasa Indonesia yang Disempurnakan. In Printed on 05-03-2012at 2:30 pm Crowl, Thomas K. 1996. Fundamentals of Sportal Research. New York: Brown and Benchmark Publisher Crystal, David. 1980. A First Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. Great Britain: Andre Deutsch. 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