Part A GRADE EXEMPTIONS (Rules from the Canterbury Junior & Teenage Rugby Handbook) “Grade Exemptions are only granted in exceptional cases. It is hoped that all clubs, mindful of sportsmanship and fair play, will carefully consider their applications for this privilege.” ELLESMERE SUB UNION No grade exemptions at any level. However in exceptional circumstances clubs may apply in writing to the Ellesmere JAB for grade exemptions. a. b. c. d. Grade Exemptions may be revoked during the season by the respective sub union and teenage committee. Any player selected for a representative team in a previous season will not receive a grade exemption. Any player who has been granted a grade exemption shall be eligible to play only in the grade for which the grade exemption has been granted in any one year. A Grade exempted player is not eligible for a seven-aside tournament. Part B DISPENSATED PLAYER’S RULES (Rules set by Ellesmere Sub Union) All dispensated players or teams with dispensated players in them must comply with the following rules: 1. Maximum number of dispensated players per team is 2 in normal Ellesmere club competition. In the situation were a team is playing in a combined competition (Under 16 & 18 grades) a 3rd dispensated player, in exceptional circumstances, may be approved at the discretion of the combined competition committee 2. Each dispensated player can only play half a game. This cannot be spread over 2 halves. The dispensated player must play during either the entire first half or the entire second half. 3. All Coaches/Managers must advise the opposition team of dispensated players. 4. All dispensated players must have a (D) marked beside their names on the Team Sheet Card. 5. All dispensated players may be reviewed at any time in the season. Criteria for dispensation requests: 1. Player should not be more than 4 months outside age group they are applying for. 2. Player must not have been a rep player in past seasons. 3. They should be of below average playing ability. 4. Teams cannot apply for dispensated players if they have a squad of 22 or more registered players. Part C DISPENSATION PROCEDURE STEPS FOR A DISPENSATION APPLICATION To be used in conjunction with the rules set by the Ellesmere Sub Union and as shown in the Canterbury Junior & Teenage Rugby Handbook. A dispensation/re-grading should be solely about developing the confidence and skills of an individual player not the strengthening of a team by adding an over age player. 1. The parent of a child would like them considered for a dispensation/re-grading. The parent approaches their local rugby club, is advised of the criteria for a dispensation/re-grading. The parent will then complete an application letter to the rugby club outlining the exceptional circumstances why their child should be considered for a dispensation/regrading. 2. On receiving an application for dispensation the rugby club committee will then consider the application, checking to ensure that the player meets all the set criteria. The rugby club will then apply to the Ellesmere JAB, in writing, supporting the dispensation/re-grading application, raising any further points that should be taken into consideration by the Ellesmere JAB Dispensation Sub-Committee. The parent’s application letter will accompany the letter from the rugby club. 3. On receiving the application the Ellesmere JAB will reply to the rugby club advising them that the application has been received. The applicant cannot play at this stage. The application will then be forwarded to the Dispensations Sub-Committee. a. In the situation of a special dispensation application for a third player, playing within a combined competition, the application will be forwarded to the Combined Competition Committee for their consideration. The Sub-Committee will consider that application, and if the applicant meets the criteria, the applicant will move to the “playing ability” assessment stage. The Ellesmere JAB will then advise the applying rugby club that the applicant can commence playing, but will be accessed on their playing ability and suitability to receive a dispensation/re-grading to play in the grade applied for. The applicant may commence playing at this stage. At this stage a suitably experienced person will be asked to access the playing ability of the applicant, taking into consideration their confidence, shown knowledge of the game, their positional play, and their defensive and attacking play. (Player size and or gender may also be taken into consideration but will not be viewed as the sole reason for the granting of a dispensation/re-grading.) On completion of the assessment of playing ability the reviewing person will report their findings back to the Dispensations/re-grading Sub-Committee. On completion of the assessment of the applicant, the applying rugby club will be advised of the results, this will result in either: A. B. The applicant being allowed to continue playing in the lower grade, hence receiving their dispensation/re-grading, or The dispensation/re-grading application will be declined, the player will then have to stop playing for that lower age group team and move into their correct age group team if they wish to continue playing. PLEASE NOTE: once a player has been granted a dispensation their playing ability will be monitored from time to time and if a significant improvement is noticed in their playing ability, the dispensation may be reconsidered. This may result in the dispensation being removed and the player will then be required to move into their correct age group to continue playing. Part D DISPENSATIONS IDENTIFYING A SUITABLE RECIPIENT To be used in conjunction with the rules set by the Ellesmere Sub Union and as shown in the Canterbury Junior & Teenage Rugby Handbook. The purpose of a dispensation/re-grading is to help develop a player to a stage were they could comfortably play rugby in their correct age group. A player who may be suitable for a dispensation/re-grading is: 1. 2. 3. 4. Someone who is new to rugby and/or struggles with the fundamentals of the game. Has a limited understanding of positional play in attack and defense. Lacks confidence in themselves and their ability. A player who would be disadvantaged by being forced to play rugby in their correct age group at their current stage of development. 5. Someone who with support and training will develop into a valued team member and will grow in confidence allowing them to return to their correct age group. Player size, gender and physical strength should also be taken into consideration when identifying a suitable candidate for a dispensation/re-grading but should never be the sole reason for the nomination. PLEASE REMEMBER: A dispensation/re-grading should be solely about developing the confidence and skills of an individual player not the strengthening of a team by adding an over age player.