Saturday, November 9, 2013 - University of the PACIFIC Alumni

November 9, 2013
Board Meeting
University of the Pacific
Stockton Campus
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Campus Map ..........................................................................................................................P 3
November Board Meeting Weekend Schedule ......................................................................P 4
August 2013 Board Meeting Minutes ....................................................................................P 6
Awards Committee November 2013 Agenda ........................................................................P 20
Benefits Committee November 2013 Agenda .......................................................................P 21
Benefits Committee August 2013 Summary .........................................................................P 24
Marketing Committee November 2013 Agenda ....................................................................P 26
Marketing Committee August 2013 Summary ......................................................................P 27
Governance Committee November 2013 Agenda .................................................................P 28
2012-2015 Priorities...............................................................................................................P 29
2012-13 Pacific Alumni Association Staff Directory ............................................................P 34
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Saturday, Novmeber 9
All Meetings/ Plenaries will be held in the
Alex & Jeri Vereschagin Alumni House
8:45 am Executive Committee
Rhizomia Conference Room
Alex & Jeri Vereschagin Alumni House
9:15 am Continental Breakfast
9:25 am Welcome
Regents Board Room
9:30 am Plenary Session – Development
Regents Board Room
10:00 am Committee Meetings
11:15 pm Break
11:30 Plenary Session – Pacific
12:30 pm Lunch
Ralph & Lucille McClure Memorial Patio
1:30 pm Plenary Session – Homecoming
Regents Board Room
2:45 pm Call Board Meeting to Order
Regents Board Room
4:55 pm Adjourn
Sunday, November 10
5:00 pm Reception
Ralph & Lucille McClure Memorial Patio
Vereschagin Alumni House
10:30 pm Faculty Mentor Awards Brunch
Vereschagin Alumni House
Committee Meeting Locations
Awards - Leineke Conference Room
Benefits - Omega Phi Alpha Library
Marketing - Rhizomia Conference Room
Governance - Regents Board Room
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November Board Meeting – Weekend Schedule
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Alex & Jeri Vereschagin Alumni House
Saturday, November 9, 2013
8:45 am
Executive Committee
9:15 am
Continental Breakfast / Social Time
9:25 am
9:30 am
Plenary Session - Development
Vice President Burnie Atterbury &
Executive Director Scott Rivinius
10:00 am
Committee Meetings
11:15 am
11:30 am
Plenary Session –Pacific Basketball
Woment’s Basketball Coach Lynn Roberts &
Men’s Basketball Coach Ron Verlin
12:30 pm
Lunch on VAH Patio
1:30 pm
Plenary Session – Homecoming Discussion
Jim Stavosky & Kelli Page
2:45 pm
Call Board Meeting to Order
Regents Board Room
2:50 pm
2:55 pm
Action: Approve August Minutes
University Report
3:05 pm
President’s Report
3:20 pm
3:35 pm
Senior Vice President’s Report
Committee Reports
Jim Stavosky
Kelli Page
Bill Coen
Jim Stavosky
Franz Vaiarello
Mary Pietanza
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4:05 pm
ASuop Report
4:15 pm
Executive Director Report
4:25 pm
Staff Reports
Engagement Program
Update on PAA Calendar
4:35 pm
General Good and Welfare
4:45 pm
Next Meeting: March 1, 2014
4:55 pm
5:00 pm
Reception w/heavy hors d’oeuvres
Lee Neves
Alan Cook
Adam Ellison
Tim O’Neill
Matt Olson
Marquis White
Kelli Page
Jacob McDougal
Marshea Pratt
Jim Stavosky
Ralph & Lucille McClure Memorial Patio
Vereschagin Alumni House
Sunday, November 10, 2013
10:30 AM
Faculty Mentor Awards Brunch & Ceremony
Vereschagin Alumni House
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Pacific Alumni Association Board Meeting
Saturday, August 10, 2013
3:15 pm – 5:15 pm
Alex & Jeri Vereschagin Alumni House
Regents Board Room
Officers: Jan Hope, Alan Cook, Pam Gibbs, Jennifer Svihus, Jim Stavosky, Franz
Vaiarello, Matt Olson
Directors: Adam Ellison, Matt Hoffman, Janice Magdich, Lee Neves, Tim O’Neill,
Mary Pietanza, Grant Reeder, Waqar Rizvi, Silvina Sousa-Ransford, Jennifer
Svihus, Anne Teutsch, Diane Dwyer, Janet Spears, Erin Mettler, Dick McClure,
Steve Covell, Venilde Jeronimo, Scott Gerbert, Ned Collins, Joanne Vera,
Marselus Cayton-ASuop President
Excused: Sarah Wells, Shanti Halter, Margaret Frederickson
Absent: Arnold Chin
Ex-Officio: Kelli Page; Executive Director, Pacific Alumni Association
PAA Staff: Bill Coen, Quentin Graeber, Jacob McDougal, Becky Perry, Marshea
Guests: Amber Darby
3:51 pm Welcome and Introductions
Meeting called to order at 3:51 pm
Jim Stavosky
3:52 pm Action: Approve May Minutes
Jim Stavosky
Kelli presented the minutes to the Board for approval.
Motion: Grant Reeder
Second: Mary Pietanza
Discussion: Adam Ellison said his class year is listed as 2009 and he prefers to be
listed as class of 2008. He asked that it be corrected.
Vote: Motion carried
3:53 pm University Report
Bill Coen
Focusing On Our Future (FOOF)
This is a review of Academic programs and Administrative units. It will also help
the University to identify funds for a Strategic Investment Fund (SIF). The
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purpose of SIF is to enhance existing programs and add new initiatives aligned
with Pacific 2020, the University’s Strategic Plan. Our FOOF report is aligned
within the four key strategies within Pacific 2020. A strict criterion in terms of
format and length of the report provided the guidance for creating the FOOF report
drafted on behalf of the Office of Alumni Relations. Due to the Internet and other
electronic difficulties at the University, the deadline to submit the FOOF report has
been extended to 8/16.
Report Details
The FOOF report includes all of the following:
 Pacific Alumni Association (PAA) priorities were matched with the goals
and objectives outlined in Pacific 2020. PAA’s primary focus is on alumni
outreach and engagement.
 PAA’s history of success – signature PAA programs, accomplishments,
collaborations, partnerships, events and activities at the Alumni House, etc.
 Benchmarking/Surveys – peer to peer comparisons within a sampling of our
peer institutions on a variety of variables (i.e. budget, size of staff, size of
the alumni board, etc.)
 No changes in terms of staffing or funding levels.
Other Important Report Details/Next Steps
 Those who had input and/or were asked to review the FOOF report drafts in
various stages of the finalization process included the senior leadership team
of the Division of Development and Alumni Relations, the PAA Exec.
Board, PAA Staff, and the Alumni Association representatives from the
University’s professional schools.
 The FOOF report will be posted on the PAA Website. The document shows
the collaborative relationship between the Office of Alumni Relations and
the work implemented by the PAA staff as driven by the PAA priorities
 The FOOF report will then be shared with the Division of Development and
Alumni Relations in an open meeting for input. The President’s expanded
Advisory Council (aka PAC+) will review all the University-wide FOOF
reports and make recommendations to President Eibeck in late September.
The final report will go to the Regents in October and be implemented in
January 2014.
 The Academic units will follow a similar process of review in late Fall 2013.
Powell Gift Update
The current value of the gift is $110 million (and growing) and the majority of the
funds will be dedicated to student support through scholarships. The Powell
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Foundation and the University worked together to develop a plan to dictate how
the funds will be used.
Breakdown: $30 mil (Powell Scholars), $25 mil (Endowed Chairs, Faculty and
Fellowships), $3 mil (Jeanette Powell Art Center programs and activities)
remainder, approximately $50 mil,– (Powell Matching Gift Fund)
If an individual, or a group of individuals wants to endow a scholarship, the
minimum donation is $50,000. The “matching” occurs when a scholarship is
endowed and contributions are made on October 1 or later. Those dollars are
“matched” 1 to 1 by the Powell gift.
There are three scholarships affiliated with PAA:
 Pantheon of the Arts – Current value $164,000, preference is to give the
scholarship to a student from Southern California
 PAA (Initially funded by a lump sum payment from MBNA 15 years ago via
the revenue from the credit card program) – Current value $385,000
(Bill is unaware of any preferences associated with this scholarship)
 Kara Brewer Endowed Scholarship – Current value $185, 000. Preference is
to give the scholarship to a “legacy” (i.e. the child of an alumna/nus)
At this time, the PAA is not involved in the selection process for any of the above
listed scholarships. It is possible that the PAA can run a campaign for scholarship
where every dollar raised after $50,000 can be matched 1 to 1 by the Powell gift.
Next Steps
The Powell Matching Gift Program will be formally announced at
Homecoming. There are still more details being ironed out.
In the meantime, Kelli and Bill are going to work with the University
to bring all of the above listed scholarships together under the PAA
They will also ask that underfunded endowed scholarship dollars not
aligned with any particular group being brought under that same
“umbrella.” These dollars are primarily from reunion classes who
started a campaign when the threshold for an endowed scholarship
was $10,000 or $25,000.
They will also ask the University to consider allowing the PAA Board
to have the ability to influence the selection of students for these
Bill requested that the Board consider the creation of an ad-hoc to
explore the option of pursuing a scholarship funding campaign, help
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set goals, and discuss in detail how the Board can participate in that
Discussion: Jennifer asked if the “match” covers research or fellowship.
Bill said it does not. Jim said the Executive Committee will discuss Bill’s
request. Board members who are interested in serving on the “ad-hoc”
committee should notify Jim.
4:16 pm
President’s Report
Jim Stavosky
Meeting with Patrick Day
Patrick Day is the new Vice President of Student Life at Pacific. He previously
worked at University of Massachusetts, Texas Tech and Temple University. He
has asked to address the Board at a future meeting. He has also requested a
standing meeting with the PAA President and Senior Vice-President at least twice
per year. A presentation to the Board and standing meetings with Jim and Franz
will be scheduled.
Summer Executive Committee/Committee Chairs Retreat with PAA Staff
The retreat focused on communication. Committee chairs will work alongside
their respective Vice-President to develop a plan for the year that will incorporate
specific goals and objectives that align with the PAA Priorities document. In
addition, the Senior Vice President (Franz) will be spearheading the effort to
facilitate communication as needed among all Board members in between the
regular PAA Board meetings. Jim, Franz, and Kelli will continue to meet weekly.
New Board Member Orientation
A mentor was assigned to each new Board member, including the ASuop
President. Jim thanked all of the mentors for their commitment to this process:
Steve Covell, Diane Dwyer, Janice Magdich, Matt Olson, Grant Reeder and Waqar
Changes to the Board meeting calendar for FY13-14
Significant changes have been made to the Board meeting calendar. Kelli will
send out calendar appointments via Apple and Microsoft Outlook calendars.
Board meeting dates will also be posted on the PAA website and in the Board
packets. At this time, all meetings/events are on the Stockton campus.
The important dates reviewed:
Homecoming (attendance strongly encouraged)
Board meeting (attendance required)
Faculty Mentor Awards/Brunch, 10 a.m. (attendance optional)
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Board meeting (attendance required, however the meeting time
and specific location on campus may change pending the
Pacific Basketball schedule)
Dinner with Distinguished Alumni Award recipients
(attendance required)
Board meeting (attendance required)
Distinguished Alumni Awards, DeRosa University Center
Ballroom (attendance strongly encouraged)
The Board meeting schedule for FY14-15 and FY15-16 will be shared when
Action: Approve the new calendar of Board meetings as presented.
Motion: Mary Pietanza
2nd: Grant Reeder
Vote: Motion carried
Discussion: Pam asked that several reminders be sent as Board members adjust to
the new schedule. Next week, Kelli will send out the Apple/Outlook appointments
corresponding with the Board meeting dates.
PAA Board Handbook
Due to University-wide technical difficulties, the Board handbook has yet to be
sent. Kelli said it will be sent out as soon as it is reviewed and updated by the
PAA staff. The same is true of the New Board member packets. Ned asked if the
By-laws and procedures will be received along with the new calendar. Kelli said
both will be sent out USPS on a flash drive to all Board members in the next few
weeks including a Board roster and PAA schedule of events.
4:33 pm Senior Vice President’s Report
Franz Vaiarello
Communication Initiative
Franz’s responsibilities this year will include making sure all Board members are
“in the loop” by communicating with them in between Board meetings as needed.
Board members should hear from him around the mid-point between meetings.
Housekeeping Items
All Board members are encouraged to make a minimum annual donation to the
University in the amount of $100.00. Board members may donate to any
University program/department, but it is suggested that the donations go to the
PAA Kara Brewer Endowed Scholarship Fund. Donations should be made before
the end of the fiscal year June 30, 2014. Any circumstance preventing this
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donation should be communicated by the impacted Board member to Franz for
Student Alumni Connection
Every Board member is expected to register as a mentor. Registration is available
online at the PAA website. If circumstances prevent you from serving in this
capacity, please talk to Franz.
Video Gallery of Careers
Every Board member is expected to record a video for the Career Resource
Center’s (CRC) online video gallery. If there is something preventing you from
connecting with the CRC to get your video recorded, please talk to Franz.
Discussion: Bill emphasized that all the “housekeeping” items are not required per
the Bylaws. However, they are expectations of each Board member.
Regents Meeting Report
The Regents will meet in October. Franz will provide a report at the PAA Board
meeting in November.
4:38 pm
Committee Reports
Mary Pietanza
Review of upcoming Awards presentations
o Faculty Mentor Awards – This year’s event is November 10, 2013.
The committee will begin working on next year’s slate for that award
in March 2014.
o Tiger Award – Kelli and Jacob will be following up with the Office of
Student Life in regard to the presentation of this award. It is typically
given with other student awards in the Spring.
o Distinguish Alumni Awards – The event will be held May 31, 2014.
A written ballot with the slate of recipients will be presented for a
formal vote at the November Board meeting.
o The Pacifican Who Changed My Life - Nominations will be launched
after November and selected in early 2014. Unlike other
awards/recognitions, “Pacificans” will be chosen by the Distinguished
Alumni Award recipients. The “Pacificans” will receive their
recognition at the Distinguished Alumni Award recipient/PAA Board
dinner on May 30, 2014.
Discussion: Jim said new Board members can look on the PAA website to review
past recipients, criteria, nomination form, etc.
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Tim O’Neill
Metrics Review
Metrics were shared on the growth in the subscribership/open rates related to
What’s Up Pacific and social media properties.
The work of the Marketing committee from the previous Board cycle was
reviewed. As a follow up to the Wine Club survey done for the Benefits
committee, a sub-committee will be convened to develop another survey that will
be distributed at Taste of Pacific to gather additional information regarding the
feasibility in a Wine Club.
Social Media
A lively discussion about the various aspects of social media, particularly as it
related to the results of the Young Alumni survey. Better guidance from the
Marketing committee to Becky to assist her in putting together an editorial
calendar and engaging content.
Text Messaging
The committee will work on policies to judiciously use this powerful tool to
communicate with those who may opt-in to receiving messages via mobile phones
from the PAA.
Lee Neves
Existing Benefits
The committee will focus on the promotion of existing benefits. In the past, the
committee focused more on adding new benefits.
 Pacific Athletics An issue with the alumni discount on Pacific Athletics
tickets has already been addressed.
o Dan Chapman is willing to allow alumni who show their alumni card
on game day or the night prior to game day to receive their alumni
discount when purchasing tickets. In the past, the discount could only
be received at the Box Office and the hours of operation of the Box
Office were only during the workday when alumni are unlikely to
access tickets.
o It is hoped that this change will encourage more alumni to obtain and
use an alumni card provided by the PAA, and also increase attendance
at Pacific Athletics events.
 Alumni discounts at alumni-owned businesses
o Discounts are sometimes informally provided to alumni by alumniowned businesses. However, the majority of alumni are unaware of
these opportunities.
o Lee asked each committee member to find out if there are any alumni
within their network who are interested in giving discounts to alumni
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patrons of their businesses. The results will be reported to all Board
members at the November Board meeting.
Upcoming Discussions
November meeting – Reviewing Accelerion Learning, an e-learning product
related to career exploration
March meeting – Reviewing Uberloops, a virtual assistant
May meeting – Reviewing the Lifecard band, a digital version of the equivalent of
a Medic Alert bracelet.
Pacific Wine Club
Lee asked Grant to contact him about the Wine Club survey the Marketing
committee is putting together for Taste of Pacific. The Benefits committee is
planning to also do a similar survey there. Lee suggested that a discussion take
place to combine the survey ideas from both committees and make sure questions
about cost are included. The original survey conducted of alumni did not include
any questions about cost.
Another option in this regard could be the possibility of going to alumni vintners
and asking if they are willing to provide a discount to Pacific alumni who are
interested in signing up for a specific vintner’s existing wine club, rather than the
PAA having a Wine Club of its own.
Adam Ellison
Committee Scope, Review of PAA Mission and Vision
The scope of the committee was reviewed and a few minor changes were made
grammatically to the document. The PAA Mission will remain the same. The
Mission Statement resides in the Bylaws, the Vision Statement does not. The
Vision Statement should be able to change along with the University’s strategic
plan and adapt with the University vision accordingly.
Bylaws Amendments
There may be amendments presented at the March 2014 meeting. Currently, the
Committee is prioritizing what will be addressed and brought forward as action
Procedure for Public Comment
Bill will draft some language for the committee to review that will assist them in
creating a procedure whereby any member of the PAA constituency could address
the Board with a grievance, positive feedback, etc. The work on this “draft”
document will happen via conference call in between Board meetings. We will
then take a vote and approve a document that will be presented as an action item at
a future Board meeting. In the meantime, we are following the Sturgis guide and
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adding a standing agenda item entitled, “Good and Welfare” to be the placeholder
for any public comment. This agenda item will be incorporated into the procedure
the committee is developing with Bill’s assistance.
Alan Cook
Unlike other Board committees, the Clubs committee is made up of club leaders
who meet only by conference call on a quarterly basis. The committee members
include leaders from affinity and regional clubs.
New Structure of Committee Meetings
The Clubs committee conference calls will now be topic specific and include a
University staff representative and/or student group representative to discuss their
program/organization. The first call will feature a guest from the Career Resource
Center, Aubrey Ramos.
Updating Clubs webpage on PAA website
The committee will be making suggestions to Becky to update the content of the
webpage and make it more user-friendly.
Review of Clubs calendar – As shown in the Board PowerPoint presentation, Kelli
will mail a list of upcoming events out to Board members at a later date.
Matt Olson
The committee does not meet during the normal Saturday Board meeting. It meets
predominantly between November and January. The 6 members of this committee
consist of the Board President, Senior Vice-President, Immediate Past President,
PAA Executive Director and two Board members selected by the immediate past
President. Those two Board members must not be eligible to be put up as a VicePresident or officer appointment. With that in mind, Venilde Jeronimo and Erin
Mettler have been asked to serve on this committee.
The committee will meet 2-3 times by conference call. A slate will be shared with
the Board by the end of January. There is still a robust list of people nominated
over the past years from which selections will take place. If Board members have
further nominations to add, please make sure the nominees are actually interested
in being on the PAA Board prior to submitting the nomination to the Selection
committee. The deadline for submissions is by the end of the November Board
Action: Confirm Venilde Jeronimo and Erin Mettler as the two Board
members on the Selection Committee.
Motion: Grant Reeder
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Second: Silvina Sousa-Ransford
Vote: Motion carried unanimously.
5:00 pm
ASuop Report
Marselus Cayton
Marselus is appreciative of the opportunity to serve on the PAA Board and thanked
the PAA Board for allowing him to serve in this position. Jim added that the PAA
Board appreciates Marselus’ willingness to attend PAA Board meetings and
provide input.
ASuop Programming
The majority of ASuop Cabinet members have been here all summer planning
programming for the next 9 months.
o This weekend is the 3-day ASuop retreat in Sacramento for the entire
government (senators, cabinet, programmers, etc.).
o Block Party - Approximately 2,000 students are expected to attend
the event on August 24. It is good way to engage people at the
beginning of the school year. The PAA Board will be kept informed
as future events take place throughout the school year.
Financial Aid
The Financial Aid Office really stepped up this year. They provided students with
their financial aid packets towards beginning of July. In previous years, students
didn’t receive information until a week or two before payments were actually due
in August. Due to the internet being down, some University services have been
slow and they are working to get things back on track.
Discussion: Tim thanked Marselus for his contributions to the Marketing
committee asked if Marselus could be assigned to the Marketing committee for
future meetings. Kelli said the Awards committee has already asked that Marselus
attend their meeting in November. Jim said the idea is that Marselus would be a
floater at various committees. Kelli suggested perhaps the ASuop Vice-President,
Marquis White, could come to the next Board meeting as well. Marselus said he is
willing to ask Marquis to attend.
Scott asked if there are other ways PAA engages ASuop in terms of being part of
due PAA. Marselus commented that he discussed this same topic with Bill. There
will be future discussions around this idea of having more interaction between the
PAA Board and ASuop. For example, Matt Olson will be joining ASuop at their
Jim added that PAA staff connects with students frequently in a variety of ways
including Commencement, Convocation, and other events and activities
throughout the year, particularly at the Alumni House.
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Anne asked if we are distributing water bottles at the beginning of school year.
Kelli said no. Jim will be speaking at New Student Convocation on Sunday,
August 25, 2013.
5:07 pm
Executive Director Report
Kelli Page
Homecoming 2013
It is an expanded version of Pacific Alumni Weekend (PAW).
Key components:
 Homecoming Committee Leadership Structure – Bill Coen, Assistant Vice
President, Office of Development and Alumni Relations and Lynn King,
Assistant Vice-President, Office of Student Life are Co-chairs. Kelli,
Quentin, Becky and several local Board members have attended several
committee meetings and provided input. PAA Board members are
considered the official “hosts” of Homecoming.
 Homecoming Schedule – It is continually being updated. However, it is a
pretty firm schedule.
 Target – This weekend is still about alumni, but will include students and
their families. Reunion groups will be coming back, Taste of Pacific will
still be back a signature event and the PAA Board members are strongly
encouraged to participate. The weekend is still very much about alumni and
reunion groups, and we want Board member participation.
Ways the Board can be engaged with Homecoming
These are opportunities for Board members to help with these career-related
activities. Parents will be able to observe these activities to see what career
services are available for their children at Pacific.
(Friday afternoon) – Student Alumni Mixer
(Saturday Morning) – Alumni Professionals Panel
(Throughout the Weekend) – Alumni Video Gallery
(Throughout the Weekend) – Business Suit Drive - CRC will dry clean the
items that are donated. Items that are needed include suits
(men’s/women’s), modern neckties, blazers and slacks/dress pants. New or
gently used items are welcome.
No shoes please. Donations can be taken to the CRC or to the Alumni
House during Homecoming registration
(Post-event) Board members are encouraged to complete the evaluation that
will be distributed after Homecoming and provide feedback
PAA – Named sponsor throughout the Homecoming Weekend
Bill is asking a vendor to make a donation that will help supplement the following
events financially to support a high standard of event production.
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 Conservatory Dinner Dance – This event is open to all alumni, not just
graduates of the Conservatory of Music
 President’s Breakfast with Parents
 Kappa Alpha Theta/Alpha Theta Tau Reunion Lunch
 Covell College Anniversary Dinner
 Closing Brunch
As a condition of this assistance, all the above listed groups have agreed to allow
PAA to have a significant role in the event’s program, display the PAA banner in
the event location, print the PAA name/logo in the printed program, and have Jim
or other PAA Board member do the welcome at the event.
Ways the Board can assist at Taste of Pacific
 Wine Glass Distribution – Board members are needed to pass the wine
glasses out to attendees as they enter the event
 Plein Air Pacific art sales – This is a new feature that will have painted
scenes of the University exhibited and available for sale. Board members
may be able to assist with sales of these paintings
Discussion: Mary asked why Taste of Pacific ends at 8 p.m. rather than a later
time as in years past. Kelli said the time was changed to adapt to the reduction in
daylight due to the event happening in the Fall. There are also other events that
begin at 8 p.m. on other parts of the campus. The Alumni House will be open and
people will not have to leave right away after the event ends.
Next Steps
Board members will receive an e-mail in September listing the volunteer
duties/option available. Kelli is working with Office of Communication to get
invitations in the mail (hard copy and e-mail) by 8/23. Online registration will also
be up by that date.
Discussion: Anne asked if she can post information about the Omega Phi Alpha
reunion on Facebook yet. Kelli encouraged her to check with Quentin next week
and he can let her know when Facebook posts can take place.
Staff Changes
Administrative Assistant
Leilani Dashner resigned from her position with the PAA. Her position will not be
filled at this time. Instead, a pool of Administrative Assistants from the Office of
Development will “fill-in” where needed during this time of transition.
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The PAA will clearly identify e-mail communications that are pertinent to the
Board by putting, “PAA BOARD” in the Subject line. The “From” may list
different staff members’ names.
Student Intern
The PAA hired a student intern, Stefanie Pierce `14 BUS. She will work on career
programs including Student Alumni Connections, alumni mixers, etiquette dinner,
writing alumni profiles for What’s Up Pacific and other media. Her main focus
will be connecting with mentors and mentees in a personal way. She will also do a
follow up with mentors and mentees about the “mentoring experience” and
evaluating ways it can be improved on both sides. Stefanie will begin her work on
August 15. A report will be provided at the November Board meeting
summarizing her progress in these areas.
5:23 pm
Staff Reports
Engagement Program
Jacob McDougal
This report was provided earlier in the day as a Plenary session.
5:25 pm
Good and Welfare
Jim shared that there was a person who wanted to address the Board.
However, this person was unavailable to attend the Board meeting.
Without a formal procedure in place for public comment, Bill reached
out to this person and asked for a written statement. The statement
has yet to be provided to him.
The Executive Committee felt it was best for the procedure to be
developed by the Governance committee. In the meantime, “Good
and Welfare” will be a standing agenda item going forward for each
Board meeting. None of our Board meetings are closed.
Board Development Day
Mary asked if the Board meeting in the Spring will be a Board Development Day,
the Friday before the meeting. Jim said the Executive Committee decided that type
of meeting, designed to set the PAA Priorities, will occur every 2 years. There
will not be a Board Development Day during this fiscal year (July 1, 2013-June 30,
Mary asked if the Board retreat is the same as the Board Development Day. Jim
said yes. It will occur in FY14-15.
Board Photo on PAA Website
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Scott asked if there will be any pictures of the Alumni Board members or a group
photo on the webpage or in the Foyer of the Alumni House. The Executive
Committee will plan a day for the photos to be taken and let Board members know
when and where the photos will take place.
5:28 pm
Next Meeting: November 9, 2013
Alex & Jeri Vereschagin Alumni House
Faculty Mentor Awards: November 10, 2013
5:30 pm
Motion: Lee Neves
2nd: Janice Magdich
Vote: Motion carried unanimously.
Jim Stavosky
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Awards Committee
Saturday, November 9, 2013
10:00 AM – 11:15 AM
Alex & Jeri Vereschagin Alumni House
Leineke Conference Room
10:00 AM
Mary Pietanza,
10:05 AM
Faculty Mentor Awards
Jacob McDougal
 Review Program Timeline for 2014 Nominations
 Marketing & Promotion for 2014 Nominations
 Discussion of program date for 2014
10:25 AM
Stagg Awards Joining the Pacific Alumni Association
Jacob McDougal
 PAA / Athletics Role in Program
10:45 AM
Distinguished Alumni Awards Overview
Mary Pietanza
 Review Program Timeline
11:05 AM
Jacob McDougal
11:15 AM
Mary Pietanza
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Benefits & Services Committee
Saturday, November 9, 2013
10:00 AM – 11:15 AM
Alex & Jeri Vereschagin Alumni House
Omega Phi Alpha Library
10:00 AM
10:05 AM
Benefits updates
PAA Wine Club:
Alumni Card
Athletics Box Office discount
Committee homework report
Potential new benefit
Ryan Jackson
10:20 AM
1. Acceleron Learning – Acceleron Learning offers an e-learning
product that allows graduates to take ownership of career
exploration and planning, of their student loans/personal finances,
and of managing their career launch using online video lectures
and planning tools. (
10:50 AM
11:15 AM
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Benefits for Pacific Alumni
Pacific Alumni Online Services
Features of the Pacific Alumni Online Community include…
- Update your contact information through your own personal page
- Search for and email members of your class
- Post messages to other alumni via alumni message boards
- Create a classified listing to promote your business, sell merchandise or find roommates
- Join the Alumni Career Network, an alumni-alumni mentoring database
- Join the Alumni Mentor Network, an alumni-student mentoring database
Educational Travel Program
The alumni travel program offers unique educational travel opportunities. Alumni Holidays®,
Go Next, Colette Travel, and Thomas P. Gohagan & Company have been leaders in the creation
and operation of exclusive and unique travel programs for sophisticated alumni travelers for the
past 50 years.
Event/ Meeting Space Rental
30% - 50% off the already competitive market rates for venues on campus including the Alex
and Jeri Vereschagin Alumni House.
Campus Recreation
Special alumni rates are available for Pacific alumni interested in getting a membership to the
Baun Fitness Center.
Pacific Athletic Events
Receive $2 off the price of single admission tickets to Pacific athletic events when purchased at
the Pacific Box Office.
University Bookstore Discounts
Pacific alumni receive a 10% discount on all clothing and gift merchandise at the Stockton
campus bookstore.
Pacific's William Knox Holt Memorial Library
Alumni have access to all hard copy library collections and may check-out up to 10 books.
Professional and Continuing Education Courses
Pacific's Center for Professional & Continuing Education (CPCE) is now offering Pacific alumni
15% off the price of any career advancement, professional development or personal enrichment
Alumni benefits include a special discounted rate on Car Insurance and Home Insurance from
Liberty Mutual.
Future Tiger Tuition Savings Plan
Private College 529 Plan allows you to prepay for tuition today and use it later at any of our
more than 270—and growing—list of participating colleges and universities.
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Signature Announcements and Stationary
Get access to Pacific Alumni and Greek Stationary and gifts that you cannot find elsewhere.
Pacific Review
Pacific Review, the University's alumni magazine, is published two times per year with a
readership of more than 55,000.
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Benefits & Services Committee
Saturday, August 10, 2013
11:20 AM – 12:30 AM
Alex & Jeri Vereschagin Alumni House
Leineke Conference Room
11:20 AM
Lee Neves
In Attendance: Erin (Westfall) Mettler `01, Silvina Sousa-Ransford `95, `04,
Lee Neves `97, `00, Waqar Rizvi `02, Matt Hoffman `03, Joanne (Mills)
Vera `60, Guests: Sr. VP Franz Vaiarello `74, VP Jan (Inglese) Hope `86,
Amber Darby `12,
11:25 AM
Benefits Mission:
Lee Neves
The Benefits Committee provides value to alumni members in the
Pacific Alumni Association through those benefits and services offered
by the Association. The committee is responsible to develop, review,
evaluate and assess all programs, events and activities of the Association
that are recognized as benefits of membership. Benefits and services are
made available to all alumni regardless of campus or school affiliation.
The staff and committee ensure that all benefits and services are
promoted to the membership. The Association recognizes three distinct
types of benefits that add value to membership: Services, Association
Programs and On-Campus Services.
11:35 AM
FY 2013 – 2014 Objectives
Lee Neves
1. Publicizing Pacific Alumni Benefits
2. Alumni working with alumni
a. In an effort to promote alumni businesses the committee is charged
with identifying alumni businesses that they know of so in the
future they can be approached to participate in some sort of alumni
benefit program
3. Pacific Wine Club
a. Wine Club Proposal
b. Wine Club Survey Results
c. Lee offered an alternative to the wine program to be considered
i. Instead of creating a PAA wine club, offering discounts to
already established alumni owned wine clubs
ii. Matt suggested maybe we can do both
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iii. The benefits committee would like to put out a survey at
“Taste of Pacific” to gauge prospective price points and at
what price alumni are scared away
12:20 PM
Potential new benefits to present at future meetings
Lee Neves
Acceleron Learning – Acceleron Learning offers an e-learning
product that allows graduates to take ownership of career
exploration and planning, of their student loans/personal finances,
and of managing their career launch using online video lectures
and planning tools. (
Ooberluxe – Think of OOBERLUXE as an alternative or
supplement to a traditional assistant. Our service is designed for
those who value free time; executives, young professionals,
parents, and brides-to-be. We fulfill requests through our website
or via e-mail, with perfectly personalized and curated results.
LifeCard Plans – DigitalVault provides you and your loved ones
with emergency access to medical and legal documents from
anywhere in the world with LifeCard Plans.
1. Lee spoke with Dan Chapman Assistant Director of Athletics regarding the alumni
benefit of discount tickets and made arrangements to have the discount available the day
of the game in addition to the already offered pre game purchase from the Pacific Box
2. Pacific Alumni Card is offered for free from the Alumni Office. Showing your alumni
card allows alumni access to discounts on campus
Committee is to identify additional services and resources that could be potential new
benefits for Pacific alumni
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Marketing Committee
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Alex & Jeri Vereschagin Alumni House
Rhizomia Conferecnce Room
10:00 am
Welcome and Introductions
Pam Gibbs
10:05 am
Success Report
Becky Perry
Review Homecoming survey results
Tim O’Neill
Review Website Suggestions from Board
Tim O’Neill
Mobile Text Messaging
Becky Perry
Social media strategy: What’s Up Pacific? and Blog
• Frequency
• Priority placement for pending events
• Editorial board input
• Repurposing e-newsletter and blog content for other social media
• Individual Club Facebook page guidelines
11:15 am
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Marketing Committee
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Alex & Jeri Vereschagin Alumni House
Rhizomia Conference Room
Board Members: Franz Vaiarello, Senior Vice President; Pam Gibbs, Vice President; Tim
O’Neill, Chair; Marselus Cayton, ASuop President; Franz Vaiarello; Venilde Jeronimo; Grant
Reeder. Guests: Julian Toro Solis ’08 ’10, Anthony Young ’12, Richard Timmins ’53.
Homecoming Marketing Efforts
The group discussed ideas for Homecoming marketing. Some suggestions: Ads in the
Sacramento Bee or in the bay area (in papers where we have schools); Facebook ads that target
alumni in the local area.
Social Media Strategy Discussion
The Marketing Committee discussed which social networks they use most. LinkedIn and
Facebook are the most popular.
The group discussed the popularity of mobile messaging and the importance of moving our
marketing to alumni in that direction. The following are suggestions of how we
can use mobile marketing: Homecoming discount codes, special offers, Pacific
BBall wins, huge news announcements. No solicitations via text. The committee
needs to consider drafting a mobile policy at some point in the near future.
Other suggestions: Use more YouTube videos
Blog Ideas:
The myths, legends, truths about Pacific Use the blog to unite the three campuses.
Share old photos and stories
Profile items in the Vereschagin Alumni House
Spread “Pacific Love”
11:45 am
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Governance Committee
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Alex & Jeri Vereschagin Alumni House
Regents Board Room
Adam Ellison
Propose policy allowing electronic voting (by email or survey)
a. Discussion
Propose draft policy for membership to the Pacific Alumni Association Board of
a. A need for a policy or is it covered in Sturgis as an agenda item
Annual Meeting Discussion
a. Current model; Intention of the PAA Bylaws
b. Virtual Annual Meeting
c. Selection by web participation
d. Business bylaw changes, annual reports etc.
e. Introduce other models for the Annual Meeting
Proposed PAA Bylaw review
a. Changes, additions or deletions
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2012-2015 Priorities
Encourage current students to become Lifelong Pacificans through communication and a series
of programs, activities, and events.
Proposed Objectives:
 Use the Club Toolkit, including a sign-in sheet and volunteer interest form, at events
when students are present.
 Initiate a task force to examine young alumni and student programming.
 Develop a “Students to Alumni” section on the Association’s website.
 Highlight a benefit each month on the website that students may use.
 Send seniors “What’s Up Pacific.”
 The Association will engage students through affinity-centered events; a director will
attend the events to promote the Pacific Alumni Association.
 Establish the Alex and Jeri Vereschagin Alumni House as the center for all things related
to Commencement 2013.
 Tickets
 Alumni Brochure
 Class Gift
 Senior Celebration
 One Ring program
 Grad Fair
 Actively market the availability of the Alex and Jeri Vereschagin Alumni House for
student organization events.
 Improve marketing to students of alumni events, benefits, and mentoring opportunities.
 Develop student-focused surveys to determine what it means to be a Lifelong Pacifican.
 What is your expectation of the University?
 What do you want to receive from the University?
 What services do you expect from the Pacific Alumni Association?
 How do you want to stay connected to the Pacific community?
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 Develop an Alumni Association Calendar of Events for students that includes the
 Senior Celebration
 Pie Traditions Pre-game Party
 Career Networking Events (Fall and Spring Semesters)
 Graduation Fair
 Continuum Dinners
 Brown Bag Lunches with Alumni Speakers
 Directors will register as mentors in Student Alumni Connection at
 Directors will become familiar with the Career Resource Center’s website, alumni and
student services.
 Directors will participate in the Career Resource Center’s Video Gallery of Careers.
 Directors will recruit alumni to provide internships, participate in the Video Gallery of
Careers, and register as mentors.
 Directors will participate in student programs whenever possible.
 The Alumni Association Board of Directors will identify those services, benefits, and
activities needed to support the Lifelong Pacifican community.
 Develop a list of alumni employers that will host student internships and career-entry
employment opportunities; post the list on the Association website and with Career
Resource Center.
Priority/Alumni Engagement
Engage Alumni as Lifelong Pacificans through programs, activities, and events which are
relevant to their lives; deepen their connection with each other, students, and the University; and
provide opportunities for direct engagement, whenever appropriate.
Proposed Objectives:
 Directors will recruit alumni to support the student engagement, athletics, scholarship,
career, and mentoring programs with their personal resources.
 The Alumni Association Board of Directors will develop a complete inventory of alumni
programs, activities, and events for the purpose of evaluation.
 The Alumni Association Board of Directors will develop criteria for evaluation for the
various categories programs, activities, and events.
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 The Alumni Association Board of Directors will select three categories from the
inventory to evaluate in 2012-13.
 Survey all alumni about programs and activities they would participate in; sample
questions include:
 What would you participate in locally?
 What would bring you back to campus?
 What would you participate in regionally?
 What would you participate in virtually?
 Using the “success criteria” the Board will assist staff in creating new programs,
activities, and events addressing the needs of all or specific alumni populations, e.g.
 Career connection programs for new alumni with experienced alumni.
 Develop family camp programs on the Stockton campus.
 Campus visits for high-school aged college-bound students who are from legacy
 Lower cost, closer-to-home alumni travel opportunities for alumni who are members
of the Single Income No Kids (“SINK”) or Double Income No Kids (“DINK”)
categories; community-service programs, trips might include rafting, skiing, surfing
or high adventure activities. Tours might include Mount Rushmore, Washington
D.C., Hollywood, Napa Valley, and San Francisco.
 Professional development opportunities for all alumni; Develop on-campus
professional conferences delivered by faculty and alumni.
 Take Volunteer Summit on the road or host at the beginning or end of Pacific Alumni
 Establish an alumni leadership development program.
 Establish an alumni-to-alumni career mentoring program.
 Collaborate with all schools in alumni relations activities.
Priority/Leverage cross University collaboration at all three campuses
Promote the unified concept of Lifelong Pacificans across the University by working with
alumni from all campuses, each school, and their programs.
Proposed Objectives:
 The Alumni Association Board of Directors will expand the Alumni Colloquium
(meetings of the leadership of the Pacific Alumni Association and the professional
schools’ alumni associations) to three meetings per year.
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 The Alumni Association Board of Directors will identify key benefits of membership that
are relevant to alumni from all schools and colleges and, working with staff from the
schools begin, to market these value-added benefits to all alumni.
 Develop and produce three signature events which bring together alumni from all three
campuses, with at least one event occurring outside of the Northern California region.
 Working through the Alumni Colloquium, identify opportunities for the alumni
associations to pool resources and leverage their collective buying power to reduce
operating expenses by 25% whenever the various unit alumni programs are contracting
with the same vendor.
 The Alumni Association staff will develop an online directory of professional services
provided by Pacific alumni that is searchable by geographic region and specialty to allow
alumni searching for service providers to locate a Pacific alumnus/na.
 The Alumni Association Board of Directors will examine various models of board
structure to increase participation by all schools and develop Pacific Alumni Association
leadership opportunities.
Priority/Financial Responsibility, Sustainability, and Growth in the Alumni Association
Develop funding models that reflect responsible expenditure of resources; create programming
that is self-sustaining; and support growth in staff, budget, and programs that results in stronger
programming throughout the Association.
Proposed Objectives:
 Staff will develop funding models for club events and activities.
 Increase Alumni staff in five key areas:
Add an Associate Director of Club and Regional Programs
Add a House Manager
Add an Associate Director Alumni Communication
Add a Coordinator of Alumni Reunions and Student Programs
Add two Administrative Assistants
 Develop a funding model that supports the Alex and Jeri Vereschagin Alumni House
Renovation Fund and supplements the Association’s programing from the fees collected
from the rental and use of the facility.
 The Alumni Association Board of Directors will support the Kara Brewer Scholarship
 The Alumni Association Board of Directors will support the development of sponsorship
opportunities that raise financial support of its programs.
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 The Alumni Association Board of Directors will develop alumni benefits that provide
additional resources for the Association programming.
Priority/Optimize the use of technology in support of all other priorities
Working with the University, build the technological and social-media infrastructure
necessary to engage students and alumni, meet the Association’s priorities, identify
alumni leaders, and support University-wide initiatives.
Proposed Objectives:
 The Alumni Association Board of Directors will undertake a regular review of the
 Develop a Request for Proposals (RFP) for vendor selection of the Association’s online
community, event registration, broadcast email, website, e-newsletter, and other webbased services. The selection process will begin in January 2013 with a decision by the
end of May 2013.
 The Alumni Association Board of Directors must convene a technology-social media task
force consisting of key staff and alumni leadership, facilitated by experts (alumni/nonalumni professionals); the task force will provide the Association with recommendations
for a comprehensive technology and social media plan with a proposed budget. The plan
would establish additional objectives for 2013-2015.
 Utilize social media services to enhance communication efforts and connect alumni and
students to Association programs and University events.
 The Alumni Association Board of Directors commits to hosting a web-based event; i.e.
webinar, virtual reunion etc.
 Directors are encouraged to be active participants in the Alumni Association Facebook
and LinkedIn groups, to recruit alumni in their network to join these groups, to actively
share content developed by alumni staff, and to be active contributors of content
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Pacific Alumni Association Staff Directory
Alumni Office: (209) 946-2391
Toll Free: (866) 857-7229
Fax: (209) 946-2853
Bill Coen
Assistant Vice President, Alumni Relations
Bus: (209) 946-2148
Cell: (209) 401-5936
Assignments: Executive & Governance
Quentin Graeber `08 COP
Alumni Coordinator
Bus: (209) 946-3941
Cell: (209) 479-4109
Assignments: Benefits
Marshea (Jones) Pratt `93 COP
Assistant Director of Clubs & Regional
Bus: (209) 946-2899
Cell: (209) 479-1369
Assignments: Faculty Relations & Clubs
Mary Ann Piana Chapman
Alumni House Coordinator
Bus: (209) 946-2610
Cell: (209) 470-2305
Kelli (Williams) Page `87 COP
Director of Alumni Relations
Bus: (209) 946-2987
Cell: (209) 481-0007
Assignments: Executive & Awards
Becky (Curry) Perry `01, `09 COP
Alumni Coordinator
Bus: (209) 946-2038
Cell: (209) 479-6957
Assignments: Marketing
Debbie Perusse
Administrative Assistant II
Bus: (209) 946-7659
Assignments: Governance & Marketing
Jacob McDougal
Director of Alumni Engagement
Bus: (209) 932-2937
Cell: (209) 470-2305
Assignments: Awards
Craig Yarborough
Director of Alumni Engagement/
Associate Dean, Dugoni School of Dentistry
Bus: (209) 946-2391
Cell: (209) 470-2305
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