Members of the Mid-Missouri STEM Academy Class of 2009 Prof Craig Adams, Missouri S&T Jerry Adams, Berger Devine Yaeger Inc Mark Anderson, US Army CBRN School Jason Baird, Loki Inc Kevin Barquinero, Knowledge Sharing Systems Nick Barrack, USA Tours Prof Stuart Baur, Missouri S&T Prof Jerry Bayless, Missouri S&T Prof Daryl Beetner, Missouri S&T Roy Bethel, Fort Leonard Wood Dale Bleckman, private citizen Emily Brown, Fort Leonard Wood Brian Buege, Missouri S&T Major David Burris, US Army Engineer School Chancellor Jack Carney, Missouri S&T Prof KC Chandrashekhara, Missouri S&T Prof Genda Chen, Missouri S&T Jim Cheney, General Leonard Wood Hospital Dick Cole, American Eagle Colonel Tom Crabtree, US Army Maneuver Support Center Kari Craun, USGS Prof Mariesa Crow, Missouri S&T Colonel Tim Daniel, State of Missouri Dorian D’Aria, Counter Explosives Hazard Center Prof Bill Daughton, Missouri S&T Prof Curt Davis, Mizzou Dr Alan Davison, Army Research Lab Prof Delbert Day, MoSCI Corporation Joe Driskill, Leonard Wood Institute Steve Ehrhardt, Association of the United States Army Prof Curt Elmore, Missouri S&T Lieutenant Colonel Fred Erst, Fort Leonard Wood Colonel Butch Ferguson, Battelle Memorial Institute Rick Finholt, University of Missouri System Prof Virgil Flanigan, Missouri S&T Lieutenant General Bob Flowers, HNTB Inc Prof Grzegorz Galecki, Missouri S&T Dr Mimi Garstang, Missouri Department of Natural Resources Major Charles Gray, US Army Corps of Engineers Kansas City District Colonel Daniel Grey, US Army Maneuver Support Center Tim Haithcoat, Mizzou Steve Hargis, City of Rolla Jerry Harris, Harris Construction 1 Major General John Havens, Havens Inc Brigadier General Bob Heine, Concurrent Technologies Corporation Norman Herren, City of St Robert Prof Paul Hirtz, Missouri S&T Dr Julie Hirtz, US Army Maneuver Support Center Dr Frank Holcomb, US Army Corps Of Engineers Engineering Research And Design Centers Colonel Dick Hornack, US Army Maneuver Support Center Lieutenant Colonel Shawn Howley, Alaka’I Engineering Prof Wayne Huebner, Missouri S&T Colonel Mike Iverson, 1st Engineer Brigade Ollie Jackson, private citizen Dr Rebecca Johnson, US Army Maneuver Support Center Ben Jones, American Heartland Krista Karstensen, US Geological Survey Kevin Keith, MODOT Colonel Paul Kelly, US Army Engineer School Kathy Kerns, Fort Leonard Wood Prof Sam Kiger, Mizzou Kurt Kinnevan, US Army Engineer School Members of the Mid-Missouri STEM Academy Colonel Dave Kingston, Concurrent Technologies Corporation Colonel Bob Kirsh, US Army Dave Knichel, US Army Maneuver Support Center Lieutenant Colonel Dale Kornuta, US Army Engineer School Prof K. Krishnamurthy, Missouri S&T Richard LaBrash, DEFBAR Brain Lanterman, DRS Technologies Prof KB Lee, Missouri S&T Jerry Lencowzski, private citizens Bobby Lencowzski, private citizens Mark Lenox (P.E.), Fort Leonard Wood Prof Ming Leu, Missouri S& Prof Nicholas Leventis, Missouri S&T Kenny Light, US Army Engineer School Prof Ronaldo Luna, Missouri S&T Prof Norbert Maerz, Missouri S&T Colonel Lou Marich, US Army Engineer School Kevin Martin, graduate student LeRoy Maurer, US Army Night Vision and Electronic Sensor Lab Major General Bill McCoy, US Army Maneuver Support Center Colonel Everett McDaniel, Army Sergeant Major William McDaniel, Kansas City District Corps of Engineers Bob McFarland, US Army Engineer Colonel John Megnia, Fort Leonard Wood Colonel Jerry Meyer, US Army Engineer School – for training engineer officers Dr James Miller, US Army Corps Of Engineers Engineering Research And Design Prof Paul Munger, Missouri S&T Master Sergeant Don Murray Dave Neeley, Advancia Corp Sergeant major Julius Nutter, Army Engineer Association Colonel Jack O’Neil, Army Engineer Association Chief Warrant Officer Scott Owen, US Army Engineer School Lieutenant Colonel Al Pantano, , US ARMY ENGINEER SCHOOL Dr John Park, private citizen Barrett Parker, US Army CBRN School Dr Jerry Plunkett, Advanced Military Dr Larry Roberts, US Army Engineer School 2 Rodney Robideau, Humanitarian Deming Center Richard Rodgers, US Army Maneuver Support Center Angie Rolufs, Missouri Transportation Institute Bill Rostad, NITAR Inc Prof Jag Sarangapani, Missouri S& Ron Selfors, Missouri David Shaver, US Geological Survey Prof John Sheffield, Missouri S&T Allen Simpson, Fort Leonard Wood Lieutenant Colonel Dennis Smith, US Army Engineer School Prof Keith Stanek, Rolla Chapter MSPE Prof Rick Stephenson, Engineers Without Borders Tom Stehn, MODOT Prof Rob Stone, Missouri S&T Keith Strassner, Missouri S&T Al Strumpf, private citizen Prof David Summers, Missouri S& Colonel Pete Tabacchi, US Army Maneuver Support Center Rex Tennyson, USA Tours George Tomazi, private citizen Lieutenant Colonel Robert Tucker, US Army Maneuver Support Center Members of the Mid-Missouri STEM Academy Prof David Van Aken, Missouri S&T Al Vargesko, US Army Engineer School Dr Mariano Velez, MoSCI Corp Sergeant First Class Jeff Venus, US Army Maneuver Support Center Brigadier General and Dr Keith Wedge, Advancia Corp Major Scott Werkmeister, US Army Maneuver Support Center Brigadier General Tom Whitecotton, Army Engineer Prof Phil Whitefield, Missouri S&T Ed Whitmore, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Prof Henry Wiebe, Missouri S&T Emitt Witt, US Geological Society Sergeant First Class Mike Wolford, US Army Engineer School Provost Kent Wray, Missouri S&T Class of 2010 Professor Scott Grasman, Missouri S&T Prof Von Richards, Missouri S&T Prof Norbert Maerz, Missouri S&T Prof Neil Anderson, Missouri S&T Prof Joel Burken, Missouri S&T Chief Warrant Officer Shawn Curtis, US Army Engineer School Chief Warrant Officer Phil Mowatt, US Army Engineer School Susan Sexton Lebanon High School Krista Davis Waynesville Schools Science Dr Mike Prater Waynesville School District Pat Bauer Lebanon School District Tamara Kimball Rolla School District Leslie Powers, private citizen Alan Powers, private citizen David Roden, private citizen Serenia Roden, private citizen Arletha Celestine, private citizen Will Perkins, Missouri S&T 2LT Rob Bouknight, US Army Engineer School Angela Rolufs Institute for Environmental Excellence 3 Ed Dottery. Alakai’i Defense Paula Mihalcik, US Army CBRNS School Krista Karstensen, US Geological Society Jenny Lynn Maruschak, Concurrent Technologies Corp Ron Selfors, Missouri Enterprise Major Lee Bunch, US Army Engineer School Class of 2011 Jerry Adams, Berger Devine and Yaeger Eric Arndt, Kansas City Corps of Engineers Dr Alan Ford, Alakai’i Defense David Neeley, Advancia Corp Colonel Michael Pelkey Advancia Corp Dr Jerry Plunkett, Advanced Military Equip Colonel Mike Presnell, Army Engineer Assoc Becky Wingfield, US Army Engineer School Lieutenant Colonel Jeff Anderson, 94th EN Battalion Senator Frank Barnitz, Missouri Senator Members of the Mid-Missouri STEM Academy Lieutenant Colonel Wolfgang Bauer, German Army Shirley Bridges, Engineer Bulletin Lieutenant Colonel Brenden Burke, Missouri S&T ROTC Jim Cumper, Kansas City Corps of Engineers Veronica Durling, Paragon Business Solutions Kristen Jenner , US Army Engineer School Jesse French, Fort Leonard Wood G1 Edna Grover-Bisker, Missouri S&T career center Lieutenant Colonel Phil Kaufmann , US Army Engineer School Richard LaBrash, DEFBAR Matt Cooper, DEFBAR Vern Lowrey, US Army Maneuver Support Center of Excellence Nancy Lowrey, Rolla Schools LeRoy Maurer, US Army CECOM Cadet Alexander Maurer, Missouri S&T SAME Sergeant Major William McDaniel, Kansas City Corps of Engineers Major John Morrow, 94 EN Battalion Prof Paul Munger S&T professor emeritus Dr Larry Roberts, US Army Engineer School Lieutenant Colonel Hugh Rogers, Fort Leonard Wood G6 Prof David Rogers, Missouri S&T professor Prof James Rooney, Lincoln University Sergeant First Class Chas Sayles, Army Engineer Assoc Andy Semple, BRTRC Keith Strassner, Missouri S&T Kathy Voltz, Leonard Wood Institute Lieutenant Colonel Randy Wickman, 2/10 Infantry Randy Williams, Army Prime Power Prof Paul Worsey, Missouri S&T Colonel Jerry Meyer, Concurrent Technologies Corp Colonel Jim Rowan , US Army Engineer School Ron Selfors, Pulaski Rotary Kathy Kerns, US Army NETCOM Ron Morris Missouri Dept of Transportation Chief Warrant Officer Phil Mowatt, US Army Prime Power School 4 First Sergeant Derek Harvin, US Army Prime Power School Class of 2012 Dr. Hani Salim PE, Mizzou researcher CW4 Nicholas Jones, US GeospatialIntelligence School Mark Premont, Fort Leonard Wood Joyce Connor, Fort Leonard Wood Dr. Larry Gragg, Missouri S&T Department Chair Dr. John McManus , Missouri S&T author Dr. Elizabeth Cudney, Missouri S&T professor Lahne Black, Missouri S&T administrator Ken Bergman, Army Geospatial Center Doug Campbell, Waynesville High School Kym McCall, Waynesville High School Dr. Aaron Zalis, Superintendent Rolla Schools Members of the Mid-Missouri STEM Academy Ginger King, Rolla Schools Mr. Kelly Henshaw, Rolla Schools Dr. Ed Malone, Missouri S&T professor Keith Strassner, President, Rolla School Board Jeanne Cavender, President-Elect, Rolla School Board Tony Froehlich, Rolla School Board Jane Haskell, Rolla School Board Kelly Long, Rolla School Board Jamie Myers, Rolla School Board Jim Packard, Rolla School Board Andy Careaga, Missouri S&T Margaret Cline, Missouri S&T Class of 2013 Bob Brown, BRTRC Dave Knitchel, US Army Jerry Myer, Concurrent Technologies Corps Steve Flanders, BRTRC Steve Tupper, Missouri S&T Ted Day, MoSci Corps Jim Cheney, US Army Corps of Engineers Sandra Wolfe, US Army Corps of Engineers Dr Cheryl Schrader, Missouri S&T Dr Simon Lekakh, Missouri S&T Abe Adawale, ABNA Company Nicole Adawale, ABNA Company Chief Warrant Officer Wm (Nick) Jones, US Army Dr Kwame Awuah-Offei, Missouri S&T Dave Roden, Society of American Military Engineers Serenia Roden, Society of American Military Engineers Bruce Archambault, iRobot Dr Ralph Flori, Missouri S&T Sergeant First Class Anthony Powers, US Army Dr Dan Oerther, Missouri S&T 5