Hawaii DOE student learning objectives

Teacher Name: Ms. Kazuko Suzumoto
School: Aloha Elementary
Grade: K-5
Content Area: Special Education
Course Name: Mathematics
Resource Room
Student Population:
Total Number of Students: __8__
Males: __5__
Any Other: Free/Reduced Lunch: _6_
Complex: Mahalo
Females: __3__ K _2_ 1 _1_ 2 _1_ 3 1_ 4 _2_ 5 _1_
Additional Information: Please refer to current information in students’ IEPs.
SLO Components
Learning Goal
For a complete description of SLO components and guiding questions, use the “Student
Learning Objective Planning Document” attachment.
Learning Goal:
Students will understand and apply the four operations (+, -, x, ÷) with whole numbers and
fractions to solve problems within a real- or fantasy-world context and explain their results.
Big idea:
Students can solve a range of well-posed problems in pure and applied mathematics, making
productive use of knowledge and problem-solving strategies. (CCSS Mathematics Claim #2)
Standards: Standards were chosen to address all students at their grade levels.
K.OA.2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g.,
by using objects or drawings to represent the problem.
1.OA.1 Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of
adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all
positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown
number to represent the problem.
2.OA.1 Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems
involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing,
with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the
unknown number to represent the problem.
3.OA.3 Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations
involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities, for example, by using drawings
and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
4.OA.3 Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number
answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be
interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown
quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation
strategies including rounding. Bolded text of standard to be addressed for this SLO.
5.NF.2 Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the
same whole, including cases of unlike denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models or
equations to represent the problem. Use benchmark fractions and number sense of fractions
to estimate mentally and assess the reasonableness of answers. For example, recognize an
incorrect result 2/5 + 1/2 = 3/7 by observing that 3/7 < 1/2. Bolded text of standard to be
addressed for this SLO.
Rationale: Mathematical word problems allow students to apply knowledge and skills of
mathematics to a variety of situations. Word problems build higher-order thinking, critical
problem-solving, and reasoning skills.
The learning goal is at DOK level 3 because the student will apply the four operations with
whole numbers and fractions to mathematical problems and explain the results.
Interval of instruction necessary to address goal: __X_ yearlong ___ semester.
Scoring and Criteria
Expected Targets
Planned assessments and criteria used to determine levels of performance:
1. Formative: On-going Whole-class question-response activities (teacher-led) throughout
the year.
2. Formative: Observation Checklist and student tasks
As students work in pairs or in groups of 3 (with teacher guidance as needed), teacher will
walk around with the checklist to ascertain students’ understanding of the learning goal.
In addition, teacher will analyze the completed task each student submits to determine
additional learning needs to design follow-up instruction and activities.
3. Summative: Sample Diagnostic Task (K – 5 Grade level Assessments with rubrics) –
Diagnostic Tasks will be given to students weekly to determine students academic
Baseline data was collected via HSA and HSA-Alt data, Easy CBM data, observations of students
engaged in small group activities, observations of students during whole-class questionresponse (teacher led), and diagnostic task. Data was also collected from current information
in the students’ IEPs. The data from all sources indicate the following:
Students’ performance levels:
K (2 students):
One student is able to rote count to 10 with assistance. Student can rote count up to 3
independently, but is not consistent with rote counting from 4 to 10. This student can rote
count and one-to-one count with manipulatives to 10 with assistance. (limited proficiency)
One student is able to rote count to 10 independently and is able to do one to one counting of
objects up to 10. Student is still learning vocabulary and concept of adding and subtracting.
(limited proficiency)
Grade 1 :
Student is able to rote count to 100. Student can show quantity of a number up to 20 using
manipulatives or representational drawings. Student is able to represent numbers up to 20
with a written numeral. Student is able to solve one-digit addition and subtraction problems
using manipulatives or pictures. Student is able to orally explain math process and problem
solving with verbal prompts. (partially proficient)
Grade 2:
Student is able to solve one-step math problems with addition and subtraction with numbers 1
-100 with representational drawings with assistance. Student is able to explain math problem
solving with assistance and verbal cueing. (limited proficiency)
Grade 3:
Student is able to solve two-digit addition and subtraction problems without regrouping. Prior
to solving problem, student uses manipulatives or representational drawings to show problem.
Student is able to explain math process and problem solving with verbal prompts. (limited
Grade 4 (2 students):
One student is able to determine the operation (+, -, x, ÷) with whole numbers to solve multistep problems. Student’s math problem-solving process and skills are not consistent and
errors in the solution occur. Student also needs assistance to explain math problem-solving
steps. (partially proficient)
One student is unable to determine the operation (+, -, x, ÷) but with assistance in setting up
the math equation can solve problems accurately. Student can compute equation accurately
but unable to explain computation of equation. Student is able to solve equations with whole
numbers. (limited proficiency)
Grade 5:
Student is able to determine operation (+, -, x, ÷), represent problem with drawings and solve
math problems with whole numbers (+, -, x, ÷), (and simple fractions (+.-) with some
inaccuracies. Student is learning to use fraction models to solve math problems with fractions
with unlike denominators. Student is unable to explain math problem solving steps without
prompts or assistance. (limited proficiency)
Expected targets:
By the end of year, 100% of the students will move at least one proficiency level higher (i.e.,
from partially proficient to proficient, from limited proficiency to partially proficient or
Please refer to Overall Performance Rubric attached.
Rationale for expected targets:
A problem-solving approach can provide a vehicle for students to construct their own ideas
about mathematics and to take responsibility for their own learning. There is little doubt that
the mathematics program can be enhanced by the establishment of an environment in which
students are exposed to teaching via problem solving, as opposed to more traditional models
of teaching about problem solving. The challenge for teachers, at all levels, is to develop the
process of mathematical thinking alongside the knowledge and to seek opportunities to
present even routine mathematics tasks in problem-solving contexts.
Instructional strategies will be supported by current information in students’ IEPs.
General high-impact instructional practices (that all mathematics teachers should routinely
employ) for any mathematics topic:
 Respond to most student answers with, “Why?” or “How do you know that?” or “Tell
me what you mean by that.” In other words, teachers should routinely use students’
responses (when appropriate) as a springboard to provoke further discussion about
the mathematics;
conduct daily cumulative review of critical and prerequisite skills and concepts at the
beginning of each lesson (e.g., a 5-minute warm-up task);
elicit and acknowledge the value of alternative approaches to solving mathematical
problems so that students are taught that mathematics is a sense-making process for
understanding “why” (not merely memorizing the right procedure for the one right
provide multiple representations (models, diagrams, number lines, tables, graphs, and
symbolic expressions or equations) of all the mathematical work to support the
visualization of skills and concepts;
create language-rich classrooms that emphasize terminology, vocabulary, explanations
and solutions;
develop number sense by asking for and justifying estimates, mental calculations and
equivalent forms of numbers;
embed mathematical content in contexts to connect the mathematics to the real world
and everyday life situations;
Use the last 5 minutes of every lesson for some form of formative assessment (e.g., an
exit slip) to assess the degree to which the lesson’s objective was accomplished and to
use for planning of subsequent lessons.
facilitating whole class discussions in which selected students present their work and
others ask clarifying questions;
using the student discussion to help summarize the lesson by comparing the different
strategies used and drawing students’ attention to the way(s) we want them to think
when approached with similar situations (i.e., teaching students to think generally, not
just how to do specific procedures in specific situations).
Instructional strategies specific to
Instructional strategies specific to students in the class will include the following components:
Memory and Conceptual Difficulties:
 Thoroughly develop examples of concepts, principles, and strategies.
 Gradually develop knowledge and skills that move from simple to complex.
 Provide counter-examples of concepts, principles, and strategies to illustrate the
relevant mathematical features.
 Include a planful system of review.
Linguistic and Vocabulary Difficulties:
 Define and use mathematical symbols in a wide variety of contexts and with a high
degree of precision
 Integrate mathematical terminology in classroom instruction and discussion
 opportunities to talk mathematically and receive feedback regarding their use of
Strategy Knowledge and Use:
 Model instruction of important problem-solving strategies followed by verbal rehearsal
of the strategy steps
 Explain "how" as well as the "why" and "when" of strategy application
To assess the Student Learning Objective, use the “Rubric for Rating the Quality of Student Learning Objectives”
SLO Rating Scale
Teacher should attach the class record for students assessed. Teacher should also have available accompanying student assessments
and scored rubrics.
Rating rubric for teachers with a class of 5 or more students.
☐ Highly Effective
☐ Effective
At least 90-100% of students
met or exceeded expected
At least 75-89% of students
met or exceeded expected
Rating rubric for teachers with a class of 4 or fewer students.
☐ Highly Effective
☐ Effective
Based on individual growth
outcomes, all students met
expected targets and some
exceeded the targets.
Based on individual growth
outcomes, all students met
expected targets.
☐ Developing
At least 60-74% of students
met or exceeded expected
☐ Developing
Based on individual growth
outcomes, some students met
or exceeded expected targets.
☐ Ineffective
Fewer than 60% of students
met or exceeded expected
☐ Ineffective
Based on individual growth
outcomes, no students met
expected targets.