MEDICAL/ DENTAL HISTORY WELCOME! So that we may provide you with the best possible care, please complete BOTH SIDES of this Medical/Dental History Form. All information is treated with complete confidentiality. _______________________________________________________________Date of Birth: ____/ _____/ ___ Dr / Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms First Names Surname Home Address: ___________________________________ _______________________________________ Suburb: ___________________________________ State: ___________ P/code: _______________ Home Phone: _____________________________ Mobile: ___ ___________________________ Work no. _____________________________ Email: _________________________________ Occupation: _____________________________ Company: ______________________________ How would you like to be contacted? (PHONE) (EMAIL) (SMS) (MAIL) Are you with a Private Heath Fund? ________________________ Are you a DVA Card Holder? ____________ Who can we thank for referring you to the practice? ______________________________________________ Details of person to contact in an emergency: Name: _____________________________________________ Relationship?____________________ _________ Contact Number: ________________________________ DENTAL HISTORY What is the reason for your visit today? _________________________________________________________ Date of last dental visit?___________ Date of last cleaning?_____________ Date of last x-rays?____________ What was done at your last dental visit?_________________________________________________________ Previous Dentist? ___________________________________________________________________________ How often do you have dental examinations? ____________________________________________________ How often do you brush your teeth?___________________ How often do you floss? ____________________ What other aids do you use? (electric toothbrush/ waterflosser/interedental brush etc)__________________ Do you have any dental problems now? Yes / No If yes please describe: _______________________________________________________________________ Are any of your teeth sensitive to: Have you ever had: Hot or cold? Yes No Orthodontic treatment? Yes No Sweets? Yes No Oral surgery? Yes No Biting or chewing? Yes No Periodontal treatment? Yes No Mouth odours or bad tastes? Yes No Do your gums bleed or hurt? Yes No Blisters or oral lesions? Yes No Family history of gum disease? Yes No Teeth ground/bit adjustment? Yes No Family history of tooth loss? Yes No Bite plate or mouthguard? Yes No Problems with dental infections? Yes No MEDICAL/ DENTAL HISTORY Do you: Have you experienced? Clench or grind your teeth? Yes No Clicking or popping of the jaw? Yes No Bite your lips or cheeks regularly? Yes No Pain (joint,ear,side of face)? Yes No Breathe through your mouth? Yes No Difficulty opening/closing? Yes No Have tired jaws- especially in am? Yes No Difficulty chewing? Yes No Are you satisfied with your teeth’s appearance? Yes No _____________________________________ Are you nervous about dental treatment? Yes No _____________________________________ Is there anything else about having dental treatment you would like us to know? _________________________________________________________________________________________ MEDICAL HISTORY 1. Are you receiving any medical treatment at the present time? Yes / No Details: _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Please list any medication you are taking: ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Have you experienced any allergies or unusual effects from any tablets, drugs, injections or anaesthetic? Details: ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Are you or have you ever been a smoker? Yes / No 5. Have you ever had any of the following? If so, please tick as appropriate. Rheumatic Fever Epilepsy Heart Trouble Anaemia High Blood Pressure Diabetes Asthma Kidney Trouble Arthritis Gastric Problems Hepatitis - Specify type A, B, C Cold Sores Bronchitis or Chest Problems Depressive Illness Severe Headaches Drug Dependence 6. Have you had any prosthetic surgery? Yes / No 7. Are you HIV positive? Yes / No 8. Are you at risk to HIV exposure? Yes / No 9. LADIES: Are you pregnant? Yes / No Nursing? Yes / No Taking birth control pills? Yes / No I understand that payment is required at the completion of treatment (unless a financial agreement has been arranged prior to the appointment) and 24 hours notice is required if I am unable to attend my scheduled appointment, or a fee may be charged. Signed: Patient/Parent/Guardian _____________________________________ Date: _____________