Major higher educational programme Field of study: 020100.68

Major higher educational programme
Field of study: 020100.68 Chemistry.
Specialty: Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Expertise and Environmental
Degree: master.
Study mode: full-time.
The period of study specified by the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) of Higher
Education (HP) is 2 years.
The study load of the master’s degree programme specified by the FSES of HE is 120
ECTS points.
The programme is meant: to train highly qualified specialists in the field of Environmental
Chemistry, Chemical Expertise and Environmental Security who can prevent or minimise the
damage to the environment caused by various types of human activities.
Mastering the programme enables students:
 to conduct independent research in the field of Environmental Chemistry,
Chemical Expertise and Environmental Security, which requires fundamental
interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in the implementation of modern
experimental methods;
 to implement expert analysis in the specific areas of Environmental Chemistry,
Chemical Expertise and Environmental Security;
 to conduct research in the field of Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Expertise
and Environmental Security.
The list of courses included in the curriculum of the 020100.68 Chemistry. Specialty:
Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Expertise and Environmental Security.
Fundamental general scientific courses.
Professional English
Semester: 1
ECTS points: 5
Hours: 180
The course aims to help students develop professional competencies, abilities and
willingness to use a foreign language in the process of intercultural interaction during oral and
written professional communication.
The objectives of the course are to develop systematic knowledge of the terminology of
profiling specialty; to develop skills and abilities in reading, understanding and translating of
professional texts.
Chemistry Problems in Historical and Philosophical Aspects
Semester: 1
ECTS points: 3
Hours: 108
The course aims to develop competences while studying the issues of philosophy of
chemical science; to give students a complete insight into the concept of chemistry in time due to
the historical stages of the social development.
The objectives of the course are to get an idea of the place that chemistry takes in the
system of natural sciences; to study its specific features as a science; to familiarise students with
the relations of chemistry and philosophy; to study major philosophical problems in chemistry;
to gain knowledge of the conceptual systems of chemistry in their historical development; to
study main stages of the development of chemistry, their features, methodological aspects of
scientific knowledge in general and chemistry in particular.
Quantum Chemistry
Semester: 2
ECTS points: 3
Hours: 108
The course aims to acquaint students with the structural issues and reaction capacity of
the chemical compounds; to gain competences in the course of studying the fundamental
theoretical and practical problems of Quantum Chemistry.
The objectives of the course are to familiarise students with the chemical bonds, the
acquired knowledge are based on the concepts and methods of Quantum Mechanics.
Computer Technology in Science and Education
Semester: 2
ECTS points: 3
Hours: 108
The course aims to gain competences in the course of studying theoretical and practical
problems of applying computer technology in professional activities.
The objectives of the course are to study basic trends in the development of modern
information technology; to study fundamentals of computer technology; to get acquainted with
the modern ways of the use of computer technology in teaching and research activities and to
study their role in the development of society and scientific worldview; to familiarise students
with the main features of computer systems; to study the means of telecommunication access to
scientific information sources.
Compulsory general scientific courses.
Standard Samples in Chemical Expertise
Semester: 1
ECTS points: 2
Hours: 72
The course aims to study theoretical and practical problems of applying the basics of
metrology and standardisation in the professional activity; to give an idea of the place of
standardisation in the system of professional knowledge of a chemist.
The objectives of the course are to familiarise students with the historical aspects of
standardisation; to get acquainted with the structure of the standardisational bodies, standard
types and their metrological provision; to familiarise students with the basic terminology of
metrology and standardisation; to gain skills of practical use of standard samples in the chemical
Pedagogy of Higher Education
Semester: 1
ECTS points: 2
Hours: 72
The course aims to acquaint students with scientific and pedagogical foundations of
construction and operation of higher education and the innovation nature aimed at improving its
The objectives of the course are to develop main ways for improvement the process of
qualified specialist’s preparation.
X-ray Spectroscopy in Analysis of Materials
Semester: 2
ECTS points: 3
Hours: 108
The course aims to study the principles of working on modern scientific equipment while
conducting the scientific research; to get acquainted with the fundamental theoretical and
practical problems in X-ray Spectroscopy in analysis of materials.
The objectives of the course are to identify and define methodological principles
underlying the X-ray Spectroscopy; to master the skills of theoretical justification of the
positions in accordance with the modern concepts of X-ray Spectroscopy; to study the basics of
history, main stages and tendencies of foreign and domestic X-ray Spectroscopy as a theory and
Environmental Monitoring
Semester: 3
ECTS points: 3
Hours: 108
The course aims to formulate and develop students' skills in the field of environmental
assessment, as well as its protection and restoration.
The objectives of the course are to provide the assessment system of environmental
compartments; to study the assessment of the degree of environmental pollution of various types;
to give an idea of predicting the effects of environmental pollution.
Elective general scientific courses.
Pedagogical Management in Education
Semester: 2
ECTS points: 3
Hours: 108
The course aims to acquaint students with scientific and pedagogical foundations of
administrative activity in the system of general and higher education and the conditions for the
achievement of high quality of the educational product.
The objectives of the course are to study specific features of Pedagogical Management as
the technology for education process management in secondary and higher education, its role,
strategic goals and objectives at the present stage of political, economic and social development
of Russia; to get acquainted with the elements of the quality management system of education; to
study the methods of assessment of the holistic educational process.
Pedagogical Education Technology
Semester: 2
ECTS points: 3
Hours: 108
The course aims to prepare students for future independent practice in the chosen field.
The objectives of the course are to study methods and forms of basics’ transmission of
current scientific knowledge in chemistry to the younger generation, as well as to students of
higher educational institutions; to master modern educational and information technologies for
effective educational process.
Chemical Metrology
Semester: 1
ECTS points: 3
Hours: 108
The course aims to develop necessary competences in the course of studying the
fundamental theoretical and practical problems of Chemical Metrology.
The objectives of the course are to study the classification of errors and errors’
distribution law; to get acquainted with statistical methods for estimating accidents; to identify
reasonable research methods and experiment planning; to implement the experimental data
processing; to get acquainted with the methods of mathematical statistics; to master the skills of
independent scientific and research activities; to gain skills of analysis and data processing as
well as calculation skills of metrological characteristics.
Statistics in the Environmental Impact Assessment
Semester: 1
ECTS points: 3
Hours: 108
The course aims to develop the necessary skills while studying the fundamental
theoretical and practical issues of the application of statistical methods in the environmental
impact assessment.
The objectives of the course are to study the problems of Environmental Management,
providing a combination of sectorial and territorial principles; to analyse the possible negative
effects of the flow of chemicals into the natural ecosystems.
Fundamental field-oriented courses.
Chemical Sensors in Environmental Monitoring
Semester: 1
ECTS points: 5
Hours: 180
The course aims to develop necessary competences in the course of studying the
fundamental theoretical and practical problems of the use of chemical sensors in the
environmental monitoring.
The objectives of the course are to master the skills of theoretical justification of the
positions in accordance with the modern concepts of chemical sensory; to study basic stages and
tendencies of foreign and domestic chemical sensory as a theory and practice.
Compulsory field-oriented courses.
Environmental Chemistry
Semester: 1
ECTS points: 4
Hours: 144
The course aims to develop necessary competences while studying the fundamental
theoretical and practical problems of Environmental Chemistry; to acquire skills of orientation in
terms of operation and adaptation to new conditions.
The objectives of the course are to study possible negative consequences of the flow of
chemicals into the natural ecosystems; to master the skills of system analysis of global
environmental problems; to get acquainted with the issues of environmental protection and
rational use of natural resources, based on the knowledge of universal ecological laws.
Environmental Security and Risk Assessment of the Technosphere
Semester: 2
ECTS points: 4
Hours: 144
The course aims to develop a competence in the course of studying the theoretical and
practical problems of environmental safety and risk assessment of the technosphere; to study the
methods for assessing the environmental situation; to get acquainted with the environmental
security and research methodology.
The objectives of the course are to study the methods of analysis of connection between
man and his activities with the environment; to familiarise students with the factors determining
the stability of the biosphere; to study the characteristics of increase of human impact on the
nature; to get acquainted with the principles of environmental management and environmental
Modern Test Methods in Environmental Analysis
Semester: 2
ECTS points: 4
Hours: 144
The course aims to develop competences in the course of studying the theoretical and
practical issues of modern test methods in the environmental analysis.
The objectives of the course are to study contemporary theories and concepts developed
in the chemical science, to get acquainted with the classification, advantages and limitations of
the test methods; to study chemical bases of tests and registration system in the analysis of the
environment; to master the methodology and methods of carrying out the scientific research in
the field of chemical analysis using test methods.
Optical Methods of Analysis
Semester: 3
ECTS points: 3
Hours: 108
The course aims to study the classifications and definitions of optical methods of
analysis; to familiarise students with the meaning, application area, perspectives and physical
foundations of these methods.
The objectives of the course are to gain necessary information about current methods and
directions of their modernisation; to work with some spectral instruments and process received
information on the device.
Chromatographic Analysis Methods in Chemical Expertise
Semester: 3
ECTS points: 3
Hours: 108
The course aims to develop necessary competences in the course of studying the
theoretical foundations and practical skills of applying chromatographic separation methods and
analysis of substances.
The objectives of the course are to study main stages of the development of
Chromatography; to get acquainted with physical and chemical principles underlying the
chromatographic separation of substances; to master skills of setting up and designing the
experiments; to gain practical skills of preparing the chromatographic equipments for work; to
get acquainted with the means and methods used for solving a variety of chromatographic
Control Methods of Radiation State of Environment
Semester: 2
ECTS points: 3
Hours: 108
The course aims to develop necessary competences in the course of studying the
processes and impacts associated with the phenomena of natural and artificial radioactivity, to
study the basics of radiation safety.
The objectives of the course are to get acquainted with the physical basis of radioactivity;
to study the nature and sources of ionising radiation; to familiarise students with the principles of
radiation protection; to apply gained knowledge in practical work; to fulfill the requirements of
the regulations in the field of radiation safety.
Elective field-oriented courses.
Air Control
Semester: 3
ECTS points: 4
Hours: 144
The course aims to develop necessary competences in the course of studying the legal
framework, institutional arrangements and practical measures in the area of air protection.
The objectives of the course are to study the basic processes occurring in the atmosphere;
to familiarise students with negative anthropogenic impact on the atmospheric composition and
air quality.
Semester: 3
ECTS points: 4
Hours: 144
The course aims to study the theoretical foundations of the chemistry of natural waters as
well as the issues of regional Hydrochemistry.
The objectives of the course are to acquire theoretical knowledge of the evolution of the
chemical composition of the hydrosphere; to study main factors of water composition formation,
problems of contamination, regulation and control; to familiarie students with modern methods
of assessment of substances in natural waters; to gain practical skills of chemical and ecological
studies of natural waters.
Environmental Management
Semester: 2
ECTS points: 4
Hours: 144
The course aims to develop competences in the course of studying the fundamental
theoretical and practical issues of Environmental Management; to study Environmental
Management as one of the most important modern branches of knowledge, including both
theoretical component and practical application of systemic and complex approach to the
environmental issues.
The objectives of the course are to familiarise students with the Environmental
Management as a generally accepted tool of the Environmental Policy of the Russian Federation;
to study the functions and methods of Environmental Management; to analyse the functioning
systems of management.
Environmental Regulation
Semester: 2
ECTS points: 4
Hours: 144
The course aims to develop students' skills in system analysis of environmental quality;
to use specific research methods for environmental regulation, as well as to get acquainted with
the structure and modern instrumentation and methodological basis of environmental monitoring.
The objectives of the course are to get knowledge of the current system of the state
environmental monitoring of the Russian Federation; to study basic laws and regulations; to
familiarise students with the concepts of sanitary and hygienic regulation as well as
environmental regulation of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, to get acquainted with the basic
techniques and instruments for environmental quality control.